I Am a Normal Player!

Chapter 177: Post-war wasteland, the new sect of cultivating immortals

  Chapter 177 Post-war Wasteland, New School of Immortal Cultivation

   "This is going directly to the wasteland world of the last days." Gu Shanhai complained, he found a terrible problem. After fighting for more than ten years, the whole world is full of wasteland, radiation, malignant transformation, etc. are everywhere.

  He doesn't know if the technology has been improved, but the world of cultivating immortals with technology is likely to become a wasteland for cultivating immortals.

   It must be ordinary people who are miserable, and the monks with background will soon use the brand-new technology of cultivating immortals to form a brand-new form.

  That’s right, this group of cultivators have ascended mechanically.

   What's more nonsense is that they are not purely mechanical ascension, because the monks themselves are a more idealistic type, and they are also mixed with psionic ascension.

  Most of the monks transformed themselves into Terminator, refining special materials into magic weapons, combined with modern technology to form a brand new way of cultivating immortals.

   What's more, it complements their originally frail bodies. If this is placed in those fantasy and fairy worlds, it is estimated that they can become top bosses.

   Fighting skills? They run the program directly, and the strong logic computer cooperates with the strong perception ability and magic weapon affinity, which is called invincible power.

   There is no shortage of mana. The central energy dantian plus high-energy furnace equipment has high capacity, pure energy, and quick recovery. Tianjiao is not so strong.

   In this way, Gu Shanhai is a little bit crazy, how can the Xuanwei Sect be destroyed?

   As a result, after inquiring, well, Xuanwei's family is very cold, and they have all shrunk, because most of the monks here are monks from the imperial court.

  The monks of the Zongmen did not have time to keep up with the times. Although they were already reforming towards the new sect, it was because there were too many disputes among the upper echelons.

  It's normal for the new law to be controversial, but there won't be too many obstacles, but this time it's a knife on the body, and even makes special materials and magic weapons part of itself, which seems a bit too scary.

   On the contrary, the imperial court did not have this problem, and vigorously promoted the new law in the early days, forming an extremely favorable situation.

With just such a small hesitation, the power of the sect was suppressed. Now most of the sects have been forcibly broken up by the court and incorporated into the establishment. At the beginning, these sects said that I would not eat your court's food if I starved to death. It means it's delicious.

   There are also a small number of sects that uphold my pride, such as the Xuanwei Sect. Their sect has a long history, and they feel that they can expand again to become the number one in the world. They would rather die than surrender, and then they are naturally suppressed.

  No matter how big the Xuanwei Gate is, it cannot compare to the imperial court. Even if it was once number one in the world, it was only once.

   Therefore, with the expansion of the imperial court, resources are naturally squeezed, so they will be poor and almost have nothing to eat, and their arms cannot hold their thighs.

  The disciples of the disciples have no resources, and they can't even support themselves. When they go out to ask for a living, there is no basic guarantee, and everyone can't help it even if they want to be loyal.

  After receiving these news, Gu Shanhai was also a little bit dumbfounded. He was so dignified, but now he has fallen to the point where he can't even eat enough.

  Cultivators in this world have no way to eat food, unless they transform into new monks, through their own mechanical equipment formed by various immortal cultivation technologies, they can achieve no need to eat, and only need to be supplemented by converting kinetic energy, potential energy, etc. into energy.

  Of course, in addition to this new school of mechanical ascension monks, there are also a lot of technologies that have exploded, such as high-frequency vibration cutting knives, Gengjin exoskeleton robes, bee colony armor robots, and other various cultivation technology strategies.

  From the current point of view, the killing and robbery should be coming to an end. The reason why it is still there is because the harsh environment formed by the previous war has not subsided. After the environmental problems are resolved, the killing and robbery will probably dissipate.

  If the problem cannot be solved and the delay continues, it may continue to develop and cause problems.

The number of ordinary people died too much, and the monks were also a little weak. If they want to continue to develop, they must rest and recuperate, and the premise of rest and recuperation is a good environment. In such a harsh ecology, survival is a problem, let alone redevelopment. .

  However, in Gu Shanhai's view, these things are not too big of a problem. With the level of cultivation technology gushing out today, purifying environmental pollution is a relatively simple task.

  The real problem lies in these gradually shrinking sects. Although these sects have been under the jurisdiction of the court on the surface, if they really want to be the same, there will be no major sects ignoring the court's law and competing for the position of the mountain god.

   When these disciples of the Zongmen established themselves in the imperial court, and the Zongmen contacted again, they might be in trouble again.

  For the Zongmen, these disciples and elders still have feelings, because most of these people were born and raised here since they were young.

  So the best way is to take advantage of this opportunity to get rid of all the sects and disperse all the disciples of the sects. By the time of the next generation, the sects will disappear into nothingness.

Fortunately, these matters have nothing to do with Gu Shanhai's business. What the court wants to do is the court's business. Gu Shanhai has only enemies here and no friends. Even if the world explodes, he can sit on a small bench with popcorn I gloated and came to the last sentence, which is another bright spot.

   Besides, there are capable people in this world, so there is no need for him to remind such things. The suppression and recruitment of sects is probably the means.

"What the hell?"

  The road to Xuanwei Gate was relatively peaceful, and he didn’t encounter any danger. Even though Xuanwei Gate was far away from him, it would take several days for Xiao Baifei to rely on him.

   Therefore, it is inevitable to encounter some strange things on the road.

   Just like now, Gu Shanhai saw a huge bird dormant in the clouds, constantly absorbing water vapor to support itself.

   "It looks a little familiar." Gu Shanhai glanced at it from a distance, his gaze pierced through the clouds, and he saw a monster similar to a big bird.

  Its shape is like an owl with a human face, a pheasant body and a dog tail.

   "Human-faced owl, why is there such a thing?"

  Gu Shanhai is a little curious, he knows that there are magical existences in this world, such as mountain ghosts, and now they have met a human-faced owl in the sky, which is also good luck.

   This thing is said to be able to bring about severe drought. Human-faced owls in this world seem to be quite scientific. As long as the water vapor in the clouds is completely absorbed, there will be no rain. Severe drought is normal.

  It should not be the same species as the one in Shan Hai Jing.

   "The radiation concentration is so high, so this thing can't be some kind of spiritual beast that has suffered radiation mutation," Gu Shanhai complained.

  The human-faced owl in this world sounds very tall, but it is actually an owl. The reason why it is called a human-faced owl is because its face is shaped like a human face, not a real human face.

   "The big Cuckoo chicken has mutated into this appearance, it's really a bit. Damn it!" Before Gu Shanhai finished speaking, he saw a human-faced owl coming towards him, and the claws were not small.

   Obviously, they are planning to have Gu Shanhai for dinner.

As for why it is not Xiaobai, it is also very simple, because Xiaobai is too big, and the owl preys on rodents. Even if the enlarged human-faced owl does not prey on rodents, it will not prey on creatures that are much larger than it. .

  Gu Shanhai's body shape is very suitable for the human-faced owl's diet, a large mouse.

  Xiaobai's reaction was still very fast, and he rushed over directly, and the huge group of antlers directly hit the sharp claws of the human-faced owl.


  The human-faced owl that was preying was immediately sent flying, obviously a bit strong on the outside but weak on the inside.

   It's a waste of such a big physique.

  After being pushed into the air, the human-faced owl fled in a panic. It wanted to leave, but Gu Shanhai would not let it leave at this time.

  You can choose to start a war, but it is up to Gu Shanhai to decide when to end the war.

  The green dragon sticks out its head and breathes out its breath.

   This is exactly the Mana Halo Beam version.

  The dragon's breath directly hit the human-faced owl, and a large number of negative states erupted in the body in an instant, from burning to freezing to curses, poisonous, etc., and fell from the sky as soon as it entered the soul.

   "Overestimating this product, it really is a mutated owl." Gu Shanhai complained.

  He thought he really met a human-faced owl.

  Xiaobai rushed over, Gu Shanhai stretched out his hand and grabbed the falling owl directly.

   "This thing is really puffy. It's so big. In the end, except for the real height, the rest is full of fluffy feathers." Gu Shanhai grabbed the mutated owl's claws and examined it carefully.

  Although this thing is not a real human-faced owl, it is really not light. It weighs at least seven tons, which is about the same as an adult African elephant.

   "Damn it, how did this thing fly?" Gu Shanhai didn't quite understand, but one thing is certain, that is, he picked up the treasure.

   "Strange, how did I pick up this thing?" Gu Shanhai was a little speechless.

  He suspected that it was due to Biluo in his previous life or his reincarnation status as a mountain ghost, otherwise it would be impossible for him to come across this good thing for no reason.

   "Wait, it's a good thing for me, but if I change my mind, will it be a murder?"

  Bi Luo’s previous life’s ability on Gu Shanhai’s body combined with his identity formed from the pages of history books, he is completely an aborigine who has been fitted into this world, not a black family, so it is normal to encounter Sha Jie.

   It’s also very simple who owns the killing. If Gu Shanhai dies, it’s his. If the mutated owl dies, it’s his killing.

   "Okay, let's have something to give, no matter what, I earned it." Gu Shanhai put away the mutated owl with a smile.

  The matter of cause and effect is that there are too many debts, and the worst is to use the previous life Biluo to forcibly cut him off and then he will run away.

  If he meets those big players with great karma in his previous life, he will still be afraid, but the karma system of a world is rigid rules to put it bluntly, he is worried, but he has not yet reached the point of despair.

   Not to mention that Gu Shanhai is a player of Tianjiliu. Although he was disturbed by Tianji disorder because of his lack of strength, many problems are not problems in his eyes if he really wants to die.

   "It can be regarded as something to relieve boredom on the road." Gu Shanhai took out a level 1 anesthesia pill and stuffed it directly into the mutant owl's mouth.

  This anesthesia pill is an upgraded version of the Mama pill, which can make people fall into a deep coma, and there is no need to worry about damaging the human body like the Mama pill.

  Before Fan Shi didn’t use anesthesia pills because the other party didn’t have much value, and Gu Shanhai couldn’t bear it. Now this mutated owl has enough qualifications.

  He just wanted to know how this owl could fly. With this weight and size, it is simply unscientific to be able to fly, and what Gu Shanhai was looking for was this unscientific place.

   "Next, the first round of autopsy will be carried out first, and the hair will have to be shaved off." Gu Shanhai expanded the legal area and formed a sterile laboratory.

  The portable laboratory has been eliminated, and now it has become Gu Shanhai's portable storage room.

  The reason is naturally that the various equipment is not as good as his hands, and the lack of precision must be eliminated.

With all kinds of spiritual plants, Gu Shanhai no longer needs these devices. These spiritual plants are really hard work for those who are capable. Not only can they grow repeatedly like leeks, they are used as medicine by him, and they are also used as auxiliary equipment for experiments. It is really used as a fuel and a car, and the capitalists will cry when they see it.

   "The feathers are very common, and their main function is to keep warm." Gu Shanhai did not study the mutant owl itself for the first time, but first focused on the feathers.

   It was found that there were no other characteristics except that the radiation dose exceeded the standard.

   As far as the current world situation is concerned, there is no such thing as radiation that does not exceed the standard.

   "Various degrees of alienation have appeared in the internal organs. The preliminary judgment is negative. It seems to be a lesion caused by radiation." Gu Shanhai then cut open the mutated owl's chest cavity.

   With in-depth understanding, Gu Shanhai also gradually discovered that it is not that the mutated owl is willing to stay in the sky, but because of the lesions caused by its own radiation, it needs a sufficient amount of water vapor.

   It is not acceptable to drink directly into the river water, because taking too much water will make it unable to bear and lead to water intoxication.

   It probably needs to drink water and not drink too much. It is not a coincidence that it went to the sky and found the cloud layer. The water vapor content of the cloud layer and the way of intake are just in line with its way of life.

   "Gah, so you have to speed up the progress, or you'll die later." Gu Shanhai was speechless as he watched the mutated owl whose life characteristics gradually declined.

   "It's no wonder that the monks have formed a new school and a new law. It's not that they have a big brain, but that they will die if they don't adapt to the times."

  Radiation, mutation, these are never good words. Some people may gain power through this, but it is estimated that such a person will not be one in 10,000. Most people are more likely to die from various diseases.

Just like this mutated big owl, the radiation mutation gave it a size and strength that it never had. Correspondingly, this is not a good thing. Judging from Gu Shanhai's anatomy, it has been suffering from illnesses and can only rely on the clouds Water vapor can relieve your own pain.

  So that it cannot leave the clouds for a long time, so it is very difficult to prey, and it is often full and hungry, otherwise it is impossible to do it when it sees Gu Shanhai.

  (end of this chapter)

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