I Am a Normal Player!

Chapter 540: Execution, planning and calculation

  Chapter 540 Execution, planning and calculation

   "That's it?" Shura looked a little weird and embarrassed.

  Today is the morning of the tenth day. Just last night, Da Tianwei finally collected all the zombie samples Gu Shanhai needed through Tai Sui Gui, and then passed the production all night long. This was a success.

   "Who would have thought that the corpse king summoned all the zombies to protect him because he was afraid of death?" Da Tianwei also complained.

  Before, he and Shura were frightened, and they kept strengthening the defense of the entire base, but only now did they know that he was worried that the corpse king was coming, and the corpse king was also worried that they were coming.

  The co-authors and the two parties reached an agreement in a weird way, and they were afraid that the other party would hit the door, so they made a big move.

   "By the way, you don't wear an octopus anymore, it seems that people are not energetic." Shura also changed the subject.

  Because there is no need to operate Tai Sui Queen, the big heavenly position does not have an octopus on its forehead, so the octopus was returned to Gu Shanhai.

   "That means I'm not too mentally ill when I'm not mentally ill, right?" Da Tianwei's face darkened, and he changed the topic as soon as you changed the subject, why did he always change the topic in a weird direction.

   "Because I can't afford it, after you buy the discounted fakes, you are probably poorer than me."

  By adhering to the principle of hurting each other, the great heavenly position euphemistically called Shura as poor, but Shura also just called him mentally ill, so he should not return the courtesy.

  Sura also has a black hair. Just now he was talking outrageously, but he didn't expect that the Great Heaven was quite vengeful.

   "Well, there are not many, I am poor, or you can help me." Shura also changed his tone of teasing, expressing that he was indeed poor, and what he said just now was wrong.

"Come on, I'm so poor because of Tai Sui's tricks." Da Tianwei didn't get entangled any longer, and then complained: "Play a dungeon with a top player in the life department, not only earn money from the dungeon, but also spend money on the dungeon. Empty my old bottom."

  Compared to Shura, the Great Celestial Position is also a more difficult one.

  Whether he bought a nanofactory or a Tai Sui, it takes time to cultivate, that is, the two sets of equipment can directly provide combat power.

  The magic weapon that Shura bought was different. It could be directly transformed into combat power without digesting it, so he was sure to face the gray mist.

  Those magic weapons are said to be counterfeit products, and their attributes and effects are not false. If you really want to use them, they are far stronger than those bought by Da Tianwei.

   Of course, the price paid is much higher.

  Da Tianwei’s jingle of poverty in his mouth is self-effacement, and the family still has some money. It is true that Shura’s poverty is real. Don’t look at Gu Shanhai’s promise to sell it to him at a discount, but the discount is not cheap.

"It's hard to come by, isn't the resource you've saved just to turn it into strength." Shura said this, but he was actually playing tricks in his heart. He couldn't play dungeons with Gu Shanhai too often, and the next dungeon would be after three or five hundred years, otherwise I have no money to buy, so I can only watch helplessly.

As for the equipment is external force rather than their own strength, players don't pay attention to these, they can use whatever is easy to use, they don't care about external force, as long as they complete the task and get rewards, peace the enemy with nuclear bombs and fight with fists Exploding the enemy makes no difference to the player.

   As long as the enemies are dead and they get rewards for completing missions, nothing else matters.

"That's true. If you don't spend it and keep it, it will be thrown into your hands." The great heaven also agrees with Shura's idea. These resources in their hands are high-end products among players at this stage, and it is too wasteful to use them by themselves. If it is not compatible with its own system, it will not exert extraordinary effects if it is forced to be used.

  Ordinary players can’t afford to sell it. The players in the first echelon don’t have so many game coins, so they can only barter.

   Bartering is even more difficult. There are only those players in the first echelon. If they could be replaced, they would have been replaced.

   I happened to meet Gu Shanhai, who wanted everything, just like collecting trash.

   It can also be used to exchange equipment, attributes, etc. that suit you. This situation is indeed very rare in "First Age".

   "The nodes are almost arranged, and now there are only two more difficult places left."

   "What do you think?" Shura brought the topic back to the main topic.

   Of these two nodes, one is under the throne of the corpse king, which is one of the cores of the reversal circle.

The other is the birthplace of the gray mist, and there is no way to get in easily. The fog is too thick, and it is not so easy to get in. Because of the fog, you will get a lot of negative states, which is not a big problem. With the blessing of Gu Shanhai's aura, no amount of people would die.

  The real big problem is that the fog may be disturbed during the installation process.

  Grey Mist Boss just fell into a deep sleep and is not dead. Their behavior is actually similar to putting a bomb in the heart of a sleeping person. No matter how careful they are, it will inevitably make the other person feel strange.

   "It's really difficult. The corpse king is okay. You can use the zombies you control to create chaos and temporarily lure the corpse king away from the throne. You can still survive in three minutes."

   "The gray fog is not so simple. We can't get out after entering it." Da Tianwei saw it very thoroughly.

   "Let Tai Sui try?" Shura actually had an idea long ago. The corpse king was just a cover, and he really wanted to let Tai Sui, who is a ghost, place the node at the core of the gray fog.

  The idea is very good, but Da Tianwei rejected the proposal without hesitation: "Tai Sui can't handle this."

   It's not that he's selfish, it's that he doesn't deserve it.

   Shura said it nicely, but why use his interests to benefit the temporary team, not to mention that the benefits may not be obtained, but there are three bosses, and the probability of winning is really low.

If Gu Shanhai and Shura can guarantee to pass the fourth level and enter the fifth level, when Shura said this, he would agree without hesitation. Points of resources and time are nothing compared to the rewards of the fifth level.

  Now the return rate is not only low and hopeless, but you are going to leave with empty teeth. He bought Tai Sui with a lot of money, and finally developed it so that he can start again. How could the big heaven accept it.

   "Well, I know, let's think of a way." Shura also understood this meaning. It was originally one of the plans, and the probability of failure was also high.

   Naturally, he couldn't force the big heaven to do this, just like the set of magic weapons he bought at a high price. It's better not to fight. If you really want to fight like this, Shura will lose a lot.

  If facing a player or NPC whose strength is lower than his own, Shura will not hesitate to carry out moral kidnapping or coercion. The strength of the big heaven is similar to him, so such things cannot be done.

  If this is the case, Datianwei will stand on the same line with Shura. Anyway, it is not me who contributes and loses, but I can also benefit.

  The two of them are not good people, and good words only exist in the face of people who are equal to or stronger than themselves. Although they are not arrogant, they will be treated differently because of their strength.

   "First solve the corpse king's problem." Shura said.

  Da Tianwei's face also softened, and he nodded immediately: "Let's find a way to cause a commotion and attract the corpse king's attention."

This matter has been settled, and he also knows that Shura really has no way to solve it, so he hit him with ideas. We are not relatives, but there is nothing wrong with hitting him. He also hit Over Shura's idea.

In fact, there is no good solution for this matter, and he also knows that it is definitely the most appropriate to let Tai Sui go, after all, even if most of his body is dead, there is still a small piece in his hand that can be regenerated Come back, and maybe not die.

  But he didn't want to gamble. If he succeeds, he will indeed earn a lot of money, such as the crystallization of zombies, which can make Tai Sui advance by leaps and bounds to enhance his own strength.

   It's just that the probability of failure is too high. Not only will it not be able to obtain zombie crystals, but Tai Suigui needs to invest in resources if he wants to recover, or else he will just regenerate casually? Definitely need enough nutrients.

   "These two people really are." Gu Shanhai was a little bit dumbfounded, he could only say that they had their own schemes.

   It is common to have calculations. If a player has no calculations at all, is it possible that it is all luck to get to this point?

  If this is the case, no matter how lucky you are, you can't escape certain calculations, and you will become the one who is the most calculated. Who makes you lucky.

   It's just that when facing a situation that is similar to their own strength, the calculations of all parties will be more conservative.

  These two people also plotted against Gu Shanhai, but Gu Shanhai also used these two people to work for him. The elder brother doesn't say the second brother, so there is no need to stand on the commanding heights of morality and point them out, unless it is beneficial.

   "Forget it, regardless of them, the buds of civilization are already close to perfection, and now, they still need some little help."

  The help that Gu Shanhai needs, naturally shortens the time, otherwise, it would take too long to develop slowly, and Gu Shanhai doesn't want to wait a thousand years.

  He has never experienced such a long time since he was reborn.

   "The human world has something to do with the background and I can't move it, so the ghost world should be fine."

  Naturally, the help needed was taken from the ghost world. As for the All-Survival Platform, it is a part of the ghost world, so it must have been taken together.

  Since entering the fourth level, Gu Shanhai has been focusing on the ghost world.

According to his guess on the rules of the level, the fifth level will definitely allow them to enter the ghost world to deal with the all-survival platform, and the air wall is likely to disappear directly, directly using the entire ghost world as the entire venue, and will not continue to search. searched.

   If you guessed wrong, then you guessed wrong, if not, Gu Shanhai can use the world he ate before as nutrients, anyway, he hasn't digested it yet.

   In fact, he is not very bad.

   "For the node in the gray fog, I need my help."

   "Sura and Datianwei really can't solve it."

   "These two people are still useful. After getting a wave of my search, they can also be useful in the fifth level."

   "Even if it is used as a shield to attract attention, it can also contribute."

  The two had started to cause a riot among the zombies at this time, successfully attracting the corpse king's attention, but the development was a little different from what they had imagined.

  Although the corpse king was furious, he did not put down the rebellion himself, but instead continued to suppress the chaos by manipulating the zombies.

"It seems that Shura's intelligence collection on the corpse king is still insufficient. The corpse king's greed for life and fear of death just means that the other party can deal with various problems carefully, especially at this time. He wants to let the corpse king leave the range of the throne and take the opportunity to complete the repair of the node. And transformation, it's not that easy."

   Gu Shanhai didn't interfere in this matter, and it seemed that he was at a disadvantage. In fact, with the abilities of Shura and Datianwei, there is no problem.

  The corpse king is not a hedgehog like the gray mist boss, and the opponent also has many weaknesses.

  The two also have other ways to use them to achieve their goals.

   "The biggest weakness of the corpse king is that he doesn't know that the main purpose of Shura and the great heaven is to divert the tiger away from the mountain. In the eyes of the corpse king, it is to kill him."

   "This little bit of poor information can easily develop into different coping methods. As long as there are mistakes in the coping methods, the flaws will come out by themselves."

   "At that time, as long as Shura and Da Tianwei grasp this flaw, they will be able to complete the task."

  Gu Shanhai quickly deduced the development. After the budding of civilization, the precondition of seeing the Dao, was gradually completed, his mind and concentration gradually returned, and he was no longer immersed in research.

   And the books in his hands are no longer as desperate as before, but are learning at a normal speed.

  So I can see more things clearly.

   "On the other side of the gray mist, you can divert the trouble to the east, and let the corpse king temporarily attract attention."

   "Forget it, it's too troublesome, I'll just open it for Da Tianwei and let him install it."

  At first, I wanted to be more tactful, but when I thought about it, it seemed that I didn't have time. Today is the tenth day, so I don't have any extra time to deal with these messy things.

  If it’s the first day, then you can still operate it. Now it’s as convenient as it is.

  Anyway, Gu Shanhai had made an agreement with the two of them before, that they would 'return to normal' on the tenth day, so it was normal to be able to open up for the big heaven.

   It is also very simple to ask the big heaven to do this. Isn't he calculating.

  Since the benefit this time is that the permanent summoning item Tai Sui in his hand is tricky, who would he go to? You can't let Shura go, Shura didn't get any real benefits.

  The biggest beneficiary of the reverse magic circle is the Great Heaven, and Gu Shanhai and Shura are only doing tasks to get rewards. It doesn't look like the Great Heaven has additional benefits.

   "Okay, then it's settled. After these two people have finished dealing with the node under the corpse king's throne, I will go to these two people." Gu Shanhai is sure that it is impossible to pass by now, so he has to work now.

  (end of this chapter)

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