I Am a Normal Player!

Chapter 489: Open the forum to generate the identity of the program

  Chapter 489 Opening the altar to generate the identity of the program

  Tu Chengyuan looked at Gu Shanhai with resentment in his expression, and was finally escorted into the car, obviously he was only a little bit close to succeed, why did he suddenly wake up at this time.

   What's more important is that the opponent was not affected by the sleeping badge of the extraordinary item, so he came up and beat him up, and tied him up after the beating was over.

  He thought he was going to die, but in his shocked expression, he called to report the crime.

  Seeing this, he was naturally overjoyed. Although he hated Gu Shanhai for being ignorant, the next step would be much easier.

His Tu family is quite powerful, and he will be able to use his own power to exonerate himself. He can even beat him up and sentence the other party to a premeditated murder. Anyway, he is his own from top to bottom, so the player's qualifications will fall. It's in his hands.

  However, these were all just his imagination. It wasn't the law enforcers who came, but the members of the Player Management Bureau. The opponent was very skilled and confiscated his sleeping badge.

   In the eyes of everyone, you kid is dead. You were sent away.

It was only later that Tu Chengyuan realized that if a member of the Player Management Bureau uses extraordinary items to attack ordinary people, he will be sentenced to ten years in prison. Of course, he is different. He also intends to obtain player qualifications and is suspected of crimes such as intentional homicide and burglary. , other things are fine, once the crime of seizing player qualifications is settled, it will be cool immediately.

  Even if you can't die, you have to spend your whole life in prison.

   As far as the Player Administration is concerned, they can turn a blind eye to this matter for the sake of the forces behind you, but if someone reports the crime, it means you screwed up and have to do it.

   You should know, but some players know about the Player Management Bureau, and they are very cooperative. If players know about this kind of thing, and you still hold it high and put it down lightly, will the players be happy?

  If your internal personnel can attack other players today, will they attack us tomorrow?

  As soon as this idea came out, it was only a matter of one hand for advanced players to erase the Player Administration.

  So if you don’t find out, it’s nothing. If you find out, you will be severely punished and then clean up the inside of the management bureau as a statement.

  As for saying that the other party joined the authority with a purpose, maybe some players can understand, but now it is caused by your own lax review. If you say that there is no responsibility, there is no responsibility. No one will believe this.

   "This group of people are really dark-hearted, and they are just waiting for this credit." Gu Shanhai complained.

   Liao Tai had already reported the matter of Tu Chengyuan, so when the other party acted, the members of the administration followed behind, waiting for Gu Shanhai to make a case, and then they immediately took action to arrest him.

  How to explain to the players is a matter for the higher management of the administration, and for this group of guards, this is a credit, and it is impossible to let them go so easily.

  Whether Gu Shanhai is a player or not is not important to them.

   It's the best player, it doesn't matter if it's not a player, Tu Chengyuan's own interest lies in Tu Chengyuan.

   "The players are about to become a nuclear deterrent." Gu Shanhai also smiled, and he also found that the Player Administration is really caring about issues related to players.

   Probably because I was afraid of being beaten back then.

   "I originally planned to join the Player Management Bureau, but now it seems that it is not feasible."

  If he really joins the Player Management Bureau and proposes to control players through technology, there is a high possibility that he will be sold by the other party.

   After all, he is not planning to make trouble as a player, but as an ordinary person.

   "So the research institute is a good place." From Gu Shanhai's point of view, the Player Management Bureau may have some small actions, but the overall situation has been tamed by the players. It is better to say that it is the Player Management Bureau than the Player Rehabilitation Bureau.

   "Submit your resume, interview, and then develop slowly."

  Gu Shanhai didn't think about developing quickly, it was not an easy task, besides, he also had a lot of time.

   "So I need a good identity. Just during my time, I have a lot of ability to analyze from the pages of the history books."

  He has already analyzed most of the ability to upload identity data in the pages of the history book.

   "But having said that, there seems to be a paradox." Gu Shanhai narrowed his eyes.

   This page of the history book has three functions, and the only one that can be used at present is changing the identity. In fact, there are two other functions that have expired.

  One is the ability to project one's memory back to a certain node in the timeline. Dugu Tiansheng and Huang Yanshan each used it once and then it became invalid.

  The second is naturally carrying a special skill named "Chaos God Demon Hongmeng Gong", which is only used by Dugu Tiansheng.

  So in theory, if Gu Shanhai really succeeds in completely analyzing the entire page in the future, then he must have mastered the ability to project memories into the past timeline.

   Then, why didn't he get the corresponding memory and regenerate now.

   Of course, it is also possible that he did not fully parse it out.

   It is also possible that this function was not resolved in this world, so there is no way to project it back through the timeline of this world.

   "It seems that I can't use the pages of the history books as a breakthrough realm?" Gu Shanhai frowned.

   No matter how you say it, there is still some remaining value, and Gu Shanhai will not consider eating it directly until it is completely squeezed out.

   "It's a bit difficult to deal with." Gu Shanhai scratched his head, but in the end he was helpless: "Then we can only use this world first."

  No way, you can't get stuck.

"In three days, the "Road to Civilization" will be updated. If I can grasp the time difference between the two worlds, does that mean that I can obtain a large amount of time-related data, and use this as a reference to speed up research. "

   "I just don't know if the channel formed by the quantum collider can withstand the impact of the change in time velocity."

  Gu Shanhai has never experienced it, let alone relevant data, so it is impossible to analyze it out of thin air.

   Using prophecy and divination can obtain part of the information, but only a small part, and the difference between the two worlds cannot provide corresponding reference.

   "Take one step at a time and see one step at a time. Fortunately, it will be updated every month, and there is still a chance." Gu Shanhai didn't feel a sense of urgency. Anyway, except for the pages of the history book, all other plans are developing according to his plan.

It's not uncommon for plans to have mistakes, otherwise, how could there be such a word as plans that can't keep up with changes? Gu Shanhai never thought that he could formulate a plan that was 100% successful, and he would be satisfied with more than 95% of it. up.

   "Use the information at hand to change your identity."

  The process is probably similar to the opening of the forum, the difference is that this time he is not communicating, but uploading data.

   "The technology of the pages of the time history book is really powerful, and I don't know how powerful the entire time history book is." Gu Shanhai couldn't help feeling a little bit, and then uploaded the identity he wove to the world.

   "The resurrection of my traces and the uploading of my identity can be permanently imprinted and indelible in other worlds."

   "So even if I die, through this hand, I can still occupy the magpie's nest and directly seize the world."

That's right, now that Gu Shanhai is thinking about rebirth or seizing the body, he no longer targets the existence of humans and gods, but directly focuses on the whole world, directly seizing the world, and then reversing the cause and effect, so that the world becomes himself, In order to achieve the fastest recovery of strength through the period of weakness.

  Resurrection method After Gu Shanhai created the two accompanying spirit creatures Suzaku and Xuanwu, he has deduced a large number of different resurrection methods, and the levels are also different, which are enough to deal with various death methods.

   So on to the next stage.

  From being unable to die with high health and defense at the beginning, to being able to be resurrected in various ways after being killed, now it is how to recover strength as soon as possible after resurrection and overcome the period of weakness.

   This is a complete process. As for killing the enemy before being killed, this is another project.

It is definitely the best choice not to die, but Gu Shanhai usually thinks about defeat before winning. After all, he can kill the enemy countless times, but if he dies once, it will be cold, so I thought Then arrange for him to die countless times.


   "With this move, I not only obtained a legal identity, but also left a mark on the world. When I do "Road to Civilization", it can also give me a little help."

  Gu Shanhai was overjoyed. His skills only had theoretical data on paper. In reality, he thought he would have to fail at least a thousand or eight hundred times. He didn't expect to succeed once. He can only say that the pages of the history books are really amazing.

  He got this data from the pages of the history books, and it was not developed by himself. The success rate is far higher than Gu Shanhai's imagination.

  "Being able to control it is equivalent to infiltrating a spy, and if I make a move to attract the attention of "Road to Civilization", then the effect of my black hands will be even better."

"It's just that the effect of my own modification is not as good as the pages of the Suiyue History Book. Fortunately, I have Sansheng Lingzhi to help check the gaps." After all, Gu Shanhai did not use the pages of the Suiyue History Book, and he did not fully analyze it. The effect is not good. If the effect If they were exactly the same, then he would have to wonder what was wrong with him.

   Otherwise, how could his copycat low-end version be better than the original version.

   "Now we can prepare for the plan to enter the research institute."

  The plan is actually relatively simple, nothing more than building momentum and reducing intelligence.

  The purpose of building momentum is to make Gu Shanhai have enough reputation and prestige. Naturally, Jiangzhi is to make the research institute and even the upper echelons of the entire kingdom believe in him. Otherwise, every politician is as good as a person, how could he trust Gu Shanhai.

  Gu Shanhai is too lazy to fight with them, as long as their IQ is low, it will be much easier to fool them.

   "So, master, you changed another civilization? Why is this more diligent than changing your pants." Qingfeng complained.

   "You should respect me a little bit. Can you not use the crotch as a metaphor." Gu Shanhai was a little speechless, what kind of metaphor is this Qingfeng.

   "I would like to use a girlfriend as a metaphor, but you don't have one either." Qingfeng spread her hands.

   "." Mingyue felt that Qingfeng was playing tricks again, if this continues, sooner or later, Qingfeng would be hanged up and beaten by Gu Shanhai.

   "Master, do you mean that we should give a little bit of resources to support this stone demon of the Tuyuan tribe?"

   Seeing Gu Shanhai scrutinizing how to concoct Qingfeng, Mingyue also hurriedly changed the subject, and can only say that Qingfeng has not been beaten so far, all thanks to Mingyue's extreme pulling.

   "That's right, it's best to help the Tuyuan tribe control the entire stone demon tribe, so I can handle it with my side."

   "There is another three days. Oh, it is thirty days, the time flow of the two worlds will change, and further planning will be required at that time."

Gu Shanhai said it was a clone, but it is not actually a clone, it should be controlled more remotely. The two worlds are connected through a channel, and then filtered and sealed by Gu Shanhai. Only Gu Shanhai can enter and exit. Totally unpassable.

  It is equivalent to Gu Shanhai blocking the passage with himself.

   "It's like this, but Master, do you feel the problem of time perception? After all, you have spent ten days here and only one day there. Do you feel dizzy?" Qingfeng asked curiously.

   "No, it's just a small problem." With Gu Shanhai's current strength, this is really just a small matter, and it can't even occupy his brainpower.

   "Oh, then..." Qingfeng still wanted to speak.

  But Mingyue keenly sensed that Qingfeng was about to die again, so she spoke first: "There is no problem with the support, and it is just right to use the stone demon clan to further disrupt the entire demon realm."

   "Without this player's outside interference, the Yaoyu itself is not to be feared, and it is easier to provoke."

Qingfeng Mingyue is naturally very afraid of players, especially the player Zhuyu who ended the ancient gods and demons in the first place, especially the opponent has the potential to grow to this level. If one is not careful, he will die. All must be treated with caution.

   "Well, you just let go, you don't have to worry about the player's affairs." Gu Shanhai naturally knows that there is a saying called king against king, soldier against soldier.

   "One more thing, I'm getting married." Mingyue said abruptly.

"Well, it is indeed time to get married. Having no heir will affect Daxuan's stability." Gu Shanhai didn't feel anything, and he didn't ask whose daughter Mingyue married. As an emperor, many things can't be controlled by himself. Of course, Mingyue is special. He has a strong background and a higher degree of freedom.

   "What about you? What's the situation?" Gu Shanhai looked at Qingfeng.

   "It's almost there, I'm still watching." Qingfeng also answered vaguely.

  Compared to Mingyue who completely controlled Mingyue, who required negotiation even to marry a wife, Qingfeng was naturally very free.

"Okay, then hurry up." Gu Shanhai didn't urge. For Qingfeng Mingyue, the future is still very long, and now it's just the beginning. Even if the strength reaches the level of gods and demons, it doesn't matter if you don't have any heirs, let alone a son If they can't survive them, even the grandson and great-grandson may not be able to survive the two of them.

   Mingyue has to do it for the sake of stability, not because he wants to do it.

  (end of this chapter)

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