I Am a Normal Player!

Chapter 464: The sky is falling, wait a minute, I seem to be the tallest?

  Chapter 464 The sky is falling, wait a minute, I seem to be the tallest?

  The matter of the horse bandits soon fell to the ground. The general process was that the city lord A passed, and then the city lord died suddenly, and then only a few sporadic people escaped back.

  This made the city of Anchang jittery, for fear that horse bandits would come in, but there was no good news. After the death of the city lord, it had been reported to the imperial court.

   Gu Shanhai didn't take this matter to heart at all, because it had already been resolved. Of course, it was not Gu Shanhai who resolved this matter, but the update of the 'script'.

According to the original 'plot', after the death of the city lord, this group of horse bandits would rush into the city to burn, kill, and loot, but now there is no such thing, because the city lord has severely injured the leader of this group of horse bandits, making them stalk rats. When the bandit leader's order arrived, he naturally did not enter the city as before, but prepared to make a detour.

   Originally, he also received the order, but he didn't make a detour, but went straight out from Anchang City.

As for why the city lord was able to injure the other party before he died, it was naturally because he took a sum of money from Gu Shanhai, and then went to the Lin family who had fled back from the Gang Sha Realm Patriarch, and rented the inner lining treasure from the other party. Armor, which made him, who should have been killed without injury, severely wound the enemy before he died.

   "Master, the horse bandits have won, should we prepare to run away?" Qingfeng asked while struggling his body.

   "What are you doing running away? It's already been resolved." Gu Shanhai didn't intend to hide it, but continued: "The horse bandits have unusual origins, and they probably won't be wiped out in the short term."

  Gu Shanhai naturally knew that this horse bandit had someone at the top and had a special background, so it was not so easy to be wiped out.

  After this time, I will disappear for a period of time and wait for the right opportunity to come back.

   Even hidden dangers are buried here. For example, the leader of the horse bandit who was severely injured by the city lord will definitely come back with revenge. Gu Shanhai can figure out the reason for him. Why is there nothing wrong with the city when he is seriously injured.

  The reason is indeed a bit of nonsense, but it is very easy to use.

   "That's good, otherwise, the whole city will be in chaos." Qingfeng also breathed a sigh of relief, and fleeing is definitely not a good thing.

   "But the city lords are all dead, otherwise, master, you can go directly to be the city lord."

   Qingfeng came up with another bad idea.

   "You are really good at coming up with bad ideas. Have you ever considered being a dog-headed military adviser?" Gu Shanhai complained, Qingfeng really knows how to play.

   "It's not very good, and Mingyue is more suitable than me for the dog-headed army division." Qingfeng directly blamed it.

   Mingyue on the side rolled her eyes, and she doesn't plan to deal with Qingfeng now. This product has been a little swollen recently, so I need to find a chance to fix it.

   "You forgot, Mingyue is narrow-minded, and she must be thinking about how to fix you now." Gu Shanhai said gloatingly.

   "Master, I'm not careful." Mingyue said helplessly.

   "How can Mingyue be narrow-minded, master, you are talking nonsense." Qingfeng also echoed.

   "Yes, Mingyue is not narrow-minded, but he did not deny that he wants to fix you." Gu Shanhai kindly reminded Qingfeng.

  When Qingfeng heard this, his expression froze: "Mingyue, this is not true, is it?"

   "It's true, you'd better prepare in time, so as not to be caught off guard." Mingyue said very seriously.

  Hearing this, Qingfeng couldn't help but swallowed a mouthful of saliva, and her face collapsed.

   "Master, can I still be saved?" Qingfeng asked Gu Shanhai with a bitter face.

   "How could it be impossible to be saved? If you grit your teeth and close your eyes, you will be beaten at most." Gu Shanhai said that Qingfeng has indeed swollen a lot recently, and he needs to be beaten more to solidify his foundation.

  In terms of realm, Qingfeng's progress has always been faster than Mingyue, but in terms of martial arts, Qingfeng is inferior to Mingyue.

   The analogy is that Qingfeng has three or five points of experience higher than Mingyue in terms of skill proficiency, but Mingyue is inferior in skill proficiency. In addition, Mingyue is of the agile and elegant type, so in actual combat, Qingfeng has always been suppressed by Mingyue.

Fortunately, these are just some small things, not big things, the gap between the two is actually not that big, even if Qingfeng loses more and wins less in actual combat, but that is when facing Mingyue, placed in the same realm, fierce and domineering His knife skills are extremely brutal.

And it is also due to Qingfeng's personality, which makes the moves all open and close, and it is easy for the delicate Mingyue to catch the flaws, but this kind of flaws, not everyone can catch, Mingyue received education. Shan Hai, the head of the Five Elements Sect, went to battle in person.

  In this world, even those direct disciples or favored heirs of gods and demons do not have this level of education.

   "I don't believe it anymore. Now that I'm about to achieve great success, it's still unknown who will win!" Qingfeng said that he refused to admit defeat.

   "What? Are you going to break through to the realm of harmony between man and nature?" Gu Shanhai teased.

   "No, no, but I think I should make a breakthrough in bone training." Qingfeng smiled resentfully.

"It should be, then it's not there yet, tsk, it's not good to talk big." Gu Shanhai watched his progress and put it on other practitioners. His should be true, but on the Qingfengmingyue, this But it doesn't count.

  According to his estimation, it will take at least ten days to break through, and it takes half a year to a year for normal practitioners.

   It took three days to break through the skin training, five days to break through the flesh training, and about fifteen days to break through the bone training. They have already practiced for five days now.

  Some people can't break through the level of strength training in a lifetime, but for Qingfeng Mingyue, it only takes three months.

  Their bottlenecks are simply incomprehensible to Qingfeng Mingyue. This is the convenience brought to them by aptitude.

  As long as you don't raise waste, the journey will definitely be smooth.

  As far as the independence of these two people is concerned, it is really difficult to raise the disabled. After all, they have been beggars for so many years. In fact, what should be sharpened has already been sharpened, and the protagonist is not an ordinary person.

   "Master, I always feel that Anchang City is not a place to stay for a long time." Mingyue ignored Qingfeng who was about to speak, but directly expressed her feelings.

"Oh? How should I say?" Gu Shanhai suspects that Mingyue may have some kind of intuitive talent to seek good fortune and avoid evil, and can detect disasters and blessings to a certain extent. Qingfeng actually has it too, but it is more inclined to the fighting type of animal intuition. On weekdays, it doesn't show mountains and dews, but it will be revealed when it really comes to battle.

   As for the actual battle with Mingyue, it is not considered a battle, because the two sides do not have any killing intent, but just sparring, so the times when this beast's intuition takes effect are very few.

   "I can't tell, but I always feel that trouble is coming." Mingyue hesitated and said.

  Gu Shanhai was a little curious. He knew that Mingyue's premonition was actually true. As the protagonists, the two of them must have come here with all kinds of troubles.

   I just didn't expect Mingyue to say it.

   "If you want to come to the door, you haven't come to the door yet. What are you afraid of? Besides, the sky is falling and there is a tall one standing against it. Say yes, Qingfeng." Gu Shanhai didn't care about it.

  When Qingfeng heard this, he was taken aback for a moment, and then asked: "Master, are you going to let me go to the top?"

   "That's right, look, you are the only one in our house who should break through the bone training, and you must support it." Gu Shanhai teased again, and directly changed the subject.

   "." Qingfeng didn't pick up the quarrel, but turned his head and ignored Gu Shanhai, and practiced hard by himself.

  Seeing this, Mingyue didn't say anything. Since Gu Shanhai didn't care, it meant that it wasn't a big deal.

  ‘Sure enough, following me will cause the protagonist to maintain self-thinking without being directly or indirectly affected by the world. ’ Gu Shanhai naturally knew why this happened to Mingyue.

  Just like Wang Qi back then, obviously as the main character, he was supposed to follow the normal 'plot', but suddenly his mind went online, wondering if there was something wrong with what I did, and then went astray.

   Otherwise, under normal circumstances, Mingyue's talent of seeking good fortune and avoiding evil would not be effective, making him aware that trouble might come to his door.

   Instead, it will be biased towards short-term changes, which will be directly weakened into abilities similar to treasure hunting.

   "Master, the person arranged by the imperial court is here, do you want to see him?" The steward of the mansion hurried over, and then reported to Gu Shanhai.

   "A lot of people went, or did you send me an invitation?" Gu Shanhai worked very smoothly, following the crowd.

   "There are a lot of people, all of whom were fawned on in the past. It is said that the person who came is a practitioner of the innate realm." The manager said.

   "He actually arranged for someone from the Xiantian Realm to come over." Gu Shanhai frowned, and then said, "He is indeed a big man in our small place."

  Houtian Realm is already unbelievably big, not to mention the presence of a Xiantian Realm, which will naturally cause a sensation in the whole city.

   Basically, it is not much different from the emperor's condolences in remote mountainous areas.

   "I won't go there, it's not interesting." Gu Shanhai refused directly, so he didn't waste time, he is very busy now.

  It’s another page of analyzing the history of the years, deducing the exercises for Xiaobai, and teaching Qingfengmingyue. How can there be so much free time to do these things.

  He is just a little transparent, how can there be so many things.

He has shown up in the City Lord's Mansion, but he still sits in the corner without revealing the mountains and water, and the money he gives is relatively secretive. The only person who knows is the City Lord, so in the upper structure of Anchang City , he still has no sense of existence.

   "Yes, master." Of course, it is impossible for the steward to say that he has made the decision for Gu Shanhai. If Gu Shanhai does not go, he can only respond in this way.

   "However, I heard that this innate realm practitioner seems to be looking for someone, which is a bit puzzling." The manager raised his mouth again.

"Looking for someone, that has nothing to do with us, he must find those local snakes." Naturally, Gu Shanhai understands that looking for someone will definitely not have anything to do with Gu Shanhai, a rich man, and he has to go through local gangs and martial arts clubs Such a big force will do.

   Unless people are with him.

   "Master, I'm worried that people from those gangs will use this tiger's skin to attack us." The steward said slightly sadly.

   They may not be able to find someone, but they have the courage to attack the big households in the city under the pretext of looking for someone.

  Even if they extort a large amount of money, they can still make money.

  Don’t think too well of forces such as gangs and martial arts. They are black industries themselves, but they are legal organizations in this world.

   Murder, robbery and other illegal things, five out of ten are people from these forces.

  The remaining five are people who were cornered by these forces.

"If you say that, it is indeed a trouble. The King of Hades is easy to see, but the little ghost is hard to deal with." Gu Shanhai knew that the cultivator of the Xiantian realm would not care about these things at all. For him, the strong should be respected. The real code.

Most of the cultivators have this idea. They accept the rule of the Daxuan Dynasty not because the Daxuan Dynasty is good, but because the Daxuan Dynasty is strong enough. Otherwise, the famous sects and the family gangs would have already separated one side. How could it be so honestly.

"If it's just a small trouble, then you can save money and avoid disaster. If you don't know how to praise them, someone will take care of them." Gu Shanhai didn't want to go too far. If they came to fight the autumn wind, then Gu Shanhai would give them some silver notes, anyway. It's fake, but if it's true, it's guaranteed that they will disappear without a trace.

  The current Gu Shanhai is low-key, not a dog, which means that he doesn't have to bear it at all. If everything is safe, everyone can have fun together. If you really think that Gu Shanhai is easy to bully, you are wrong.

   "Yes, master." Hearing this, the steward was also a little puzzled, someone to clean up? Qingfengmingyue and Qingfengmingyue are the only practitioners in their house, and they seem to have just started, maybe they don't even practice leather, so how to deal with them.

   It's just that he didn't ask these doubts, and it wasn't him who broke the money anyway.

  Of course, it is also possible that Gu Shanhai has some backhands, such as recruiting some masters to make offerings, so he is confident.

  With Gu Shanhai's financial resources, these things can still be done.

  Even cultivators need money in all aspects, and without money it is really difficult to move forward.

   "Master, is there really someone who can clean up?" Qingfeng asked after seeing the steward leave.

  Qingfeng is usually careless, but he also knows how to measure and knows what to say on any occasion.

   "Yes." Gu Shanhai hesitated slightly.

   "Ah, master, you are playing tricks again." Qingfeng felt that Gu Shanhai must have a backup, otherwise it would be impossible to be so stable.

   "Hey, I won't tell you." Gu Shanhai joked.

   This made Qingfeng's face darken, but he also got the answer he wanted. With Gu Shanhai's answer, 99% of them may have a backhand, and the rest is Gu Shanhai's own shot.

  Mingyue is relatively taciturn, and doesn't know what she is thinking, but her skills in her hands have not fallen at all, and her practice is orderly.

  Gu Shanhai didn't say too much, he could only say that after the 'story' changed, the original direction naturally began to be re-planned, and it was no longer the original 'script' that deviated seriously.

  (end of this chapter)

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