I Am a Normal Player!

Chapter 150: The Nine Masters of All Realms, Inheriting Inner Alchemy

  Chapter 150 Nine Masters of All Realms, Inheriting Inner Alchemy

  Jiujuezi, a person who practiced inner alchemy, the cause of death is unknown, it is said that he was finely chopped into scorpion, and it is not known who did it.

   It is estimated that it was praised before the appearance of "The First Era". Many worlds can have extraordinary environments, thanks to the scorpion of Jiujuezi.

  Of course, the reason is not because of Jiujuezi himself, but because of inner alchemy.

This inheritance is not the inheritance of some evil sect or the method of the evil way, but a serious inheritance of Tongtian. Even when it was placed at the peak of Gu Shanhai's previous life, this inheritance of inner alchemy belonged to the top inheritance. Zhongzheng Peaceful and promising, pointing to the realm of a saint, as long as you get it, you basically don't need to change the exercises for the rest of your life.

  Yes. This is not something that humans can practice at all. Inner alchemy has three levels and nine levels. Gu Shanhai also practiced it in his previous life. As long as there is Jiujuezi Xiangzi, there will be inheritance, so it is actually relatively easy to get under normal circumstances.

  But he only practiced to the first level of Zhongguan, and then he couldn't make it up. It was too difficult, the kind that was too difficult.

   What's more important is that after his death, all his mana will feed back to the world, causing the revival of aura. It is precisely because of the part of Jiujuezi that this world has the phenomenon of aura.

Moreover, this piece of scorpion came from a very long time ago. It has been leaked once, that is, it created the existence of the Martial Dao True Immortal, and then fell into silence for a period of time. It was only pried open by the whole world these years, allowing the spiritual energy to revive. .

   "I'm so tired, I'm at a huge loss." Gu Shanhai wanted to cry but had no tears. This thing can indeed be regarded as a chance, or a great chance, but he just has no luck to accept it.

   You must know that Jiujuezi has only cultivated to the first stage of Shangguan, and as a result, a part of his body after death can radiate and affect the unknown world, which is enough to prove the power of his inner alchemy.

  Even when Gu Shanhai raised the world in his previous life, he would select a lot of people to specialize in inner alchemy, and then kill them as fertilizer for the world when they were successful in cultivation. Such people are really useful.

"Forget it, get it as soon as you get it, and change it when the time comes." Gu Shanhai can only say that he will be at ease when it comes, and he does not discriminate against inner alchemy, except that after death, mana will feed back to the world to form aura Phenomena such as recovery and the difficulty of cultivation are extremely difficult, but there is no major impact.

In the previous life, the Jiujuezi inheritance trial that Gu Shanhai participated in was not a tribute test, but when Jiujuezi had already stepped into the immortal way, the difficulty was actually not that great. "Assistance is naturally easier.

   "Forget about inner alchemy, let's use outer alchemy when the time comes."

  Gu Shanhai briefly glanced at the situation of inner alchemy, then thought about changing it.

His krypton gold flow, a branch of the drug-taking flow, is a brand-new skill formed after the improvement of inner alchemy. He did not expect that the reason for the recovery of the world of the two veins would be a bone of Jiujuezi, otherwise, where would he be? He will come here to investigate, and he will be blown up immediately.

   It's no wonder that he couldn't figure it out, even if Jiujue Zi died, it was not something he, a weak chicken, could figure it out.

  As for why he said it was bone, he could tell that the layer of unknown metal on the outside was his outer layer of bone tissue, and the inside was festered, it should be aura-like liquid.

  These are being absorbed bit by bit by the Jianghu world of the two veins, and then enter the circulation to form an aura environment.

   As for Tiancheng, it is at the upstream of the aura circulation. Even if it was closed before, there is still a slight aura circulation going forward, but all of them were cut off by the martial arts true immortals.

  After meeting such an old acquaintance as Jiujuezi's Xunzi, Gu Shanhai's task of solving the source of spiritual energy immediately changed from a difficult difficulty to an easy difficulty.

   It only needs to reverse its internal structure to change the aura from liquid to solid, and then burn it.

  Yes, it’s that simple, it’s just a bone of Jiujuezi, the most valuable thing besides spiritual energy is inner alchemy, now that inner alchemy has been taken away by him, the rest is completely harmless.

  In fact, Gu Shanhai also doubts whether someone is secretly spreading this inner alchemy. The reason is very simple. Every piece of scorpion on Jiujuezi carries a copy of the inheritance of inner alchemy, or the complete one.

  According to the normal situation, the death of Jiujuezi is so tragic, there is a high probability that he did not do it himself. With the character of the other party, it is unlikely that he would do these things. Instead, the person who killed him spread the word.

If people who don’t have enough means and lack of heart practice inner alchemy, they are unlikely to be successful in their practice, and they will only be used as fertilizer for the world as a supplement to promote the improvement of the world. Next, the people behind the scenes are harvesting the world and forming a world. Very complete harvesting process.

   "Forget it, no matter what, it's all over anyway." Gu Shanhai crawled out of this bone, looking a little tired.

  Although the next step is easy to do, it will take a lot of time. At least he has to study the reversing process. In the previous life, it was easy because of his strength. In this life, there is no relevant memory and he has to start from the beginning.

  Fortunately, I have inner alchemy in hand, so I don’t have to worry about not being able to do it.

  What could be done in the previous life, if he can't do it in this life, then he will be reborn for nothing.

   "It is essentially a special energy source, which is mutated because it is separated from the body and is affected by external factors for a long time."

   "So I can make it into a Wai Dan with a simple blend!"

  Gu Shanhai kept modifying the content of the first stage of Neidan Shuxiaguan, and gradually formed an ability to take bait and medicine.

   "As long as you get this outer pill, you can also get a huge amount of mana as a reserve, and if you slowly refine it, you can also increase your lifespan and improve your vitality and strength."

   "At that time, even if I face all the true martial arts immortals, with the support of Wai Dan, I can hang them up one by one to let blood."

  The corresponding plan was completed soon, and the most difficult problem left was how to compress this outer pill.

  Because this Jiujuezi's bone is really too big, the size of an underground palace, even if you remove the chaff and save the chaff, the size will not be small.

   "Let's reverse the liquid state to the solid state first."

With the rudiments of the outer alchemy, Gu Shanhai's next actions are very simple. The reversal process is essentially the same as alchemy, and alchemy is almost equivalent to cooking on Gu Shanhai's side, so just start the fire and add the seasoning. .

  Now he doesn't even need to fire, Gu Shanhai can just add the seasoning.

   The condiment is naturally Gu Shanhai's mana, otherwise what else can be used, the technique is indeed a bit rough, it doesn't matter, as long as it can be used, it will be gradually improved in the future.

  After the Waidan technique is fully formed and becomes the fifth layer of the "Qingdi Changsheng Jing", it is basically considered to be formed.

  His mana also possesses the mana related to the prototype of Waidanshu, the original mana naturally does not have this ability.

  As he proceeded, the liquid spiritual energy condensed inside began to condense, no matter the effect or data, under the monitoring of Gu Shanhai, it completely met his expectations.

   "There is no such thing as fate or the way of heaven in the world of Liangmai Jianghu, so it is relatively simple for me to do this. If I really want to meet a world with such an existence, I am afraid that there will be a **** disaster now."

  Gu Shanhai's behavior is tantamount to snatching food from a tiger's mouth. This is the root cause of the world's level-up.

In his previous life, Gu Shanhai experienced earthquakes, tsunamis, wind, rain, and thunder. These are all basics, and his luck will drop to the extreme. It is almost like death, and more importantly, he will be hunted down. You will inexplicably offend the strong in the world for various reasons. Sometimes it is just a matter of what you look at, and the other party can hack you to death.

  So under normal circumstances, Gu Shanhai would not actually touch Jiujuezi's simmered meat, because eating mutton would make him smell bad.

   Unless it is a world without the will of the world like Liangmai Jianghu, he will start.

  If there was such a world, he would have suffered disaster on the way here, and even when he started to do it now, an earthquake would have come.

Not coming now is enough to prove that you can do it with confidence and boldly. Besides, the protagonist is also on his side. If it doesn't work then, I will give this outer pill to Huang Yanshan for safekeeping, and then go to the other party when I am about to leave. It's not too late to take it.

  If something really happens, it’s okay to abandon it.

  For him, the purpose this time was to get rid of the source of spiritual energy. Whether it was inner alchemy or outer alchemy, it was an unexpected surprise.

  Gu Shanhai's real purpose is the reborn object of a certain martial arts true immortal.

  If he is really giving up the basics and chasing the end, it will be a big loss. The outer alchemy can be refined at any time. If you miss the rebirth thing, you don’t know when it will be the next time you meet.

  The refining process of the outer alchemy was very smooth, and the solidification process was very fast. Gu Shanhai even took out a piece of high-concentration spiritual energy crystal and tried to swallow it.

   "It's tasteless, not as good as plain water." After smacking his mouth, Gu Shanhai commented on this thing.

   As soon as this thing entered his stomach, he digested it, and finally formed mana, which was then decomposed by Gu Shanhai into vitality and lifespan as supplements.

   As far as he is concerned, his lifespan has been increased by five months, which seems a little less, but compared to the whole, it is only a drop in the bucket, and it is estimated that his lifespan will be at least hundreds of thousands of years.

   Next, Gu Shanhai can spend his life a little more recklessly, instead of having to search and search like before.

"With these lifespans, you don't have to take the wrong way to gamble with dogs for a while, and you won't have any accidents." Gu Shanhai thought for a while, if it wasn't for the short lifespan, there would be a few more people who would have to gamble their lives and spend directly Isn't life like flowing water?

   Not only is there no risk, but it can occasionally improve your own perception.

  Unfortunately, a lifespan of hundreds of thousands of years may seem like a lot, but in fact, if it really needs to be consumed, it is not much.

  He verified that the rebirth riddle on Wu Dao Zhenxian has a lifespan of 50,000 years. If he continues to predict and divination some secret things in the future, the more lifespan will be consumed.

Of course, he spent a lot of money on the one hand because the objects he chose were relatively unusual, and on the other hand, Gu Shanhai’s requirements were more detailed, unlike the results obtained by the aborigines who were actually vague or meaningful. It's just what you pay for.

   "This progress is estimated to take ten days and a half months to completely solidify." Gu Shanhai estimated the time, and then a large number of spiritual roots grew on his body, and continued to take root in the soil.

  Anyway, other people are in the soil, so it is better to grow some roots to absorb some nutrients.

   Then he sat down cross-legged and continued to perfect his Waidan technique.

  Wai alchemy, also known as alchemy and golden alchemy, relies on a golden elixir to enter the stomach, and my fate is up to me.

  The golden elixir here means that one can directly become an immortal after taking the golden elixir.

   "It's a pity, I mainly use herbal pills now. If I take a sip of the serious golden pills, I will really have problems."

  The golden elixirs of Zhenger Bajing are all made of lead, mercury, gold and jade. As the saying goes, eating gold is like gold and eating jade is like jade, and these heavy metals are really used as medicine.

   In the future, when his body becomes stronger, and then he develops the spiritual plant, let's see if he can eat it.

  Before, his drug use was not through external alchemy, but with his own spiritual plant as the main way. Now that he has a better one, of course he can only let the spiritual plant assist.

   Don’t worry about the Alchemy Furnace, Qinglong can replace it, it just works.

   Summoned the green dragon casually, and then took out the roots of various herbs that Gu Shanhai had cut off from his body.

  Using the ginseng of the King of Herbs as the main material, after coiling the green dragon into a ball, the mana gushed out, and took a piece of high-concentration spiritual energy crystal as fuel, and directly started the alchemy furnace.

   To perfect the Waidan technique, one must learn it naturally. You can’t just rely on your brain to think about it. Anyway, he has a lot of materials, and things that are self-produced and sold on their own will be destroyed if they are destroyed.

  Time passed by every minute and every second, and the first potion of pills came out smoothly. Gu Shanhai took out one, threw it into his mouth and chewed it casually.

"It's okay, but the potency of the medicine hasn't fully exerted, so it's easier to stew it." Gu Shanhai felt that his life span had increased by about three months. Estimated to be five months.

  In fact, Gu Shanhai has always wanted to make alchemy by stewing meatballs, but unfortunately he is not strong enough to support this kind of coquettish operation.

"I can improve Qinglong so that it can cook automatically like a rice cooker. After I fully utilize the medicinal power of this Level 1 Longevity Pill, after editing the program, just add raw materials, and Qinglong will be able to automatically refine." Gu Shanhai took out the remaining Level 1 Longevity Pills and stuffed them all into his mouth. This thing is resistant, and the effect will become worse if you eat too much. You need to wait for a while before the resistance disappears before you can continue to eat.

Fortunately, the longevity-enhancing pills of level 1, 2, and 3 are not superimposed, and they are played separately. The main reason is that Gu Shanhai is too lazy to name all the pills that can increase life. The above types are different.

  (end of this chapter)

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