I Am a Normal Player!

Chapter 412: A cancerous world, a visitor from another world

  Chapter 412 Cancerous World, Visitors from Another World

   "Are you sure this is not the flowering line of Saya's song?"

  Gu Shanhai looked at the whole world with growing tumors and polyps, bone spurs, eyeballs, and various flesh and blood organs everywhere.

  The whole world comes alive, everything is immortal.

   "In just three days, the whole world has turned into such a horrible appearance. This is beyond my ability to solve."

  Gu Shanhai said where he could find the concept of death to help, so the main task is bound to fail, so why not join the monsters and go carnival together.

   "So, come on, let's show your face, baby." Gu Shanhai threw a twisted eyeball in the shape of colorful eyes towards the huge cocoon of flesh and blood not far away.

  The eyeballs merged into it, and then the cocoon of flesh and blood began to tremble, and a huge human figure emerged from the cocoon of flesh and blood.

  The pale white claws tore apart the entire cocoon.

   A monster with a height of 100 meters broke its shell and was born.

  He has a dead-like complexion all over his body, and densely packed arms grow from behind to form a circle.

  On the white skin, scarlet eyes opened.

  There is no head above the neck, but a large number of wriggling tentacles.

   "It seems that it looks very successful. Go hunting and bring me enough vitality."

  Gu Shanhai issued an order. This existence, which Gu Shanhai called the Sleeping Giant, was a tool he created to collect enough vitality for him.

   Otherwise, what else can it be used for.

  The purpose is to provide enough vitality to create Suzaku, one of the four holy beasts.

   As for the original effect, it is not important anymore.

   "It's no wonder that Lu Li said that the Sleeping Giant would go on a killing spree, and his simulator doesn't work from time to time." Gu Shanhai couldn't help but smile.

The sleeping giant walks on the world, with a large number of arms and tentacles hanging down, whether it is tumors or eyeballs, or those immortals transformed from everything, they are all forcibly involved in their hands, and finally sink into the skin and die integrated into the body.

  The immortals will not die, even if they are turned into meat paste or beaten into nothingness, they will come back to life again with the passage of time, because they are really immortal now.

  Gu Shanhai looked up, the stars were dancing in the sky, even the planet under his feet was activated because of the overactive concept of life, not to mention other stars.

  If a player enters this world by mistake, the end result is likely to be assimilated into an immortal.

   This is not a good thing, it means that he will not be able to leave this world and become an eternal slave of this world.

   "Everything is cancerous, and the world is a dying cancer patient."

   "But the good news is it's not about me."

  Gu Shanhai tore his whole body apart, revealing his real body.

  The fluorescent giant stands in the universe, looking at the constantly swimming planets in front of him, it seems a little funny.

   It's like miniature glass beads.

  These immortals fled crazily after they noticed Gu Shanhai.

  In the face of the same size or small size, these immortals or the existence of cancerous life forms are killing without restraint.

   What stands out is a bullying.

  However, there are also some cancerous life forms that have wisdom, and directly express their submission to Gu Shanhai.

At the same time, the sleeping giant continued to eat all the cancerous life forms on the entire planet, and its body swelled crazily. Until now, it has devoured the entire activated planet, and its size has reached a size that Gu Shanhai feels is worth using. the point.

   "Go, continue to grow, grow to the point I need before this world is destroyed."

  The Sleeping Giant understood Gu Shanhai's words. Compared with the number of human beings, the more vast stars in the universe are the real main course.

  Of course, on every planet, there is constant fighting, conquest, and growth.

  Until brand new kings were born, but some kings were devoured by cancerous life forms and planets from outside the planet just after they were born, and became nourishment.

   And beside Gu Shanhai, there are also a large number of star-shaped cancerous life forms gathered at this time.

  The sleeping giant is chasing its prey everywhere like a small fish eating millet, nibbling away a little bit. Now that it has grown in size, it is no longer so easy to merge with the planet.

  After the strength reaches a certain level, it will slow down.

   "I just like this kind of environment." Gu Shanhai floated in the universe, and more plant roots emerged from the body of the fluorescent giant, continuously absorbing the abnormally overflowing vitality through natural channels.

   This feeling of laziness made him ignore the passage of time.

   "Wait, this is?"

  The plant tentacles on Gu Shanhai's face twitched violently. He seemed to have noticed that some visitors who were completely different from the world had come to this world.

   ""The First Age" does not arrange tasks that cannot be completed."

   "Someone sent me the concept of death, or more simply, the other party has something that can make the world reborn and die."

  Gu Shanhai's mind is still very flexible, and he quickly understood the cause and effect.

   "Hiss~ two worlds, such a great value, I am very surprised." Gu Shanhai was so excited.

   "Convey my order, don't kill those visitors from outside the world, they must live!"

  Through spiritual consciousness, Gu Shanhai drove all the orders into the minds of all the cancerous life forms that surrendered to him.

It's just that this method is too rough, and a large number of cancerous life forms burst into a puddle of minced meat. Under normal circumstances, they would have died long ago, and this world has no concept of death. Annihilated, then reborn.

In fact, it was Gu Shanhai's intentional ruthlessness. This group of cancerous life forms, especially those activated by planets, meteorite belts, etc., are rebellious one by one. If Gu Shanhai had not enough strength, how could this group of cancerous life forms Maybe he would surrender, but he would have eaten him back a long time ago.

  As for the intelligent human beings, they are not dead now, they are all integrated into the body of the sleeping giant. After all, immortality is the lowest rule.

   "If all goes well, not only Suzaku can be produced this time, but Xuanwu can also be produced together."

  Gu Shanhai was thinking about this in his mind.

   There is no death in this world, but if the visitor from another world wants to save this world, he must bring death to this world, which means that the other party has the ability to extract death.

   And what he has to do is also very simple, that is, to cut off the death ability.

   "Not only are the two accompanying spirits Suzaku and Xuanwu, but also the Dao Peeping Stage above the Fa Awakening Stage. I can also directly break through at once."

   If you want to break through the Dao Peeping period, you naturally need a road.

In the Xuanzhen Realm, this Dao comes from the Dao of Heaven, because its own energy level is relatively low, so it is relatively easy to refine. For the elders of the Mahayana Xuanzhen Sect, it is just an extra hand when crossing the catastrophe. .

  But in other worlds, similar technology has not been developed at all. It seems that the fantasy world on the side needs to understand the way of so-and-so, so it is too bad to say that it can be snatched directly.

   "The law of life, the avenue of death, I can directly synthesize reincarnation."

  The idea is very good, but it's a pity that Gu Shanhai didn't think about reincarnation.

   To other people, he looks very tall, but to Gu Shanhai, it is only one of the foundations.

  A huge world created by the natural ecological circle, and the cycle of life and death is just a part of it. He doesn't need to comprehend it or search for it deliberately. These rules are born with them.

  So what he needs is to restore it to its purest form, so as to obtain enough data, as a stepping stone and resources, to further improve itself.

  Why not collect it yourself is also very simple, naturally because the things that can be seen by "The First Era" must not be simple.

  Gu Shanhai didn't want much, just a few hundred million.

  Of course, the more important thing is that there are actually two worlds here, enough for his development.

  He needs enough energy to directly become a world by triple jump from the embryonic form of the world. He originally wanted to solve this energy in the next instance, after all, he still has two stages.

   Unexpectedly, a double happiness came, so he could only focus on the world itself.

   After he becomes the world, he will devour two worlds to make up for it, so as not to make him malnourished.

  So, he attaches great importance to these two worlds, and must not let this group of cancerous life forms be destroyed.

   "Needs a little guidance!"

   "The quantum collider actually opened a channel that is also a parallel universe, which is simply unbelievable." Marina looked shocked.

   "Yes, it's just that the area we're in seems a little strange, why is this happening on the planet." Richard on the side was also excited, just looking at the weird environment around him, a little puzzled.

   "Maybe it's an ecological problem in the universe. We have to collect data as soon as possible and publish it. We will definitely be successful!" Marina didn't think so much.

  In her eyes, as long as the quantum collider successfully opens the passage to the parallel world, then this year's Empire Sunshine Award must belong to their team.

   "Of course, the psionic phlogiston can only support the passage for ten minutes at most. If we go back late, we will have to stay in this parallel universe." Richard also joked.

   "Oh~ Your Majesty, this is terrible. This universe doesn't even have stars, and it's just too bad to be in the dark." Marina also complained in reverse.

   Just finished complaining, she looked up at the sky, as if the darkness was creeping.

   "Richard, do you feel that the universe outside this planet seems a bit strange?" Inexplicably, Marina felt a trace of panic.

  Richard lowered his head and concentrated on collecting the flesh and blood.

   "Marina, I think you should not focus on the vast universe, but on your feet. We need to collect enough data as proof."

  Marina did not respond at this time. Just now, she saw a huge monster passing by.

   This world is not without stars, but is covered by something huge, and she also feels that everything seems to be alive.

  At that moment, she felt a certain kind of gaze, and there was an unparalleled malice towards her in this gaze, which made her fall into a trance.

   "Hey honey, I don't think that's the right attitude for you."

   Fortunately, Richard's call brought her back to her senses, and when she looked again, those feelings just now receded like a tide, and she was like an illusion in a trance.

   "Yes, the universe is so great that I was a little lost for a while." Marina also said hastily, and then began to collect various sample data.

  Three minutes later, Richard suddenly raised his head, with a solemn expression, and pulled out a strange firearm from his waist: "Be alert, it seems that something is approaching."

   "It shouldn't be. Theoretically, there are no life forms on this planet." Seeing this, Marina also pulled out her gun to be on alert after storing the sample data in her hand.

  Because when they came to this planet, they carried limited lighting equipment, so no matter what was in the dark area outside the range of lighting, they knew nothing.

   "That's just a theory, dear." Richard naturally knew that there was a difference between theory and reality, and it was the same in their own universe, let alone a parallel universe.

  Some kind of grunting sound is getting closer.

   "Come out, if you don't want to be shot." Richard warned.

   It's just that this kind of snoring is getting closer and closer, either the other party can't understand it, or it's fearless.

  So Richard fired a warning shot without hesitation.

  This behavior angered the other party.

   A four-legged crawling monster covered in tumors suddenly hit the area of ​​exposure. A big mouth was opened on the head, and it was full of interlaced teeth. No, it should be said that the bones are better.

   "Damn, Marina, shoot!"

  The moment the crawling monster rushed over, Richard naturally shot without hesitation, and even called out to Marina.

The power of the firearms is very powerful, coupled with his sophisticated shooting methods, he was about to blow the monster's head off, and the powerful impact directly knocked the headless corpse upside down. The only problem was that a large amount of thick liquid After the head was blown off, it burst open, splashing everywhere.

  Fortunately, the two of them were wearing protective clothing, which covered their whole bodies tightly, and the liquid did not affect them.

   "Your Majesty, fortunately, these monsters are not as corrosive as in science fiction movies, otherwise, we might have to evacuate." Richard still did not forget to show his sense of humor.

   "No, I think even if the bodily fluids are not corrosive, we have to evacuate." Marina said.

  Because there are more and more grunting noises around, and they are getting closer, it means that more monsters are coming. If they don't want to be torn apart, the best way is to evacuate.

   "Well, I agree with you." Richard also noticed the movement and agreed.

  (end of this chapter)

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