I Am a Normal Player!

Chapter 458: Where is the healing effect of your healing technique?

  Chapter 458 Where is the healing effect of your healing technique?

  The movement of gunfire lasted until the early morning of the fifth day, and then gradually subsided.

   Not because there is no ammo, but because the beast has been killed.

   This scene filled Gu Shanhai's ears with all kinds of messy roars all night. Fortunately, he didn't sleep, otherwise he would definitely suffer from insomnia.

Fortunately, everyone in this world is as good as Superman, with very good physical fitness. Even if he didn't rest all night last night, he is still full of energy. He doesn't feel tired after staying up all night. Thinking about it, he should be able to go to bed at three o'clock and wake up at four o'clock. work.

   "Now is the real start."

  Gu Shanhai felt that it was time for the decisive battle to fight the boss.

  From the memory of the mouse, Gu Shanhai learned that the monster clan produced a total of about a thousand half-monsters, not too many.

   Therefore it is impossible to say that it is used as consumption.

   "Could it be that the other party also created a monster race?" Gu Shanhai also thought of this matter.

  The other party must have the ability to attune the demon clan. If it wasn't how the mouse became a demon, then the other party did it.

   "Come on, the level of this group of half-demons is not low."

  Gu Shanhai noticed that 1,132 big monsters had entered the range of the air wall, and they had already started to move.

   "The level of the half-demon is 500, and it is an elite template. It has received a lot of enhancements. The two of them may not be able to fight."

  If there are only ten half-demons or the one hundred and thirty-two half-demons that have just been manufactured and haven't developed yet, then it's really not a big problem, but it's a pity that they are already fully developed.

  The strength of a half-demon depends on the monster clan it creates, with a limited upper limit of potential, more like a slave.

   Unlike this mouse, it should be intended to be bred as a direct descendant.

"It seems that I have to make a move, otherwise the whole army will be wiped out." Gu Shanhai still has a good impression of this basketball player and the old Liu of the base station, especially if the other party is willing to lose everything to buy his things. What is useful to him is not of much value, just how It is said that it is also a customer, so at least give it a hand.

   "Xiaobai, let's go." Gu Shanhai greeted Xiaobai and let him come out of his body.

   This guy sneaked up on his scalp and tried to nibble his hair, but he caught him right away.

  Xiaobai came out reluctantly, and went out with Gu Shanhai on his back.

  The constant snoring and exhalation in the nasal cavity is expressing dissatisfaction with Gu Shanhai.

   "Who did you learn to hold grudges like this, kid?" Gu Shanhai was a little speechless.

   "Yo~" Xiaobai said that he learned from you.

   "How can you defile people's innocence out of thin air, I am an upright knight, broad-minded and sincere, so why do I hold grudges." Gu Shanhai was quite speechless.

   "Yo!" Xiaobai said again that there is nothing wrong with what he said, but the premise is that you are a human being. If you don't have the premise that you are a human being, those words are basically decorations, and even occasionally you don't pretend.

   What Gu Shanhai heard was a black thread. This guy has become more and more fond of bragging recently. No, he has to find a way to cure it, otherwise he will be **** to death sooner or later.

  Xiaobai slowly carried Gu Shanhai to the entrance of the village, the scene was horrible, the original favorable situation turned into a headwind situation in an instant.

   "Hundred Whirlwind Habitual Demon Killer!!"

  Basketball water spread out a huge field, he is playing basketball.

   This dunk stunned him to express various special effects, especially the louder he shouted, the greater the special effects and power.

   Immediately after the dunk was completed, a violent tornado erupted around it, sweeping all the demons into the sky and tearing them into pieces.

   On the other side, the old Liu of the base station turned into a three-story robot, and kept sweeping the half-demon in a melee manner. The two resisted the pressure abruptly.

   Otherwise, with this wave of shocks, no one in Zhenshi Village, except for the village chief, could survive smoothly.

The other villagers forcibly withstood the attacks of the remaining half-monsters by relying on the hot weapon type magic weapon provided by the old Liu of the base station, but the efficiency was not high, and the casualties were heavy. No matter how powerful the two players were, they would still slip through , more than one thousand and one hundred level 500 half-demons, how can they all be guarded.

   "Oh, come to think of it, these two have my buffs, so they won't die so easily."

  These two people seem to be mowing the lawn with Wushuang. If it weren't for the heavy casualties in the rear, they would definitely have an excellent advantage.

   "What are you doing out here, go back quickly!" Old Liu of the base station has a brain, so he noticed Gu Shanhai's arrival immediately.

   "I'm here to provide you with some reinforcements. I'm extremely good at healing!" Gu Shanhai said that he was here for support.

"Hey! You go back and hide first, the halo is enough." The basketball water on the other side also found out that they really don't need healing skills, and Gu Shanhai's recovery halo keeps their blood mana full. They didn't return quickly, not to mention the aura that increases the upper limit of blood mana, making them fleshy and tough, and they can be compared to those meat shield players who mainly focus on defense and blood volume.

  So as long as there is Gu Shanhai's halo, it is a matter of time for them to kill all these semi-demon elite monsters.

   On the contrary, if something happened to Gu Shanhai, they would all suffer from cold.

   They really confessed to Gu Shanhai, for fear that something would happen to him.

  So it doesn't matter if you specialize in healing or something, anyway, they don't lose blood.

  As for the dead villagers, they are also very open. If the main task cannot be completed, the villagers they raided will not be able to bring them back even if they are turned into followers.

  It might as well keep it as cannon fodder.

   "Don't worry, my healing technique is super powerful." Gu Shanhai said, throwing out the healing technique casually.

  In the eyes of old Liu of the base station, he passed by him, and finally landed on the half-demon who had just rushed over in the distance.

   "Oh my god, why did you fall on the enemy?" Base station old Liu didn't know how to complain for a while. Has anyone seen healing to restore blood to monsters?

   After receiving Gu Shanhai's treatment, the half-demon's body swelled rapidly, from a wild horse to the size of an elephant.

   "Your healing technique still has buffs~"


  In the next moment, the old Liu of the base station was sent flying by the half-demon wild horse, and his huge body rolled several times before stopping.

   Standing up, Lao Liu of the base station felt that Gu Shanhai might be an undercover agent sent by the other side.

Just as he was about to say something, he suddenly saw that the wild horse the size of an elephant had swelled into a big weird ball, a large number of bones and organs were squeezed out, and horrifying tentacles of flesh and blood extended from it. A huge gap with various sharp teeth was opened on the top.

  The opening appears to be the mouth.

  The tentacles **** any living things they encountered, and then forcibly pulled them into the mouth. Then, there was a horrible chewing sound. This scene made the base station's old Liu a little scalp numb.

   "Fuck, this is a healing technique!!" The basketball water was almost wrapped in the waist by the tentacles. If he hadn't used his skills decisively to break free, it would have become a meal by now.

  If you really want to die like this, you will feel aggrieved, so you hurriedly retreated, feeling a little lingering in fear.

   "There is an attack range, and it will be fine if you don't enter it." The old Liu of the base station analyzed the information in an instant through his brain.

   "Are you sure this is a healing technique?" Basketball Water, who had successfully escaped, asked Gu Shanhai immediately.

  Gu Shanhai nodded: "Yes, you see, it was injured by Lao Liu before, and it has recovered after my healing spell."

   "That's right, then I. Wait, the type of your healing technique is not an offensive skill, right?" Basketball water reacted, feeling a little horrified.

   "Would you like to see what you're talking about, of course healing is mainly about healing." Gu Shanhai looked strange.

   At this time, the huge fleshy creature seemed to be full, and a bright fleshy flower bloomed on the top of its head, which looked somewhat similar to Rafflesia.

"This is entering the second stage. Can you control this thing?" Old Liu of the base station hastily stepped back a few steps. Those who are resistant are pulled into the flower and devoured.

   "It should be no problem." Gu Shanhai hesitated and said.

   "Should?" Basketball Water was a little tired for a while, how could this thing be supposed to, then they won't have to fight another BOSS next, right?

   "Don't worry, this is the only way for the opponent. The current game mode has been changed to the tower defense mode. Even if the monsters come in, they have to beat my flower first."

   "Being able to beat the BOSS can also consume him. If the BOSS can't beat our mission, then the task is completed. What do you care about so much?"

  Gu Shanhai said that they came to complete the task, not to play house.

   So don't worry about that at all.

   "By the way, will your flower eat dead things besides living things?" Old Liu, the base station, approached and asked, after the birth of this flesh and blood flower, the half-demon is no longer a threat.

   "Eat, why don't you eat, and after there is no food, it will take root to absorb nutrients such as nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, and even photosynthesis, and its ability to survive is very strong." Gu Shanhai said with joy.

   "Then what is the limit of growth?" Seeing Gu Shanhai's expression, old Liu of the base station couldn't help but feel a little bit in his heart, and suddenly felt a bad feeling.

   "The limit, according to my estimation, in half an hour, it should be able to cover the entire Zhenshi Village, and then we can even break up with the Black Stone Demon." Gu Shanhai said that you can rest assured that there is absolutely no problem.

  Hearing this, the base station old Liu's mood exploded at this moment.

   The monsters that Gu Shanhai heals through healing techniques are the same as his nuclear bombs, and there is no friend or foe judgment, so not only the enemies will be swallowed, but even the friendly troops will not be spared by him.

"No, have you thought about what we should do? This thing is so strong, how can we fight it?" Base station old Liu felt a little tired for a while, saying that Gu Shanhai's hand is strong, it is indeed very strong, and he is saving his life. , combat and other aspects, it is very suitable for support and life players like Gu Shanhai.

   But the problem is that this thing is out of control, more terrifying than BOSS.

   "I've considered this too. With the aura increase on my body, even if it is eaten, it won't be able to digest us." Gu Shanhai said seriously.

   "So, if we are eaten, it is more like entering a safe shelter?" The basketball water also came over.

   "That's right, that's what it means." Gu Shanhai said that your comprehension ability is very good.

   "Then how to fight the boss? Let this flower come?" Old Liu of the base station also activated the cooling module to force himself to calm down, otherwise there would be too much to complain about.

   "It's okay, what do you think?" Gu Shanhai asked back.

  Old Liu of the base station said that he couldn't see it no matter what he could. This flower is really outrageous.

   "Are you still working part-time with the summoning system?" Old Liu of the base station didn't say what he thinks, but instead asked, he suspected that this flower got the attribute bonus from Gu Shanhai.

   "A little part-time job, but not much." Gu Shanhai did not refute, after all, the Inner Demon Dao Soldier and the Fate Avatar are also summons, but they are not commonly used.

   Hearing this, Base Station Lao Liu's face softened, but he didn't relax his vigilance too much.

   "By the way, do you two want some healing? One to refresh your mind, two to never get tired, and three to live forever." As Gu Shanhai said, the brilliance of healing appeared on his hands.

   "Don't, don't, I don't want to go back now." Basketball water immediately pressed Gu Shanhai, saying that this thing is not suitable for them.

"Yes, you have to use this healing technique with caution." The old Liu of the base station also hurriedly stopped him. He also saw that Gu Shanhai's healing technique exerted too many additional effects, and the original healing ability was basically negligible. Last time, who knew if he would mutate.

   "It's okay, the effect is enough, no matter what, I'm still a customer, I have to give you some benefits." Gu Shanhai felt that he couldn't be stingy, so no matter what, he had to let them enjoy the refreshing effect.

  At this time, Old Liu of the base station seemed to understand where the difficulty of the middle-level area was this time.

   Not on the so-called BOSS, but on Gu Shanhai.

   This is no longer as simple as delaying the legs, but jumping directly to the enemy's camp. More importantly, the other party is kind enough to help him. If this is not stopped, it will really be wiped out.

   "Speak up if you have something to say, let's not do it." Old Liu of the base station also hurried to help the basketball water hold Gu Shanhai's hand that was about to release the healing technique.

   "You guys are overreacting too much. If you can do it, you can do it. If you don't want it, let it go." Gu Shanhai didn't force it either. Of course, the effect of the healing technique he said before is true.

  He speaks very sincerely. If he really suffers from his three healing techniques, he can get two permanent buff states and one talent.

   Unfortunately, they missed it.

  The two of them breathed a sigh of relief when they heard this.

   "Don't use such a scary healing technique next time, you old man can just watch the show later." Basketball Water said hastily, as long as Gu Shanhai doesn't make trouble, he can say anything.

  Obviously the group of elite monsters could be killed by time, but now it’s better, the elite monsters are almost dead, Gu Shanhai directly created a BOSS-level summoner that is more terrifying than the elite monsters, and there is no way to control it.

   This makes them feel that they are such good-for-nothings, that they can't even compare to the other party's summons.

  (end of this chapter)

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