I Am a Normal Player!

Chapter 189: Ways to Avoid Disasters Seventy-two Changes

  Chapter 189 The method of avoiding disaster · Seventy-two changes

   "Yawn~ How do you feel?" Gu Shanhai asked curiously while holding the book.

   "It's a strange feeling, your method of avoiding disasters has really worked." I saw a huge eagle speaking, perched on a branch beside it.

"It's only half done. My seventy-two changes can only be used in the three realms of Lingyuan, Tianjing, and Cave Soul, and one change can only deal with one calamity. If the seventy-two changes are used up, I can't break through." I'm afraid I can only bear it with my face, and when the number in my seventy-two changes becomes an imaginary number, it will be the real way to avoid disaster." Gu Shanhai said.

   It is now the third year that Gu Shanhai has been here. These three years have been very peaceful, learning, improving, becoming stronger, and repeating the cycle of reincarnation.

   During this period, I also harvested a lot of spiritual plants, and didn't use many contribution points. Most of them were given by the elders of the same school, the masters of various halls, and others.

The reason is of course the seventy-two changes in disaster avoidance methods gradually developed by Gu Shanhai. Although it is useless for the upper three realms of the sect, it guarantees the survival rate and growth rate of the middle three realms. More importantly, this method It can also change, turning people into birds and beasts, flowers and trees, etc. It can be called a big breakthrough in the entire Black World.

  There is no such method of transformation in the Xuanji Realm, but there are similar supernatural powers, but there is only one kind of transformation, and it cannot avoid disasters.

  The seventy-two changes developed by Gu Shanhai are not only very useful in daily fighting, escape, etc., but avoiding disasters is the key. It is equivalent to giving seventy-two lives to immortal cultivators in the middle and third realms.

  "Nephew Shanhai, you really know how to joke, not to mention how many people may not be able to experience seventy-two disasters in their lifetime." As soon as the words fell, the eagle turned into a human form and became a middle-aged man.

   "I said, are the two of us inferior?" Gu Shanhai complained.

   This middle-aged man is Yan Du, a true disciple of the Cave Soul Stage. As long as he breaks through the divine appearance, he can break away from his identity as a disciple. According to his identity, Gu Shanhai must at least be a nephew with several Zeng characters.

"You don't think it's troublesome, I don't think it's troublesome, what are you doing so carefully." Yan Du didn't like it at all: "But then again, Master Shanhai's nephew would develop seventy-two changes before stopping Come down, is there any point?"

   "It's nothing, it's just obsessive-compulsive disorder." Gu Shanhai can't say that he copied it from "Journey to the West".

   "Any big news lately?"

  At this time, Gu Shanhai must change the subject, it is impossible to really stay on this topic.

"Really, recently we are preparing for the Shenzong Fa Conference, which will be jointly organized by Chengyunzong, Juxiazong, and Yuhuazong. We will invite the sects of the world to participate in the competition. The winner will receive a generous reward. The first reward you want Is it? I'll go to the venue and get you some." Yan Du said with a hint of sarcasm in his tone.

"Not to mention that there is only one reward for the first place, let's just say when is the nearest one." Gu Shanhai was really powerless to complain, he was desperately trying to get the first place, but you are lucky, get it before the event starts Isn't it a bit too bullying to give away a copy?

   "Recently, it should be a year or two." Yan Du roughly estimated the time.

Thanks to Gu Shanhai who asked about the time, for immortal cultivators like them whose lifespan is ridiculously long, the meaning of these two words may be traced back to the one hundred years ago. For them, one or two years , really only recently.

"It's okay, you work hard and strive to reach the middle stage of Qi refining before the start of the Fa conference. If you want to go up and play, we will arrange a 'coincidence' for you, so that you can directly win the first place in the Qi refining stage." Yan Du said to He said indifferently, the other sects will still give this face, if not, the Supreme Elder will come to ask them to give it.

   As far as Gu Shanhai's current status in Chengyun Sect is concerned, it probably belongs to the kind where someone kills the Shangyun Sect, and the biggest combat power in the sect has to come to protect him instead of killing the enemy.

   "It's not good to say this kind of thing openly, so don't hide it a little bit." Gu Shanhai thought about this behavior, he should be a proper villain, don't be killed tomorrow.

   "If there's anything bad, it's all on our own." Yan Du said solemnly.

   "No, I'd better stay in the sect to be safer. I don't want to be robbed by someone." Gu Shanhai is still very self-aware. With his current status, there are many people outside who are watching him.

Not to mention the perfection of the seventy-two changes, which is a method of avoiding disasters, Gu Shanhai does not have knowledge of robbery and has an identity that can provide strategic-level methods for the sect, which can make Juxia Zong and Yuhua Zong jealous .

  When Yan Du heard this, he naturally didn't persuade him anymore. It's best not to go.

"By the way, where is the venue? Can I watch it from a distance?" Gu Shanhai thought, anyway, he still has time, so he asked casually, maybe he could see the protagonist killing all directions, leapfrogging and even winning in this puja. First.

  He actually doesn’t know much about the protagonist of this world, he just knows that there is such a person, but he doesn’t know who, where, or what he looks like.

  The main reason is that krypton life is too expensive, and the two parties have no corresponding intersection, so naturally they are too lazy to find each other.

  With his current power, it is far better than following the protagonist. After all, the protagonist is unlikely to give him what he wants. What Gu Shanhai wants now is just a matter of one sentence.

   "I'm not sure, I haven't inquired carefully, I'll give you an answer tomorrow." Since Yan Du was not involved in this matter, he just heard the news.

   "The tomorrow you said is better tomorrow than next year." Gu Shanhai complained again, but when it comes to time units, one has to be cautious.

"Yes yes yes, it's tomorrow." Yan Du felt a little helpless, this nephew is good at everything, but he likes to be truthful and say things that he doesn't understand, but with his status, he has privileges, so he just played with him, Who doesn't like a junior who gave you seventy-two lives?

"By the way, my master didn't know where to find a posthumous girl. I had a young junior sister out of thin air, and I was living in the world as a maidservant for a down-and-out son. Later, the son worshiped a little sect The door is not the one of our three branches."

   "I don't know what ecstasy soup that young master gave my little junior sister. She refused to come back and wanted to suffer hardships with that young master. In the end, my master forcibly brought her back. See how this was done."

   "Why don't you let this little junior sister follow you as senior nephew? How can you say that you are also an elder teaching the Dharma?"

  Listening to these words, Gu Shanhai felt an inexplicable sense of déjà vu.

"I'm almost thirty, and I have to take your sister with me when I reach middle age, so you can't be thrown into that group of disciples of the same age." Gu Shanhai felt that this was outrageous, and if he really wanted the other party to follow him, he might not know how to cheat myself.

   "Hey, don't you want to get involved." Yan Du was also a little embarrassed. In his eyes, Gu Shanhai was actually young, only thirty, which was enough for him to nod.

   "." Gu Shanhai had black lines all over his head. This was not pulling him into a relationship, but pulling him into a fire pit.

  Based on this sense of sight, who would you say is not the protagonist of the waste material flow?

   "By the way, is your little junior sister good-looking, and before leaving, the young master looked humiliated, and said that he would go to the Yunzong to pick him up in person?" Gu Shanhai asked rhetorically.

   "Hey, how do you know? Could it be that you have asked about it?" Yan Du was a little strange.

   "Does the sect that Young Master belongs to still have to participate in the Shenzong Law Conference, the kind that Young Master will also participate in?"

"It seems that there is, but how can his small sect give enough support? In two years, at most, it will only be in the middle stage of Qi refining. What can he achieve?" Yan Du didn't care about this, and he was not a disciple of his own sect. Regardless of whether he is dead or alive, he is nothing more than a small person, I really think that the immortal cultivators in the cave soul stage of Yan Dutang treat all Qi refining stages with the same attitude as they treat Gu Shanhai.

  'Okay, when the other party comes to participate, at least the foundation building stage, or even the purple mansion stage is possible! ’ Gu Shanhai thought to himself, could this guy be the protagonist?

  ‘I don’t know if Cheng Yunzong can withstand it, what if it can’t. '

  Gu Shanhai didn't know what to say for a while.

  ‘Look again, if it is really the protagonist and if there is really a grudge, then find a way to send him to Ascension. '

At present, Gu Shanhai's strength is definitely not enough to forcefully kill the protagonist, and the ability of Tianji is not enough to affect the other party, so the best way is of course to send him to ascend to leave this world, let him go to the fairy world, the holy world, and the matryoshka doll. .

  The only problem is how to protect himself while he grows to ascension.

   "Why? Nephew Shanhai is interested in that young master?" Yan Du looked at Gu Shanhai's appearance and asked with some doubts.

"I'm not interested, but I'm just going to make a small suggestion. Since the two are in love with each other, why bother to separate them, let the young master leave the sect, and then arrange for the two of them to go to our small sect to live their happy life It’s fine if you don’t.”

   "So as not to cause unnecessary trouble for some trivial matters."

  Gu Shanhai tried to see if he could turn the protagonist, who was suspected of struggling, into an ordinary cultivator with no ambitions.

   "Hey, I have persuaded Master, but I don't know what he thinks, oh~"

   "But if you, the elder who preached the law, spoke up, I must think about it."

  Yan Du was also helpless. He didn't like the little junior sister who cried, made trouble, and hanged herself. She had good aptitude, but her mind was all on that young master, so it wouldn't give him a headache to be self-reliant.

   "Isn't it not good that you, a man of the cave soul stage, pull the banner of my Qi refining stage?" Gu Shanhai couldn't laugh or cry.

   "Well, it's clear that I, the true disciple, borrowed the face of you, the elder of the Dharma." Yan Du directly teased in one direction.

  When Gu Shanhai developed the first of the seventy-two transformations, he became the elder of the Dharma transmission, so in terms of position, he is indeed higher than Yandu.

   It's just like the true disciples, there is no corresponding ceremony. Gu Shanhai has no objection to this, it's better to keep a low profile.

   "But thinking about it carefully, I think there might be something wrong with that son, and it gave me the illusion of being dishonest." Yan Du frowned and said.

   "Irregularity? Why is it so indecorous?" Gu Shanhai asked curiously.

   "It's as if you are facing you, the kind of unscrupulous and out of tune, out of tune with the surrounding environment." Yan Du said based on his own feelings.

   "If you want to scold me, just scold me directly, why beat around the bush." ​​Gu Shanhai was a little speechless, he was not serious and out of tune.

"No, no, no, I'm talking about temperament, that kind of sloppy feeling, as if there is no sense of awe for the whole world. If you use it to describe it, it's a different kind." Yan Du explained, and he really didn't beat around the bush. Gu Shanhai.

  He didn't dare to scold like that, even though he was the only one beside Gu Shanhai now, but in fact there were many elders and elders hiding around to protect Gu Shanhai.

  If you scold Gu Shanhai now, you will definitely be beaten when you leave later.

   Gu Shanhai listened to this description, why does he look like a time traveler?

   And it’s the kind that came from the modern world to this world.

   It's normal to be out of place. If Gu Shanhai doesn't pretend, his temperament and behavior will look weird and conspicuous. It's just that in Chengyunzong, the big guys are used to it, and it belongs to the environment to adapt to him, not him to adapt to the environment.

   "Interesting, but it's so big and strange, you really have to pay attention, in case the other party doesn't have consciousness like me." Gu Shanhai said in a different way.

At this time, Gu Shanhai seemed to understand why the protagonist is a human being, because the other party is a time traveler, and it is likely that this world borrowed it from other worlds, and belonged to the world's own people rather than the camp of immortal cultivators Humanity.

  Maybe the other party has some systems on him, which is a bit troublesome.

  Gu Shanhai remembers that the check-in flow seems to be popular during this period of time. If he is given a system that makes him stronger when he checks in, wouldn't he be invincible at the beginning of the game?

  Yan Du also came to his senses, and then said: "Strange, then why didn't I think of it before."

  ‘Nonsense, if you think about it, how will the protagonist develop. ’ Gu Shanhai complained in his heart.

   "I'll arrange someone to go there immediately, promise"

   "No, you are not idle, you can go there by yourself, no one else is needed." Gu Shanhai interrupted the other party.

  As far as he arranges, he must arrange a foundation-building past, and then he will be counter-killed and then send someone to counter-kill the cycle.

   "It's fine to let the disciples of the Foundation Establishment Stage go over this kind of thing, I don't need to go there myself." Yan Du was a little weird.

   It was really predicted by Gu Shanhai, so he could only say: "Anyway, you are idle, so you have the nerve to waste other disciples' time for your personal affairs?"

   "Okay, this matter between me and my master"

   "You don't need to explain to your master, you can go by yourself. It's better to keep it from your master and your little junior sister, so as not to cause trouble." Gu Shanhai used the interrupt skill again.

   There is no need to bother to report. Of course, Gu Shanhai knows how many people are around him, and all of them have real power. This matter has already been reported to the head, so there is no need to worry about these procedures or other troubles.

  (end of this chapter)

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