I Am a Normal Player!

Chapter 161: It's a shame that you have successfully solved the riddle three times in so many

  Chapter 161 You are proud to have successfully solved the puzzle three times in so many years!

  The three of them stepped into Sansheng Town, thinking that it would be a poor place like Fengtai Village back then, but the reality is completely different. It is a prosperous place, except for the problem of living standards.

  Gu Shanhai once broke through the air wall and blew up the Xuanwei Gate. Although it is a fairy-like world, it is actually a fairy-like type that is biased towards modern technology, which belongs to the very comprehensive modernization.

   But this Sansheng Town is like an uncivilized small town. If it is a remote small village, he can understand it, but it has become a town and it still looks like this. There is a problem with the designation.

   "By the way, you have experienced so many related middle-level areas, have you ever seen a rickshaw?" Gu Shanhai pointed at a man in shorts and shorts not far away pulling a rickshaw passing by.

   "No, the time is not right. This Sansheng Town seems to belong to the Zongmen era before the imperial court was born." Tianxian Kuangzui knew a little about the history of this world.

  Before the imperial court was born, the whole world was ruled by various sects. The analogy is probably the era of warlords, but the warlords may die suddenly at any time, but the sects will not. The strong rule lasted for many years.

   "Is there a specific time?" Gu Shanhai asked curiously.

"I don't know the exact time, it's troublesome to do tasks at ordinary times." Tianxian Kuangzui's face also collapsed, he is not a puzzle player, just like Gu Shanhai, he is a combat player, how can he remember so much? The situation is to find the target after entering the dungeon, and summon the cows and horses to hack people to death.

   "Ah this, or we."

   "Burn this town, right? I really want to agree with you, but it can't be done, the town is too big." Tianxian Kuangzui continued Gu Shanhai's words in advance, and then said that it wasn't that he disagreed, it was really a big project.

   "How come you are more proficient than me?!" Gu Shanhai was shocked, is this still the good old man from the previous life?

  Hearing this, Tianxian Kuangzui also looked serious: "I have seen too much darkness, so I wanted to purify them with fire immediately."

   "The word "伱" is a complete set of words." Gu Shanhai felt a little guilty, mainly because his teammates seemed to be too righteous and a bit extreme.

  People like myself who occasionally do some evil things in a chaotic camp seem to be within the attack range of the other party.

   "Why doesn't your wife speak up, is she so introverted?" Gu Shanhai changed the subject.

   "Oh, I'm collecting information, and it's up to my wife to solve the puzzle. If she can't solve it, it's up to us to be reckless." Tianxian Kuangzui explained for Baiyun.

"Excuse me, how many times have you solved puzzles to pass each task?" Gu Shanhai couldn't help raising a hope, that maybe he could win this time. After all, solving puzzles, he just needs to run errands , It would be too troublesome to really fight.

   "It has been successful three times so far." Tianxian Kuangzui said this with a little pride.

   And Gu Shanhai's face turned dark, three times? As long as he came out with multiple zeros, Gu Shanhai would bear it, three times is too outrageous.

"Let's just say three times what are you proud of? It's not thirty times, which means we have to be reckless." Gu Shanhai felt that the couple also had a problem, so they just solved puzzles with their brains, and everyone just passed by recklessly. Lie down and win once.

Tianxian Kuangzui also smiled resentfully. He didn't dare to say that two of them were helped by Huang Enhaodang. He and Huang Enhaodang also became friends behind Fengtai Village, and they formed a team together from time to time. En Haodang found a strange world to improve his own system, so he and his wife wrote the book together, and then met Gu Shanhai.

   "The dungeon will definitely not be short this time, we have to be prepared to stay here for at least a month." Bai Yun said abruptly.

   "How did you find out?" Gu Shanhai asked curiously.

   "The area is too big. Except for Sansheng Town, there is no air wall around the town, which means it can be explored." Baiyun explained to Gu Shanhai.

  Gu Shanhai naturally knew about this situation, but he didn't expect someone to sum it up now.

   "This also shows that it is very difficult. You are conservatively estimating one month." Gu Shanhai said.

   Tianxian Kuangzui also nodded his head and said that he was right. He has experienced a lot, and he can estimate some.

   "Next, we have to find a place to stay." Bai Yun broke in and interrupted.

   "It's not cost-effective to rent a house and stay in a hotel, and it's too much to talk about." Tianxian Kuangzui also has experience in this.

"Let me explain in advance that I don't have game coins due to my talent. You can help me out together, and I'll pay you with this stuff." As he said, Gu Shanhai took out a lot of pills, level 1 blood recovery pills, the effect is Blood back,.

"I have a little question. Why does your blood pill have the effect of braised lion's head this time? I haven't commented yet." Tianxian Kuangzui took it very naturally, but he didn't have any idea how much this game currency could be worth. Looking at the effect of the blood recovery pill, he must be more profitable.

   "You will know once you taste it." Gu Shanhai said that you should try it yourself.

   Tianxian Kuangzui threw one into his mouth and chewed it, then his eyes lit up: "Fuck, this thing is really braised lion head?! Wife, try it."

   As he spoke, the other party also shared one and crushed it for Bai Yun, and the two tasted it.

   "That's right, these are meatballs, and I don't know why they were judged as pills." Gu Shanhai also complained.

   This thing was stewed by him, and it was originally used for foreign purposes. The real series of pills are actually Zengshou Dan, Jingshou Pill, and Blood Barrier Pill, and the others are more biased towards the meatball series.

   "It's just that the amount is a little less. It would be better if it could be bigger." Tianxian smacked his lips drunkenly, a little unsatisfied.

   "How can you recover blood when you are older, so you won't be afraid of being choked." Gu Shanhai thought about it, and he really took the blood recovery pill as a dish.

The three chatted and came to a tooth shop, and soon rented a big house with three entrances and three exits. Even Tianxian Kuangzui wanted to buy some maids and servants to live the life of a landlord, but was crushed by Bai Yun and stared at him. After a glance, this thought was extinguished.

   Gu Shanhai is relatively indifferent, anyway, he doesn't have a problem wherever he lives.

   After spending a little more money, the dental office arranged for someone to clean it up, and the three of them went straight in with their bags.

   Then Gu Shanhai let Xiaobai out. It was a little sleepy after staying in the pet's pocket, and the whole deer became energetic after it came out.

   "Fuck, how can you have such a big deer, almost like a giant beast." Tianxian Kuangzui couldn't help but marvel.

Xiaobai eats and drinks well in the Dashu Dynasty. Huang Yanshan specially arranged a large number of people to serve him. The son is still pampered, but Xiaobai was the one who protected him when he was injured, so naturally Huang Yanshan would not treat Xiaobai badly.

So Xiaobai's physique has been increasing, and now he is a super giant. Let alone Gu Shanhai sitting on his back alone, even if he calls some people to set up a table and eat hot pot on his back, it doesn't matter. question.

   "Yo~" Xiaobai looked down curiously at Tianxian Kuangzui and Baiyun crushing the two of them, wondering if he should spit on their faces.

   "Stay away from Xiaobai, you two, he wants to spit on you two." Gu Shanhai reminded very kindly.

  The two moved their steps with black lines on their heads, and then said: "What do you usually think, you summoned creature, why do you still have this hobby?"

   The player is not serious, and the summoned items are not in the same place.

   "How do I know why it suddenly has such an idea today." Gu Shanhai rolled his eyes, he didn't know why Xiaobai planned to make the other party spit, and then said to Xiaobai: "Go, find a place to cool off."

  Xiaobai understood, and then took out a piece of straw cake from his secret porter's pocket, chewed it and left.

   "You even equip your summoned objects with storage equipment, you are rich enough." Tianxian Kuangzui complained about Gu Shanhai's arrogance.

   "How can I have any money, NPC gave it."

  Gu Shanhai and Tianxian Kuangzui came into the room with your nonsense, and then sat down to discuss how to blow up Sansheng Town to the sky.

  Bai Yun Ruo Sui is reviewing the game, trying to find some clues, but looking at it, it probably didn't find anything, a typical human dish still loves to play.

   "Let's decide on the bombing, but I still want to ask, how do we trigger the main mission?" Gu Shanhai asked such a question directly.

   "It depends on luck. Generally, you have to go around the area to know, and sometimes you may have to encounter certain things." Tianxian Kuangzui was also quite helpless about this.

   "Okay, let's do it like this first." Gu Shanhai actually didn't really want to stay in Sansheng Town, if it wasn't for the air wall, he didn't plan to do the task, and went directly to Xuanweimen to explode.

   At the beginning, he forced himself to run away. If he doesn’t come back with revenge, then wouldn’t he come back in vain? As an evil player who will take revenge most of the time, he has to let them know what pain is at this time.

  What are the benefits of Sansheng Town, isn't it just a town?

   "Have you noticed that this town is called Qingxian Town and not Sansheng Town?" Bai Yun said abruptly.

   "???" Tianxian was drunk and confused, what Qingxian Town.

   Gu Shanhai recalled for a while, and his memory began to go back, and he quickly extracted a lot of details.

   "It's called Qingxian Town. Some passers-by mentioned it before, and some shop plaques also have a small line of notes written on them." Gu Shanhai said.

   "Ah, you already know why you didn't say it." Tianxian Kuangzui was a little speechless, but it became clear when he thought that the other party was a god-level player.

"I'm not a puzzle solver, I forgot about all those things just now." Gu Shanhai is too lazy to solve puzzles, just blow up, if he really can't blow up, then he will run away, besides, he He has a magnetic field sword in his hand, but now he is very swollen, so he wants to find someone to give him a sacrificial sword.

   "So, if we find the problem between Qingxian Town and Sansheng Town, there is a high probability that the main mission will be activated." Bai Yun Ruozui didn't care about Gu Shanhai's statement, but made a further supplement.

  For players, they are not afraid of the difficulty of the game, but they are afraid of not having a goal. Having the main task is equivalent to having a targeted goal, and the follow-up will be much easier.

  Whether it’s solving puzzles or getting started with violence, at least you don’t have to worry about blowing up the main mission.

   "That's a good point! Then where can we find it?" Gu Shanhai said that he just wanted to mess around and didn't want to use his brain.

  He tried divination and prophecy in this world, but found a very serious problem, that is, he got a chaotic blank.

  There are three possibilities for this situation. The first is that this place is infected with some kind of powerful force, and the second is that the world has fallen into a catastrophe and caused chaos.

  Of course, the third possibility is the most likely, that is, the first and the second are all present, which leads to the failure of prophecy and divination.

Gu Shanhai can also forcibly perform divination by kryptonite, but in this way, the accuracy rate will be low and unnecessary troubles will arise. Foretelling and divination is to reveal information, and it is inevitable to spy on it. In addition, the world itself has similar The spell, if this is noticed, it will cause trouble.

  It's just for a task in a middle-level area, he doesn't want to die for no reason, unless he encounters something he is passionate about.

"Let's split up later, let's take a stroll around first." Bai Yun Ruo Sui could only arrange this way, she is not a serious puzzle-solving player, such players have bad brains and switch to the system, if it weren't for Huang En With Hao Dang not around, she wouldn't come over to play a cameo role, usually she would be reckless with Tianxian Kuangzui.

   "Separate heads? Not good, I only have one head, and you have two, so it's not easy to separate." Gu Shanhai was a little embarrassed.

   "What strange skill have you learned that can tear your head off!" Tianxian Kuangzui was a little shocked. He had heard of Flying Head Man, but this thing only has a head but no body.

   "Oh, professional skills." Saying that, Gu Shanhai took off his head.

  The scene was slightly horrifying, which made the two of them look a little strange. Fortunately, Gu Shanhai reinstalled it for himself.

  The two of them were a little hesitant to talk, they really wanted to ask what kind of profession can be decapitated, and whether they can dig their hearts out next.

  It's a good thing they didn't ask, Gu Shanhai dared to pay if they dared to ask.

   "Keep your head for yourself, don't use it as a meteor hammer." Tianxian Kuangzui reminded a little tiredly, since you can't keep up with the opponent's brain circuit, then don't follow.

"Hiss~ Your idea is a bit useful, next time I find time to find a skill that can make my spine grow, and then use my head as a meteor hammer to sweep across the world." Gu Shanhai said why he didn't expect such a good idea? .

   Tianxian Kuangzui said that he should not match Gu Shanhai next time, he didn't want to see this scene, it would easily mess up the whole team's style of painting.

  A serious person who uses his head as a meteor hammer is not good enough to use serious equipment directly. If you play too much tricks, you will overturn sooner or later.

   Evil players are not good at this point. After all, "First Age" is not an ordinary game. The intelligence of NPCs and enemies is not inferior to real people in the eyes of Tianxian Kuangzui.

  (end of this chapter)

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