I Am a Normal Player!

Chapter 466: Three Oddities, Five Positives and Eight Meridians

  Chapter 466 Three oddities, five positives and eight pulses

   "Mingyue, do you feel that there seems to be something wrong in Anchang City recently?"

  Walking on the street, Qingfeng noticed that the surrounding atmosphere seemed a little weird.

"It's been like this all the time. There's nothing weird or not weird." Mingyue said calmly. He didn't finish what he said. An invisible vortex, many aristocratic families and martial arts schools have left one after another.

   This situation has been going on for two years, so Mingyue said, it has always been like this.

  Qingfeng spends most of her time practicing in the house and has no spare time.

  After two years of training, the two of them are now at the peak of the Gang Sha Realm. They only need to practice for a while before they can break through the Acquired Heaven Realm.

  The cultivation speed of this kind of progress, some people can't achieve it in a lifetime, but they just come naturally.

   "Oh, like this." Hearing what Mingyue said, Qingfeng didn't have too much suspicion. After all, Qingfeng felt that Mingyue would not lie to him.

   "It doesn't seem like there's anything to go shopping, let's go back." Qingfeng was a little bit in a slump, and today he was just planning to go shopping on a whim, and he was practicing on weekdays, so he rarely came out.

   On the contrary, it is Mingyue, who often comes out to walk around. Most of the time, he mainly observes, rather than inquiring.

   "Okay." Mingyue felt that something might happen today, and it would be a trouble, but she hasn't encountered it yet, so it's best to go back as soon as possible.

   On the way back, they suddenly noticed movement, and the two hurriedly retreated to the side of the street.

   "Daxuan's Golden Armored Army? Is there any Golden Armored Army stationed in Anchang City?" Qingfeng watched a group of Golden Armored Army galloping past on strong horses, not caring at all whether people would be injured by it.

   "I just moved in seven days ago." Mingyue said.

   "This is really strange." Qingfeng said rather curiously.

  The Golden Armored Army is a special army belonging to Emperor Xuan. It is a trump card type. Generally speaking, it either defends Shengjing or works for Emperor Xuan, such as catching important criminals and exploring secret places. It is one of his confidantes.

   "Ten days ago, Emperor Xuan was assassinated. It is said that the monster clan did it. There are rumors about it, but the truth is not yet known."

   "The Golden Armored Army came here to capture the assassin."

   Mingyue explained.

   "Assassin? He came to our Anchang City. Are you so short-sighted? You can't go anywhere." Hearing this, Qingfeng's tone was full of dissatisfaction.

   This life is usually pretty good, but it turned out that such a mess happened, which made him a little upset.

   A good small town has turned into a mess.

"This is not a big problem. The real problem is that this assassin has a copy of "Xuantian Treasure Record". The one who is here now is the Golden Armored Army. After a while, I am afraid that all the forces in the world will come here." Mingyue's tone was also full of helplessness. .

  He reminded Gu Shanhai before, otherwise let's run away quickly, but Gu Shanhai is too lazy, he didn't even think about moving.

   "Oh, so that's the case." Qingfeng suddenly realized, and then thought: "What is "Xuantian Baolu"?"

   "Is it precious?"

  Mingyue was also speechless when she heard Qingfeng's words: "You don't even know what "Xuantian Baolu" is, oh so big."

   ""Xuantian Treasure Record" is one of the three strange books in the world, in addition to "Earth Emperor's Jade Slips" and "The Perfect Man's Gold Seal"."

   "Don't talk about the gathering of three wonders, as long as you get one of them, even if it is the lowest qualification, the unity of heaven and man is not a problem."

   "If you can gather the three wonders, you can get a glimpse of the realm of gods and demons."

  After getting Mingyue's explanation, Qingfeng couldn't help but gasped: "Hiss~ It's so terrifying!"

   "Let's go, go home quickly and let Master take us on a run. If the news is true, Anchang City is going to become a big whirlpool. With our small physique, we will definitely be torn to pieces."

   fight? This is impossible, if you were Qingfeng two years ago, you might feel that you can make a chestnut out of the fire.

  The current Qingfeng is very compelling, the farther away from this kind of thing, the better, what is the three strange books, it is better to practice the "Longevity Sutra" honestly, and when you become a **** and demon in the future, what do you want?

  The personality is still carefree, but it has changed a lot, similar to the smaller Gu Shanhai.

   "Master is too lazy and doesn't intend to leave." Mingyue reminded.

   "It's okay, I have a solution. When Master falls asleep at night, let's find a cart to push him away." Qingfeng said mysteriously.

   Mingyue still doesn’t understand Gu Shanhai, it’s true that he doesn’t want to leave, but if Gu Shanhai doesn’t move and follows, then it’s fine.

   "Don't make trouble, you don't want such a big family business" Mingyue was a little speechless, Qingfeng's brain circuit has become more and more similar to Gu Shanhai's over the years.

   "No, it's a drop in the bucket for Master." Qingfeng said that Gu Shanhai is very rich, so don't worry about money.

   "Grandma, you are trying to die." Mingyue felt that Qingfeng's move was really a betrayal.

   "Staying here is called waiting to die." Qingfeng retorted.

   On the way back, the two talked to each other, and quickly planned a plan to run away.

  Mingyue said so, but in her heart she felt that the plan was very reliable. After all, if people were gone, what would be the use of money.


  On the way, the two saw a fox and it fell in front of them. The fox seemed to have suffered serious injuries.

   "Is this a dog?" Qingfeng looked at it carefully and asked hesitantly.

   "This is called a fox, what kind of dog, can you have better eyesight." Mingyue complained.

"It seems to be dying. Let the teacher stew it tonight. As the so-called fragrant meat rolls three times, the fairy can't stand still, and the fox can be regarded as a canine." Qingfeng will definitely not save the fox, but thinks that this thing should taste good: "Look at this fur. It's smooth and smooth. It must have been carefully raised, not wild."

   It is not wild, which means that there is no need to worry about parasites and diseases, and there are no related hidden dangers.

"You know that someone raised it, but it's still in the alley. What if we pick it up on the front foot, get caught on the back foot, and get blackmailed?" Mingyue also swallowed, although he felt that Qingfeng's words were very tempting. Strength, but this is really not edible, and it is easy to cause problems.

   "Okay, forget it." Qingfeng was a little regretful, and the two could only avoid the fox and prepare to continue walking back.


  When the fox passed by, the fox actually woke up and grabbed Qingfeng's trousers.

   This forced Qingfeng to stop and look at the fox.

   "Come on, put your claws, I don't know you well." Qingfeng squatted down and tore off the fox's claws, but the fox still refused to let go.

   Such behavior aroused Mingyue's vigilance, this fox is too smart.

  If it were a normal fox, no matter whether it was in captivity or in the wild, it would be wary of people and then stay away, instead of asking for help in such a human way.

  ‘Being troubled, why don’t you just kill him? ’ A killing intent flashed in Mingyue’s heart.

  On the other side, Qingfeng also sensed something went wrong, looked back at Mingyue, and asked what to do.

  ‘No way, this must be the demon clan that Master said, who was able to sneak into the Daxuan Dynasty, and was seriously injured, there must be a secret. '

  ‘Even if you kill him, this matter will still be on your body. '

Mingyue quickly vetoed this approach. Those high-ranking figures don't care about their life and death. If they really want to track down themselves and others, they will only suspect that they have colluded with them or have secrets, and then torture them. Listen to your own explanation.

   "I like you so much, why don't you take it back first and let Master give you palms." Mingyue said calmly.

  It means that this thing may be a little troublesome, but if this trouble falls into Gu Shanhai's hands, it will be useless.

  Hearing this, Qingfeng immediately understood Mingyue's meaning, and then smiled: "That's easy, but with Master's personality, he won't let this fox be cooked tonight."

   After finishing speaking, he grabbed the fox by the back of his neck.

  The fox has a humane ease in his eyes, as if he has achieved his goal.

   "Probably not, with body odor, master can't cook everything." Mingyue immediately teased.

   When they left, they found a group of Golden Armored Army galloping past them again, as if they were searching for something nearby.

   Qingfeng Mingyue set her sights on this fox. The two of them had a hunch that it was probably this fox that the Golden Armored Army was searching for.

   It's just that the other party doesn't seem to know clearly, otherwise they would have recognized it when they met.

  The way back went smoothly, and there were not too many problems.

   "Master, I'm back, and I brought you a dog." As soon as Qingfeng came back, he saw Gu Shanhai lying on a deck chair basking in the sun in the yard, and then said with a wave of the fox in his hand.

  Gu Shanhai opened his eyes and looked, and then said: "Where did you get it? At first glance, it is wild. The meat quality may be better than free-range ones, but there are insects and diseases, so it is not very good to eat."

   Qingfeng Mingyue immediately understood the meaning of Gu Shanhai's words, that is, this thing belongs to the monster clan, how did you pick it up.

   "It's in that alley on South Street." Mingyue said the location, but Qingfeng didn't know where it was.

   "Okay, if you like it, keep it for fun. I'll make some dog food later, and the two of you will find some medicine for this fox." Gu Shanhai expressed a small problem.

   "Old Zheng, go and apply medicine to the fox." Qingfeng casually threw the fox to the steward, then walked towards Gu Shanhai with a little obsequiousness and asked, "Master, let's run away."

   "???" Gu Shanhai's hair was black, this guy didn't mean to do it quietly, so why did it have a showdown.

"It's like this." Qingfeng recounted the information he had inquired from Mingyue, and then said: "So Anchang City is now a maelstrom, and if we don't pay attention, we will be smashed to pieces, so let's find a more stable place." The place continues to dawdle."

   "Qingfeng, have you heard Gao Qiqiang's words?"

   "The greater the wind and waves, the more expensive the fish." Gu Shanhai said earnestly.

  Qingfeng thought for a while and nodded: "Teacher, you are right."

   "But what does this have to do with me?"

   "I don't lack anything."

  He said that he wanted nothing from hanging out with Gu Shanhai, and why he was desperate.

   "You don't have any other ideas, such as mere areas."

   Before Gu Shanhai finished speaking, he was interrupted by Qingfeng.

   "No, I don't have any idea at all. I just want to wait until I have enough strength to live a prosperous life like Master every day." Qingfeng is very sincere.

   "Okay, even if you don't have one, how can you be sure that Mingyue doesn't either? Let me tell you, Mingyue." Gu Shanhai changed the example.

   As a result, Ming Yue used the interrupt skill before she finished speaking.

   "Me neither, seven days ago I persuaded the teacher to run away." Mingyue said that he also only wanted to live this kind of salty fish life, killing and killing is not good at all.

  Ever since she knew that practicing the "Longevity Sutra" can really lead to longevity, Qingfeng Mingyue knew that there was absolutely no need to go all out and so on, and she could think about these things after she became a **** and demon after she became a god.

   Heart spirit? What's the use of that thing, no matter how high the spirit is, there will be nothing left.

   "Hiss~" Gu Shanhai gasped.

   "It's so scary!" ×2

  Qingfengmingyue connected these four words very smoothly.

   "Well, if you say run away, run away, go and clean up." Gu Shanhai naturally didn't care.

  When the two of them heard this, they were also happy.

   "Take the fox away, it will be an eyesore if you put it here." Gu Shanhai looked at the fox with some disgust and said.

  Qingfengmingyue didn't think too much, and left with the fox in her arms.

  After the people left, Gu Shanhai also complained in his heart: "As far as you two are the leading characters, you will end up with big things wherever you go, which is comparable to disaster stars, not to mention bringing back the center of the vortex this time."

  The news Mingyue heard is true.

   And this fox is a fox demon, or a female.

   After the assassination failed, he fled here, and he really had the "Xuantian Baolu" on him.

  In the "plot", Qingfeng Mingyue became a cultivator by relying on this wonderful book. Now, it will trigger various follow-ups.

   "It's not as good as God's calculation."

  Gu Shanhai couldn't help but smile, with his current strength, it's not an exaggeration to call him "God".

  So many schemes, in the eyes of Gu Shanhai, are really simple and ridiculous.

  He didn't intend to say stop, just regarded it as a small experience of Qingfengmingyue.

  The three strange books are nothing, and they are not as good as the "Longevity Classic".

   "However, maybe we can collect all the Three Strange Books and the Five Classics."

In the Daxuan Dynasty, besides these three wonderful books, there are also five serious scriptures, which are "Xuanqing Sword Code", "Denxin Zhengqi", "Dawei Diamond Sutra", "Spiritual Blood Repairing the Sky", "Reincarnation Picture" .

   That's right, the five righteous scriptures are in the hands of the five sects of the righteous and the evil, and they belong to the township martial arts.

  As for the Eight Great Chambers, they actually have the same level of exercises, called the Eight Meridians Method, but they are not as famous as the Three Strange Books and the Five Orthodox Classics.

  Compared to the five orthodox classics and the eight meridians, most people covet the three strange books.

Because the Sanqishu is inherited without a master, anyone who gets it can practice it, and it is still being spread outside, unlike the Five Zhengjing and the Eight Meridians. The pursuit of a big force.

  (end of this chapter)

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