I Am a Normal Player!

Chapter 198: A whole body counts as silver taels, disasters and catastrophes on the field become ba

  Chapter 198 All energy counts as silver taels, disasters on the field become bargaining chips

  Shen Heng made great strides all the way in the Shenzong Dharma Assembly. During the period, he naturally pretended to be aggressive and slapped his face, which made the disciples of the three sects feel ashamed. Such a strong strength naturally attracted the attention of all sects.

If it were placed in the three sects, this kind of genius must be carefully cultivated, but in Luo Yuanzong, the elder who led the team looked ugly, but what he was thinking about was how to suppress Shen Heng, and even kill him on the way back, so as not to hurt them. To pose a threat, not only does not seem like a disciple of this sect, but it is a bit like an enemy.

   This scene fell in the eyes of the senior officials of the three sects, and they couldn't help but smile, and didn't have too many thoughts.

  There is a dark horse appearing, it is a good thing to attack, lest these disciples grow up and underestimate the people of the world.

  As long as you don’t kill them, it doesn’t matter even if you are seriously injured or near death. The three sects have great achievements, and they can be saved even if they are abolished. Instead, they can use this as an incentive to let these disciples understand what is dangerous in the world.

   "Under normal circumstances, how long will this Shenzong law last?" Gu Shanhai asked.

   This has been held for almost a month, and it is almost coming to an end. Looking at the back, Gu Shanhai actually feels a little bored.

   It's all fighting and killing, what can be interesting.

If you go to watch it live, it’s better, you can enjoy the atmosphere together, he is watching remotely, so he doesn’t have so much empathy, so after watching it for three days, he feels boring, and he has been watching it for almost a month. Perfection Thirty-six changes and seventy-two changes.

   "It's coming soon, maybe it will end today." Elder Xihuan estimated, but he watched it with gusto, and probably had nothing to do.

  The chess and card entertainment that Gu Shanhai arranged for them also played for a few days and they didn't have much interest in it.

   "I think back then, we also participated in the Shenzong Fa Conference, but unfortunately, no one won the first place in the same realm." Xi Huan said with some emotion.

   "Then what about the number one in the same territory as you back then?" Gu Shanhai asked casually.

"Dead, it seems that he died after he lived to the Tianjing period. I don't know how to die. It's the one from the Yuhua sect. Does anyone have any impression?" Xi Huan recalled, but couldn't remember. In my memory, that year is too long, so far that these unimportant memories are blurred.

"It seems that Taoist Tianxun's uncle or uncle came. He should be of this generation. I am not of the same generation as you. How can I know this." An elder Taishang recalled it, but he just remembered To make a rough idea, they have all seen the Dao now. At that time, they were also wandering around in the middle three realms.

   To them, the time unit of these two words was ten thousand years, not years.

  Everyone discussed back and forth, and they didn't remember who Xihuan was the number one when he participated in the Shenzong Dharma Assembly that year. After all, Xihuan was only in the Zifu period at that time.

Listening to the memories of this group of people, Gu Shanhai also has a black thread. If he is reborn with the relevant memories, he can talk more about Versailles than they did. What is it to talk about a Tianjiao who died in the Tianjing period? He directly talks about the birth and death of the world, Topics such as the overall situation of the ages are tall when you hear them.

Of course, the birth and death of the world is better. The overall situation of the universe is sometimes a joke. Some situations may be a brain supplement, or even the organizers have forgotten this because of too long time. When did I leave such a thing?

   "Stop chatting, the first place has been decided in every realm, and the awards are ready." Gu Shanhai looked at the screen and said hastily.

   At this moment, everyone stopped.

   "It seems that Shen Heng is the one who built the foundation. It's a pity that you didn't participate. Otherwise, we wouldn't be able to give you the whole shady scene. This is too good." Xi Huan also teased.

  In the eyes of everyone, Gu Shanhai's fighting ability is actually not very good, and his ability to run away is first-rate, especially after he has the Five Elements Escape.

  If it was the Qi refining period, there would still be a chance without Shen Heng, and they would all be pecking at each other.

   "Yes, but how can I compare him with him? Besides being able to fight, what else can the other party compare to me." Gu Shanhai expressed dissatisfaction, how can he compare him with the other party.

It's true that Shen Hengfu has a deep relationship, but Gu Shanhai is better than him, and he has everything he wants. His "Yuanshi Lingbao Taishang Sword Art" refers directly to the period of peeping the Tao and has been lost. There are also higher and stronger exercises, and Gu Shanhai is allowed to read them.

  The magic weapon is also said, and the other party is only in the foundation building stage. Gu Shanhai wants more than a lot, but he is more focused on cultivating the Qinglong, the accompanying spiritual creature. His Qinglong is stronger than the opponent's magic weapons combined.

   Not to mention cultivation and breakthroughs, the opponent is fighting desperately, Gu Shanhai doesn’t have to move, a group of peepers are rushing to deliver it, they are almost too picky, each material is still the best, why should the opponent compare with himself?

   "But he's practicing fast, it's only been a long time, it looks like he's already reached the peak of foundation building, he only needs to have the treasures of heaven and earth in place, and he can break through the purple mansion stage."

   "Look at you again, you can't be a little faster."

  The Supreme Elders teased a few more words, and they were limited to teasing, and they knew what Gu Shanhai was busy with.

   "Come on, if I can hurry up, I will be in heaven by now." Regarding these urgings, Gu Shanhai didn't take it to heart, and worked slowly and meticulously.

  The communication between you and me, the Shenzong Fahui will also come to an end after the awards are presented.

   At this time, everyone became more and more nervous. Now, it was time for Yuhuazong and Juxiazong to make trouble, otherwise things would have gone so smoothly.

   It's just that I don't know who is making trouble.

  Gu Shanhai is also waiting for the results to be announced, and by the way, let's see how Yun Yu, the head of Chengyun Sect, will deal with it.

  After the distribution of rewards was completed, when Shen Heng was about to announce the disbandment, he suddenly stood up.

At the meeting place, looking at the heads of the three sects, he cupped his hands and said: "I have heard for a long time that the elders of the Chengyun sect and the Taoists of five virtues have made thirty-six changes and seventy-two changes. , I respectfully invite you to fight tonight."

   "If the younger generation is lucky enough to win, please invite the Taoists of the Five Virtues to spread the Dharma to the world and benefit all beings!"

  As soon as these words came out, everyone present fell silent.

"Absurd, you are just a mere true disciple of the Luoyuan Sect, and you dare to provoke me, the elder of the Chengyun Sect? Heh, I don't know the heights of the heavens and the earth." other side.

   Let Yun Yu speak, it is a bit of a loss.

"What I'm asking for is for the sake of all beings in the world, not for my own selfishness. Could it be that Cheng Yunzong refuses to pluck out a hair to benefit the world?" Shen Heng was not afraid at all when facing the steward of the Lingyuan period. .

   Fortunately, this steward is also capable. You use righteousness, and he also uses righteousness to refute. The two go back and forth.

  Seeing this situation, Gu Shanhai also frowned. If he didn't respond, the hexagram would be a minor ominous one, and if he agreed, it would be a serious ominous one.

   Anyway, life will be in danger.

   "This son is hateful and cannot be kept. After this matter is settled, he will be beaten to death." Xi Huan became murderous.

  It's not just him, but everyone present is like this. Since you are a knife, don't blame others for being hated and broken.

   "This kid is planning to make trouble." Gu Shanhai smiled suddenly, he planned to gamble, but the timing is not right now.

And on the other side of the venue, after you came and I sprayed for a long time, Yun Yu finally spoke: "You said that in order to benefit all living beings, it is all right for me, Elder Zong Wude, to spread his painstaking methods, as long as you When you worship him as a teacher and make a great oath to serve him, it won't be a big deal if you pass it on."

  As soon as this remark came out, the faces of all the people present changed. This is too harsh. Let the other party become your master directly, and you have to make an oath. If you violate it, you will be cut off from the path. Who can accept this.

   It is said that this elder of the five virtues is only in the foundation building stage.

   "Fellow Daoist Yun Yu, I have to say something fair." Taoist Tian Xun also spoke at this time.

  The so-called me to say a fair word basically means that I am here to push the sidelines.

  Daoist Tianxun and Daoist Chiyan output for a while, constantly refuting Yun Yu's words.

   When Yun Yu spoke, only these two people of the same level could speak, and others were not qualified to intervene.

   It's just that the smell of gunpowder is getting stronger and stronger, and anyone with a discerning eye can see that something is going to happen.

Seeing this scene, Gu Shanhai also knew that the time was right, and said, "Is there a way to transmit the sound, just say that I will accept this gambling fight, and if I lose, I can also give this method of avoiding disaster, but I have to change it." Change the bet."

"No, they're just trying to lure you over. Once they pass, they will definitely tear you apart." The elder Taishang immediately rejected Gu Shanhai's proposal. Yun Yu can die. With thirty-six changes, they will not miss the future Dao period, but if Gu Shanhai died, then there would be a big problem.

"I don't want to go, just let it go. A true disciple of a small sect is naturally not worthy of me, an elder who preaches the law, to end in person." Gu Shanhai smiled, pointed to Qinglong and said, he planned to take a trip It is a sign of great misfortune, and a great fortune will be captured.


"Don't worry, I can't die, and neither can it." Gu Shanhai planned to do his best, in a different way, since the other party provoked him and gave him a good chance to completely eliminate Shen Heng, the protagonist, how could he not catch.

   "Wait a minute, I'll discuss it later." Everyone said with serious expressions, and they were still communicating with Yun Yu who was far away at the venue.

Most people actually think the same way, Yun Yu bears this pressure, even Yun Yu himself thinks so, but they also know that Gu Shanhai is a human being, they don't care about certain things at all, but they don't care about certain things. Very stubborn.

  Because Gu Shanhai didn't go off in person, letting his accompanying spiritual creature Qinglong pass by made it easier for everyone to accept. After some discussion, they finally agreed.

"Okay, I also asked Elder Wu De for your opinion, and he agreed to this matter. It's just the conditions of the game. He can change it. If you agree, we can discuss it again." Yun Yu changed abruptly. tone down.

   This caused Chi Yan and Tian Xun to change their expressions slightly, and the other party actually let go, and then the two looked at each other, expressing that they were waiting for an opportunity.

  When Shen Heng heard this, he also breathed a sigh of relief, and then said: "There is nothing you can do, no matter how you negotiate!"

   "In this case, I will invite the elder Wu De." As soon as Yun Yu finished speaking, a green dragon was moved over.

   "Hey, the elder of the noble sect, how dare he hide his head and show his tail like this, and only dare to come here?" Chi Yan, who wanted to take someone by himself, saw this scene, but didn't do it, so he sneered in a strange way.

"A Xiaozong's true biography, an incarnation is enough to give him face, and he is also worthy of my real body? If tomorrow the mortal pickers want to see the leader of Chiyan, then you will also go to the leader of Chiyan? If it is not Shenzong Fahui, such a small person, how can he come to see me?" Gu Shanhai also sarcastically said.

  Chi Yan still wanted to speak, but seeing Yun Yu staring at him, she could only swallow the words in the end, and snorted coldly: "Hmph, sharp teeth and sharp mouth."

  Gu Shanhai didn't care about the other party, Qinglong Longshou turned his head to look at Shen Heng, and then said: "You want to bet with me?"

   "Exactly!" Shen Heng's face was a little ugly, after all, what Gu Shanhai said just now equated himself with a manure picker.

"You said before that if you win, it's no problem to let me teach the law, but if you lose, there is no price. Doesn't it mean that you are invincible no matter you win or lose? This is not a gambling, it is Take advantage." Gu Shanhai said clearly.

   "I don't have anything, so how can I compare with the rich five virtue elders?" Shen Heng secretly satirized the identities of the two.

   "Yes, you have extremely precious items on your body, but I don't know if you are willing to gamble." Gu Shanhai's Long Tong looked at the other party and said.

   Shen Heng's face changed slightly, but he didn't speak.

Gu Shanhai said to himself: "You and I are betting, if I win, I want you to give me all your energy, if I lose, all the thirty-six changes and seventy-two changes will be passed on to you, But you also have to give me two-thirds of my strength, and even if you spread this method of avoiding disasters to the world, I will not interfere with it."

   "Hiss~" As soon as the words came out, everyone was shocked, this is a good man.

  Shen Heng wanted to agree, but before he could respond, he felt palpitations in his heart, and there was a certain kind of premonition that warned him that he must not agree, otherwise there would be a catastrophe.

   "What? You keep saying that you dare to be the first for the sake of all sentient beings, why are you backing down now?" Gu Shanhai sneered and said ironically.

  Then everyone also booed, and directly put Shen Heng on the fire to roast.

   "If you don't believe me, you and I can make oaths such as Dao Oath, Heaven and Earth Oath, etc." Gu Shanhai said.

   "No, I will give you luck no matter if you win or lose, it's not fair." Shen Heng resolutely refused.

   "Since that's the case, let's change it to something fairer. Regardless of whether I win or lose, I will pass on the secret to you. But if I win, you can't pass it on. You have to use it for yourself. How about it?" Gu Shanhai said that he took another step back.

  At this time, Shen Heng understood one thing. He can get the method, but he must lose at least two-thirds of his energy. Although he doesn't know whether the energy in this world is real, it is definitely a good thing if the other party wants it.

  It's just that now, many things can't be controlled by him, no matter whether it is the three sects or other sects, they will not let him just leave. To be a sword, you must have the corresponding awareness.

   "Okay, let's follow Elder Wu De's gambling method, and you and I will start." Shen Heng gritted his teeth and agreed.

   "No rush, just make an oath first." Gu Shanhai said meaningfully.

  (end of this chapter)

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