I Am a Normal Player!

Chapter 261: This way of calming down is too exciting

  Chapter 261 This calm method is too exciting

Eight months passed in a flash, and Gu Shanhai returned to Cansang Village in a hurry. During these seven months, he collected six volumes of Art of War, all of which were at the same level as "Sun and Moon Art of War" or slightly inferior art of war.

  The main reason is that "The Art of War of the Sun and the Moon" belongs to the top. Gu Shanhai didn't have so many similar and easy-to-get ones, so most of the time he was on the road.

   "Teacher, you are back." Jiang Lu came to visit immediately after learning that Gu Shanhai was back, but he was accompanied by three strong men.

   "Well, when did you come back?" Gu Shanhai also asked.

In the letter, he asked Jiang Lu to come back within eight months, and he didn't say a fixed time, so Gu Shanhai didn't know too well. Anyway, he came back on a slow basis. On the way, he had already heard the movement of the rebellion. There are also clues.

   "I just came back three days ago. I wonder why the teacher called me back?" Jiang Lu asked with some doubts.

   "There is something wrong, by the way, who are these three?" Gu Shanhai glanced at these three people, they are all ordinary people, but judging from their appearance and aura, they are really extraordinary.

   "These three are my sworn brothers, the second brother Zhang He, the third brother Cui Feng, and the fourth brother Wu Yan." Jiang Lu introduced Gu Shanhai seriously, and said that the three of them are heroes.

  After being introduced, these three people also greeted Gu Shanhai in a very timely manner.

Gu Shanhai sized it up seriously, and felt a little stupid. These three people were indeed extraordinary. Not to mention anything else, Gu Shanhai could find out that the quality of their roots was extremely good, and they were probably the enemy of ten thousand people. In that case, as long as one person gives the first-class art of war, they can basically become a party.

   This is almost the same as picking up three SSRs when going out, Gu Shanhai was a little surprised and at a loss.

  As the saying goes, things of a kind gather together and people are divided into groups. It is very likely that they will be able to be with someone who values ​​friendship like Jiang Lu because of this temperament.

  Anyway, in Gu Shanhai's memory, Jianglu did not have these three sworn brothers in his previous life.

  In the previous life, these three people probably had only qualifications but no corresponding resources and channels. In the end, they did nothing or died in the peasant uprising, instead of basically stepping into the prosperity with half a leg now.

"Well, yes, he is indeed a hero." Gu Shanhai nodded, he also praised first, and then said: "Not long ago, I saw that the price of rice rose a little, and the same is true for salt and iron. , I felt that something was going to happen to Otaki, so I went out to investigate for eight months."

   "The latter also deserved this matter, you should have heard of it."

  Hearing this, Jiang Lu's face also became serious: "Exactly, I heard that there are many rebellions in the north, bee robbers are everywhere, and it is not good to wipe out everywhere. This group of rebels is getting stronger."

   "That's exactly why I recruited you back. You are not good at learning today. If you get into it when you get hotheaded, you will never return." Gu Shanhai said earnestly.

   This made Jiang Lu a little embarrassed. He was almost thirty, but his teacher said that he was not good at learning.

"Thank you teacher for your concern, but if the rebels disperse, no matter how big Otaki is, I won't be able to avoid it." Jiang Lu said worriedly. He had heard about the rebellion this time, and it made Otaki look like the end of the dynasty. .

"Don't worry about this matter. In two or three months, the imperial court will have countermeasures. According to my teacher, 90% of them may be to let the states and counties raise their own courage to resist the rebels." Gu Shanhai said meaningfully .

  The four of them have not realized the meaning of these words, but they all want to use this opportunity to serve the court and earn a piece of military service to honor their ancestors.

   "Over the years, my teacher has taught you the way to be a man and become a man. Now that the world is different, it's time to teach you some techniques to protect the way." Gu Shanhai said with a smile.

   "Thank you, teacher!" Jiang Lu was also very excited. For him, it was his intention to teach him the art of war.

   "As for your three sworn brothers, if you don't mind, you can also sit down and listen to it together. It will always be beneficial." Gu Shanhai didn't mind.

  The expressions of these three people became even more excited. With their original identities, it is impossible for them to come into contact with the art of war in their entire lives, and it is more likely to become a Taoist soldier.

  Originally, their idea was the same, that is, to become a Taoist soldier of their sworn brother and serve him, but they didn't expect Gu Shanhai to be so generous.

   Seeing this, the three of them hurriedly said, "Thank you, Teacher, for your kindness."

   "Just leave a name." Gu Shanhai also responded.

  This means that you are still just auditors, and whether you can become a full-time student depends on your performance.

"If you want to achieve great things, this art of war is the art of protecting the Tao. Don't forget the Tao you have learned over the years. If you really want to do this, you will lose everything." Gu Shanhai told Jiang Lu again that strength is very important. Wrong, people who can use power are fundamental.

   "I am good at the art of war. There are seven volumes, which are divided into Sun and Moon, Canghai, Fengfeng, Rushan, Xihuo, Yinglin, and Resentment. I don't know which volume you want to learn?"

That's right, these seven volumes are the art of war collected by Gu Shanhai in the past eight months. As for Jiang Lu's family biography and the art of war he originally learned, the quality is similar to "The Art of War with the Golden Mist". Gu Shanhai can't read it at all. upper eye.

   "The art of war of the sun and the moon?!" Jiang Lu also looked shocked, and then asked: "But the art of war of the former four generals?"

   "It's the art of war, do you want to learn it?" Gu Shanhai said, then took out the art of war, put it on the table and pushed it over.

  Jiang Lu looked at one volume, Sun and Moon, and thought about the remaining six volumes, and finally chose Sun and Moon.

   "Think." Jiang Lu picked it up without hesitation.

   "Don't think about it, go back and read it carefully, and hand in a 3,000-word experience report to me tomorrow." Gu Shanhai didn't care, he had read the content and memorized it in his mind, and the carrier was not important.

   "What about the three of you? Do you also want the Art of War of the Sun and the Moon? I think it's more appropriate to use Canghai, Qinfeng, and Rushan as your name."

   "Don't worry, the Dao soldiers cast by these seven books of war are all top-notch, with the same military force and strategy quality, but the styles and Dao soldiers are different. If you choose differently, the four of you can also complement each other."

   Gu Shanhai looked at the remaining three and said.

  Of course the three of them wanted the Sun and Moon Art of War in their hearts, but Gu Shanhai could only nod after saying that.

  They are not Gu Shanhai's disciples, and it would be nice if they can learn the art of war, so they don't have the right to pick and choose.

   "Thank you teacher~" ×3

  In fact, they also know that if they ask for it, they can also obtain the "Sun and Moon Art of War", but this will inevitably spoil the impression.

  Before they heard Jiang Lu say that Gu Shanhai was a great talent, they also believed it, and now they come up with so many tactics at random, isn’t it true?

"Don't be in a hurry to thank me, the three of you have to share your experience tomorrow, but your foundation is not as good as Jiang Lu, so you don't need 3,000 words, just write 800 words first." Gu Shanhai said that you have to do your homework after taking it. , no one is inevitable.

  The three of them looked at each other and were puzzled. How should I write this experience?

   I was puzzled, but I agreed very honestly.

   Just ask Jiang Lu later. Anyway, Jiang Lu wrote 3,000 characters, and their 800 characters should be relatively simple.

   "Okay, let's go back to preview, I have to check the preview content tomorrow." Gu Shanhai waved his hand, indicating that you can get out.

   Another preview came out of Gu Shanhai's mouth, which made the three of them even more puzzled, as if there was an illusion of falling into a trap.

   On the contrary, Jiang Lu was calm and breezy, giving the impression that he said with some disdain that even this bit of homework deserves to be called homework.

  Gu Shanhai said that this is the first day back from vacation, let you get used to the intensity of the work first, and it won't be too late to recover tomorrow.

  The four of them left quickly with their own art of war. Gu Shanhai was about to find a place to settle down, when Li Yu came to visit again.

   It really is one after the other, so that Gu Shanhai has no time to do experiments.

   "Mr. Gu, you..." Li Yu came up with a polite greeting.

   During these eight months, Li Yu's life is still very good, and the Li family has also expanded a lot.

  The new Lord of Wen'an Mansion had a great time fighting with the two great families, but he was once again dealing with it, and even ostensibly joined the Lord of Wen'an Mansion, but in private he was still Gu Shanhai's disciple.

  He really didn't dare to betray. The majestic Lord of Chengfu was killed so easily by Gu Shanhai, and he hasn't been pursued. This is enough to explain the energy behind Gu Shanhai.

   If he dared to betray, he might be the next person to choke to death while drinking water.

   "Okay, okay, don't be polite, what's the matter?" Gu Shanhai said rather speechlessly.

   "It's nothing, it's nothing, I just came to see what Mr. Gu is missing." Li Yu said bitterly.

   "I don't lack anything." Gu Shanhai continued angrily, "I think you are missing something."

   "Why, you asked about it when you came here?"

   Gu Shanhai can be sure that this Li Yu must have talked with Jiang Lu and the others, and learned that they have obtained the art of war, and it is not a general art of war, but he is not clear about the specific art of war, just chatted a few words.

"You're late, there are three books left, you can pick the rest, or go find them and copy them yourself." Gu Shanhai didn't care at all about the issue of disseminating the Art of War, he took knowledge monopoly very lightly .

   "Don't dare, I'll just pick and choose what's left." Li Yu didn't dare to pick and choose.

  Finally, "Xihuo Art of War" was picked away.

   "Speaking of which, are you planning to learn the art of war by yourself?" Seeing this, Gu Shanhai also asked.

   "Mr. Gu, you also know that I have no children and only one daughter. Now if I want to find a son-in-law, it will take time." Li Yu means that there is no way.

   "It's okay, remember to come here on time tomorrow, and I still remember." Gu Shanhai pondered, anyway, driving a sheep is driving, and a group of sheep is also driving.

   This Li Yu is also a capable person, otherwise he can become the richest man in Fucheng as an ordinary person?

   What is missing is also an opportunity. Gu Shanhai doesn't mind giving such people the opportunity as the cost of initial investment. As long as the other party soars into the sky, Gu Shanhai can reap it.

   "Thank you, Mr. Gu, thank you, Mr. Gu." Hearing this, Li Yu's expression burst into ecstasy. He thought that getting a piece of Art of War was already the limit, but he didn't expect to come to attend the lecture.

  Of course he knows that if he wants to become a qualified military master, he must be taught.

   Otherwise, self-study is not only difficult to get started but also difficult to master, and it is more likely to be a mistake in learning.

  Like a family, it has been immersed in the art of war for many years, and it is still taught seriously from father to son, so it can last for several generations.

   "By the way, have you ever thought about one thing, that is, you only have one daughter, and you have a problem with yourself." Gu Shanhai saw that the other party was so excited, thinking that he had to pour a basin of cold water on the other party to calm him down.

  Li Yu's face froze as well, he never thought that Gu Shanhai would say such a thing.

   "Probably. No way." I may have had this idea before, but because of the tradition in ancient society that any fault can be blamed on women.

"you sure?"

   "Mr. Gu, you don't mean to say that Hui'er is not my own." Li Yu trembled a little when he said this.

   "I didn't say that, but you have so many wives and none of them are pregnant, whose fault do you think it is." Gu Shanhai patted Li Yu's shoulder to express his comfort.

   "." Li Yu was a little speechless, you are no longer hinting, you are almost expressing that he has a problem.

   "Mr. Gu, please help me!" Li Yu knelt down with a plop. If he didn't beg him again, the Li family would lose their incense.

   "Calm down." Gu Shanhai said with a grim expression.

   "It's not just calm, I feel cold all over." Li Yu felt that his life was dark.

"Don't worry, my daughter is your own, and it was caused by your own pressure, physical and other reasons." Gu Shanhai helped him up immediately, and then said: "I just saw that you were too excited to get the Art of War, and I'm afraid you will be drawn away." , so let you calm down."

   "Mr. Gu, your calm approach is a bit too exciting." Li Yu felt his eyes go dark, but he asked tentatively, "Then, Mr. Gu, can you cure me?"

   "If you had been ten years earlier, it would have been okay, but now it's too late." Gu Shanhai said that he couldn't be saved. Of course, the actual situation can be solved with a single healing spell, but well, Gu Shanhai doesn't want to help, and things will change.

   Besides, Li Yu is patriarchal, not Gu Shanhai. He has always been equal to men and women.

   "Oh~" Li Yu sighed, even Gu Shanhai couldn't help it, it seems that no one in this world can cure it, but at least one pimple has been healed, that is, the daughter is indeed his own.

   "Okay, hurry up and go back and read the Art of War, be careful on the way and don't be too arrogant and let people **** you." Gu Shanhai also told this guy to leave quickly.

  Keep it so that the ups and downs are too exciting and it will be lost if you are not careful.

   "Then stop nagging Mr. Gu." Hearing what Gu Shanhai said so bluntly, Li Yu understood that he really should go back.

  (end of this chapter)

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