I Am a Normal Player!

Chapter 548: How can the prince steal something from the Tian family?

  Chapter 548 How can it be considered stealing when the prince takes things from the Tian family?

   "Damn it, if this continues, the whole world will be turned upside down."

  The Quanwei Survival Platform was also a little depressed for a while. With Gu Shanhai's deliberate guidance, the entire ghost world is now flourishing because of civilization.

  All kinds of tricks are emerging one after another, and he keeps suppressing the growth of ghost civilization.

  For him, this is not a good thing.

  Ghost Completion Project is indeed his work, but the difference is that the project is in cooperation with Ghost World. In his eyes, it is just a project used to defraud investment.

  Even the birth of ghosts and monsters was done on purpose by him.

  The real purpose is also very simple, that is to replace the entire world and make oneself the real master of this world, rather than being a selected spokesperson-like existence.

   He was not the All-Deceitful Survival Platform, but the first creature in this world. His unique existence allowed him to come into contact with the human world.

   Then it was immediately polluted by human thoughts and thinking.

  So in fact his thoughts are actually closer to people, which leads to the birth of desire.

   Make it successively erase all congenital creatures born later than him.

   This kind of behavior was naturally condemned by the world. Before being destroyed, he completed the plan through ghosts, successfully escaped and reached a cooperation with the world, and then this world became a world of ghosts.

  Ghosts will be weak, and this is also the reason.

   After all, it is not an innate evolution, but a life form that is crudely manufactured by the whole tricky survival platform.

  It is only with the development and improvement time and time again that there are so many kinds of ghosts and monsters today.

After the ghost was born, he cheated the first fund from the ghost world. Relying on this fund and the relevant knowledge he obtained from the human world, he quickly penetrated into the human world and fooled the leader of the cult of worship , using a fraction of the funds as funds to benefit the leader of the Cult of Worship, allowing him to continue to develop believers.

  With the Internal Religion to worship the Cult, the Quangui Survival Platform was naturally located in various areas of the human world, and then the plan and platform appeared after the completion of the plan.

  The next step is to develop the platform in a snowball manner and let the Cult of Worship continue to act as a traitor to reveal a lot of information to him.

Of course, during this period, it was unavoidable to be suppressed and hunted down by the human world, but for the Quangui Survival Platform, this is not a problem at all. Although he has been losing, after losing, he is not the one who pays the price, but the trickster religion, and also **** blood from the human world by worshiping the cult and the ghosts who went to the human world to survive.

  The cost does not need to be paid by him, and the profits are all taken. In addition, he can cheat funds from his own ghost world, which makes the Quanwei Survival Platform rise rapidly, and also controls most of the power in the world.

  The human heart is not enough to swallow the elephant. A long time ago, the Quangui Survival Platform had a human heart, so as his strength expanded, he naturally wanted more.

   That’s right, the world itself.

  That's why he deliberately cut off the ghost civilization and misled it to stagnate its development.

  The plan on the surface is that he will become an existence similar to human civilization, and become a good baby of the world.

   Actual plans naturally take their place.

   Otherwise, it would be outrageous to copy the homework wrong.

   What's more, he didn't just copy the homework, he even wrote the questions. After all, he created the ghosts, and it's easy to interfere and modify them.

  These plans were going very smoothly, until Gu Shanhai came to this world by some unknown means, and forcibly forced out the potential of ghosts through war.

  Ghosts definitely have potential. Even if they were shoddy in the beginning, but they can be cheated of funds, no matter what, there must be real things in them, otherwise how can they fool the world.

  These potentials are forcibly restrained by him in his body, and he uses the ghosts to make up the plans for a little bit of transcoding and release. If there is no corresponding means, it is impossible to transcode at all.

  However, such a small trick cannot be fooled by Gu Shanhai.

   "What on earth does he want to do? Obviously, he only needs to follow the steps, so why create chaos?" Quangui Survival Platform didn't know what Gu Shanhai wanted. In his eyes, chaos is not a good opportunity to pick fruits.

  Once the ghost civilization develops too fast, like the human world, many powerful forces will be born, whether it is technology or extraordinary, it is a threat to itself.

   "He must be stopped as soon as possible. Just one month of chaos has greatly improved the progress of civilization, allowing the ghosts to have a sense of grouping and form a city-state."

   After being persecuted, the ghosts had to huddle together to keep warm, and they also worked together to form stimulation and fear through death, forcing the original logical limit to break. Yes, this is the process of transcoding, and the two are indispensable.

  That's why the All-Sly Survival Platform allows ghosts to go to the human world to survive.

  As for why transcoding cannot be performed in the world of ghosts and monsters due to fighting to death, the reason is also very simple, the amount is not enough.

When the two sides fight, it is more about blood and blood. During this process, there is no way to completely stimulate oneself, let alone form fear, and this is also the lair of the All-Deceitful Survival Platform. Apart from the world, it belongs to him. have maximum authority.

  Even if the ghosts meet the requirements, they will be forcibly suppressed.

  It is different now. The appearance of Gu Shanhai has affected the suppression and has enough stimulation and fear, which breaks the original logic of thinking.

   It is also for this reason that ghost survivors and ghosts have completely different thinking. The former is more flexible, while the latter is rigid.

"If it really doesn't work, we can only join hands with the world. It's just this way." Quangui Survival Platform hesitated a little. He has completely emptied the entire world now. If he really wants to join hands with the world, it is equivalent to returning some of his rights to the world. just work.

What? Join forces with the human world?

  He is not a fool, why would he do this kind of thing that lures wolves into the house.

   "Resolve the foreign aggression first." Quangui Survival Platform finally compromised.

   It is not suitable for the current situation to fight against the outside world first. If you really want to ignore the raging enemies and destroy your own people, not only will you not be able to strengthen yourself, but you will also be taken advantage of by the enemy.

   It is impossible to seek peace. Gu Shanhai obviously came here with the idea of ​​killing him. If he really wants to go to sue for peace eagerly, he is afraid that he will be killed by the other party the first time they meet.

  As long as Gu Shanhai is resolved, and the world has no wisdom, and through some means, he can completely regain the right to return to the world and make it empty again.

   It's nothing more than a trade-off, at worst it will take another thousand or eight hundred years, which is not much different from a moment for the Quangui Survival Platform.

   "It's a very young world, I thought it was so old." Gu Shanhai looked at the analyzed data in his hand, with a hint of disbelief in his expression.

  According to his estimation, this world is only 30,000 years old at most, which is too young for a world.

  The reason why it is unbelievable is because the development is too fast.

   It was so fast that Gu Shanhai felt that this was the same as cheating.

   "The All-Quiet Survival Platform is capable, but the ability is not on the right path."

Gu Shanhai couldn't help but sigh with emotion. Under normal circumstances, a world that has been born for 30,000 years, not to mention the formation of the embryonic form of civilization, is already a genius if it can give birth to life. , now maybe the ghost civilization has entered the age of science and technology.

   Even if it is said that this is copying homework from the human world, in fact, even if it is copying homework, it still requires relevant abilities.

  Quangui Survival Platform is not only copying homework, but also deliberately controlling points.

"If you put it on the right path and follow the plan to complete the ghosts and ghosts, you don't have to wait for me to come, maybe the whole cunning survival platform will become a ghost civilization, and because of its self and IQ, with a small and broad mind, it has not been said until now Occupying the human world is also able to confront it head-on.”

  Gu Shanhai simply deduced the plan. In fact, from the very beginning, the Quanwei Survival Platform has the ability to complete the ghosts, but it has not been shown. How can the ghosts be created by him.

  Since I saw the defect and found a way to make it up, there must be an easier way.

  It's a pity that not only did he not want to make it up, but he also added layers of reinforcement with dark hands.

The shortcoming is also obvious, it is still too young, and the opponent does not have the relevant extraordinary ability, so it seems to be invincible, giving Gu Shanhai the feeling like a fly with high-speed movement, no matter how fast you fly, you can't fly. Just annoying.

  So this little trick fell into Gu Shanhai's hands, and it was broken very easily.

  If he can imprison him, Gu Shanhai can release it.

  The other party does not want the ghost civilization to develop, so Gu Shanhai has to speed up the catalysis.

   No matter how you say it, it’s still a trial plus small snacks, but it’s still valuable to Gu Shanhai.

   "Then what will Quangui Survival Platform do next?" Gu Shanhai was also thinking about this matter.

   It is impossible to say that he will really be caught without a fight or rush to surrender. If he really wanted to do it, he would have done it long ago, so there is a high probability that he is holding back his bad intentions and intending to deal a fatal blow to Gu Shanhai.

   "Currently, there are only two options for the Survival Survival Platform."

   "One is to cooperate with the human world, and the other is to cooperate with the ghost world."

   "The possibility of the former is not great, I am more inclined to the latter."

   "It's just that he is really willing?"

  Observation over the past few days, he has also seen that the All Guild Survival Platform is in control, and all kinds of rights in the world are emptied on the surface.

  The reason why it is on the surface, not in reality, is because these rights are given to the Quangui Survival Platform by the ghost world, rather than being plundered by the Quangui Survival Platform from the Ghost World.

  It is equivalent to the father giving the son the keys to the house, rather than transferring the entire house to you.

  Quangui Survival Platform thought that he got it by his own strength, but in fact it was given to him by the world.

  Gu Shanhai himself is the world, so he naturally knows what's going on inside.

  It's ridiculous that one's own creation wants to take his authority.

   "Even if he is willing, the idea is good, but he still has no way to command the world." Gu Shanhai has long been on guard against this move.

  He is doing this to promote the development of civilization, which is probably equivalent to expanding the territory.

   What's more, he is still disguised as a heart eater. In the eyes of the ghost world, he is a ghost, not an outsider.

   Quanwei Survival Platform jumped out to sow discord with the ghost world, saying that Gu Shanhai is a bad person and wants to do bad things.

   As a result, the ghost world saw that this was not a bad thing, but a good thing.

  Although he doesn't hate the All-Deceitful Survival Platform, he won't attack Gu Shanhai directly, but will focus on observation.

  The observation of the world does not take a day or two, but at least several years.

  Gu Shanhai didn't care about it, he turned the whole ghost world upside down in one month, and in two or three months, the whole Survival Platform would be driven to a corner by him.

  One year is enough for Gu Shanhai to investigate all kinds of hidden dangers and swallow the entire ghost world in one gulp.

   In any case, it is just a young world, and it is not difficult to swallow imports.

   "I just don't know if it's urgent, will the Quangui Survival Platform lead wolves into the house?" Gu Shanhai suddenly thought of this situation.

  He also has some ideas about this. If he can really push the other party to this level, it may not be a bad thing.

  At that time, the human world will also intervene. Because of the air wall, he has no way to go to the human world, so he has been greedy for food.

  Then if the human world is delivered to your door. This is not realistic, but if human civilization is really invited by Quangui Survival Platform, then Gu Shanhai can reluctantly drag human civilization over to eat.

   This is not Gu Shanhai's fault. If human civilization does not get involved in this matter, then Gu Shanhai has no way to do it.

   "You can give it a try." Gu Shanhai narrowed his eyes, thinking that if he wants to play, he should play a little bigger.

  As for the existence behind the Ten Thousand Races Arena and the human world, he is not afraid, and he is not attacking the human world, let alone human civilization.

  The other party can't count on me, so I can't fight back.

   If he really wanted to be so unreasonable, then Gu Shanhai smashed the stall and ran away.

   It doesn't matter if you offend the other party, it's to the point where the other party wants to die and can't resist, so it doesn't matter if you offend or not.

   "Isn't it just a calculation, everyone knows it."

  Gu Shanhai chuckled, he was low-key in the world, but he also had a temper, it's just that he has cultivated a lot in recent years, and he has enough food and drink, so he seems relatively harmless.

   "So the first step is to make Quanwei Survival Platform despair of the ghost world and come into contact with human civilization under my persecution. Only in this way can the two be hooked up logically."

   "The plan is very simple. If it is implemented, there are many details that need to be improved."

  (end of this chapter)

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