I Am a Normal Player!

Chapter 299: Can this system be replaced?

  Chapter 299 Can this system be replaced?

   "Teacher, are you okay, hurry up, pass on to the doctor!" Jiang Lu looked anxious.

   "It's all right, just a little bit out of strength." Gu Shanhai felt a little out of breath: "Are you all right, what was that just now?"

   Just now, after Jiang Lu killed Zhou Ding, a ray of light suddenly jumped out from the opponent's body. The thing turned more than half a circle, and Gu Shanhai intercepted it three times in a row, but failed to stop it, and finally fell into Jiang Lu's body.

The first time is a normal state without hiding, the second time is an extreme state, and the third time directly uses the world tree form, which is not squeezed out, and the loss time is less than one second and it is still partial, so the consumption I can only say it's okay, it doesn't seem like I can only be paralyzed.

  When Jiang Lu heard Gu Shanhai's words, tears almost fell down. The main reason was that Gu Shanhai's appearance was too pervasive, and he became skinny, and he was about to die.

  The doctor came over quickly, first took Gu Shanhai's pulse, but was silent, and finally gritted his teeth and said: "Master Hou, I fear that I will die soon."

Hearing these words from the other party, Gu Shanhai was also stunned, as if he had indeed lost a little bit of vitality, and at first glance he looked like he was really about to die, but with this little problem, he recovered in the morning at most. Taking some medicine can also recover faster.

   "Then what, I think you may have misjudged." Gu Shanhai very tactfully said that you misjudged.

   "Yes, it was a misjudgment, you go down." Jiang Lu did not refute this time, but let the doctor go down, and his expression became more and more sad.

  Watching this scene, Gu Shanhai was speechless, and then he took out a large handful of pills and stuffed them into his mouth.

  The vitality quickly recovered, and the original skinny appearance was filling up.


  Everyone was stunned when they saw this scene, what kind of change is this.

   "I've already said that I'm fine, and I still have a lot of life left, even if I want to die, I can't die." Gu Shanhai complained.

   "That's good, that's good." Seeing this, Jiang Lu felt relieved, and then gave the doctor a wink, signaling to go and have a look again.

   "Master Hou, I'll show you your pulse." The doctor understood it in a flash, so he said hastily.

Gu Shanhai didn't refuse at all. What kind of pulse can the other party get? There is no serious pulse in his body at all. The flesh and bones in his body are mixed with spiritual plants. In fact, it is not accurate at all, so it is necessary to see what it is. He helps adjust.

  As for why you didn’t pretend before, it’s also very simple. You said you were a healthy person, but who would believe you? Jiang Lu might have to kill the doctor right away.

   "I haven't seen Hou Ye who is so lively at your age." The doctor also quickly came to a conclusion, saying that there is no problem.

  Jiang Lu breathed a sigh of relief at this time.

   "It's good to have nothing to do, that's it, now the bandits have been eliminated, gentlemen, Mieyan!" Jiang Lu changed his tone, now that the biggest problem is solved, Mieyan will naturally have to be eliminated.


  As soon as everyone responded, they marched towards Yan Kingdom.

   "Teacher, come with me. I have something to discuss with you." Jiang Lu said.

  Gu Shanhai nodded, and the two of them entered the rebuilt handsome tent, surrounded by a large number of Taoist soldiers as a guarantee.

   "That brilliance is a system called Dynasty Hegemony, but it's a bit strange. When it was first installed, the version name was Cangzhen Production, Ascension Guarantee Version 10.0."

  "As a result, a large string of garbled characters suddenly appeared during the installation process, and then the name of the version changed to ***Official Version. The three characters in front of the official version seem to be blocked and cannot be seen."

   "As if someone interfered with the installation."

  Jiang Lu didn't hide anything, he had heard Gu Shanhai talk about the system and knew the concept.

   "Ah, I don't really understand." Gu Shanhai was also a little puzzled. He had seen the system in his previous life, but he really hadn't seen it in this life.

  The main reason is that there seems to be some people who like to throw systems, and I don’t know what the situation is. Most of these systems are tools for fun, and there are not many serious ones, but they are relatively rare.

   "Can you see if this system can be used?" As for the system, Gu Shanhai has also built some, but it is useless. As for Jiang Lu, he can't help uninstall it.

  So since you can't beat him, just lie flat and come back to help when Gu Shanhai has strength later.

   "It works, and I have created a lot of tasks and completed a series of achievements."

   "It's no wonder that Yanguo can have such a situation. This system can actually affect various decisions and government orders of the entire country. Even as long as you point out the corresponding national policy, you can have the corresponding technology."

   "Unfortunately, the previous national policies have all been cleared because of the death of the host, and I need to start again."

  Jiang Lu watched the big national policy tree keep pulling up, and then found a brand new area that was being updated, but he didn't know when the update would be completed.

   "You've already prostituted the system for nothing, what else is there to be dissatisfied with?" Gu Shanhai complained.

At this time, Jiang Lu, who was groping for the dynasty hegemony system, also complained: "Teacher, the summoning card pool of the master of this thing has also been locked, and it is said that it can only be used after the update of my national policy update area is completed. No wonder Zhou Ding can have it." With so many talents, the co-authors are all drawn from the card pool."

   "This thing can still be updated, what the hell?" Hearing this, Gu Shanhai felt that the system was really pulling his hips.

"Except for not being able to draw cards, other things are very useful. I just tried to point out a basic national policy, and it should have started to take effect." Jiang Lu didn't care much about it, just update it. There is no shortage of military masters, and with the large number of systems and suggestions provided by Gu Shanhai back then, the talent reserve and recruitment can be fully used by the whole country.

   "And this thing can actually assist Taoist soldiers in training. It is necessary to point out the corresponding national policy, but it is no problem to increase the soldier reserve at this stage." Jiang Lu quickly found a new function.

   "Speaking of which, this thing is useless to you." Gu Shanhai asked.

   "It's useful. I can still see the situation. More importantly, this thing can actually show the loyalty of my subordinates. Teacher, why aren't you here?" Jiang Lu asked curiously.

   "Do you want to think about what you call me, and then what kind of loyalty is shown by your system." Gu Shanhai thought that you are very bad boy.

  Jiang Lu also looked embarrassed: "It seems to make sense."

  He doesn't regard Gu Shanhai as his subordinate, so naturally there is no corresponding loyalty in the system.

   "Damn, I found you, teacher." Jiang Lu swears rarely, he saw the series of bonuses that Gu Shanhai had when he was in charge, and his eyes almost went blind.

   "Where is it?" Gu Shanhai was also a little curious.

   "In the family heirloom, a series of enhancements such as good weather, good harvests, etc. have been added to Longguo." Jiang Lu looked shocked, and this state was comparable to all the enhancements at hand.

   "Why does this sound a bit like I hung it on the wall to bless you, besides, why am I in the family heirloom?" Gu Shanhai felt that this was outrageous.

   "It's fine, as long as it works, if you don't mind, I'll give you a confession." Jiang Lu also teased.

"No, I don't want to die so young yet." Gu Shanhai refused without hesitation. To them, Gu Shanhai was half buried in the ground, but to Gu Shanhai, this age and his Compared with life expectancy, it can no longer be described by positive youth, but just born.

   "I actually have so many SSR cards under my command, and dozens of UR cards." Jiang Lu looked at the commander under his command, and became more and more satisfied.

  Those UR-level military masters are basically taught by Gu Shanhai, and they are all his own people.

This shows that Gu Shanhai is not only a family heirloom, but also a top-level military master maker. Even if he can't reach the highest level of UR, the one who came from Gu Shanhai's subordinates was an SSR-level military master at the last time. There are not as many SSR-level and UR-level military masters as him.

  However, the opponent has not accumulated nothing in these years, at least the number and quality of the middle and lower-level military masters are far better than themselves.

  After all, the main card of the high-level soldiers may not be drawn, but how can the main card of the middle and lower levels be unable to be drawn.

   "Oh, that's it?" Gu Shanhai expressed disdain, you occupy more than a dozen states in Dataki, if you don't even have this background, you're an ass.

  Jiang Lu's eyes twitched when he heard Gu Shanhai's disdain. He didn't dare to say that most of these military leaders may have such high quality because they graduated from Gu Shanhai's family.

   I really want to say it, maybe Gu Shanhai will take this opportunity to mess it up again.

   "After Zhou Ding's death, the military leader and Taoist soldiers of Yan Kingdom lost their corresponding growth and restrictions. Under the ebb and flow, Yan Kingdom is doomed." Jiang Lu changed the subject.

  Restrictions are sometimes not a bad thing, like loyalty, which is a restrictive measure.

  However, because he is one of his own people rather than drawing cards, it is not a constant rank of diehards.

  All the officials in the Yan Kingdom use the military masters drawn from cards, and their loyalty is diehard, so this makes it very difficult for countries to infiltrate.

  Firstly, these military masters cannot be bought, and secondly, because you are not of the same origin as them, it is extremely difficult to ascend. Basically, after outsiders join, there is no way to ascend, and they are naturally rejected.

   "Then do you have other effects on your body, such as reducing damage?" Gu Shanhai suddenly remembered Zhou Ding's strangeness, so he asked.

   "Well, the damage is reduced by 90% within the sphere of influence, and 99% within the main city." Jiang Lu checked and replied.

"Good guy, it's no wonder I couldn't beat him back then." Gu Shanhai also understood that, with a 99% reduction plus Zhou Ding's own strength of a 100,000-level military master, at least he had to use World Tree The shape will do.

   It was precisely because of this reduction that Gu Shanhai couldn't move the universe in his sleeves. After all, he only had one percent of his strength left, and the Five Elements Escape couldn't escape because of this.

  This ability can be called omnipotent, even if Zhou Ding was the leader of a million-level Taoist soldier at that time, Gu Shanhai couldn't catch him.

"I also found the category of 100,000 Dao soldiers set by Zhou, the king and other Dao soldiers called Siliang Dao soldiers. It is interesting. Through the national policy, it is possible to train Dao soldiers without studying the art of war. It is really counterintuitive. sky."

"The name of these four-two Taoist soldiers sounds weird, but they are good at four-two-handling. If it weren't for me, the 100,000 Dao soldiers in Zhou Ding's hands alone would be comparable to a million kings and other Taoist soldiers. It should be a unique category of the Dynasty Hegemony system. Anyway, I have never heard of such a powerful type of Taoist soldiers."

  Jiang Lu got another piece of good news, so he shared it with Gu Shanhai.

  ‘Good guy, it’s no wonder that he can beat me, the heart demon Dao soldier. The ability to win more with less is the rarest ability among Dao soldiers. ’ Gu Shanhai was also muttering in his heart.

  The grade and quantity of Dao soldiers are an insurmountable gap. These four or two Dao soldiers can break this routine. It is no wonder that Zhou Ding will choose this Dao soldier as his Dao soldier.

  Manipulating one hundred thousand can be compared to one million and controlling one million, which are completely different concepts.

   "It's just that this system seems a bit rigid. Obviously I can train the Sun and Moon Dao Soldiers by myself, but I haven't unlocked it in the national policy. Zhou Ding is a success system and a failure system." Jiang Lu couldn't help but sigh with emotion.

  Gu Shanhai also realized at this time that most of Yanguo's productivity was swallowed up by this system, right?

   After all, in the entire Yan Kingdom, the dynasty system is the most suspicious, so Jiang Lu was reminded aloud.

  Jiang Lu also found a corresponding explanation in the Dynasty Hegemony System after hearing it.

   "Teacher, you're right, but it's not just about productivity. To be precise, it should be about national luck. When promoting and implementing national policies, a part of national luck needs to be logically rationalized."

   "In this way, the overall national policy can be implemented, and those who intend to block and resist will be rationalized. I don't quite understand the specific principles."

  Jiang Lu bluntly stated that this is a price of the national policy, but after the national policy is fully formed, the national fortune occupied will be returned.

  When Gu Shanhai heard this, he thought about it for a moment. It seemed that there was no major problem, but even if there was a problem, he couldn't see it.

"So it turns out that this system should involve the aspect of karma and luck, and even mixed with fate, destiny and the like. The cost of such a system is not low." From this item, Gu Shanhai also saw that There are quite a few clues, and the gold content contained in the dynasty hegemony system is extremely high.

"If the cost is not met, that's a matter for the future. Anyway, it can't be solved. It's better to use it now." Jiang Lu is relatively indifferent to this. For him, no matter how noisy the system is in a hundred years, it's none of his business. , people are dead, what to worry about.

  If it is suitable now, then use it now. With the assistance of the Dynasty Contest System, Jiang Lu feels that he can unify the entire world within ten years, instead of just recovering Otaki and rebuilding the universe.

  After the great enemy of Yan State is gone, it is only a matter of time before Xi State and Zhou State are destroyed.

  (end of this chapter)

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