I Am a Normal Player!

Chapter 158: A page of boats come back to life

  Chapter 158 One page boat comes back

  After Gu Shanhai fiddled with the pages of the time history book for a while, he didn't gain much. Apart from being able to change his identity, he only had to influence the timeline through consciousness rebirth.

   This seems a bit tasteless. After all, there is only one chance to regenerate consciousness, and it is useless to give Gu Shanhai to him. Even if he is reborn as a child, the start cannot be better than now.

  As for going back and taking the page of the time history book to continue mating dolls, it is impossible. He can be sure that this page of the time history book belongs to the only item. If he takes it away, it will be gone when he comes back.

  Time-type items are mostly unique. There is only one item in the entire time, no matter which time and space it is in, unless another item is created, otherwise it will only be bound with the greatest causal connection.

   Currently it is bound to Gu Shanhai's hands.

  ‘For my own use, there is really no way to maximize the benefits. '

   'And it's unlikely that this thing was for me'

  Gu Shanhai glanced vaguely at Huang Yanshan who was flipping through "Huangji Jingshi", and he suspected that he had become a treasure-giving boy again.

  If Huang Yanshan was reborn and returned with "Zi Xuan Jing Lei Gong" and "Huang Ji Jing Shi", and after ten years of development, he would really blow up Dugu Tiansheng.

  However, Gu Shanhai is reluctant, this is really too precious, such a thing as rebirth can be used as a life-saving trump card, once he encounters something that cannot be solved, he can completely start over.

  So he hesitated, to give or not to give.

   This matter has been tossing in his heart. Reason tells him that it is best not to give, but his intuition keeps beating.

  ‘I need a reason to convince myself! '

   Gu Shanhai's words are not to cover up, but to warn his own intuition. Intuition itself is mysterious, easy to use and easy to be deceived by various strange things.

  'Opportunity? ! ’ Gu Shanhai became sluggish in an instant. Just now, he not only used his intuition, but also used his ability of divination and prophecy.

  Intuition, sixth sense, etc. can’t understand, they are originally a reaction of the body, so Gu Shanhai can only do it himself to investigate.

   What I got was the word chance.

  ‘I don’t believe it anymore, what chance can I give this thing up! ’ Gu Shanhai expressed his disbelief in evil.

   Of course it’s okay to give it to Huang Yanshan, except for this little trouble, everything else is fine.

He didn't want to gamble on whether Huang Yanshan would return the pages of the history book to him after his rebirth, because if he really wanted to practice "Zixuan Jinglei Gong" for sixty years after his rebirth, he might be able to have a magnetic field to rotate fifty heavens In the realm of anti-gravity, when the physical body crosses the universe, cell reorganization and other powerful forces appear, he is playing a fart.

   Even if you run, you may not be able to escape.

Even if Artorius comes, he may not be able to win. It is estimated that only He Lingyun, a **** in the world who has the same body, past and future vision, and 100% passing the exam, can win the game. Others can only say wait to die.

   Even if it is outrageous enough to reach the state where the magnetic field rotates seventy-five days and the atom splits, then you really have to become a madman. Antimatter and reorganized matter are probably easy to come by.

   Don't underestimate a student master who can control electromagnetic force.

  So if you really give it to the other party, maybe you will be cheated.

   "Nephew, you said that if you were reborn, what would you do?" Gu Shanhai asked tentatively.

   Huang Yanshan on the side was also taken aback for a moment, and then said: "What am I going to do, uncle should go back."

Huang Yanshan's idea is to let Gu Shanhai be reborn back, and then punch the martial ancestor and kick the real immortal. In his opinion, Gu Shanhai is far superior to him in terms of talent and understanding, otherwise he could create such a mysterious exercise Come?

   "I'm asking you, not asking you to ask back." Gu Shanhai had black lines on his face.

   "Oh, I'll go back, then follow the original plan to punch the Martial Ancestor and kick the True Immortal." Huang Yanshan thought to himself, anyway, this is the process for anyone who is reborn back.

   "." Gu Shanhai said that this idea is very good, but it is useless.

   "So uncle, are you going to let me be reborn?" Huang Yanshan asked in surprise.

   "I have such an idea, but I am worried that I will be wiped out." Gu Shanhai sighed.

   "It's gone? What do you mean?" Huang Yanshan became more and more confused.

   "It's literally, let me think about it." Gu Shanhai hesitated even more at this time.

   Another hexagram came up, and this time he yelled directly, spending 10,000 years of his lifespan just to find an answer.

   This time it was quite good, although it was a chance again, but it brought a big word, big chance!

  It's a pity that because of its own strength, it is too weak to give enough feedback and enough peeks at the pages of the history books.

  Finally, he gritted his teeth and made the bet!

  Fate has been spent, and this page of the history book is still missing?

  Tianjiliu pays attention to the protagonist who treats people with sincerity, and it's not like he hasn't done such a thing as giving away a treasure boy.

   "I'll give you a chance to be reborn this time!" Gu Shanhai gritted his teeth and said, if he spoke with sincerity, he would be nailed one by one, but if he didn't, it would be another matter.

   "Uncle, look at your reluctance, or else you should come." Huang Yanshan looked at Gu Shanhai's gritted teeth and was a little speechless. He didn't have to be reborn. For him, going back by himself might be a bad thing.

   "No, it's up to you! If you say it, you will be splashed with water." Gu Shanhai said immediately.

   This time it was Huang Yanshan's turn to be speechless. Seeing Gu Shanhai's reluctant appearance, how could he say such a thing.

   "After you use it up, you have to return this thing to me. There is only one chance to be reborn. Once you use it up, it's gone. I have to study the rest." Gu Shanhai could only ask.

   "Okay, okay, but uncle, don't you really want to use it yourself?" Huang Yanshan hesitated for a moment, but asked again.

"Come on, but you can't just go back." Gu Shanhai still made up his mind, and then said: "When I'm almost recovered, I'll find a way to collect for you various trends, Adventurous encounters and some information that will help you grow."

   "Just remember that you can only use these materials as a reference, not as a reliance, because many things will change with your rebirth."

   "For example, if you saved someone who should have died, then the existence of this person will affect many things, understand?"

  Huang Yanshan listened to Gu Shanhai's instructions, and also nodded: "Understood, but it doesn't matter if you are hurt, uncle."

  Gu Shanhai has recovered about 30% of his strength when studying the pages of the time history book. At least the organs, flesh and blood have all grown back, and the bones are no longer limp.

  As long as you don't meet Dugu Tiansheng, it's basically enough.

  Of course, there is no need to worry about Dugu Tiansheng. The other party is also seriously injured, and the injury is likely to be worse than him. Coupled with the influence of the environment, the recovery efficiency is much worse.

   If you really want to meet, Gu Shanhai beats him, even if it is not the same as beating his grandson, it is almost the same as beating his son.

  Even after the fight, he may have to return to the level where the parts were not complete before, and Dugu's natural fate is definitely not much better than him.

   There is a high probability that the kill will not be able to kill, the strength of the opponent is far above Gu Shanhai, he can leapfrog to fight monsters, but he cannot leapfrog to kill.

   "Small problem, I will let you hit you a hundred times with both hands and feet." Gu Shanhai said that he can hit you a hundred times without panting for the type of you paralyzed on the bed.

   "Uncle, you really know how to joke. You can add two more zeros and you can hit them casually." Huang Yanshan also complained. He is a disabled person who can shake his hands, and the purity of a hundred is too low.

   "Have you noticed that ever since you became paralyzed, you've become more and more flamboyant?" Gu Shanhai felt that Huang Yanshan was really **** up.

What? What does he mean by looking away? No, no, Huang Yanshan asked Gu Shanhai to fight and help him avenge him. If you look at it, you have let it go. Not only did Huang Yanshan not let go, but the hatred keeps rising. If you can quantify his hatred If so, at least it has broken through the limit of the full value.

   It's just because he can't do anything now and there is hope, so he is more optimistic. If there is no Gu Shanhai, he will have been blackened by this time.

  Hate and optimism do not conflict, does an optimistic person have no hatred?

   "In life, waiting for the enemy to die crying and waiting for the enemy to die with a smile are two different mentalities, so why don't I wait with a smile." Huang Yanshan said with a smile.

  Hearing this, Gu Shanhai was also silent for a while, and then said: "Okay, you have a good attitude, and you can live a few more years if you are happy."

  Huang Yanshan always felt that Gu Shanhai was **** him off, but he couldn't find any evidence. He was about to be reborn, so why did he live a few more years?

   "Speaking of which, Uncle, you seem to want to be reborn, why did you let me go back?" Huang Yanshan asked curiously.

  After all, he also saw the reluctance and hesitation on Gu Shanhai's expression before.

   "There is no reason, just because you are more suitable." Gu Shanhai said truthfully.

To break the game, of course Huang Yanshan has to come. Although Gu Shanhai said that his aptitude has been squeezed into the level of a genius, he is still far behind Huang Yanshan. Huang Yanshan spent a month practicing "Zixuan Jinglei Gong" to achieve magnetic field rotation The outrageous level of the realm of the first layer made him gasp.

   "Your talent is much stronger than mine, and you are the most outrageous person I have ever seen."

   "If you have practiced "Zi Xuan Jing Lei Kung Fu" since childhood and cooperated with "Huang Ji Jing Shi" to develop steadily for twenty years, Dugu Tiansheng is definitely not your opponent."

  Gu Shanhai looked at Huang Yanshan and said, he is actually a bit sour Huang Yanshan's talent, if he had this kind of talent, many things would be much easier.

  I rely on experience, but the other party is a real genius.

"I have such a genius???" Huang Yanshan was a little skeptical of his life when Gu Shanhai said it. Looking back on his life, he was indeed a winner in life. He was the number one scholar in high school at the age of twenty. When he failed all the exams, he had already entered the Hanlin Academy.

   Thinking about it carefully, it is indeed outrageous.

   "Oh, I'm indeed a bit of a genius." After recalling, Huang Yanshan said that Gu Shanhai was right.

  The corner of Gu Shanhai's eyes twitched, okay, just now you entered the lantern of life, didn't you?

"Don't talk nonsense with you, I have to leave for a while, Xiaobai stay here to take care of you, it's not good to take Xiaobai out, my name as Master Lu is too big, and it's easy to get into trouble. "Gu Shanhai still didn't intend to take Xiaobai away this time, it was really ostentatious.

  So just stay here, let him play with Huang Yanshan, and Gu Shanhai just take Qinglong there by himself.

   "Then uncle, be careful all the way." Huang Yanshan also asked worriedly.

   Then, after Gu Shanhai packed up his things, he put on a little disguise for himself, such as changing his face, height, weight and breath, which was triggered.

He directly pretended to be a nameless Jianghu man, very poor but with a sword, he belonged to the kind of hard bone that was oily at first glance, and he would not only break his teeth but not gain anything if he gnawed on it, even the robbers looked at him I have to hand over and say: Heroes please! Instead of stopping to rob.

  Gu Shanhai mainly collects information about major events, but unfortunately the capital was torn to pieces by Huang Yanshan, otherwise, he would go directly to the largest institution of the imperial court to find it.

   In terms of intelligence, Tianzong Momen is still a bit inferior. They do have many disciples, but they are still a lot worse in this aspect.

  However, the imperial court is gone, and Gu Shanhai still found a lot in the Wumeng, the power that took over the imperial court. The disadvantage is that Huang Yanshan’s family and the Minhu Village massacre were not found.

  For the Wumeng, this is just a trivial matter. There are many things that have been wiped out in the world, not to mention that everyone in the past was wiped out, and there is no relevant legacy.

   It took Gu Shanhai nearly three months to gather information. During this period, nearly 80% of his injuries have recovered, and even the spiritual plants in his body have grown back.

   This is expected. Although he is acting, it does not delay his recovery.

Along the way, he also inquired about Tiancheng. The Tianzong Demon Sect was integrated and replaced by a force named Tianmen. No need to think about it, Dugu was born to do it. Tiancheng has healed now, and because of the severance of spiritual energy, Dugu couldn't stay in Tiancheng by nature, so he could only go to the lower realm.

   "Are you ready to memorize it?" Gu Shanhai asked Huang Yanshan with a solemn expression.

   "Not missing a single word." Huang Yanshan also looked serious.

Afterwards, Gu Shanhai gave Huang Yanshan the pages of the Suiyue History Book, and said again: "Remember, don't be dazzled by hatred, develop in a low-key manner, and wait until you have enough strength to give them a fatal blow. You only have one chance. Once it’s done, it’s over.”

"As long as I can get revenge, I have endured it for more than ten years, and there will be no problems because of this." Huang Yanshan kept Gu Shanhai's words in his heart, and then activated this page of the history book to let his consciousness return to the past.

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  (end of this chapter)

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