I Am a Normal Player!

Chapter 499: Agree, or disagree?

  Chapter 499 Agree, or disagree?

   "Why do you feel uneasy?" Qin Ji looked strange.

  He repeatedly checked the information in hand, today is the time he and Gu Shanhai agreed upon, normally, as long as the design drawing of the large-scale annihilation energy circle is obtained, then everything will be settled.

   "No, where does my anxiety come from?"

   "Did Liu Ze and Dong Luo discover something?"

  Qin Ji did not place the source of anxiety on Gu Shanhai, but on Liu Ze and Dong Luo. In his eyes, as long as they are not players, there are only two people who can pose a threat to him.

   "Forget it, don't care about these, go to receive the drawings first, so as not to have long nights and dreams." Qin Ji got up and asked his assistant to arrange a trip for him, which was used to deceive people.

  Just about to pick up the phone to notify, there was a knock on the door.

   "Qin Bureau, Liu Bureau and Dong Bureau initiated an emergency meeting, you go there as soon as possible." An urgent voice came from outside the door.

   This made Qin Ji's face darken: "Got it, I'll be right there."

  ‘Damn it, this anxiety should be here. ’Qin Ji could only put down his phone and get up.

  He knew that if he didn't solve it this time, he might not be able to leave.

He rushed to the meeting room in a hurry. He thought it would be an attack or something, but he didn't expect that this time it was just a high-level meeting between the three of them. Seeing this, he was also relieved. Not a big deal.

   "Qin Bureau, here we come, sit down." Liu Ze also hurriedly said.

  After Qin Ji came in, he closed the door casually, and then teased: "What is such an urgent matter, so hurry up, I have to go out to work later."

   "It's not a big deal, just some minor problems." Dong Luo also made a cup of tea and handed it over.

  On the bright side, everyone is still harmonious, and they will definitely not tear each other up. The three of them get along like neighbors who live in harmony.

  It's just that the more the two of them said that, the more uneasy Qin Ji felt.

   But he took the tea and sat down.

  Liu Ze quickly got to the point. He pressed the remote control casually, and the projector turned on and projected a map on the projection wall.

  Seeing this, Qin Ji couldn't help but thumped in his heart. He recognized the map at a glance, and it was clearly the display of his base on the satellite.

  ‘These two found my base! '

  ‘Then this time you came to me, wouldn’t it be because you want to use the Nine Dragons Cannon to strike directly from a long distance? '

   Except for this matter, he didn't think there was anything that required the three deputy directors to get together.

   "Where is it?" Qin Ji also asked knowingly.

"Preliminary suspicion, this is a base of anti-player forces, but it is not confirmed for the time being, so I was thinking at the time, it would be too troublesome in the no-man's land, why not use the Nine Dragons Artillery to directly raze it, and save these things matter." Dong Luo said bluntly.

   At this time, Qin Ji was also agitated for a while, but it didn't show on his face.

  ‘Damn it, really, I absolutely can’t agree to this matter, otherwise.’

  ‘No, I have to agree, otherwise they will see the flaws, maybe it will become a weakness. '

  Qin Ji felt gloomy in his heart.

   "I don't quite agree with the Director's suggestion. After all, it's just a suspicion, and it may be some large Yadan landform."

   "Besides, if it is really an anti-player force, wouldn't we lose a lot of clues if we killed them directly? We can definitely catch the opponent and dig out the upline and downline." It was Liu Ze who said this.

  One person agreed and the other objected, which made Qin Ji's heart sink even more.

   In this way, whether he agrees to use the Kowloon God Cannon next time, his vote becomes crucial.

   The problem is that this is definitely a trap.

   If he agrees, then his base will definitely be destroyed. He doesn't feel sorry for the destruction of the base, but he doesn't feel sorry for the large annihilation energy circle.

   If you don’t agree, it’s equivalent to leaking your tracks. Then Liu and Dong will definitely arrange an elite special warfare team to enter the investigation. There is absolutely no way to hide such a large base.

   "So what's your opinion, Bureau Qin?" Liu Ze also wanted to see it at this time, and asked directly.

"You two, really let me take the blame." Qin Ji first gave a wry smile, and then said: "From the emotional point of view, of course I agree with Director Dong's idea, regardless of whether it is a large Yadan landform or an anti-player base. , The Nine Dragon God Cannon will directly wipe out the other party in ashes, which saves trouble."

   "Analyzing from a rational point of view, Bureau Liu's plan is safe. After all, it is easy to wipe out ashes, and if there is such a clue, we can dig out more anti-player forces."

   "It's hard to make a choice."

  Qin Ji showed conflict.

   "Otherwise, let's send someone to investigate first. If we get definite information, we will use the Nine Dragons Cannon." Qin Ji directly blames neither of them. For him, this is not a good thing.

   After all, neither of these two people is fuel-efficient.

  He said that, and it was barely a way to break the game.

   "I'm old, I'm old, I never thought of such a simple thing." Dong Luo couldn't help but sigh with emotion.

  Hearing this, Qin Ji secretly cursed in his heart: 'I didn't expect that? This is to put me on the fire specially. '

   "However, I still insist on using the Nine Dragons Cannon directly. What can it really do? If the clue is broken, it will be broken. Such a base, the armed force is definitely not weak. If we really want to arrange a special warfare team to go there, there will be heavy casualties."

   "It's really not worth it for our soldiers to die because of a little clue."

  Dong Luo pretended to sigh, but still refused to let go.

   These words are almost like a hint, and Liu Ze on the side seems to be lost in thought.

  ‘Here they come, they must have figured it out, and came to test me on purpose. ’ Qin Ji was also ruthless in his heart, these two old guys are too hateful.

"There is some truth to what you said. It is not a small force that can build such a large base in no man's land. Maybe even our administration has been infiltrated, and even some high-level officials have been instigated. Otherwise, it would be impossible to hide such a large base. Long."

   "Thinking about it this way, it's really better to use the Nine Dragon God Cannon to flatten it."

   Liu Ze's tone seemed to have suddenly realized, but there was something hidden in his words, implying that there was something wrong with Qin Ji.

"Since Board Director and Director Liu have no objections, then I will vote for it." At this time, Qin Ji could only admit it with a pinch of his nose. When he thought of not getting the large annihilation energy circle, he felt very distressed. It's just that at this time, for the sake of myself, I have to give up.

   No matter how important it is, can your own wealth and life be important?

   "Okay, since the three of them have cleared the customs, I will inform us to go through the process." Dong Luo also smiled.

   Soon after, people were arranged to print the documents, and everyone signed and authorized. The whole process was very smooth, and Qin Ji did not delay on purpose.

  After going through the process, Dong Luo also picked up the internal communication and said, "The coordinates are at."

   But before he finished speaking, he heard a hasty knock on the door from outside the meeting room.

   "Director, it's urgent, there is an urgent matter, the highest priority."

  Dong Luo stopped talking about the coordinates, put down the communicator in his hand first, and after the three of them looked at each other, he said, "Come in and tell me."

  A staff member of the archives department walked in, sweating all over his head, apparently in a hurry.

   "Three bureau chiefs, some problems were found in the secret-level issuance order you filed just now." The other party said.

   "What's the problem?" Dong Luo continued to ask.

"That's right. It's not a base of anti-player forces. It's a large Yadan landform, commonly known as Devil City. A special operations team passed by before, and the coordinates are similar." After the staff member calmed down, he also had a slight said embarrassingly.

   "Then why is this file repeated?" Liu Ze also asked.

   "It's too long ago. Besides, the authority is not enough to make an all-round comparison. You also know that the priority of anti-player forces is not as high as the issuance of confidentiality orders." The other party also explained.

   "It's like this, it's a false alarm. Since it's not an anti-player force, then this issuing order should be invalidated." Dong Luo also went downhill along the way.

  Seeing this, the staff member unfolded the issuance order and a series of related documents for the three to check, and then shredded them into the shredder.

  Dong Luo also picked up the communicator: "You heard what you said just now, the action is cancelled."

   "Yes, Director." The communicator also got a reply, and then hung up, showing a busy tone.

  Qin Ji couldn't figure it out, what's going on?

   It will not really be a large-scale Yardang landform, but it will be similar to his base on the satellite after it is formed. After all, the quality of the satellite's bird's-eye view is not optimistic, and it cannot fully show the whole picture.

   "That's true. The two of you caused me to delay my field work. Next time, please ask me to make up for it." Qin Ji also smiled at this time.

"My fault, my fault, wait for a seat next time, and I guarantee that you will be satisfied with Qin Bureau. You can't delay your field work, so you should start as soon as possible." Seeing this, Dong Luo followed suit, meaning that you should get out of here up.

   "Okay, I will not be polite when the time comes." After finishing speaking, Qin Ji got up and left.

Although this procedure has not been completed yet, Qin Ji is not alone, and he doesn't have to worry about saying that after he leaves, the other party will activate the Nine Dragons God Cannon again, because the files of the rest of the program are put together, and I need to explain why the Nine Dragons God Cannon is activated Canceled again.

   After all, it is the trump card of the Player Administration, and every procedure and procedure must be clear.

   This process took more trouble than starting it. After more than an hour of tossing, Dong Luo and Liu Ze completed it.

   "It's a pity that I couldn't cheat it out." Dong Luo felt a little regretful.

   "How could it be so easy to swindle out, or use a fake place that doesn't exist." Liu Ze didn't think he could succeed, he just played a scene with him.

  The previous special operations team has returned, and they also read the report. It is indeed the Yadan landform, not some kind of base, but the gathering is special.

   Compared with the maps taken by satellites, they naturally believed in their confidants more.

   "The test of Qin Ji is suspended for now. The civilization stabilizer has entered the final stage. Many anti-player forces have received news and are about to move."

   "We have to deal with it as soon as possible."

Dong Luo wasn't too frustrated either. It didn't matter if he couldn't catch Qin Ji's flaws. They also caught a lot of fish with the civilization stabilizer. By then, they would not only be able to complete the task and make everyone look like a dragon, but also clean up the fish. The anti-player forces that jumped out.

   "Okay, but we can't just let Qin Ji go like this. It's unreasonable not to bring him in for such a big event." Liu Ze also hesitated and said.

"Let him do the most important work. Without him in charge of the administration, wouldn't the interior of the administration be empty? Otherwise, they would all be mobilized. It would be bad if the anti-player forces seized the opportunity to sneak in." Dong Luo said calmly.

   means to let him sit on the bench, anyway, he is used to it.

   As for the Player Authority? If the anti-player forces could really be broken through, they wouldn't be cowed now.

   "Okay." Liu Ze naturally would not object, the two reached a consensus so simply, and shared the credit for the entire civilization stabilizer.

  Qin Ji must also have credit, but the so-called credit should only be regarded as hard work. At most, a small amount will be recorded in the credit book, which is naturally far different from the two of them.

  'Damn it, what happened to these two people. '

  On the plane, Qin Ji had a gloomy look on his face. He didn't think this incident would be such a coincidence. It was very likely that they arranged to test him.

  'After getting the large annihilation energy circle, the entire base must be destroyed. '

  ‘Just, is this really the case? '

  Qin Ji didn't know whether he was exposed, but there was still a chance now, and he could only bite the bullet and go for the large annihilation energy circle.

  Without the threat of Nine Dragons Cannon, he didn't believe that the other party could still touch him.

   But before that, he still has to contact the situation at the base. If the base is already under the control of Dong and Liu, wouldn't he fall into the trap himself?

   Today's incident is full of weirdness.

   Soon opened the encrypted communication channel and contacted Zhu Qi directly.

   "Director!" Zhu Qi also connected immediately, and the two directly conducted a video call.

   "How is the current situation of the base?" Qin Ji means whether you and the base are under control.

"The current situation is okay, except that the cleaning has been making troubles, so I don't want to stay here." Zhu Qi did not directly answer that he was not under control, but answered according to the agreed password, and if he answered other words, he would represent the base. It's over.

   "That's okay, give them a little more salary, and mention the treatment." Qin Ji asked again, what other abnormalities appeared.

   "We already have the highest salary in the industry here, so it's inappropriate to mention it again." Zhu Qi meant that there is no problem and everything is fine.

   "Well, okay, I'll be there in another hour." Seeing this, Qin Ji also heaved a sigh of relief, and after hanging up the communicator, he remotely turned on the monitoring equipment of the base.

  He believes in Zhu Qi, but he cares more about his own life.

  (end of this chapter)

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