I Am a Normal Player!

Chapter 537: The third boss zombie

  Chapter 537 The Third Boss The Corpse King

After eating, Shura also left again, and the mental problem of Datianwei recovered very quickly, it only took three minutes from the onset to recovery, so Shura didn't dare to continue to tease the Wangchao hat, lest it would lead to Datian There is a problem with the position.

   It can only be said that this piece of equipment is easy to use, but it can only be used temporarily. The side effects are too large and too obvious. It is okay in a stable environment. If there is a battle, it may be delayed.

   "It seems that some believers who worshiped the Cult did not become ghosts, but transformed into zombies, completely retaining themselves, and also controlling many zombie communities." Shura looked at the zombies in the downtown area.

   He already knew that zombies have their own self and IQ, but even the most complete zombies will be affected by their body instincts, and they will behave like beasts, indirectly reducing their IQ.

   It's just that the zombies are different this time, and someone is manipulating them behind the scenes. Shura guessed that there is a high probability that they are the leader of the Cult of Worship.

  If ordinary believers, after being fooled for a while, they will naturally be loyal to the Quanwei Survival Platform, and they will die if they say they want to die. Isn't it just using themselves as a material to make weird, small things.

  The leader is different. As a high-level person, he must know some secrets of the Survival Survival Platform. Even the first human to contact the Survival Survival Platform may be the first one. Coupled with his own abilities, he is likely to find related problems.

  If you don’t have the ability, how can you be able to do these things successfully under the siege and interception of the entire human world.

  So compared to fusion and transforming into ghosts who don't know what the situation is, zombies are more in line with the requirements of the other party.

   Not only did you not suffer from being tortured after becoming a ghost, you also don’t have to worry about being attacked by humans, let alone being restricted in your freedom.

  Compared to the whole city, the BOSS room is too cramped.

  So, if the opponent really becomes a zombie, in Shura's eyes, he will definitely become the one closest to the perfect body.

  The reason why it is the closest is because zombies are not perfect at all, and it is normal to have problems.

   "I have to find a way to pry something out of the other party's mouth."

   "I don't know if *** will use methods such as soul searching. If so, I will arrest people directly."

  Sura does not have skills such as soul searching and mind reading, but he has skills to guard against such skills.

  He is not a player who specializes in this type of system, even if he clicks on the relevant skills, he can only play the effect normally.

  For players, the normal skills are actually quite ordinary. It’s okay to deal with small monsters, but the opponent’s elite monsters are greatly reduced, and the effect against bosses is even worse.

   Most of the things players face are not good, so there is a specialization system.

   But it's not that there are no such things as bucket numbers, but most of them are not worth the candle.

   "Sneaking in may not be good, and accidents will happen." Shura has never killed zombies because of the gray fog boss.

  Tai Sui is different, it is a ghost, so devouring zombies will not attract the attention of the gray mist boss. The two have different identities, and the consequences of doing things will naturally be different.

   What's more, Tai Sui Gui and Gu Shanhai's transformation can largely avoid this kind of thing from happening.

  Of course, the reason why Shura didn't dare to sneak in was because his stealth and invisibility didn't have the blessing of a specialization system. He was worried that he wouldn't be able to hide it from these zombies.

   If he is found to be able to open Wushuang, Shura will not be afraid.

  But according to the analysis brought to him by the text reminder, he really can't open this Wushuang, because the opponent's level is too high.

  Especially the corpse king, who is suspected to be the leader of the Cult of Worship, is extremely powerful.

  Roughly estimated, it is likely to be the strength of the previous boss, and it is still the strength of the entire period.

   In this way, it is said that there are two bosses, but in fact there are three bosses, but compared to the gray fog boss and the sanctuary boss, this corpse king is a bit unsightly.

   "This kind of intensity is really difficult."

   To kill by force, Shura is still sure. Before, only the Seven Star Whip could win, but now he has a set of equipment such as purple gold gourd, no matter how he thinks, he can't lose.

  But he couldn't pay the price after the forced killing.

  The three bosses, the best way is to solve them together, so as to avoid being besieged to the greatest extent.

   There is also a way to solve it together. There are exactly three of him, and one person is enough.

"Da Tianwei and Tai Sui Gui can work together to kill the corpse king. I will solve the gray fog. The best candidate in the sanctuary is ***. It's a pity that he has lost the chain now, alas." Shura sighed, not on purpose Throwing the most difficult boss to Gu Shanhai is because Gu Shanhai is the strongest, and if he is not the one to handle this matter, who else can handle it.

  The idea is very good, but unfortunately it cannot be implemented.

   "Let's find a way to get more information about worshiping the Cult."

  After the infiltration plan was abandoned by him, there was no simple and crude solution but to choose a detour.

   In this way, it takes much more energy.

   It is not impossible to control a zombie with a high status, and then install a miniature remote monitoring device on this zombie. In this way, it is equivalent to breaking into the enemy's interior.

   It is not required to find information about the corpse king, but only to find information about worshiping the Cult.

  Bring it back to Gu Shanhai as a reference at that time, so as to speed up the research and development of the reversal circle.

   In fact, Shura still has another idea, that is, the reversal magic circle can't deal with the two bosses of gray mist and sanctuary, and the corpse king may be able to do it. After all, the corpse king is also a zombie.

  As long as the corpse king is dealt with, even if Gu Shanhai loses the chain and cannot play, the two bosses and the two of them will still have a winning rate, even if the winning rate is not high.

  That's better than doing nothing.

The main point of pulling the hips is the Great Heaven, Shura has Gu Shanhai's equipment, so if he fights against a boss like Sanctuary, even if he can't beat him, he can protect himself. On the contrary, the Great Heaven, even if he adds Tai Sui Gui and Cui Yingying are far behind Hui Wu.

Shura, who was dormant in the dark night, was coordinating text reminders to form a plan with various ideas in his mind. On the other hand, he was observing the actions of the zombies worshiping the Cult in the city center, and wanted to use this to control a high-level figure among the zombies. , it just takes time and observation.

   "This group of zombies, what do they eat? You can't eat nothing, can you do it?" Shura looked at the crowded zombies, and a thought suddenly appeared in his mind, how can he survive if he doesn't eat.

   "Forget it, this is not something I should consider, this is something he should consider."

  Although he had doubts, he was quickly suppressed by him.

   "Tell me, why can zombies live without eating? It's like a perpetual motion machine?" Da Tianwei asked curiously.

   "Oh, because the Survival Survival Platform absorbs the human world and then feeds it back to the ghost world, so that ghosts and zombies as derivatives don't need to eat."

   "It's essentially sucking blood, otherwise why would the human world want to play these two things to death?"

  Gu Shanhai briefly explained.

Otherwise, there is no good thing, how can the ghost world and the whole tricky survival platform face such a powerful world head-on, because even if they are being beaten all the time, they are actually absorbing feedback from the human world in the process of being beaten. Seeing being beaten hard, but making money is also hard.

   It is true that the thief was beaten, but the thief also ate the meat.

  That's why I persevered and frantically started.

"It's like this, no wonder you sent us here. If I was sucked blood by a leech, I would have to kill them." Da Tianwei also understood why the ghost world and the Quanwei Survival Platform couldn't be killed, and co-authored it every time. If you get the corresponding benefits, and the benefits outweigh the losses, you will naturally be able to prosper.

   "So it looks like a perpetual motion machine, but it's actually the human world that keeps so many parasites."

   "As a result, these parasites are now so greedy that they not only want to parasitize, but also want to chew up and swallow the host. Do you think this can be tolerated?"

   "This is why there will be such a competition."

   "It's just a competition, but it's actually more like a one-sided crush." ​​Gu Shanhai rubbed his chin, no matter how he looked at the ghost world, he had no chance of winning.

   "Wait, what do you mean?" Da Tianwei was a little confused.

   "I mean someone left the relationship, that's why we came here to solve it."

   "Think about it, competition is all about fairness. It turns out that it is unfair to the world of ghosts and cheats on the human world. If you say there is nothing wrong with it, do you believe it?"

  Gu Shanhai didn't think of these things at first, but only thought of them after the leech blood-sucking theory of the great heaven.

If a person is sucked blood by leeches, the best way is to tear the leeches off. As a result, not only expert consultation was invited, but also the highest medical treatment was specially used. If this is all right, Gu Shanhai is not at all believe.

  Not to mention other things, the cost and favor alone are very large.

"You mean, someone in this world is connected to the sky, not only took the way of the Ten Thousand Races Arena, but also took the way of "The First Era", and even other existences." .

"Hey, that's what you said. It has nothing to do with me." Gu Shanhai disregarded the relationship without hesitation. How can you talk nonsense about such a thing? Just know it in your heart. If you have to mention it, be tactful. How can it be so straightforward.

  Da Tianwei has also been in contact with certain existences, and he is also a player in the first echelon. With his ability to dig out the world, it will be a problem if he can't get in touch.

   It just doesn't seem to take it too seriously.

   Fortunately, this is also normal. It belongs to the contact but not deep contact. It is just like the original grotesque. Even the clone of the eye of death's tranquility, which is a clone of an existence, has not been in contact with it too much, but has only come into contact with the statue.

  The great heavenly position should also be clear, it belongs to indirect contact and knows some information, if you really want him to say specific things, the great heavenly position is not clear either.

   "Is it so taboo?" Da Tianwei was also a little surprised by Gu Shanhai's attitude.

   "There is still respect that should be given. If you insist on talking, you can use references instead of names." Gu Shanhai also advised.

   This admonition, Da Tianwei also kept it in mind, Gu Shanhai would not cheat him on this kind of thing, it is not good.

   "It seems that you have been in direct contact with this kind of existence." Da Tianwei was also a little surprised.

"There is no direct contact, but there is an indirect contact. You also know that Guang Wei Lu Li and I made a dungeon back then. It was in that dungeon, and it was not the real body, but a clone. The other party swallowed the death of the entire world. " Gu Shanhai didn't go into details.

If in the previous life, Gu Shanhai had known many such existences, before he was reborn, he would have cleared all the memories of such existences, leaving only some insignificant memories, such as the preferences of certain existence forces, For example, Umbrella Co., Ltd. is a force left by a certain existence, and it likes skeleton soldiers.

  If he really keeps this kind of memory, even if he is reborn, he will be noticed by these beings, then he will be reborn in vain.

   "Your experience is really rich. I don't even count as indirect contact. I just noticed a few words from some clues in the mission."

   "One thing is certain, that is, "The First Era" is likely to have extremely close cooperation with this kind of existence, and maintain a good relationship."

   "So as long as we players don't do too much, we basically won't be missed or embarrassed by these existences."

  Da Tianwei also shared part of the information he obtained from the mission, which can be regarded as exchanging information.

   Compared to what Gu Shanhai got, what he got was really just a few words, and to Gu Shanhai, it was better than nothing.

  Fortunately, there are benefits to being rare. Naturally, the less relevant information you know about this kind of existence, the better.

  Gu Shanhai also knew that the other party didn't know much, so he had a chat, but he didn't hide it when he saw Da Tianwei's interest in these matters. As long as the other party asked, Gu Shanhai would tell everything he knew.

   It's not a big deal anyway.

   "It's interesting. How did you find out about the cooperation between the two parties?" Gu Shanhai didn't think about it, but felt that even if he knew about it, it was actually useless.

  Gu Shanhai doesn't expect these things to become stronger, so when there is no interest relationship, then why should he contact this kind of existence.

   "It's just a guess, it can't be taken seriously." Da Tianwei didn't dare to talk too much, who knows about this kind of thing.

This kind of game is more like a game between high-level people. Today it may be a friendly cooperation, but tomorrow it may be torn apart. As a player in the first echelon, it is natural to understand the truth of "The First Era". One can imagine how many secrets are involved.

  So if you really foolishly think that this kind of thing can be guessed, then sooner or later, you will be overturned because of this kind of thing.

It is Gu Shanhai's respectful and distant attitude that makes Da Tianwei more acceptable. As for inquiring, it is because at least he has to find out, otherwise, his eyes will be smeared, and he will not know if something happens. Be a little sensitive about it.

  (end of this chapter)

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