I Am a Normal Player!

Chapter 485: Plan in two ways

  Chapter 485 The soldiers plan in two ways

   "Master, if it wasn't for you who said this, I would have thought it came from somewhere in the Arabian Nights." Mingyue looked solemn.

   Today Gu Shanhai came to him and sent him a plan to help the Daxuan Dynasty regain its vitality, but also told him some secrets of gods and demons, which made him and Qingfeng feel as if they were separated from each other.

  They never thought that the high gods and demons are just an existence like consumables.

   Fortunately, they are not gods and demons, and will not be affected by this incident.

"It's unbelievable. Strong is strong, and weak is weak." Gu Shanhai replied calmly. This situation is the same as the king of a small backward country and the governor of a galaxy. Compared to Governor of the Galaxy?

   "Master, how are you going to solve it? Just blow up that world?" Qingfeng asked. He naturally knew that the opposite world was powerful, but there were very few extraordinary people.

   "Don't prepare, I have nothing to do with blowing up that world." Gu Shanhai complained, thinking in his heart, it would be so wasteful to blow up, he might as well just eat it.

   "Okay, so you don't plan to go back this time? Who is looking at Scorpion Lai Lai Wenming." Mingyue really wanted to complain about what the **** the name was.

"I see, the one who came back is just a clone, don't make a fuss." Gu Shanhai will definitely not come back with the main body. The main body is studying the pages of "Road to Civilization" and the history books over there. Incredible.

  Especially on the pages of the history books, the progress is gratifying.

  Gu Shanhai intends to use "Road to Civilization" and time history books to make the last period of peeping the Tao in the future. It is too low-grade to make breakthrough materials, so it can be directly regarded as a realm. Anyway, Gu Shanhai doesn't have so many taboos.

  If the two are combined into one, Gu Shanhai wants to try to create a civilization in his body to help him grow.

   "I just said, with your temperament, master, how could you be willing to leave without getting the benefits." Qingfeng followed suit.

   "You're the only one who can talk, right?" Gu Shanhai felt that Qingfeng would go to the house without fighting for three days.

   "Cough, no, no." Qingfeng also sensed that Gu Shanhai's tone was wrong, and quickly confessed.

   "Since Master, you said that there are still forces controlled by players in this demon realm, why not let us raise troops now and catch him by surprise." Mingyue opened her mouth to relieve Qingfeng, and put forward her own ideas.

  In Mingyue's view, this force is extremely dangerous. Even gods and demons can overthrow it, and even secretly control the development of civilization. It must be eliminated as soon as possible.

  He is not stupid. As the new generation of Emperor Xuan, if the other party wants to develop, he must be his enemy.

  Instead of waiting for the opponent to make a mistake and destroy it, it is better to take advantage of the opponent's weakness to eliminate the future troubles in advance.

   You can also take down the Yaoyu by the way.

   "The idea is good, but according to the evaluation, the Daxuan Dynasty cannot withstand such a disaster like you."

"The other one is that I can't find the forces controlled by that player at all. After all, the other party is interfering in an indirect way, and there is no trace of direct interference." Gu Shanhai would like to agree, but wars must be combined with the actual situation. Not a good thing.

  I thought that Mingyue would focus on recuperation, but she didn't expect to be more vigorous than herself, and directly ignored the half-crippled Daxuan Dynasty, and wanted to meet Yaoyu.

  If you can't find the monster clan forces controlled by the player, then the best way is naturally to blow up all the forces in the monster domain, which is not easy.

  If you want to further locate this player, you have to let Gu Shanhai go further in the erosion of "Road to Civilization".

   "Master, if you can open the player's world, can you open other worlds? Let's go directly to invade these worlds to recover blood." Qingfeng made a very constructive proposal.

   "I haven't got the coordinates, so there's nothing I can do. If you want to study it, it will take a long time."

   "Besides, in the case of the Daxuan Dynasty, you can't even conquer the Demon Realm, and you still want to invade other worlds. What do you think, is it just to deliver food?"

  Gu Shanhai looked at Qingfeng seriously, he had a good idea, but it's not suitable now.

   Still thinking about invading other worlds to recover blood. In this case, I am afraid that it will be used as a blood bag to be sucked by the world that wants to invade and then come back to counter-invasion.

Hearing this, Qingfeng also smiled resentfully, and didn't dare to continue. His original intention was to ask Gu Shanhai to help and crush him directly, but seeing what Gu Shanhai said, he knew that Gu Shanhai would not make a move. So nothing more can be said.

  He didn't complain about anything, after all, even Gu Shanhai's body went to other worlds to find life for them, and it was uneasy to ask so much.

   "So I can only rest and recuperate in peace."

   "It's a pity that it's extremely troublesome to install a detailed operation on the Yaozu side, making it impossible for us to monitor the Yaoyu effectively." Mingyue sighed.

  The monster race is special, they can use black magic to form the art of transformation, transform into a human form and lurk among the human race.

  But the Yaoyu Yaozu is different. If it is not necessary, most of the Yaozu will not transform into humans, but will maintain their real appearance.

  After all, the Yaozu don’t have the idea of ​​being more noble by turning into a human being. This idea is as weird as a person wanting to become a pig.

   On the contrary, for the Yaozu, the appearance of their own animals and plants can better fit their own skills and black arts, and can maximize their own strength.

   Just like a tiger demon, after becoming a human, he will not gain stronger strength, but will weaken his physical strength, which he is good at, and his fighting style will also be greatly unsuitable.

  It’s like letting a normal person change from walking upright to crawling on the ground like a snake. How can this improve efficiency? The body structure is different. Naturally, it is impossible to say that the monster race turns into a human to adapt.

As for the saying that people are innate spiritual bodies, so if the monster race wants to go further, it must transform into a form, there may be other worlds, but there is no such saying in this world, but it will be faster to practice with the monster body .

   "This is indeed a big trouble, and it is too unfavorable." Gu Shanhai can actually solve it. He has thirty-six changes and seventy-two changes in his hand, and he just needs to change it.

   After all, the version is still the version of Xuanzhen Realm, not to mention whether it can take effect in the Daxuan Dynasty, even if it can take effect, there will be problems.

  The difference between worlds makes it impossible for exercises to be compatible with each other.

   It's just that it's a lot of difficulty to modify, but he brought one-third of the computing power of the Four Holy Beasts system, and it took about ten years to complete the seventy-two transformation compatibility.

  The problem is that he has other tasks on his body, that is, to study the projects of One Certificate Forever Certificate and the secret realm after the death of gods and demons.

  That's right, Ontology is studying "Road to Civilization" and the pages of the history book, and he is in charge of these two projects. Otherwise, wouldn't he be able to catch fish when he comes back.

  Even if it can’t compare with Ontology’s research efficiency, it counts as much progress as it can make.

  If you really want to study the seventy-two changes, the gains outweigh the losses.

   In ten years, although the vitality of the Daxuan Dynasty was not completely restored, it has also changed from half-dead to passable.

  And if during this period, if Yaoyu fails to complete the unification and recuperate, it will basically be completely cold.

It is not so easy for that player to do it. After the unification of the Daxuan Dynasty, they will naturally not sit back and watch the demon realm unify. They will only use the constant balance and support of the various demon clan forces to make this group of demon clan fight internally. .

  One after another, as long as the vitality of the Daxuan Dynasty recovers, it will not only be able to easily crush the demon realm, but also gain a large number of demon clan forces influenced by them.

After all, if you give them something, you will definitely not give it away for nothing. More often, it will be in the form of business, and then you will use the method of promoting the Daxuan Dynasty to fool the little and big monsters in the monster clan forces, making them think that the big monsters are big monsters. The Xuan Dynasty is heaven, even the air is sweet.

   After that, it is very simple to take over.

   Even if it goes well, as long as the Daxuan Dynasty releases the rumor that it is going to fight the demon domain, there may be some demon clan forces who hear the news and kneel down to directly lead the Daxuan Dynasty.

  Qingfengmingyue never thought of exterminating the Yaozu.

   The monster clan cannot be exterminated at all, unless you level all the animals, plants, and even mountains and rivers, this will probably be able to prevent the birth of the monster clan.

  So the best way is to integrate it into a part of the Daxuan Dynasty and make it one of its subjects.

   This is very difficult, not to mention the strangeness of the monster race, just the hatred and prejudice between the two races, it will take a lot of time to eliminate.

  The human race is fortunate to say that the number is huge, but the life span is generally a hundred years. As long as one or two thousand years are passed, it is not a big deal.

   On the contrary, it is more difficult to deal with the monster race, because the races that become spirits are different, and their life spans are also different, so it is more difficult to deal with.

   "Master, do you have any solution?" Mingyue now only thinks of indirect guidance and restrictions on the monster race in the form of thought, and has never considered the fine work at all.

   "Is there any solution I can have." Gu Shanhai actually has a solution, just push it over, but he doesn't want to do it because it will affect the experiment on the main body.

  The main body is also looking for another player in Yaoyu, but not in the "Road to Civilization" game, but directly offline. He intends to physically destroy this player directly.

  When a person dies, everything is over.

  Gu Shanhai will not just waste the other party's account like this, but will find a way to get the other party's account before physically destroying the other party, and let him watch directly in person.

  If you want the other party's account, if you cooperate with me, the efficiency will definitely be faster.

  Actually, Gu Shanhai didn’t have much thought about the account number. He was more interested in "Road to Civilization". The account number was just a springboard for him, not everything.

   "That's such a pity." Mingyue also sighed.

"But having said that, Master, is it true that the stronger the strength, the lazier you become? To you, these things between us are like a small fight. You can solve it by reaching out, but in the end you just watched the development and didn't do it. " Qingfeng asked curiously.

   "This has nothing to do with laziness, it's to exercise you."

  That's right, Gu Shanhai is lazy, so he still has to reach out, so it's better to do more experiments when he has the time, do you really think there will be no follow-up after reaching out? You have to draw your hand back.

   "Look, if you hadn't practiced for so many years, how would you be able to digest the knowledge I taught you and put it into practice." Gu Shanhai pulled out another reason.

   "Why do I think that you, Master, noticed our troubles in advance, so you took advantage of the situation and released us to free-range animals?" Qingfeng complained.

   Not to mention, Qingfeng's animal intuition is still very easy to use, and he guessed Gu Shanhai's thoughts immediately.

   "What nonsense are you talking about, how could I be this kind of person!" Gu Shanhai said righteously, this matter must not be admitted.

   "Then you taught remotely instead of telling us to go back to avoid disaster." Qingfeng very calmly pointed out Gu Shanhai's loopholes.

   On the side, Mingyue winked at Qingfeng crazily, telling him to stop complaining and arguing, otherwise he will be beaten later, this is something that Gu Shanhai cannot say.

  Qingfeng also came to his senses, and hastened to make amends: "So Master, you must have other deep meanings, which I have not grasped."

He is also somewhat regretful. He has had a lot of quarrels with those civil servants recently, and he habitually quarrels with Gu Shanhai. It will be fine if the civil servants are shut up by him, but if Gu Shanhai can't speak for himself, then he really has to bad luck.

   "Stop arguing with civil servants in the future." After seeing Qingfeng admitting his cowardice, Gu Shanhai took back the intelligence-reducing means he was about to throw away.

   "No problem!" Qingfeng breathed a sigh of relief, this time it was considered a pass.

"But having said that, why do civil servants dare to do this with you? I'm not afraid that you will kill them." Gu Shanhai asked curiously. You must know that Qingfeng has been dealing with those sects, aristocratic families, and murderous people. great.

"I'm killing people outside. It's not appropriate to do it in court. You can't just do it just because they say something about me." Qingfeng also knows the priorities. Go back and let the other party know what vocabulary is and greet the eighteen generations of ancestors.

   Qingfeng can be vulgar because of his special status. Civil officials can’t be vulgar even if they want to. If they really want to scold Qingfeng, then it will involve Gu Shanhai.

  As for his wife and children, there is nothing he can do about it. Qingfeng is not married yet, so he can't scold her.

  So one has no taboos, and the other is bound by rules and regulations. No matter how you look at it, the winning rate of civil servants is not high.

   "You really think about the overall situation." Gu Shanhai couldn't help but laugh too.

   "That's not true. Many civil servants were criticized by me for being autistic and finally resigned." Qingfeng said that he was not a fuel-efficient lamp.

  Mingyue felt a little helpless when she heard this. It was true, but she also had his support. Normally, she would criticize the group of civil servants who were used to maintain stability. It was impossible for Qingfeng to do this if she was really capable.

  (end of this chapter)

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