I Am a Normal Player!

Chapter 155: Twelve Immortals, Dazzling the Heavens and Returning Their Spiritual Energy

  Chapter 155 Twelve True Immortals

  Gu Shanhai saw the old man in luxurious armor, who was lying on a big bed without any defense, breathing very evenly.

   Seeing this, Gu Shanhai did not hesitate to strike, the other party was in a deep dormancy.

  Hold down the opponent as soon as he gets started.

  The old man suddenly opened his eyes, he was stressed.

  The other party just fell asleep, not dead.

   "You are. Uh~" the other party instinctively opened his mouth to question.

   But who is Gu Shanhai, the first thing he did was punch him in the opponent's face with a big punch, and he slapped most of his teeth out in the extreme state.

  But the true martial arts immortal is the true martial arts immortal, his face is really hard, and he may have also practiced some horizontal exercises.

   Fortunately, this move is very effective in preemptive strikes. This person is also the weakest existence among the martial arts true immortals, and he was stunned by the first move.

   It's just that the other party was only stunned for a moment, and then reacted in an instant, and shot towards Gu Shanhai.


   Gu Shanhai punched backhand, and punched the opponent


  The cave exploded directly because of the fight between the two, forming a huge blank area.

"Heh, you have to burn your lifespan to barely receive a punch from me, so how much lifespan do you have to squander like this?" The old man's tone was slightly annoyed, and these words were naturally mocking Gu Shanhai for not knowing how to live or die, and actually challenging him with his lifespan strength.

   "Maybe, a lot?" After Gu Shanhai finished speaking, a sneak attack came directly, but he was easily blocked by the opponent.

"I didn't use this kind of method when I was young. Use it." The old man was a little disdainful after guarding against Gu Shanhai's sneak attack. Just when he was about to fight back and teach Gu Shanhai a lesson, he suddenly found a terrifying electric current Directly piercing through his body, even if it is as strong as a martial arts true immortal, this one was caught off guard.

   "Zhenlei Spring Thunderstorm Kills!"

  Gu Shanhai drew out the green dragon from his hand, and continued the combo.

   "Spinning and thundering!"

   "Shen Lei Hell!"

   "Winter Thunderbolt!"

   "Crazy Thunder."

  He only had time to continue with four moves in this combo, and he used the blue dragon to whip the old man with injuries all over his body. On the fifth move, the opponent hurriedly pulled away, even willing to pay the price with injuries.

   "Okay, okay, okay, I never thought that there would be more talented people in the world, but now there is such a genius born." The old man's tone was gloomy, and he really praised him, but the other person looked like he wanted to hack Gu Shanhai to death.

  The main reason is that the other party just woke up in a bad state, so he was pushed there and beat him as soon as they met. If this was the peak period, he would definitely not end up like this.

   "You're welcome, you're welcome." Gu Shanhai responded, but in fact, he carried Qinglong and launched another sneak attack.

  Although he was blocked again, the opponent was obviously a good player in this game, but he also blocked Gu Shanhai's follow-up thunder power after the last lesson.

   It's just that Gu Shanhai didn't only have one move, so he directly used the move of Butterfly Piercing Flowers.

   "How is this possible!"

  The old man failed to defend himself, and was pierced through the chest by Gu Shanhai, even his heart was pinched.

   "Don't move, the Martial Dao True Immortal may not die if he loses his heart, but if he wants to get another one, it is tantamount to fantasy in this era." Gu Shanhai said in a low voice.

   "Even if you kill me, it's just a dying struggle." The old man's eyes showed a fierce light. He has experienced a lot, so he naturally understands a sentence, it is better to die than to die.

   If Gu Shanhai really wanted to hold her hostage, that would be the real end.

  So he didn't care about his heart being pinched, and directly slapped Gu Shanhai's head with both palms.

  The next moment, Gu Shanhai pulled out the opponent's heart and crushed it directly, and the old man also smashed his head in an instant. At first glance, the two seemed to have changed homes.

  But in fact, there is no way, as long as the face is torn, Gu Shanhai can't get away, because the old man forcibly clamped Gu Shanhai's hand with the wound on his chest, that's how life is fought.

  When Gu Shanhai pulled out, he naturally couldn't dodge the opponent's attack.

   "I can live without a heart, but you can live without a head?" The old man looked at the crushed heart and headless corpse in Gu Shanhai's hands, and his tone was full of sarcasm when he sneered.


  A green dragon pierced through the old man's throat in an instant, and then saw the flesh and bones wriggling around the neck of Gu Shanhai's headless corpse. In just an instant, a brand new head grew out.

"Of course I can live. I walk the rivers and lakes, all because I am a copper pea that can't be steamed, boiled, pounded, or fried!" Gu Shanhai pulled out the green dragon. It is the companion spiritual creature formed by the green knight's plant series talent.

   After infusing a lot of vitality blessing, the sharpness is still enough.

"You..." the old man held his throat and took three steps back, with an expression of disbelief, he could barely do such a thing as decapitation and rebirth, but it had to be done in the peak period, and the other party was so casual The ones just grew out, which is outrageous.

   "In the eyes of others, splitting up is a metaphor, but to me, it's really possible to split up." Gu Shanhai looked at the other party seriously.

  The move just now vented the opponent's energy, causing the opponent's strength to continue to pass away in a weak situation.

  Broken Heart and Throat Throat, both vital organs have been severely injured, and even the opponent's true energy is almost out of control.

  True Immortal of Martial Arts is tainted with the word Immortal, but he is not a real Immortal. The energy level of this world is just like that. Compared with those truly powerful worlds, it is just an ordinary rank.

   What's more, it was formed by Jiujuezi's mana feeding back to the world. If the whole Jiujuezi died here, Gu Shanhai would be so afraid that he would turn his head away immediately, but unfortunately, it was only a small part.

  So even the world's energy level at its peak is not even comparable to the existence of Jagged Utopia. Jagged Utopia is still a universe after all, with no boundaries.

"Hehe, do you think that killing me will solve the problem? As long as I die, a corner of the Daotian Huanling Formation will be missing, and other people will be forced to wake up. Do you want to deal with the remaining eleven true martial arts immortals at the same time?" The old man laughed loudly, now, life and death don't matter.

   "Oh, so that's how it is. You are also a part of the balance, and can be used as a monitoring and alarm of vital signs." Gu Shanhai also briefly summed up the words when he heard this, and then acted immediately.

  Looking at that tough look, he would definitely refuse to say what he asked, so he could only do it himself.

The psychological tactics to deal with this kind of old monster level is not to try to break the opponent's defense line, unless the ultimate insult is used, otherwise there is a high probability that it is impossible to say, but the ultimate insult is not enough, if you find four big guys , Gu Shanhai doesn't mind having hot eyes for three months.

   Now it can only be solved by violent means.

"The first step is to **** your true qi first. True qi is such a panacea." Gu Shanhai's expression remained unchanged, and he immediately crippled the opponent's martial arts. A large amount of true qi escaped and spread throughout the the whole area.

  Gu Shanhai shook his hand casually, shattering these rootless duckweed-like infuriating energy.

  The old man seemed to have sensed that something was wrong, and immediately wanted to commit suicide to avoid being humiliated by Gu Shanhai.

It's a pity that Gu Shanhai sensed the opponent's thoughts first, and stretched out his hand to directly infuse a large amount of vitality. These vitality did not heal the old man, but instead, it was like some kind of strange thing entrenched in the opponent's body, constantly eroding his various organs .

   itself was weak due to serious injuries, and now it is filled with foreign objects in the body.

   "The second step is to release your consciousness." Gu Shanhai knew that as long as the other party still had his own consciousness, he would continue to resist.

  The tenacity of will will always be an obstacle for him to reveal the memory of the other party.

   To be able to rely on oneself to cultivate to this level and even become one of the few strong men in the whole world, the psychological quality and will are absolutely strong.

   From the degree of ruthlessness the other party treats him, it can be seen that he is not relying on nepotism or a pig on the wind that is all accumulated from various resources, but a real ruthless person.

   "Wait, you didn't target me?!" The old man also understood the situation at this time, he was probably just a random disaster, and the other party wanted to know something from him.

   "Guess is right, but unfortunately there is no reward." Gu Shanhai spoke calmly, and then mana gushed out, penetrating the opponent's consciousness and spirit.

   "You" The old man's mind was in chaos, and that kind of muddled feeling filled his consciousness, making him completely unable to be himself for a while.

   And Gu Shanhai also began to extract the memory of the other party.

  The name of this old man is Lu Ruzhu, one of the Twelve True Immortals under Martial Ancestor.

  Gu Shanhai instantly locked on the key person, the Martial Ancestor who cultivated the twelve true martial arts immortals. Naturally, this Martial Ancestor was not the one who collected the ancestral talismans, but the founder of martial arts in this world.

  The ancestor of martial arts named taboo Dugu was born, rising from the wilderness, overcoming obstacles and opening up the road of martial arts, and even cultivated their twelve true martial arts immortals.

  Even the Duotian Returning Spirit Formation was created by Martial Ancestors, which can be called the power of heaven and earth, and it also anticipated the receding of the spiritual energy tide in advance, and made various preparations in advance.

   "Sure enough, the martial ancestor Dugu was born to do something to Huang Yanshan's family." Gu Shanhai grinned.

  The Twelve Martial Dao True Immortals opened their caves at the border of Tiancheng, and as the supreme Martial Ancestor, he was naturally in the center of the Great Formation.

   That is the position of Wu Pavilion.

  Of course, Dugu was not born in the Martial Pavilion, but used the Martial Pavilion as a node to form a larger cave as a retreat.

  The person who has been controlling the Wu Pavilion all the time is Dugu Tiansheng.

  From Lu Ruzhu's memory, Gu Shanhai can know that the other party is actually in the process of dormancy, and there is no interference outside the cave at all.

   Therefore, only Dugu Tiansheng, the Martial Ancestor, has such power.

   "Dugu's natural strength is unfathomable, but at the same time, the constraints on him are even greater."

   Dugu is born half asleep and half awake, so he has greater flexibility, but correspondingly, he needs a higher aura environment.

  So unless it is a Jedi, the opponent will definitely not go out.

   "Alright, let's kill the remaining eleven true martial arts immortals first, depending on you, the Martial Ancestor."

   "Wait a minute, why do I have to fight these little guys, if I fight, I have to fight them desperately."

At this time, Gu Shanhai realized one thing. The Martial Dao True Immortal had no direct conflict with him. As long as Lu Ruzhu survived, the Duotian Returning Spirit Formation would not collapse, so he just had to find a way to maintain his vital signs first, and ensure that he would not die. If something bad happens, Gu Shanhai goes directly to fight the boss.

   You don’t even need to fight the BOSS, you can take the opponent’s rebirth and run away, and the opponent can still play with yourself.

  As for Huang Yanshan, there is also a solution. Take him to He Lingyun. With his future vision and the ability to pass the exam 100%, it can definitely cure Huang Yanshan's collapse.

There is no need to worry about the process, the large amount of vitality collected through the Blood Barrier Pill is enough to hang his life. If he really can't stand it, there are Jiujue Waidan and Gu Shanhai, at least Huang Yanshan can survive for a while after he is out of balance. It took a year and a half to last until Gu Shanhai found He Lingyun.

  So thinking about it this way, many things became clear.

  True Martial Arts Immortal's perception of the outside world is not as strong as he imagined, on the contrary, his eyes and ears are covered, and he looks more like Dugu's natural tool man.

  Now that he was sure, Gu Shanhai naturally put Lu Ruzhu back, and then healed him.

  A large amount of vitality eroded into his body, the crushed heart regrown, and the throat pierced by the green dragon sprouted and began to recover.

  The other party took in a lot of life force from Gu Shanhai, so Gu Shanhai took control of his body.

  He forcibly stopped most of its bodily functions, causing it to fall into a deep sleep and low consumption mode.

   It wasn't that Gu Shanhai did this on purpose, but because the other party's martial arts were abolished by Gu Shanhai, and he didn't have enough true energy to survive, so there was no way to recreate the original pattern.

   At most five days, they will die due to lack of nutrients.

After being abolished from martial arts, Lu Ruzhu's body is like a big sieve, constantly leaking energy, not to mention the opponent's physical fitness is too strong, and the daily consumption is ridiculous. Before, there was true energy, which can be transformed The external aura is supplemented, and the special martial arts can also maintain low consumption.

These are all gone now, so naturally there is no way to maintain it. You have to have a process of eating, otherwise it is unrealistic to be full just by smelling and looking at a large table of delicacies from mountains and seas in front of you. .

  Five days is still Gu Shanhai's maximum estimate, and the lower limit may be dead tomorrow, which is not easy for Gu Shanhai to grasp.

He doesn't know what the energy consumption of the Martial Dao True Immortal is. If he wants to deduce it, he must have enough data. As for the consumption of life for his divination and prophecy, this is impossible. Gu Shanhai doesn't need him to delay. One day is enough for him to find the Martial Ancestor Dugu Tiansheng and even get what he needs.

  (end of this chapter)

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