I Am a Normal Player!

Chapter 530: Why are you wearing fake goods and using them to deceive people?

  Chapter 530 Why are you wearing a counterfeit product and using it to deceive others?

   "Be careful, a big guy is coming out." Shura said solemnly after beheading a zombie.

  As soon as he finished speaking, he saw a little giant forcefully squeezed out of the door, and a large amount of rancid smell began to permeate.

  Although the previous zombies looked like living and moving corpses, they were actually ghosts and had no peculiar smell.

   On the contrary, this little giant-like zombie is a little different.

"The elite monster is still part of the BOSS?" Da Tianwei was keenly aware that there was something wrong with this rancid smell. From time to time, poisoned debuffs appeared on his body, just because the types and effects of the aura given by Gu Shanhai were too strong. As soon as it appeared, it was refreshed directly.

   "Both." Shura killed the giant zombie without hesitation.

  The main reason is to find that the other party's rancid smell is useless to him, at most it is a little smelly, but this kind of smell is still within the limit of tolerance for him.

   "Little bugs, that's what you want against the great ones."

  The giant zombie didn't even say a word, but Shura cut off its head with a knife. The huge head rolled on the ground with a thud, and then it was swallowed by Tai Sui.

  The rest of the corpses also crashed to the ground, looking a little funny.

   "Let's say you have to wait for the other party's lines to finish anyway. Before he died, he finally came out to pretend to be tough, but you are fine, and you are not satisfied with this." Da Tianwei also teased.

   "Next time, next time I will make him pretend to be a good show." Shura's answer was also very perfunctory.

   "Tsk tsk tsk, you are really human." Da Tianwei also praised him.

   "At present, it seems that your buff is really strong, but you can't hide it." Shura picked up the corpse of the zombie and threw it at Tai Sui, and then asked suspiciously.

  He found that Gu Shanhai always likes to cover up his work, and when it comes to critical moments, he always has a triple expression of "I don't know, I can't help it, and I don't know how to do it."

  If you force him, he will know everything, and he will be even better than you.

   "Ah, it's gone, I've reached my limit." Gu Shanhai said with a bitter face, how could he hide his hand.

  Da Tianwei saw Gu Shanhai's expression, and his expression was certain: "The **** means let us let it go, he has the bottom line."

   "No, don't misinterpret it, I'm just a player of the life department and the support department, how can I give you two players of the combat department the bottom line." Gu Shanhai couldn't laugh or cry, this big celestial position is really very sensitive.

   "But you can fight better than the two of us." Da Tianwei said confidently.

   "Don't make trouble, how did you know that I can fight better than you two, and, I'm missing something." Gu Shanhai retorted without hesitation and at the same time asked Da Tianwei to pay attention.

"It's better than us. I really agree. The seven-star whip and the purple gold gourd are not ordinary equipment." Shura also said calmly. Then as soon as the other party comes down with the whip, he will die on the spot.

It's not realistic to use the excuse that it can only be used for a while and then cool down for a long time. Shura suspects that these two pieces of equipment have a certain effect. If it is someone else, he may not think so, but if it is Gu Shanhai There will definitely be big dogs.

   What's more important is that he feels that Gu Shanhai definitely has more than these two pieces of equipment in his hands, he also has more trump cards, but he keeps a low profile and doesn't like to fight, otherwise, the player's first player definitely deserves his name.

   "Do you want it? I'll sell it to you at a lower price." Gu Shanhai said.

   These two things are of average value to Gu Shanhai, that is, the Seven Star Whip was made by himself at the beginning, and the purple gold gourd is made by him now. The weapon is definitely not a weapon, it is more like a toy.

"You sell all of this?" Da Tianwei was also shocked. This kind of equipment is definitely the first level of the hole card. I didn't expect that Gu Shanhai was willing to sell it. This shows that Gu Shanhai has better ones and he can also recreate one by himself. share.

   "Sell, the price is right, even sell Tai Sui." Gu Shanhai said without hesitation.

   "." The big heaven and the people are numb, no wonder you are so rich, and you don't know how much NPC wealth you have made with this move.

  Before, he thought that Tai Sui was very unusual, but when Gu Shanhai chose to sell it, he felt that it was probably a mass product, and the only difficulty was to cultivate it.

   Just right, now there are zombies as nutrients, which directly saves the cost of cultivation.

"It's useless to buy, but I'm a little interested in the Seven Star Whip." Shura didn't think much of Tai Sui Gui. It is a mass of flesh and blood like Tai Sui, and he also has aesthetic concepts.

"Old rules, I'll give you something, and you'll pay according to the price." Gu Shanhai took out the seven-star whip and threw it to Shura casually, then took out another one, looked at Da Tianwei and asked, "Do you want it?" ? One left.”

   "I have reason to suspect that you have 999 seven-star whips stacked in your inventory." Da Tianwei complained, and cursed in his heart: 'This is too deep. '

  He was just now, but he caught the flash of surprise on Shura's expression, which shows that this thing is really powerful.

   "How is it possible, stacking 999 is too exaggerated." Gu Shanhai replied, after all, who has nothing to do to make so many identical toys.

   "I don't have money, I can't buy it, I'll buy it next time." Of course Da Tianwei wanted it, but after looking at his wallet and estimating the value of the Seven Star Whip, he still didn't want it in the end.

   You can buy it, but after you buy it, it will affect your own system.

  In terms of strength and potential, he chose the latter.

   After all, it will not be too late to buy the Seven Star Whip when you become rich. If you really take out the things related to your system and affect your own growth, it will be a matter of gain outweigh the loss.

As a top player, he understands the trade-offs and plans for himself. For him, the Seven Star Whip is more of a icing on the cake, no matter how strong it is. , some puzzles need to be solved, and the use of force will lower the score. Of course, Cui Yingying is the one who solves the puzzles, and he is still responsible for fighting and killing.

  If he hadn't bought the nanofactory and two sets of equipment, he would have bought one just like Shura.

  When Gu Shanhai heard this, he also casually took the Seven Star Whip back.

   "It's a pity, I thought I could sell another one."

   There was regret in this tone.

   "The last time Basketball Water and Base Station Lao Liu played a dungeon together with ***, when they came back, they were almost left with nothing but their crotch, and Base Station Lao Liu even owed Basketball Water a whole lot of debt." Shura said this.

   Hearing the big sky is a black line, but he also has a clearer understanding of Gu Shanhai's money-making ability.

   "Your race is a succubus, so you can squeeze it." Datian was speechless.

"If you want Zijin Gourd, I can sell it to you together. If you buy Qixin Sword, Bajiao Fan, Golden Rope, Jade Jingping Bottle and Diamond Bracelet together, I will give you a 30% discount." Gu Shanhai didn't care about the big things. As for the position of heaven, I asked Shura instead.

   "Although it's inappropriate to say that, I still want to say, why did your trick give me the illusion of a fake." Shura had a weird look on his face, what are these things.

  Gu Shanhai remained calm: "Whatever is fake or not, as long as it works."

   I have to say that Shura's intuition is really sharp, and he can actually detect that these things are counterfeit versions, but Gu Shanhai is not worried about being sued by Wu Chengen, anyway, the pronunciation is the same, not the real one.

  Besides, Wu Chengen can sue him across borders.

   "It's really a fake!" Da Tianwei didn't know what to say for a while, he was sure that this was definitely plagiarized by Gu Shanhai from a certain world and then sold after changing the pronunciation.

  Sura is also moved, he doesn't care if this thing is fake or counterfeit, as long as it is practical.

   It’s just that he also estimated the price. There are six pieces of equipment in total, and the value is no less than the Seven Star Whip. He really can’t afford it.

   "I can't afford it, you just give me a 50% discount. I don't have enough resources." Shura shook his head and finally refused.

   Judging from Gu Shanhai's tone, this should be a set of equipment. A single piece may have powerful effects, but it is definitely not as good as a full set.

  So it doesn’t make sense to only buy one piece, the Seven Star Whip is enough.

"It's easy to solve. The person who asked me to buy things at the beginning was actually only the old Liu of the base station, but why the basketball water was also cleaned up, do you know why?" Gu Shanhai did not look at Shura this time, but looked at Datian bit.

  As soon as this remark came out, the hairs of the great heaven stood on end. What else could be the reason? Isn't it that the old Liu of the base station asked for a basketball loan.

  Da Tianwei can see it, this Gu Shanhai is not disturbed by kindness at all, seeing that Shura is being plotted, in fact even he is involved in the calculation.

   "Forget it, it's not suitable." Shura refused without hesitation.

   His relationship with Da Tianwei is not as good as that of Basketball Water and Base Station Lao Liu.

  The two are just teammates, or temporary teammates. They can't borrow much, and if they borrow it, it's a drop in the bucket, and they are not qualified at all.

  How is it possible for Da Tianwei to help him with all his wealth? With this determination, Da Tianwei can just buy it himself, why give it to himself.

   Shura's refusal made Da Tianwei secretly relieved. If Shura asks him to borrow money, he will definitely borrow it out of consideration, but it is true that he will not borrow a lot.

   "That's such a pity." Gu Shanhai felt more and more regretful that he couldn't sell the counterfeit goods.

   "Could you not look like it's a pity that you didn't trick anyone?" Da Tianwei was also quite speechless about this.

   "If I can't find a receiver, I can't help it." Gu Shanhai said quite straightforwardly.

   "It's a customer anyway, so you can't be more tactful." Da Tianwei felt that the second party like Gu Shanhai was too bad, and he clearly disrespected them, the first party.

   "Then let me put it another way, there are too many unsalable stocks of magic weapons." Not only did Gu Shanhai not be euphemistic, but he even intensified it.

  Da Tianwei doesn't plan to talk to Gu Shanhai anymore, because this has risen to a personal attack on him, isn't it because he has no money, as for showing off to him like this.

  So I can only do it silently.

   "That means you are strong, and you would have been beaten up if you were someone else." Shura glanced at Gu Shanhai and said this.

   "You are wrong. You are customers. I must show you my background as Party B. Otherwise, how would you buy my products? I usually keep a low profile." Gu Shanhai said eloquently.

  The three of them were also chatting with each other. After leaving the topic of buying and selling, the atmosphere between the two parties returned to the original atmosphere again.

   Shura and Datianwei killed zombies and fed them Tai Sui Gui from time to time.

   "By the way, how do you sell your Tai Sui trick?"

  Da Tian asked abruptly.

   "You actually fell in love with this thing?" Gu Shanhai was a little surprised, he didn't expect Da Tianwei to ask this question.

   Presumably, he had already discussed with Cui Yingying, but he didn't know what he wanted Tai Sui to do.

   "I have some intentions, it depends on the situation." He said very vaguely, obviously wanting and worried.

   "It's cheaper for you, and I will give it according to the previous transaction." Gu Shanhai naturally said that he would give it according to the value of the nanofactory.

  The Great Heavenly Position can also be heard. Naturally, it is impossible to give it according to two sets of equipment. After all, the value is much higher than that of the Nano Factory.

  Although the nanofactory has great potential, it needs investment and needs to provide support by itself, so when buying it, the value is not as high as the two sets of equipment he bought from Gu Shanhai.

   "Okay, but the zombie resources this time" Da Tianwei didn't finish his words, meaning that Gu Shanhai couldn't create another Tai Sui to compete with his Tai Sui for food.

   "Here it is for you. I used this thing as a tool in the first place. Anyone can use it the same way." Gu Shanhai was also forthright.

What? No tools to use in the next game? It doesn't matter, let's sell it first, and then hand rub one out in the next game. There is no need to be so rigid, and it's not a big deal.

   Shura took a strange look at Gu Shanhai, and he really could sell anything.

  If it weren't for most of the things on his body that couldn't be sold casually, he would want to buy a few more. As for Tai Sui, he really didn't like it.

   "It's a deal." Da Tianwei agreed without hesitation.

  Gu Shanhai also directly formed a contract with the control of Tai Suigui and directly gave it to the Great Heaven.

  This made the great heaven directly control Tai Sui, and because of the power of "First Era", it became his permanent summoner.

   "You are so generous, you will give it if you say so." Naturally, Da Tianwei received the reminder from "The First Era" immediately.

Of course, he didn't want to renege on the debt, but after taking a look at Tai Sui's attributes and skills, he felt that he might have to re-evaluate the value. Tai Sui is simply a well-developed meat shield, cannon fodder and shield, as long as there is a piece of meat If it exists, it will not die, and it only needs to be given enough food to recover.

   And has many characteristics such as splitting, regeneration, devouring, etc.

  These features have formed various usage plans and operations in Da Tianwei's mind, greatly improving his own survival rate.

  (end of this chapter)

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