I Am a Normal Player!

Chapter 438: I'm a double agent!

  Chapter 438 I am a double agent!

   "Damn it, the blockade is serious again!" Elena's expression was full of resentment.

  Looking at the information obtained through hard work in his hands, the other party was arrested the day after Fosa returned, and the charge was naturally collaborating with the enemy.

  The subsequent incident caused a huge chain reaction. All the personnel related to Fosa were investigated by the omnics of the Ascension Empire, which implicated many people.

  This led to heavy losses for the Moon Star Rebels.

  Fosha is a line, if you dig according to him, you will definitely be able to dig out a lot of people.

   "Chief, it's really not possible. Let's move to the northern part of the empire, where there are fewer mechanical heads." A high-level rebel army suggested.

  “This matter” Eileen was about to speak, when a personal guard ran in and informed her in a low voice that someone wanted to see her, and she was still holding Fosa’s token.

   This made Eileen both surprised and delighted. The surprised one was that something happened to Fossa, and the happy one was that Fossa still had a backhand. Otherwise, it would be impossible for someone to come to him with a token.

  The man came in quickly. He was an ordinary-looking middle-aged man with a look of vicissitudes in his expression.

"Boss Elena, you can call me Mr. Gu. I won't reveal anything else. After all, Mr. Fosa has just been arrested and imprisoned. I can trust you, but I won't trust anyone else." Mr. Gu's middle-aged man said with a tired expression, obviously it was not easy when he came.

   "Of course, this is what it should be." Elena also looked serious, and the behavior of ascending to the empire made everyone panic.

   "Please sit down, Mr. Gu, you came to see me, does Fosa have anything to say?" Elena also got to the point.

  After sitting down, Gu Shanhai said: "Mr. Fosa knows that he may not be able to get out of prison, so I will cooperate with you in supporting the rebels."

   "This is the material that Fosa raised before he was arrested. It should arrive at the rebel camp in half an hour." Gu Shanhai said, took out a list and handed it to the other party.

  Eileen hurriedly picked it up and took a look, feeling at ease. Although the items on the list were not many, they were all the things their Moonstar Rebel Army needed most.

   "It's not easy to collect these things." Elena sighed.

"It's not easy, Mr. Fosa came in because of these supplies." Gu Shanhai also sighed, and then said solemnly: "Although I came to replace Mr. Fossa, I also value the resistance of the Rebel Army to the Ascension Empire. However, in order to prevent me from following the old path of Mr. Fossa, I will keep myself strictly confidential and hope that the rebel army will not come to investigate me."

   "And if someone comes to investigate me on purpose, I hope the rebels will conduct further screening."

   "If my own safety is involved, I will unilaterally sever contact with the rebels."

  When Gu Shanhai opened his mouth, he just wanted to take himself out.

  Hearing this, Elena also frowned: "But in this case, how should we contact you, Mr. Gu?"

   "Why did you contact me?" Gu Shanhai asked with a straight face.

   "Naturally, we have passed some news. If we cooperate internally and externally, it will be easier to overthrow the Ascension Empire." Elena also said hastily.

   "Chief Elena, with the current size of the rebel army, do you think you believed what you said?"

   "We are already risking our lives to provide supplies to the rebels. Not only do we have to pass through the omnic line of defense, but we also have to avoid the audit of big data. In the end, you still think that we are not risky enough?"

  "Because of Mr. Fosa's imprisonment and the arrest of many people with lofty ideals, many businessmen have rejected their request to continue to provide support to the rebels."

   "It's good for you, but you still want to cooperate with the inside and outside. This is preparing to cut off everyone's support."

  Gu Shanhai sighed, expressing that you kid doesn't know what's good or bad at all.

Eileen's expression was also a little gloomy. Gu Shanhai naturally refused when she said this. The reason why she thought about this was to control the other party and prevent the other party from betraying herself. After all, the other party was not Fosa, and it was the first time Meet.

  The second reason is to be able to use the opponent's line to continue to develop, so as to prevent the Moon Star Rebels from breaking this line after the opponent is arrested and imprisoned.

As for Gu Shanhai, she actually didn't take it seriously, especially when he came here to be a maverick, a kind of I can only help you under the condition of protecting myself, which makes her very upset, so she has to further tie him up On the front line of the Moon Star Rebel Army, they are just like Fosa.

   "I understand, I didn't think thoroughly." Eileen said so, but in fact she definitely didn't think so, she first stabilized the other party on the surface, and what happens afterward is an afterthought.

  After Fosa was arrested, Elena deeply realized that she had to take the initiative, otherwise wouldn't those people with lofty ideals have something to give? What she wants is to give what she wants.

  Gu Shanhai narrowed his eyes, and he naturally knew what this guy was thinking. He didn't come here on a whim, but planned to come over to find out what's going on with Elena.

  The other party has been stuck on the concept that the original moon can transform into the moon, and it can be viewed remotely, mainly because he wants to get started.

  Now, after some understanding, I have come to the result, that is, Elena has never deeply developed and controlled the original moon energy, and has always been fighting for power and profit.

  The Moon Star Rebel Army was not as united as expected, and there were many open and secret fights inside.

The arrest of Fossa was not because the omnics had discovered clues. These clues omnics had been detected by big data as early as when they first supported the Moon Star Rebel Army. It was only because of Gu Shanhai's instruction, so That's why I treat it as invisible and suppress it from time to time.

   It's like the shortage of supplies before, that's what happened.

  The arrest of Fossa was purely due to the hands and feet of members of the rebel army in order to attack Elena, and they were reported to the public. It is not appropriate for the omnic not to arrest.

   Regarding this, Gu Shanhai was also very speechless. This pool is shallow and there are many kings, and the temple is very windy.

   There must not be so many messy things in the beginning, but as the rebel army settled down and someone took power again, someone must have had a different idea.

   "Boss, the supplies that Mr. Gu said have arrived." A rebel rushed over and reminded him.

   "I see, you go back to the warehouse." Elena also nodded, and didn't say anything about counting. She still has eyesight. If this counts, doesn't it mean that she doesn't trust Gu Shanhai.

   It's just that this inventory must also be carried out, but I won't talk about it.

   "Since the supplies have arrived, I'll take a step ahead. The next batch of supplies will arrive in about three to five days." Gu Shanhai got up and was about to leave.

  Erina called out to Gu Shanhai: "Mr. Gu, please wait a moment, I have one more request, please be sure to agree."

   "Tell me, if I can do it." Gu Shanhai stays on the front line when doing things, and never gets too busy talking.

   "We need some psionic weapons, I wonder if you can get some, of course, if not, you can use them instead" Elena said without hesitation.

  If she directly asked for some scarce supplies that were blocked by the Ascension Empire, Gu Shanhai would definitely not agree so easily.

   Therefore, if she wants to open the window, she has to express that she wants to raise the roof, and if she takes another step back, it will be easier to succeed.

   "I will try my best to help collect it, but don't expect too much." Gu Shanhai spread his hands, this guy really dares to push his nose on his face.

   After finishing speaking, he left without looking back.

  Five minutes later, Elena spoke: "Marquis, go and follow Mr. Gu, and collect all his information."

   "This is not good." A high-ranking rebel army on the side hesitated and said.

  A gleam flashed in Elena's eyes: "We did this for Mr. Gu's benefit. Only when we have all the information about the other party can we better protect Mr. Gu, and prevent him from being imprisoned like Mr. Fosa."

  When they said this, everyone secretly slandered in their hearts: Wouldn’t it be easier for a member of the rebel army to monitor and collect intelligence about the other party?

  But they didn't speak. The arrest of Fosa made them a little nervous. If someone didn't come to replace them, their life would definitely be difficult.

  So if you really want to be able to control the other party, let yourself have a steady stream of material channels, at least you can have more variety in terms of enjoyment.

  Up to now, the Moon Star Rebels say they want to overthrow the Ascension Empire, but they actually want to establish a force of their own, and then use blood sucking to spend their days and nights.

  Although everyone doesn't say it, everyone knows that the Ascension Empire is not something they can overthrow with a group of small shrimps. Just shout slogans, but don't take it seriously in your heart.

   "That's right, the leader is right, we must protect Mr. Gu!"

   "I think Marquis alone may not be enough, and one more person should be sent to collect enough information as soon as possible."

   "If it is appropriate, we should bring Mr. Gu's wife and children to our resident as soon as possible for protection, so as not to be retaliated against."

   "Yes, yes, yes, it is best to learn about Mr. Gu's property and arrange for some people to go in and protect it together."

  With Elena starting, other high-level executives followed without hesitation.

Elena is also very satisfied that everyone agrees to this matter. If it is Fosa, she will still hesitate to do so. After all, they are old friends, but a stranger who just met and still has reservations about their support, then Naturally, we have to 'deep' understand it.

"What you said is all right, it just needs a little bit of investigation." Eileen naturally felt that it could be done for her suggestions on protecting her wife and children, settling in her property, etc., but not now, after all, they have it now Nothing is mastered.

   "This group of people is too dark." Gu Shanhai who left couldn't help complaining, didn't he agree to resist the omnic tyranny and overthrow the Ascension Empire? Why did they turn their heads and look like they were no different from a group of black and evil forces.

   "It's no wonder that Fosa is so poor that he can't even support his wife and children. If he is so blood-sucked, everyone will be poor."

  At this time, Gu Shanhai also felt that the Moon Star Rebels had also fallen, and they were not much different from the Sun Tribe.

  Oh, there is still one thing. The Sun Tribe is self-sufficient while not thinking about making progress. It has already begun to reclaim farmland and raise livestock in the canyon. Didore plans to become his chief.

  The Moon Star Rebel Army turned directly into bandits, occupying mountains and becoming kings while looting houses and defrauding people through righteousness.

   In terms of threats, apart from disobeying the rule of the Ascension Empire, the Sun Tribe is actually considered a good citizen. On the contrary, it is the Moon Star Rebel Army who robs the transport troops from time to time.

   "The next step is to provoke the dispute between the Moon Star Rebel Army and the Sun Tribe."

  The method of provocation is also very simple, doesn’t Elena want psionic weapons and a large amount of scarce supplies, Gu Shanhai can just give them.

   But, if this batch of supplies is intercepted by the Sun Tribe on the way, it will not concern Gu Shanhai.

When the time comes, Gu Shanhai will directly say that this is what he brought here at great risk. There is only this batch. It may not be easy or even impossible to get the next batch. It depends on whether Elena can bear it. This breath.

   If you can bear it, go to provoke the Sun Tribe, and through some "coincidences", let Didoer know where the Moon Star Rebel Army is stationed and this batch of weapons and supplies can easily destroy the Moon Star Rebel Army.

  Eileenna can bear it, but Didore can't bear it, he can't wait to skin Elena and cramp.

  Of course, the more important thing is that Didore doesn't have such a good brain, he doesn't know what forbearance is, and he will take revenge on the spot.

   "Sigh, it gives me the illusion of a child playing house." Gu Shanhai thought about it, and it was indeed the case. If it wasn't for maximizing the vitality of the protagonists on both sides, Gu Shanhai didn't need to be so troublesome.

   "But the harvest is indeed not small."

  Gu Shanhai looked at the brand new record of primitive moon energy in hand.

  He has already deduced part of the data of the moon concept, and he also knows how to let Elena transform the original moon energy into the power of the moon concept, and only needs a little help.

   This help is naturally a dispute between two small forces.

As long as Elena doesn't want to be tortured as Didor's slave after she is defeated, then she will definitely try her best to find a way to make herself a step further. At this time, the protagonist only needs to push a little bit to get her out of this situation. One step, reaching the same level of strength as Didore.

  The specific process is not important, what is important is that the result can be successful.

"And I always feel that there may be a third-party inheritance." Gu Shanhai felt that no matter whether it is the Sun King or the Moon Priest, there is an inheritance, and the inheritance must have a source. This source, Gu Shanhai suspected, came from this world community other worlds.

   Just need enough data as proof.

  Gu Shanhai is also collecting these data.

  (end of this chapter)

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