I Am a Normal Player!

Chapter 516: The existence of Cultism

  Chapter 516 Worshiping the Existence of Cultism

   "Hi~ I got one done." Da Tianwei burped, and the sinister wind had already eaten.

   Regarding this, he can only say that the more powerful the ghost survivor, the better the taste after cooking.

  He has eaten so many new ghost survivors, and the added attributes are not as many as this junior ghost survivor.

   "The next one should be tomorrow morning, or let's do it again?"

  Da Tianwei thought about it, and there are not many tricks, as long as it works.

   "I'm afraid it won't work. Tomorrow's ghost may be on guard. You also know that they are broadcasting live." Shura knew that this method can only be used once with a high probability, and the next time the ghost will definitely be on guard.

   This kind of method of the great heaven cannot be concealed.

  The next ghost survivor may be able to counter it as soon as it comes.

   "You can try it, it's not a big deal. Anyway, if it succeeds, we'll just pick one for nothing." Gu Shanhai didn't care about it.

  He didn't need to do anything.

  In the current situation, it is probably the most difficult for him to complete the trick killing condition. After all, the trigger is the easiest, but the evasion is also the easiest.

  As long as the ghost survivor is not alone in the living room with him, there is no way to do it.

   Fortunately, this is not a bad thing, on the contrary, it can make Gu Shanhai just fish and not work.

  With Shura and Datianwei around, it doesn't matter if Gu Shanhai doesn't need to do anything.

  During the time that he didn't see a meal, Da Tianwei used the method of borrowing a knife to kill people, and let a Yin Fenggui fall into the pot.

   There should be no ghosts coming today, and there is a high probability that ghosts will be sent at the same time tomorrow morning.

   "That's right, anyway, it's the great heaven who did it." Shura also smiled at this, since he didn't do the work anyway, so he naturally didn't care.

  Da Tianwei's face darkened, thinking about it, he seemed to have lost a lot.

  Sura can only do it at night, Gu Shanhai's flaws are too obvious, so only he can operate.

   "Let's talk first, I'm going to visit the villa. In order to deal with this ghost, I haven't collected any information yet." Shura also got up and left.

   This villa is not small. Although it is not as good as the previous garden apartment, it is much more complicated.

It seems that there are still some hidden rooms, basements, etc., although it can be seen by remote detection, but for Shura, there are text reminders, it is better to go and see in person, field investigation can Gain more intelligence.

   "What about you? You don't plan to hang out with me, do you? I'm confined to the living room, so you won't be confined to the dining table." Gu Shanhai glanced at Da Tianwei, and couldn't help but tease.

"It's better for you to be refreshing. I still have to prepare. Mistakes that don't eat, sleep, or talk may fail. I have to give them some more mistakes." Naturally, the great heavenly position would not say Save it for fun.

  This time it was because the wind was too strong, so it seemed hasty, so it had to be improvised.

   And now that there is enough time, of course we have to choose some means. It is impossible to really guide the ghosts to make mistakes.

   Wouldn’t it be more refreshing to frame ghosts and make mistakes directly, and don’t have to worry about all kinds of unexpected accidents, it’s much easier to kill with one blow.

  'The couple are so bad that they are in trouble. '

  Gu Shanhai knows that whether it is Da Tianwei or Cui Yingying, most of the external performances of the two are actually disguised, one pretends to be a carefree pervert, and the other pretends to be a shy and introverted ghost.

  It can be regarded as an old coin with a mask on, but Shura, although he has thoughts, but it is only like killing decisively, not deep-minded.

But generally speaking, compared with players, Da Tianwei and Cui Yingying's minds are more inclined to be defensive when facing teammates. For the aborigines and enemies, it is naturally a big intention of harming others. Heaped up.

  Gu Shanhai didn't even think about exposing or condemning him, everyone is a player, and Gu Shanhai didn't hide his identity as a vegetable from these two people.

  During breakfast, Gu Shanhai further studied the pillars he got from the previous level, and he also discovered some new usages.

  For example, it is used to affect other pillars.

   This is the so-called trick killing rule.

If Gu Shanhai indirectly uses this thing he called the fire breath, he can temporarily make the killing rules covering himself invalid, which means that Gu Shanhai is in the process of being invalid, and in this process, he can Ignore the rules and kill ghosts disguised as humans.

  ‘It’s just that the price is a bit high. '

   Can kill, but it will cause some backlash of the level itself.

  The only advantage is that the backlash doesn't fall on Gu Shanhai, and he doesn't even know where it should fall.

  It’s almost like someone beat you with a sap. After the beating, everyone ran away. Not only did the beaten person get up, but he couldn’t find the person, and even the monitoring couldn’t find him. Naturally, he had nowhere to vent if he wanted to vent.

Gu Shanhai also thought about relying on card bugs to complete the challenge, but after thinking about it carefully, letting Da Tianwei do it is not only risk-free, but also highly efficient. can't solve it.

  This time the world involves disputes between humans and ghosts, and there may be deeper interference behind it. It is not a good thing to use things outside the rules to do it yourself, not to mention that there are no formal channels.

  Too generous rewards must be accompanied by huge risks.

Now the risk is only the second level of challenge, various restrictions have already appeared, and there are still three levels in the future. Even if Gu Shanhai can easily use methods other than the rules to solve it, he will not use it, relying on a cautious, Disguise yourself to death.

  At times like this, you have to play dumb when you should.

  Da Tianwei and Guang Wei Luli thought that Gu Shanhai was just hiding his clumsiness, but in fact he was not hiding his clumsiness, but just pretending to be confused.

   After all, "The First Era" guarded against him first. If he hadn't set up an air wall for him and sent him directly to the plot position, he really wouldn't have pretended to be confused.

   This is not only because of not being able to eat the world, but also because of this behavior pattern, there must be some kind of secret existence, and he should not be too high-profile.

  ‘If you can successfully analyze this fire-breathing pillar, you may be able to peep into something. '

  Gu Shanhai thought about these things in his mind.

  In fact, according to the normal situation, Gu Shanhai should not analyze it, but should find an opportunity to throw away this hot potato.

  Just in this way, the sense of security will decline.

   If it doesn't affect Gu Shanhai himself, then he doesn't care, it's nothing more than a little merit, which can be used in another world.

  It’s different now, everyone else is in this game, how to get out, the best way is to know the relevant information, so that I won’t be smeared because of poor information.

   An hour later, Shura came back soon.

   "The problem is not small." Shura said calmly.

   "How to say?" Da Tianwei didn't put down his work when he heard Shura's words, but asked casually.

   "Worship Cult, the original owner or former owner of this villa is a member of Worship Cult."

   "The other party probably got in touch with the Quangui Survival Platform through some means, and became its loyal believer." What Shura said made the big heaven a little bit at a loss.

   This is as strange as a powerful **** worshiping an ant without any merits.

   "Are you sure?" Da Tianwei had a look on his face.

   Shura didn't explain, and threw a diary to the big heaven.

  Gu Shanhai swept his spiritual sense, and he really worshiped deceitful religion.

  The big heaven turned quickly, and it was a bit dumbfounding after the turn.

   "What does this person think, that he would become a believer in ghosts." After reading it, Da Tianwei threw it to Shura.

"This place will become one of the key nodes, most likely because the original owner of the villa sacrificed many people to the Quangui Survival Platform, which led to the formation of a family here that loves each other, and it will be so difficult. .”

   "In addition, the ghosts that became the protection rooms in the ten rooms in the garden apartment are probably also victims of cult worship."

   Shura spoke out his own analysis.

"So, we are here to clean up these special ghosts. The reason why there are pre-orders is because these ghosts don't usually appear, and they will only appear after certain conditions are met." Da Tianwei also followed Shura's intention , said the guess.

   "You guys are still underestimating, that is, these special ghosts should be transformed from people, not natural ghosts."

"It's just that the technology of the Survival Survival Platform is insufficient to completely turn people into ghosts, or simply that the ghosts transformed from humans are too strong, so they can only be temporarily sealed in the human world. Once they enter the ghost world, they are likely to die Become a huge threat." Gu Shanhai also added.

  The emergence of the Cult of Worship made Gu Shanhai understand many related issues.

   "In this way, the remaining three levels should also be related to worshiping the Cult." Da Tianwei said.

   "That's right, there is a high probability that we are pulling out nails for the human world, and there is also a small probability that the human world annexes the ghost world through these nails."

   "And the situation of loving each other as a family is much more serious than in the garden apartment."

"Judging from the number of sacrifices in the diary, it is absolutely impossible that there is only one person, but this cult of worship has already formed a large scale. It is likely that besides our villa, there are also around, and the entire area may become a cult. The control of deceitful religion." Gu Shanhai said further.

  He felt that there was something strange in the space before, but now that he thinks about it, it is very likely that similar dungeons of loving and loving families are being carried out in every area.

   It is precisely because of this that there are such strict protection rules.

  However, if you think about it carefully, even in the area controlled by the Cult of Worship, the ghosts are still weak, and they are still the ones being persecuted.

   Obviously, the gap between the ghost world and the human world is huge.

   Thinking about it is a bit grassy.

   "Wait, you mean that the final boss here will be the same as the scorched corpse monster in the previous level, and it will also be multi-in-one?" Shura, who is the main player in the battle, immediately noticed the problem.

   "Yes, judging from the situation of the last level, the ghosts probably don't have single-player dungeons. After all, it's not worth opening a door just for a ghost."

   "So it is more likely that in other villas, there is also a copy of the family who loves each other, but we are unable to investigate because we are isolated by the air wall."

   "And after we have dealt with the three ghosts, it is very likely that some kind of condition will be activated."

   As soon as Gu Shanhai finished speaking, Da Tianwei added: "Then it's the battle."

Regardless of whether it is the Great Heaven or Asura, they are not really interested in solving puzzles and strategies. They are more interested in fighting and killing. Half an hour, how is it like now, it is both arranging and gathering information.

"Yes, the difficulty of the task this time is probably not the so-called combat link. You have my boost, at least in this respect." Gu Shanhai knows that the further three levels are, the restrictions on him will probably It will be more serious.

  This situation is that they are getting closer and closer to the core of the Survival Survival Platform.

   In addition to rules, there may be suppression.

  Even at the back, Gu Shanhai suspected that Da Tianwei and Shura might be in an embarrassing situation where they could not use their strength.

   Gu Shanhai will naturally not have this kind of situation, his strength is too strong, even to put it bluntly, this whole survival platform is not his opponent, so why suppress him.

  The reason why he didn't resist was not because he wanted to give some existence some face, so as not to tear his face when it happened, it wouldn't look good, and he wouldn't be easy to mess with later.

  The main reason is that there are no relevant interests involved, on the contrary, there are big benefits to be gained by being honest, and Gu Shanhai will definitely not mess around because of this.

   "It doesn't matter. Although we are weak in this area, fortunately, the ghosts have no advantage at all. Even if they fail, they can still earn something." Shura comforted him.

  This time the mission is special. It doesn’t mean that rewards are given only after completing the mission, but rewards are given as soon as you enter the level, so even if you fail, you can still get a lot of money.

What's more, the so-called weak points are only compared to their strengths. After so many years of experience in "The First Era", various methods such as observation and deduction cannot be too weak. It can be said that they can be a guest detective Nothing was too much of a problem.

"I still need to investigate further. If more information can be unearthed, it may be of better help to the next mission." Shura knew that his talent was indeed the most suitable for this line of work, at least the clues would not be there. Lost before his eyes.

  As for Da Tianwei, he was busy with his own work, and Gu Shanhai didn't quite understand what he was going to do.

  However, I can be sure that the layout of this product is the kind that will not leave any room for the ghosts.

  'It seems that I am left alone again. ’ Gu Shanhai complained in his heart.

   Thank you, Mr. Nuanyang, for your golden alliance, add more



  (end of this chapter)

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