I Am a Normal Player!

Chapter 542: Add money? No, you added too little

  Chapter 542 Add money? No, you added too little

   "A fight?"

  When Gu Shanhai came to the ghost sanctuary, he had already noticed the action of the gray mist, but he was not affected by it. Shura had already made a move, and immediately attracted the attention of the gray mist.

The corpse king did not approach, but stayed away from the battle between Huiwu and Shura very carefully, and there was no support as imagined. Gu Shanhai actually knew that the possibility of the corpse king supporting Huiwu was very low, and he regretted his life. Otherwise, the big heaven can be arranged to pass.

   "I don't care about him, let me take care of myself." Gu Shanhai didn't have much interest in the gray mist and the corpse king. For him, the real big deal was this ghost sanctuary.

  Because of the awakening of the gray fog and the disappearance of the zombies, the ghost sanctuary also noticed that something was wrong. The other party was not a dead thing, but a ghost. As far as the core of the city was concerned, the ghost sanctuary deserved it.

  Grey Mist and Zombie King seem to be very strong at first glance, but in fact, compared with the ghost sanctuary, they are just peripheral bodyguards.

   "You actually want to run, wait, why didn't you run before?" Gu Shanhai found that the entire refuge was shaking, and he seemed to be leaving the city.

   Obviously aware of the danger, ready to leave this place of right and wrong.

   It's just that Gu Shanhai stretched out his hand and squeezed the ghost sanctuary and pressed it down forcibly.

"So, the ten days for each level is not about worrying about ghosts and monsters completing the completion plan, but the final time limit for leaving the sanctuary." Gu Shanhai suddenly understood one thing. It doesn't matter if the pillars collapse. Fly, there is no need to worry about ghosts completing the plan, because no ghosts can complete it at this stage.

  The reason for the time limit is that once they start to act, the ghost sanctuary will notice the problem, and then they will leave the city very carefully and return to the ghost world.

  So, the real goal of the human world is not the Survival Survival Platform at all, but this ghost sanctuary.

  As long as the ghost sanctuary is destroyed, it is tantamount to cutting off the invasion of the human world by the Survival Survival Platform, and with this hand, a new situation can be formed.

  From the very beginning, the real purpose of the human world was not to let the three of them face off against the entire ghost world. In fact, the real mission is only up to the fourth level, and the fifth level is likely to be an extra task.

   Doing this is of great benefit to the human world. The human world is strong but strong, but there is no external means of invasion.

  And once the human world gets this city, reverse engineer the external technology of the All-Survival Platform through the ghost shelter.

   Then after forming its own technology, the ghost world will face human invaders, such as reincarnators and hunters.

  Ghosts come to the human world to survive.

  Conversely, when humans go to the world of ghosts and ghosts, as long as they overcome their fear, they will kill indiscriminately.

   Even in addition to the ghost world, it will continue to expand outward.

   "If there is no one above, I won't believe it." Gu Shanhai understood the cause and effect in an instant.

  One or more existences support this human being through the arena of all races, so that they have the ability to open up to the outside world.

Of course, although Gu Shanhai said it was easy, but in fact, to achieve this kind of technology, at least tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands of years of analysis and evolution are needed. thing.

   This in itself is an evolutionary process, where is it so easy.

  However, for a world, hundreds of thousands of years are just an instant, and it is a serious world, unlike Gu Shanhai, who is a half-way monk, whose concept of time is still at the human stage.

   "I can't let you run away now."

  Since Gu Shanhai understands the reason, no matter what the reason is, he must leave the ghost sanctuary.

"Have you eaten?"

   "If you haven't eaten, then punch me first."

   While speaking, Gu Shanhai punched the ghost sanctuary with his fist in advance.

  With his strength, the battle is already very simple and unpretentious. If he can’t beat him, he will punch him down and the opponent will be gone. If he still dies, then he will punch him again.

  You can use any special effects you want, no matter what the law of reincarnation, the law of yin and yang, etc., Gu Shanhai can also enchant his fists, the power increase is relatively indifferent, anyway, the combined power is not as powerful as his punch, and it is more about special effects.

  This kind of law is probably similar to human blood. It looks bluffing when you are **** when fighting, but it doesn’t actually affect your strength when you beat someone.

   With just one punch, the entire ghost sanctuary instantly disintegrated.

   "It's not bad, it's quite hard to beat, half life left with one punch." Gu Shanhai was still very measured in his strikes, and he didn't kill this thing with a single punch.

  Just as the entire ghost sanctuary disintegrated, the ghosts that originally lived in it were also exposed.

  When the group of ghosts saw Gu Shanhai, they couldn't help but panic.

   "Human, it's human!!"

   "Humans have captured the shelter, run away!"

   "Don't, don't kill me!"

  For a while, various voices came and went, and the entire sanctuary was in chaos.

  Seeing this scene, Gu Shanhai couldn't help but twitch his eyes, this scene is really a contrast.

  This world really made him a little uncomfortable. After all, there are many human beings in memory who are weak, and ghosts are weird but strong world types. Suddenly, these ghosts become weak chickens and run around.

   Gu Shanhai flicked his long sleeves, and all the flustered ghosts were included in his sleeves, so it is better to save them for experiments.

   Anyway, it got into the universe in his sleeve, almost dead.

  As the ghosts were wiped out in an instant, the entire ghost sanctuary seemed to realize that they couldn't leave, and planned to fight Gu Shanhai to the death.

  The invisible frequency kept vibrating, and space cracks began to appear around.

  Seeing this, Gu Shanhai knew that the other party was reading a note, and then stretched out his hand to smooth all the cracks in space.

  He could feel the brief stagnation produced by the ghost sanctuary, as if he felt a little sloppy.

   "I just learned it some time ago, and it happened to be a little itchy." Gu Shanhai also smiled, this is considered a small trick, and the skills learned by analogy when learning "When Space Does Not Stop" before are not considered great abilities.

  As long as the knowledge is mastered, the derived technology is not a big problem for Gu Shanhai.

  Gu Shanhai really wants to know now that the reading of the opponent's ult was interrupted, and then he was punched half to death by Gu Shanhai, what will happen next.

   If not, then he's going to have a cramp.

  Theoretically, there is no such thing, because the real boss of the whole city is the gray mist, and the ghost sanctuary is more like an area parasitic on the gray mist.

  As for calling out the gray mist to save the ghost sanctuary.

  Gu Shanhai glanced at Shura and Datianwei who were already shaking the earth.

  The advance and retreat of the magic weapon is orderly, suppressing the gray mist, there is not much resistance at all, and it is only a matter of time before losing.

  I can't protect myself, how can I save the ghost sanctuary.

  Sura's combat ability coupled with the assistance of text reminders, and a powerful magic weapon in his hands, it is naturally impossible to lose.

   Corpse King? This is already added.

  If the corpse king came to Gu Shanhai so stupidly, it would be a one-sleeve matter for Gu Shanhai.

   The ghost sanctuary also seemed to be aware of this problem, so it didn't call for help.

   "You are not human." A voice came, and at this time the entire ghost sanctuary was collapsing, turning into a huge light and shadow.

  Light and shadow have no actual shape and no quality at all.

  This is what the ghost sanctuary really looks like.

   It's just that what is controlled now is not the ghost sanctuary itself, but the existence of conscious avatars such as the whole tricky survival platform or the will of the ghost world.

   "Did you see it?" Gu Shanhai frowned, this guy has a good eye.

   "I can pay you ten times what the human world gives you." Guangying said calmly.

  In the eyes of the other party, this kind of existence will not act out of likes and dislikes at all, and only interests can impress the other party.

   "I really want to take it, but I'm afraid I won't be able to take it." Gu Shanhai really wanted to ask for more money, but he was worried that if he didn't get the money, he would be gone first.

If it's just two worlds fighting each other, it doesn't matter to Gu Shanhai to jump the other way. Obviously not this time, there are people behind the human world, and they are still pulling sideways. If he really does this, he will not be happy in the future It's better.

"You seem to know something. As long as you open your mouth, I can give you a satisfactory reward." Guangying did not further persuade Gu Shanhai to help him. From Gu Shanhai's words, he already saw that this matter was impossible, but revealed to Gu Shanhai The intelligence that comes out is more interesting.

  The light and shadow here is just a projection or a clone. If he dies, it will affect the progress of invading human beings. He can't save him who is far away in the world of ghosts. Why not take this opportunity to investigate.

  After all, although the human world is powerful, when facing the erosion of the ghost world, it is more defensive. This time it suddenly became so strong, which is simply against the common sense.

   "Not very good, I have nothing to tell you what to do."

   "There is no benefit. Even if there is a benefit, I dare not take it. If I am targeted because of such a trivial matter, then I will be at a big loss."

  Gu Shanhai refused without hesitation. For a small family like Ghost World, what good things can you give him.

   What's more, this product is not a good thing, probably because he is trying to hurt him.

  We are not familiar with each other, what if the other party is empty-handed and white wolf.

   "It seems that you are determined to fight against me, you young existence." Guangying's tone did not fluctuate at all, but both inside and outside the words conveyed the threat that your kid is dead.

   "Ah, if you don't cooperate, you will threaten. This is an illegal act." Gu Shanhai said that your grandson has the ability to beat me.

  Just as a civilized person, this kind of words must not be said directly, and you still have to pay attention to your image.

   "I know what you want, so let's stop here." Guangying said straight away, and then an extremely unstable and intense radiance erupted from his body.

  Gu Shanhai naturally understands what the other party wants to do. He has reached this point. He can't fight and can't escape. The best solution is to blow himself up.

   It's not his body that died, so it doesn't matter.

  As for the corpse king, gray fog and even the ghost sanctuary itself, they are just tools for light and shadow.

  Even if it is gone, it is not a big problem to recreate it. As long as you have the technology, you have sucked a lot of resources from the human world over the years, and you don’t have to worry about not having the resources to recreate.

   It’s all about failure. It’s not that I haven’t experienced the Quanwei Survival Platform and the ghost world. On the contrary, I have been failing all the time, but I am constantly accumulating experience in failure.

   "Look, how come you blew yourself up if you didn't agree with each other."

   "We still have to cherish life."

  Gu Shanhai suppressed the light and shadow, and the instability in the opponent's body instantly calmed down.

As far as the other party's thoughts are concerned, Gu Shanhai has long seen through the means of heavenly secrets, and the reason why he is not in a hurry to talk to the other party is because he is arranging a space blockade, so that this thing does not want to explode on the surface, but actually wants to pass through Blow yourself away.

  I really thought he was stupid.

  The so-called self-destruction is not much of a threat in Gu Shanhai's hands.

  If the other party's real body comes over, there is still a small chance that Gu Shanhai won't be able to stop him from blowing himself up. Now he is just a clone. If he doesn't even have the means to handle this, then he has been fooling around for so long.

  Light and Shadow did not respond, it seems that consciousness dissipated after the self-detonation was activated. This is most likely to prevent Gu Shanhai from obtaining information from the other party's memory.

  Gu Shanhai didn't care too much about it.

He has no such idea at all. For him, as long as it falls into his hands, the technology can be analyzed by himself. If he really wants to get it from the other party's memory, then Gu Shanhai has to conduct multiple verifications to prevent the other party from cheating. Own.

   Conveniently stuffed the light and shadow into the sleeve for research.

   After a brief look, this thing is actually similar to the three auras he picked up before. Those three auras are pillars, and the ghost sanctuary is a load-bearing wall.

  So in other words, the city is a server supported by load-bearing walls and pillars.

   Now that these two things are gone, it is self-evident what will happen.

   "I don't know if they can finish the fight before the city collapses?" Gu Shanhai looked at the battle situation, feeling a little helpless in his heart.

   The ghost sanctuary fell into his hands, but the Survival Survival Platform is not a vegetarian, the main thing is to kill everyone with one hand.

   Not only is this city collapsing, but also various places in the human world that were used as ghosts to survive are also disappearing invisibly. It is equivalent to giving up all secret invasions from the outside world, planning to close the country, and wait for Gu Shanhai, the scourge, to leave before doing anything.

  The ghost world can experience a long wait, which is enough for Gu Shanhai to leave.

   Can't be provoked, but the ghost world can still afford to hide.

   "Unfortunately, if you offend someone you shouldn't, let alone divestment, you will be caught even if you run away."

  (end of this chapter)

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