I Am a Normal Player!

Chapter 252: Middle-level area · Ten thousand armies contend for supremacy - Wulao Pass

  Chapter 252 Middle-level area · Ten thousand armies contend for supremacy - Wulao Pass

"I made a lot of money, I made a lot of money." Gu Shanhai smiled openly, he copied 97% of the goddess system, and the remaining 3% belonged to the core area, which was protected by a higher level of power, but it didn't matter , this 3% should be related to the magic energy, and has nothing to do with the corresponding artificial intelligence.

   It's just that he laughed a little too much, which pulled the wound.

  The sequelae of Gu Shanhai using the world tree form are much more serious than the limit state.

  Actually, Gu Shanhai didn't expect to gain such a big harvest this time, at most it was just mixed with a demonic energy.

  That's right, he also brought back the magic energy, but because he was not in the world of the brave, he lost the transportation of the magic energy, so now he can't grow independently.

"Goddess system has to take time to learn it, so it can be used to perfect the Kyushu instrument." Gu Shanhai's first idea was to improve Qinglong's spiritual intelligence. With the ability of the goddess system's artificial intelligence, at least Qinglong won't have to worry about it for a while. These.

   It’s just that Gu Shanhai quickly rejected such an idea. It’s useless to improve Qinglong’s brain. The role of Qinglong is to assist Gu Shanhai and use it as a weapon.

   Instead, it is better to use it on the Kyushu Instrument and directly build it into a quantum computer, and Qinglong, which is a part of the Kyushu Instrument, can also get a corresponding increase in computing power.

   When Baihu, Suzaku and Xuanwu are added in the future, the power can be further enhanced.

  The goddess system can indeed be used in multiple ways, but it can be solved at one time, so there is no need for Gu Shanhai to create so much consumption.

   "It's a pity, I only got the software program code of the goddess system, and I don't have any hardware-related technologies." Gu Shanhai felt a little regretful.

  For example, the No. 7 extinction program, Gu Shanhai only got a series of ignition, calibration and other programs. As for how to manufacture the hardware, what materials are needed, etc., he didn't get a series of programs.

This kind of data will definitely not be stored in the goddess system, just like artillery, their more responsibility is how to launch the shells and hit the enemy, rather than knowing how to build high-tech artillery equipment from scratch, that is scientific research personnel matter.

The main functions of the Goddess system are management and disinfecting. The former is aimed at demonic energy, while the latter is an alienated antivirus program aimed at brave men or Gu Shanhai. It also has abilities in other aspects, but it is inferior to these two aspects. Not a lot.

   "Based on the current situation, it will take at least one to ten years for me to understand the goddess system."

  The reason for the large span is that Gu Shanhai does not want to copy a goddess system, but to create his own artificial intelligence and quantum computer.

   "First of all, the Kyushu instrument. The hardware is too poor. Even if Qinglong is filled in, it is not enough for the goddess system to operate successfully."

   "At least I have to wait until I reach the period of peeping the Tao and the four holy beasts gather together to fully carry it."

  Gu Shanhai's five breakthrough supernatural powers behind the immortal cultivation system must also be a series of procedures based on Kyushu instrument.

   "However, if I succeed, the accuracy of divination will at least increase by half."

  If the Kyushu instrument really becomes a quantum computer, it must not only be used for divination, it is just one of its functions.

   "This is a long-term plan, don't rush, learn slowly."

  Gu Shanhai actually doesn't have any growth plans now. He is in the spirit yuan stage in the cultivation system, and he is still refining a huge spiritual vein. It will take at least 50 years to refine it.

   During this process, he directly hung up the phone and gave it to the spiritual plant on his body. As long as the refining program was set, the follow-up would be completely automatic.

  So his main route now is the goddess system.

   "Forget it, let's enter the copy." Gu Shanhai sighed, and then took out the blank invitation letter.

   At this time, the middle-level area has fallen into cooling, Gu Shanhai thought to see if he could get a handful of wool.

  【High-level world/middle-level area-All armies contend for hegemony, Dao soldiers, soldier masters】

Gu Shanhai filled in a string of words on the blank invitation letter. This is a world he wanted to go to before. Firstly, he wanted to arrange the affairs of the Taoist soldiers. Secondly, he wanted to stay for a few more years, and by the way, imprint a The big scene is used as a wonder of heaven and earth, and it is reserved for breaking through the sky and the sky in the future.

This world belongs to a world that has not yet been opened at this stage, and it will take at least ten thousand years before the initial opening will allow players to enter the world one after another through the middle-level area. It takes about 50,000 years.

  The upper limit of the energy level is ridiculously high. Converted to the player level, it is about 1000 to 3000.

It's not that after Gu Shanhai enters, he can't even beat a child. After entering, he can't beat those strong people. The gap between extraordinary people and ordinary people is everywhere. The stronger he is, the faster Gu Shanhai will become stronger, and the corresponding risk will be greater.

  But if there is no risk, Gu Shanhai would not dare to come, the free one is the most expensive.

   After completing the filling, Gu Shanhai used it immediately.

  In the next instant, Gu Shanhai noticed the changes in his surroundings, but he was a little puzzled, why didn't "The First Era" put a brick on the back of his head this time, but sent him here so lightly.

  【Intermediate area: Ten Thousand Armies Contest - Wulao Pass】

  【Task: Hold on to the Wulao Pass for three days】

  Gu Shanhai was surrounded by four other people, named Zijin-Li Chen, Zijin-Suhua, Zijin-Baibo, and Zijin-Hu Zhi.

   Judging from the prefix, they belonged to the same Zijin club. They came in as a team. In terms of strength, they were players in the first echelon. There is a high probability that they came in with their real names during the period when the game affected reality.

   It has been a long time since now.

Gu Shanhai of the Zijin Club also has a little impression, but it is not these four people who have the impression, but Wang Zijin, the founder of the Zijin Club. , even if he died later, Gu Shanhai didn't investigate the cause of death carefully, and it's not like the boss won't die.

  The reason why there are four people here is because Gu Shanhai has no teammates. If he has teammates, he can only come to rub against two players at most.

   "Hello, does the boss need power leveling? The price is favorable." Li Chen, the leader, walked over, with a sales tone in his tone.

   "Yes, yes, but I don't pay the game currency, I pay with items." Gu Shanhai said immediately.

What? When you meet other players, you want to solve the opponent first and then monopolize the mission?

   If this is a casual player, it's okay, but as a powerful player, wouldn't it be a pure fool.

   Killing a teammate in the mid-level area, unless there is something wrong with the teammate, it will definitely be a big loss if the teammate really kills, especially the holder of the invitation letter, the other party has a certain advantage in this instance.

  Another one, if you meet this kind of person, the big power will directly ask the other party to buy power leveling, and you can earn an extra share.

   It’s true that the four of them are the first team players of the Zijin Club, but those who can team up with them are definitely the first echelon players.

"Boss Fugui, can you show us?" The enthusiasm on Li Chen's face increased. It is true that they are short of game coins, but the items that players of the same level can give are more valuable than game coins. .

   "Most of them are props here, tell me which one you like."

   As Gu Shanhai said, he took out genetic modification potions, elixirs for increasing attributes and genetic potions, refined magic weapons, talismans, elixirs, and a mech.

  The eyes of the four people who saw this scene turned green. The person in front of him must be a big boss in the life department, otherwise he could take out so many things at will.

"Boss, why don't we add a contact information? This time, we will treat it as a free leveling for you. You can take care of us in the future." Li Chen is a smart man. The first thought was not to rob the house, but to make friends with the other party, and it would be much more convenient to find Gu Shanhai for shopping in the future.

  Buying on the auction house is bad after all. On the contrary, life-type players can find each other to order privately, and it is far better than the auction house in terms of various attributes and increases.

   There are also lifestyle players in the Zijin Club, but none of them can compare to Gu Shanhai's complete and high-quality output.

   "Did you see the ID on my head?" Gu Shanhai sighed: "Because of my talent, I've been blocked, so I can't add friends."

Hearing this, Li Chen was also helpless. It was a bit of a loss. He had no choice but to choose to take things, but he also gave Gu Shanhai a business card. When the time comes, he can go to the player city to find the Zijin Club's residence and report to him. The name will do.

  The four of them chose a lot of elixirs that increased their attributes, and then they chose magic weapons.

   They weren't too greedy, they did choose the corresponding price. In this respect, the four of them are still quite numerous.

  Although he failed to get Gu Shanhai's friend position, it was also for business affairs.

  Then the four of them briefly introduced themselves. Li Chen is a ranger by profession, Su Hua is a doctor, Bai Shan is a swordsman with heavy armor, and Hu Zhi is an archer with iron arms.

It belongs to an old-fashioned profession that is biased towards the east. Take Li Chen as an example. He is a knight-errant who is a bit like a martial arts person, but not all. He specializes in facing high-ranking people, such as facing the emperor, ministers and the like. , can cause special effects such as ignoring defense, piercing armor, extra damage, etc., and even when you have righteousness or sacrifice your life for righteousness, you can go to a higher level.

  Physician is a healing profession. The difference is that it is more comprehensive. It can not only use spells for instant treatment, but also provide post-war assistance, and even prepare poison.

  In the remaining two, the Heavy Armor Sword and Shield Hand belongs to the melee class with high attack, high defense, high blood and low sensitivity, and it is probably the main force.

  The iron-armed archer is super high-attack and high-sensitivity long-range, but it is definitely not weak in melee combat. The opponent has a short knife pinned to his waist and is wearing leather armor.

   If there is another cavalry profession, it will basically be an orthodox retro profession.

  Gu Shanhai also introduced himself and reported that his occupation is Halo Master.

  Everyone didn’t go into details about the other information, they just briefly summarized what they are good at. Now their attributes, talents, etc. are even hidden from their teammates, let alone a stranger like Gu Shanhai.

  These four people called the boss on their lips, but in fact it was just a formulaic shout.

   "What do you think of the mission?" Gu Shanhai asked.

   At this time, the five of them are all in the same camp, which belongs to the birth point.

   "The difficulty is not small. It is a combat mission that cannot be avoided." Li Chen spoke immediately.

At first glance, I thought it was a survival category, but in fact it is not at all. Persistence means that the Wulao Pass must never be broken, and the survival category means that they can live. The former cannot hide, and the latter can do without fighting. As long as you run far enough, you'll be fine.

   "It's no wonder that the boss will match us with us. We are more professional in battlefield combat missions." Su Hua said on the side, retro occupations, especially those of the arms type, are similar to meat grinders on the battlefield.

   It's just that Gu Shanhai lowered his eyelids, neither objecting nor agreeing.

  If they were not in the world of Ten Thousand Armies, these four people could indeed become meat grinders on the battlefield. Unfortunately, their level is too low and their attributes are too low.

  So Gu Shanhai can be sure that the decisive point of this battle is not their players, but the group of soldiers and Taoists.

  ‘Look at the situation first, my current strength can only be regarded as below average in this world. ’ Gu Shanhai is still very **** himself.

   It’s a big deal to give up the mission. Anyway, there is no reward for his mission. It’s better to wait for the mission to fail and leave directly. His purpose in coming to this world is not to complete the mission, but to become stronger.

  Whether the mission failed or succeeded, to him, it doesn't make much difference, at most, life will be deducted.

The four players of the Zijin Club quickly came up with a simple plan with a clear division of labor and neat work. They didn't say they ignored Gu Shanhai when they made the plan, but they also considered Gu Shanhai. Views of mountains and seas.

  Just because Gu Shanhai's occupation is an auxiliary halo master, and he specializes in healing, he arranged Gu Shanhai in the logistics position to ensure the safety of a boss like Gu Shanhai.

  In terms of boosting, they are professional.

   Sometimes the failure of power leveling is not because of their ability, but because the boss does not know how to drag others down.

  Some bosses are good at cooking and love to play.

After the reality was swallowed up by "First Era", the power leveling industry not only did not disappear, but also flourished abnormally. After all, there are many second-generation players appearing now, and power leveling needs to bring some mixed experience and experience. etc.

Not all first-generation players are free, anyway, death after entering the game is not real death, so it is safe to let the second-generation players go out to cause harm. It is impossible for every second-generation player to be like Hualouchun and Taohuaxiao. Be with your parents.


   "Assemble, the whole army assemble!!"

  Outside the tent, there were bugles and shouts. It was obvious that the plot had begun, and they couldn't continue to dawdle.

  (end of this chapter)

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