I Am a Normal Player!

Chapter 491: How can this kind of thing be called a disaster? It's called external help.

  Chapter 491 How can this kind of thing be called a disaster? It’s called external help

   "The update time period has changed?" Gu Shanhai looked at the latest announcement and didn't know what to say.

  It was originally updated once a month, but now it has been updated once a year, with an update of ten days at a time.

  However, the time ratio during the update period is still one day equals ten days.

  Gu Shanhai suspected that it was because of his reckless tossing.

  The proportion of time is different, which means that the world itself suppresses itself and makes it pass slowly.

   "Forget it, it's not without gains. At least it can be confirmed that "Road to Civilization" has limited self-inspection and self-renewal capabilities, and even limited coping methods. It seems that the response is very slow and rigid.

   This can be considered a normal situation. It is a virtual platform formed by a collection of rules. It all runs according to the program, and there are very few external tricks.

   Therefore, flexible humans are needed to act as players to make up for their own rigidity.

  Perhaps this is the reason why this world was able to rise rapidly through "Road to Civilization" and the foreign intervention of players.

Correspondingly, there are also many deficiencies, such as the concept of time. For "Road to Civilization", updating once a month before is extremely frequent. Most of the updates are not for repairing bugs and adding content. More for speeding up time.

  As for why the update is extended now, Gu Shanhai suspects that it is because of the detection of an internal intrusion. If the update is performed at this frequency, it is likely that the intruder will grasp the core code of "Road to Civilization" along with the update, causing it to mutate.

  High-intensity self-examination may be able to find traces of Gu Shanhai, but correspondingly Gu Shanhai can also grasp more data, so that he can further obtain the authority of "Road to Civilization".

   It is precisely after discovering this that the time will be changed.

  During this year, "Road to Civilization" is not really watching, but is upgrading its own firewall, anti-virus software and other programs to further defend against Gu Shanhai's intrusion.

   During the year that was equivalent to the suspension of updates, "Road to Civilization" changed its strategy, no longer focusing on players, but focusing on itself.

  Gu Shanhai has already noticed the changes in the data, cut off most of the player support, and instead strengthened the interior.

   "This is not a good thing for me." Although Gu Shanhai was prepared for the changes in "Road to Civilization", he was a little helpless when he saw it.

   It’s true that this thing is rigid, but there will be no indication that it knows that there is a problem with the plan and will continue to follow the original plan. Once the strategy is changed to improve internally, it will be extremely difficult for Gu Shanhai to further control.

  In fact, this is also an update, but this update is not for players, but for the game itself, and it is still not announced to the public, and the process and duration are too long.

   Otherwise, "Road to Civilization" would have been gone long ago. It was a little bit of self-inspection and optimization that brought it to where it is today.

   "Fortunately, there is no good news at all. "Road to Civilization" has started to self-test, optimize and upgrade itself, so the corresponding attention on players will naturally decrease accordingly."

  The possibility of a two-pronged approach is not great. If you really have this ability, you won’t be able to delay the game update, so it’s obvious that you have more energy than you want, and you can only choose one direction to develop.

  Then Gu Shanhai's plan for the players can proceed more smoothly.

   "Actually, it is not ruled out that this is a deliberate phishing of "Road to Civilization", giving a false impression that I will deal with the players, and take advantage of the situation to find me out."

   Gu Shanhai thought about it for a while, and thought of this matter again.

  There is also a possibility, but it is not great. How to say this "Road to Civilization" is also very rigid, there are very few show operations, and it is impossible to get yourself into it for fishing.

   If you really want to do this, you will not only use the player as an introduction, but also expose yourself.

   "Whether it's fishing or not, let's make a fool of it first." Gu Shanhai doesn't care so much, if he solves the player, then even if it's fishing, Gu Shanhai can take advantage of the situation to pull him into the water.

  If it is an ordinary fish, it will indeed be caught by the other party, but Gu Shanhai is not a fish, so the other party will not be able to catch it.

   "We have to prepare in advance."

  Gu Shanhai looked at the player game list in his hand, the list was not complete.

It's not that there is a problem with the information in the Game Management Bureau, but because some players are deep and low-key. Even if they have great power and money, they have been doing nothing in peace, so they have not been accepted by the Game Management Bureau. To find out.

  The Player Management Bureau is not omniscient, and it is normal to have omissions.

  So the list in his hand does not match the number of players in "Road to Civilization".

   And not less, but more.

  It shows that some people who are not players have been mixed in. This is probably a misjudgment by the Player Administration.

  The plane remnant detector is not omnipotent, and it cannot be 100% accurate. Some areas will be considered as player traces due to the slightest activity of the inert energy environment, but they are not.

  Inert energy is indeed a big environment, and there will always be some differences. This kind of area is placed in the world of Xianxia, ​​which belongs to the area with strong aura.

   It's just that it doesn't have any effect in this world, just like a lazy person who rolled over on the bed, which is already very diligent for him.

   "It's so troublesome to screen one by one, so let's kill them all." Gu Shanhai thought, and there was no time for him to check one by one.

   "We have to find other hidden players, otherwise it would be too troublesome to leave some remnants."

   "If these remnants are reversed, wouldn't I have to lose a lot of money?"

   "The second is to block the number of players in "Road to Civilization"."

   Not all the worlds that have been interfered with have no way to convert initial resources like the Daxuan Dynasty, so for "Road to Civilization", it is actually not difficult to recruit a group of players.

  This world has a large population, and if "Civilization Game" wants capable talents, it must not be too difficult.

   "I have no way to stop recruiting modules, this is the core ability of the opponent."

   "But I can block the port. Even if the other party successfully recruits players, they cannot carry out the process of identification and registration, making them stuck in the initial stage."

  Probably let the opponent stay on the game options interface, unable to choose or exit.

  If it were a normal person, seeing this situation, the first thought would definitely not wait for the game to react, but would directly close the game process.

  In this way, the selected person will not become a player smoothly, but will only be stuck in the status of a half player, neither advancing nor retreating, and has not been noticed yet.

   It can also waste the computing power and resources of "Road to Civilization". After all, this process will not stop, it will only keep outputting.

   Making a person a player does not cost nothing, on the contrary, the cost is not low. In the Daxuan Dynasty, it took five gods and demons to replace a player.

  Under normal circumstances, thousands of years may not be able to produce a **** and demon, but here it is just a consumable.

  Of course, the two cannot be compared. Players are definitely inferior to gods and demons in combat power, even the strongest players.

   "I don't know when Qin Ji will come to see me again, alas, everything has been prepared for him." Gu Shanhai knows that Qin Ji is now contacting people everywhere.

  On the one hand, he wanted to give the player a fatal blow, and on the other hand, he naturally planned to find more support for himself.

  As the deputy director of the Player Administration, he naturally knows how much money there is in research, let alone a new type of weapon.

  It is not easy to come up with such a large amount of money, not to mention the need to do secrecy work, it is no problem to hide it from the players, but it will take a lot of tricks to hide it from the management personnel.

   What's more important is that Qin Ji is trying to figure out how to persuade Gu Shanhai. After all, this kind of thing is too shocking. As a normal person, he might not be able to accept it, so he didn't come to the door.

   "I hope I can come to the door within a month." Gu Shanhai didn't ask too much. With the other party's means, the preparations for these things are actually relatively simple, and he is in a high position anyway.

  The reason why Qin Ji is not the official director of the Players Administration is because the official director is a player, or a top player, who doesn’t care about things on weekdays, and is more like a name, so the deputy director is actually the person in charge of the administration.

   It's just that this power actually relies on the player. Whenever a player speaks, his power will be instantly wiped out.

   It is precisely because everything about him is rooted in the player, whether it is power or life and death, is controlled by others, Qin Ji is naturally not reconciled.

   It is said that it is for the kingdom to get rid of the threat of players, but there are actually many reasons for this.

   "I have to say that there seems to be a lot of dissatisfaction with the players, even those former player families."

  Gu Shanhai checked the people Qin Ji contacted, and 60% of them were families that lost the player.

  This kind of family is brilliant because of the players, but also declines because of the loss of players.

  So I always wanted to let another player reappear in the family to revitalize the family.

  The cooperation between this kind of family and Qin Ji is not to overthrow the player, but to make themselves a player and become a master again.

   "I don't know where it came from. It is said that if you kill a player, you can inherit the other player's player qualifications. It's really funny." Gu Shanhai also complained.

  "Road to Civilization" is not someone who needs to be killed, how can he be compared with the extraordinary powerhouses of all worlds?

   Naturally, there is no way to trace the source of the rumors, but there are many people who believe them. Everyone thinks that if this happens, then they can also become high-ranking players instead of servants.

"Master, are you sure this thing can make us gods and demons?" Mingyue looked at the two exercises in her hand, one was called "Longevity Sutra · Beta Edition", and the other was called "Longevity Sutra · Public Beta Edition" .

  The name is really a bit powerless to complain about. I can only say that if you can’t think of a good name, you don’t have to.

"It's just loading the abilities of the gods and demons, which is probably equivalent to adding some passive skills." Gu Shanhai also spoke very straightforwardly. This is the ability he created through the ancient magic gods and the current magic gods. Can be like gods and demons.

  That can only be like, after all, the two of them are not walking the path of gods and demons.

"It's not a big problem if you want the two of us to become gods and demons, but the problem is that we are only in the late stage of the Sanhua gathering, and we are still far away from the gods and demons." Qingfeng complained. He had never seen Sanhua anyway. Gather the practitioners who have the characteristics of gods and demons.

   "Do you still want to say that the two of you still need to go through peak, consummation, great consummation and half-step harmony between man and nature?" Gu Shanhai thinks it's unreal, it's all the same way.

   "Without taking the next step, you can break through the realm of harmony between man and nature, and there is no such outrageous realm as you said, teacher." Mingyue also saw it, and Gu Shanhai teased them.

   "So you can practice?" Qingfeng's eyes lit up.

"Yes, but even if the two of you practice well, you won't be able to give full play to it. You can only unlock it little by little as your strength changes." Gu Shanhai also explained. It's not that difficult, but it's the law ability of the ancient gods and demons, which the two of them can't fully bear.

   You have to pay attention to logic even if you change it again. Even if the body can carry it, it is a disaster rather than a blessing, and it is considered that virtue does not match.

   "I thought I could reach the sky in one step and possess the combat power of gods and demons." Qingfeng also felt a little disappointed when he heard this.

   "You're trying to eat farts, and you can reach the sky in one step, but if you two work hard, you will already be in harmony with man and nature." Gu Shanhai said.

  During the past ten years, Qingfeng Mingyue still didn't have much time to practice, and most of them were still busy with various official duties.

   "Isn't it busy?" Qingfeng also smiled resentfully.

  One of them is Xuandi, the other is Zhen Guogong, and they have all kinds of busy things every day.

   "Daxuan has almost recovered over the years, but Yaoyu is getting worse." Mingyue said suddenly.

   "So you plan to raise an army?" Gu Shanhai frowned, of course he knew what Mingyue was thinking, and Qingfeng had been busy with this matter all this time.

   It is estimated that Qingfeng, Lord Zhen Guo, will be the main general in the matter of commanding the troops to destroy the demon domain. As for Mingyue, he must sit behind Daxuan, so as not to cause trouble.

"Yes, this is a good time. Master, what do you think?" Mingyue asked the Tuyuan tribe. With Daxuan's support, the Tuyuan tribe had already mastered the stone demon clan and successfully became a demon tribe. Domain stir stick.

  Just want to exterminate this Tuyuan tribe, but also have to ask Gu Shanhai's opinion, after all, it is also under the control of Gu Shanhai.

   "Then let's do it, and destroy the Tuyuan tribe by the way, it's useless now." Gu Shanhai said calmly.

  Now, for Gu Shanhai, the Tuyuan tribe is not even good enough to serve as a springboard for icing on the cake. He wants to attack the player, which means that his face will be torn apart. Naturally, the Tuyuan tribe is worthless, and it will become a disaster if it is kept.

   "However, we have to wait a little longer for news from my side." Gu Shanhai reminded that it is definitely inappropriate to raise troops now.

  (end of this chapter)

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