I Am a Normal Player!

Chapter 186: Conscious robbery, invisible shackles

  Chapter 186 Knowing robbery, invisible shackles

  The thing about development stagnation was skipped by Gu Shanhai, he didn't want to dig out some horrible things now.

  From Yun Yu's mouth, he deduced that the entire Black World had stagnated and developed for an unknown number of years, as if it was locked by a certain existence.

  This lock is suspected to be related to the closure of the ascension channel back then. Yes, it is impossible to ascend now.

  The specific reason is unknown for the time being, anyway, Yun Yu doesn't know, maybe he knows, but it's not suitable to tell Gu Shanhai, so Gu Shanhai skipped this matter after making sidelines.

   "The people and things you want have arrived, what are you going to do next?" Yun Yu looked at Gu Shanhai and asked.

  Gu Shanhai asked Yun Yu for ten people, one of the Zifu stage and nine of the Lingyuan stage, and one of the Lingyuan stage was suffering from the internal demon.

  He really wanted the Qi Refining Stage, but the Qi Refining Stage was invincible.

   "Now this senior, he is in a stalemate with the inner robbery demon, and it seems that the decline has begun. Unsurprisingly, there is a 70% chance of losing."

   "So, we need to help him, for example, let the heart demon become the purple mansion stage, so how can this heart demon threaten this senior."

   "For another example, let eight seniors of the Lingyuan stage join the battlefield, and nine seniors of the Lingyuan stage surround and beat up a heart demon of the Purple Mansion stage, then the chances of winning are not much to say."

  The ten people heard what Gu Shanhai said, but they didn't refute or question Gu Shanhai's gas refining period. For them, success is a good thing, and it doesn't change if they don't succeed. Why bother to deliberately choke people.

   "And now, what I want to do is to create a magic weapon, a magic weapon that can successfully realize these things." Gu Shanhai picked up the materials, and began to knock on them in a serious manner.

In the main hall, everyone stared at Gu Shanhai not only with both hands, but also with the jade belt made of yin and yang. Anyway, they couldn't understand what Gu Shanhai was doing, and it was mainly made by Gu Shanhai. During the process, there was no mana fluctuation at all.

   And this also has a magic weapon different from their cognition.

   It is not only the development that has stagnated along with the Black World, but also the cognition of the immortals. Otherwise, how could it have remained in this kind of productivity and social structure for such a long time.

  Not to mention other things, Yun Yu's brain is definitely much stronger than Gu Shanhai's in terms of evolution. Looking at it now, it seems that it only increases the numerical value but not the logic, calculation and other abilities.

  It’s like telekinetic power. It is obvious that it can interfere at the level of molecules and atoms, but it uses telekinetic power to hit people, which seems a bit wrong.

This is the case with the immortal cultivators in this world. Their strength has increased accordingly, but the method is to fly bricks with great force. Gu Shanhai does not deny that this behavior is very cool. After all, he is also following this path. The problem is that the development of the entire world is not right. .

  As time passed, it took nearly three days, and Gu Shanhai finally knocked out the machine.

   "Seniors, you have been waiting for a long time." After Gu Shanhai finished debugging, he wiped the sweat from his forehead, and everyone just watched him here for three days.

  Three days are actually just a blink of an eye for the cultivators, even in the Lingyuan period when they are in a stalemate with the demons.

   Immortal cultivators have become immortal species, and for them, the time span is naturally stretched.

  The Qi Refining Stage increases lifespan by a hundred years, the Foundation Establishment Stage gains another three hundred years, and the Zifu Stage has a thousand-year lifespan.

"Come on, this senior of the Zifu period, you come in and sit here, and then you may meet the phantom of the demon, but don't worry, this is just an illusion of the other party." Gu Shanhai said to the Zifu period. The cultivator said.

  The other party nodded without asking any questions, and sat directly in the equipment cabin on the left.

   Then Gu Shanhai arranged for the immortal cultivator of the Lingyuan stage, who was haunted by the inner demon, to enter the equipment cabin in the middle, and asked him to remember the aura of the nine disciples, and not to intercept them.

  After the processing, the remaining eight immortal cultivators of the Lingyuan stage were arranged to go to the right equipment shelter, and they were asked not to resist the pull of the machinery and equipment.

  Personnel are in place and equipment is started.

  Yun Yu, Ji Cheng, and even the Supreme Elder were shocked, and then looked at Gu Shanhai's behavior.

"The principle of the process is probably weakening, strengthening and besieging, weakening the demons, strengthening oneself, and then encircling and beating with many disciples. I think you should be able to see the fighting situation in the body of this senior who is haunted by demons." Gu Shanhai said while explaining.

   "I see, there is indeed a problem with the inner demon, and he was misled into Zi Fuqi. Even without the help of eight disciples, Xi Li can kill the inner demon by himself."

  With the endorsement of the head, it means that the equipment is a success.

  At least, there is no need to worry about the inner calamity of the inner demon in the Lingyuan period.

   "It's just that besides the inner demon, can other internal robberies be used together? Can it be used if it is above the spirit element?" Yun Yu asked again.

"I don't know, I haven't tried it, and you know the master, I just entered the Qi refining period three days ago." Gu Shanhai complained, which has already touched his blind spot of knowledge, after all, his real strength is only Lingyuan Left, right, up he doesn't know.

  Yun Yu was stunned for a moment, and then laughed loudly: "It's my fault, your talent is too heaven-defying, I even regard you as the Supreme Elder of the Dao Peeping Stage."

   Soon, the disciples in the mechanical equipment compartment all came out, each with incredible expressions on their faces, and then hurriedly asked the head master about this matter.

  The head didn't answer, but waved his hand to indicate that you should go back and find out by yourself, and let these people go down.

   "Wu De, you have done a good job. From now on, you are a true disciple of Chengyun Sect, but your cultivation may need to be delayed. You need to perfect this internal tribulation magic weapon as soon as possible."

   "Just say what you want, whether it's mobilizing the Supreme Elder or the elders of various peaks, there is no problem."

  As the head of the sect, Yun Yu could see the importance of Gu Shanhai's invention at a glance. Even if it is perfected enough to have an effect on immortal cultivators at the **** phase, it can become a strategic magic weapon.

   "But the head, you already know the principle, and you must have memorized the process. Let many seniors deduce it, wouldn't it be much faster than me." Gu Shanhai asked tentatively.

"No, I've tried it. If it's no problem to restore the magic weapon you made, it's only limited to drawing a cat and drawing a tiger. It seems that I was blocked by something. I can't try to deduce it further." Yun Yu looked a little gloomy, and he I also found something wrong with myself.

Not only myself, but even the elder Taishang and others who are hiding in the dark have discovered that they have this situation. The stronger the strength, the greater the restrictions. , which is no problem again, as soon as new things are involved, this happens.

   Gu Shanhai felt a little bit of shit, this is the development of the entire civilization being locked up. It was just a guess before, but now it is directly confirmed.

In terms of the machinery and equipment he built, it stands to reason that in the eyes of Yun Yu and others, the difficulty is basically the same as one plus one, and they have indeed learned it, but they only learned and used it, and cannot further improve on this basis and evolution.

   "Master, do you think this could be a kind of doom?" Gu Shanhai said abruptly.

  As long as you enter the Tao, the calamity will begin, and it will not be so easy to break through.

  But Gu Shanhai is different, he was not locked up, so he had the demon tribulation.

  As for the reason, it is likely to be caused by his true spirit.

  When Gu Shanhai said these words, Yun Yu's expression was a little dazed, but she restrained herself in an instant.

"You don't want to spread this matter, let's solve it." Yun Yu actually understands that even if it is rumored, it's nothing, as long as there is no such thing as Gu Shanhai who directly impacts them, based on their own cognition, they will not found these problems.

   "Yes, head." Gu Shanhai responded.

   "Since you have guessed something, then this magic weapon is only for you to come. If it succeeds, you will change the pattern of the entire Black World. Go down." Yun Yu followed up and said.

  Of course, he didn't completely pin his hopes on Gu Shanhai. In fact, he was going to test whether the other disciples in the qi refining period were the same, and to ensure safety, they even planned to find some reincarnated Taoists to follow the test.

   It would be best if Gu Shanhai is not the only case, otherwise, you have to look into Gu Shanhai's past life.

"External tribulation, internal tribulation, now there is another consciousness tribulation, this world and we are always at odds." Yun Yu sighed, as the group of people standing at the top of the Xuanji world, Naturally, they are aware of their harm to the world.

   It's just that it's impossible to stop now, everything can only move forward, otherwise it will be crushed to death by the times.

  After Gu Shanhai left, he was quickly assigned to the residence of the true disciples. This residence was bigger than the Five Elements Sect, and there were many puppets dedicated to him.

   Originally, he planned to hold a ceremony for his true introduction, but due to Gu Shanhai's special status, he pushed it away first, and it will be fine to do it after Gu Shanhai's Lingyuan period.

  Besides, the lowest strength of true disciples must be at the Lingyuan stage. It is not uncommon for Gu Shanhai to become a true disciple at the Qi refining stage, but the number is extremely rare.

There is no need to worry about being jealous or challenged by others. The position of a true disciple is not based on force or reputation. Generally speaking, only disciples who are top-notch in terms of aptitude, character, contribution, etc. can be selected. Everyone in the Chengyun Sect has extraordinary strength.

   Gu Shanhai’s kind of person seems to have come in with great contributions, and the kind that can benefit the whole clan. If anyone really wants to talk nonsense, there is a high probability that he will be beaten instead of complacent.

After making arrangements for Gu Shanhai, Ji Cheng also left in a hurry, but he also took on the responsibility of Grand Master. After recording the situation of Cheng Yunzong and Gu Shanhai, his true disciple, he let Gu Shanhai take a look at it. What's the problem? You can also send a message to the puppet to find him.

  He didn't need to think about what he was going to do when he left, it was nothing more than trying to see if he could perform the deduction.

   "Tsk, the gold content of this true disciple is a bit high." Gu Shanhai didn't expect that he would become a reserve cadre directly.

  If there is no problem, the disciples of the true biography are the reserves of these elders, masters of various halls, and elders of various veins. Once their strength reaches the upper three realms, they will be selected to serve in one place and have corresponding real power.

  The head of the sect is quite special. It is not the best at fighting, but the best at management, diplomacy, etc., which belongs to face. Of course, there is also a minimum level requirement, that is, the period of peeping.

  And these grand elders, masters of various halls, and elders of various veins are the lizi. If someone dares to show Cheng Yunzong's face, then he will be shown what a big mouth is.

  Generally speaking, as long as they don't die young, the true disciples will become one of the giants of Chengyun Sect in the future.

   "It seems that this machine really has to continue to be perfected." Gu Shanhai narrowed his eyes, which is actually good for him, especially in the use of demons.

  He could see that there was no way to effectively use the demons in the entire Black World, which made him very heartbroken, such a big blank, just let him make up for it.

   In this way, leading the entire project, he can conduct research on other people's inner demons and even internal robbery, which is very beneficial to his transformation of inner demons.

   "In this way, there are a bit too many projects."

   "In addition to the "Qingdi Changsheng Jing" and the perfection of the legal domain, there are also the transformation of the inner demon, the CP of yin and yang and Qinglong, etc."

   "I have to collect spiritual plants. This is a private matter. If you want to pass the Chengyun sect, you have to make contributions."

  Gu Shanhai naturally couldn't collect it himself, it would be a shame to have such a big force not to use it by himself.

   Don’t worry about making contributions. He currently has a thousand points on him, and he will use them for now. If he continues to improve the equipment for dealing with demons, his contributions will continue to increase.

  The emperor did not send hungry soldiers, and Yun Yu, the head of the Chengyun Sect, was not stingy either. One thousand points was only the initial stage, and the expenditure on research equipment was directly on the account of the Chengyun Sect.

  Chengyunzong has a complete contribution point system to replace the currency system, and Yunyu is not good to mess around, otherwise, once there is currency inflation, depreciation, etc., it will directly affect the operation of the entire Chengyunzong.

  Contribution points are actually relatively seldom used, and most of them are used by disciples for personal use.

  Normal cultivation is actually supported by Chengyun Sect. Each disciple has corresponding training resources every month, not to mention that the breakthrough materials that consume the most are directly provided by Chengyun Sect.

   Zongmen disciples have the treatment of Zongmen disciples, how could they be as poor as casual cultivators.

"The problem is that I don't need these things. They are all the resources of Lingyuan stage cultivation, and I don't know if they can be replaced." Gu Shanhai looked at the resource list in the true disciples. He is still at the lowest level. renew.

Although he has the real strength of the Lingyuan stage, the actual situation is that he is only in the Qi refining stage, so these resources must not be used. If he really wants to use them, he can bear it, but the Qi in his body can't bear it, and will be punished. Exploding.

  How much appetite can eat as much rice, as far as his small physique with the aura between his eyebrows is concerned, it's okay to go up one level, which directly crosses three big realms, no matter how high Gu Shanhai exceeds the specification.

  (end of this chapter)

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