I Am a Normal Player!

Chapter 555: Chance is something like this, as long as you have it, don't pick and choose

  Chapter 555 Chance, as long as you have it, don’t be picky

  Xiaobai wore a red hard hat on his head, commanding a group of mind demon soldiers to beat ashes and tie steel bars.

  It thought that as the dean, it would take office directly, but unexpectedly, it had to start from the college.

   Fortunately, Qinglong was with him to help, otherwise he wouldn't even think about starting work for a month.

  In fact, he was also cursing in his heart, he didn't know where Gu Shanhai had gone, and throwing him a deer here to do civil engineering was simply inhumane.


  Xiaobai gave instructions blindly for half an hour, then asked Qinglong when the meal was served, it was a bit hungry.

  Qinglong glanced at Xiaobai, then tapped his short claws, and a proficiency panel appeared in front of Xiaobai's eyes.

  【Golden Bell Cover (1/1000)】

  【Iron cloth shirt (1/1000)】

  【Tongzi Gong (1/1000)】

  It means that your proficiency has not been maxed out today, and you have to max it out if you want to eat.

  Gu Shanhai gave Qinglong a hard target, and asked Xiaobai to complete the three-piece suit with a thousand points of proficiency every day, otherwise he would not be given food, and if he did not finish, he could be hung up and beaten.

  Seeing this, Xiaobai couldn't help but change his expression: "Yo!"

  It means to be flexible, since Gu Shanhai is not around, so it is not a big deal to miss a day of practice.

  This doesn't even have a level, who knows how many years it will take to practice this three-piece suit to perfection.

Of course Xiaobai knows where the three-piece suit of golden bell-covered iron cloth shirt and boy skill came from. It is the deer version improved by Gu Shanhai. It is definitely not a normal version. It doesn't even know how high the upper limit is. Maybe I will be dissatisfied with my whole life.

  Qinglong shook his head, then pulled out the background data of the proficiency panel, and showed it directly to Xiaobai, saying that Gu Shanhai could see it, and as long as you skip one day of practice, the proficiency panel would send a message to Gu Shanhai.

   Then it has to send the video of beating Xiaobai to Gu Shanhai.

  Xiao Bai couldn't help but look down, if it didn't understand the data on the proficiency panel, it would have changed everything, so that Gu Shanhai not only couldn't monitor it, but also mistakenly thought it had been completed.

   It’s just that this is just an idea, and it feels that it will never be able to do it in its entire life.

  Learning is impossible to learn, and you can't learn it all your life.

   Can only rely on transformation and proficiency to dabble slowly.

   Thanks to Xiaobai's good attitude, otherwise he can't even beat a vegetable, and he will definitely win Yuyu.

   "Xiaobai, what time is it? Why haven't you started practicing yet? Are you going to stay up all night today?" Gu Shanhai's voice came from the proficiency panel.

   "." Xiaobai wondered if Gu Shanhai was too damaged. This thing can still transmit sound, and he doubts that maybe he can watch live broadcasts.

  In the end, he could only reluctantly open up his posture and start practicing.

   "Be more **** serious, don't fool me, what I'm looking at is the increase in proficiency, you won't be able to increase your proficiency by just playing casually." Gu Shanhai's voice came again.

  Xiaobai thinks it is a deer, its main occupation is to mount a horse, and part-time to serve tea and water, why should it practice.

   It is common to practice this kind of name, but it is not a simple exercise at all in practice.

   "Yo~" Xiaobai said cursingly, or else it can go back to be a mount, if it doesn't work, it can serve tea as a servant, and even if it almost helps the kitchen, it's fine.

"You have a good idea, and I will appoint you for this matter. I am still preparing opportunities for Aesop. When I come back next time, if you can't complete the daily proficiency task, I have recently imitated King Yu Jiuding and let you Roll each cauldron to make up for it." Gu Shanhai's voice came over again.

  Hearing this, Xiaobai couldn't help being shocked.

  The Yuwang Jiuding from Gu Shanhai’s cottage is definitely not a symbol of imperial power, but the original function of the tripod, yes, it is the pot.

  If it goes in and rolls again, it will definitely not die, but it will definitely not escape the discomfort.

   In this regard, Gu Shanhai also kept his word.

  So I can only restrain my mind and start to improve my proficiency.

   As for the building of the college? It doesn't need to worry about it, there is the Azure Dragon, and the Xinmo Taoist soldiers are controlled by the civilization system.

  Xiaobai's command is just blind command, which has no effect at all.

   More is to use it as a mascot and speed up the digestion of the three supernatural power genes of the golden bell cover iron cloth shirt and the boy's skill. Otherwise, it will take too much time to let it digest slowly.

  Quick intensities are too painful, medium intensities are too itchy, and slow intensities take too long.

  In the end, Gu Shanhai could only combine the last method with exercise, so as to speed up Xiaobai's speed.

  It’s just that Xiaobai never thought about becoming stronger, and turned to logistics life deer, thinking about this every day.

  In order to prevent Xiaobai from becoming a salted fish enjoying life every day, Gu Shanhai can only find something to do for him.

   Otherwise, Gu Shanhai was so busy every day that he didn't touch the ground, and it turned out that Xiaobai was better off, and his life was more comfortable than him, then Gu Shanhai just took this opportunity to retaliate.

  Qinglong didn't have any idea, just quietly watched Xiaobai practice.

  Then it can’t do anything, and it can’t help practice. This kind of thing can only be done by yourself.

   "I have escaped." Aesop's expression showed disappointment and fear. This is the devil's messenger. If the other party knows that he has betrayed the other party, he will never let him go.

  The knight Umu on the side checked the wooden house, and his expression was dignified: "Are you sure it was on fire?"

   "Of course, I'm sure." Aesop was a little puzzled, he didn't understand why Umu would ask such a question.

   "I'm afraid the emissary of the devil has deceived you. Look here, is there any place to warm up?" Umu said seriously.

   "Of course it's a stove." Aesop replied subconsciously, but suddenly realized that there was no stove in this wooden house.

  He remembered clearly that the stove was made of iron.

   This is a very unreasonable place. Even if this hut is abandoned, the original owner would not be able to put an iron stove here.

  In the eyes of ordinary people, such an iron stove is a luxury, and iron has always been a scarce thing.

"The emissary of the devil is really scary. It actually made me feel the false warmth." Aesop also had lingering fears. Fortunately, he ran fast. Otherwise, he might have died in the cold. Sure enough, he had the protection of the lord and the lord , he was able to have this kind of luck, and escaped from the hands of the devil's messenger.

   "That's right, you should thank the lord. If it weren't for him, you would be a corpse in the wooden house now." As Korsi's retainer, Umu's loyalty to Korsi is naturally conceivable.

   "Nothing was found, we have to go back and report to the lord as soon as possible."

  Wumu knew that this time there was going to be a big move. He had also heard about the devil's bloodline, but it hadn't happened in the Thorn Lion's territory.

   But this time, things were even more serious. What appeared around the territory was not the blood of the devil, but a messenger of the devil, which was far more terrifying than the blood of the devil.

  He has heard of it. It is said that a devil bloodline can release a huge fireball and burn a horse to death abruptly.

   But after that, this fallen man with the blood of the devil also became a mummy in an instant. Obviously, because he used the blood of the devil and was punished by the Lord of Dawn, he became a mummy.

   At that time, this incident was widely circulated.

   "Well, the wilderness is too dangerous. If there are other devil messengers, we can't deal with them." At this time, Aesop was also very scared.

  In fact, I feel a little regretful in my heart, if I knew it earlier, I wouldn't have betrayed Gu Shanhai.

   But think again, if I don't confess the devil's messenger, how can I get the forgiveness of the lord and become a tax collector in the Thorn Lion's territory.

   This can be regarded as a blessing in disguise.

  Umu glanced at Aesop, he actually didn’t think much of him, if it wasn’t for Korsey’s order, how could he say this to a mere pariah.

  He even heard that Kersi planned to promote this pariah to be a tax collector, which was simply too ridiculous. He didn't know what this pariah had dedicated to the lord to be able to get this honor.

You know, the children of nobles are nobles, the children of knights are knights, and the children of tax collectors are tax collectors. A pariah like Aesop should be a pariah all his life, whether it is him or his future heirs , will only be a pariah, but I didn't expect to make him stand up.

  'Hmph, I really thought that the untouchables won the honor of the lord, so they are not untouchables. '

  ‘How can a pariah who can’t even count the numbers be a tax collector. '

Wu Mu is very disdainful of Aesop in his heart. Even if he has the honor of being a lord to become a tax collector, he will never be able to integrate into their class for the rest of his life. Suppress him and make him lose his position as a tax collector.

   Let this pariah understand what ants are.

Wu Mu did not express these thoughts, but hid them deeply. Even if he wanted to suppress them, he would not directly attack them. For Wu Mu, he was the lord's retainer, and his status was second only to the lord, his wife, and the lord. The people under the heirs will naturally not deal with Aesop with dirty hands.

   Even in front of Aesop, he will show kindness and talkative appearance, so as to show that he has the same broad mind as the lord.

   The task of cleaning up Aesop, naturally someone will do it.

   Aesop naturally didn't think about this kind of thing, and of course, he couldn't think of it either.

  Illiterate and still a young man, how could he know about these nasty things, let alone think that he would be targeted because of such things.

  Now in his mind, all the majestic scenes after he became a tax collector.

  He has seen the tax collector before. He leads people to go to various households to collect taxes. He is a high-level figure.

   "Okay, don't think so much, we have to go." Wumu said, got on the horse, and galloped away with the other knights.

   Aesop ran after him all the way with his legs wide open, running out of breath, but the knights didn't mean to wait for him at all.

  When I came here, I ran over, and when I went back, I naturally ran back.

  He is just a commoner, so it is impossible to raise a horse, even if he can afford it, he cannot raise a horse. Only the lord can own a horse.

  ‘When I become a tax collector, the lord may give me a horse so that I can ride back to the countryside. It must be very prestigious. ’ Aesop had it in his head and used it as motivation.

  The horses are owned by the lord and will be distributed to the high-level officials of the territory for use. Umu's horses are actually not his, but the lord's, and some tax collectors will also get a horse as a status symbol.

  Thinking of this, Aesop felt a little distressed again.

  ‘If I have a horse, how should I raise it? The house is so small that the horse can’t live there. I also heard that the food for the horse is very expensive, so I can’t afford it. '

  ‘That’s not necessary, even if I don’t have a horse, after I become a tax collector, I can still be very majestic. '

  In the end, Aesop made up his mind that if the lord really wanted to give him a horse, then he would refuse it. Otherwise, if he couldn’t afford it and the horse died or got sick, he would be whipped by the lord.

  Yes, although the horse belongs to the lord, all the expenses in the raising process are paid by the adopter, and if there is a problem with the horse, he will be punished.

Other knights, tax collectors and the like are ancestral occupations, and they have accumulated a lot of wealth in the process of passing on from generation to generation, so raising a horse is not a problem at all, and even if there is a problem with the horse, it can be offset by wealth punish.

  Forget it, he doesn’t have any of these.

  Thinking this way in his mind, he also noticed that the knights were riding away on horseback, gradually disappearing from his vision.

How could he outrun well-trained and better-fed horses? Besides, he had already run once when he came here. , he was already a little physically exhausted.

   After the speed slows down, they will definitely not be able to catch up with the progress of the knights.

   This made him feel a pain in his heart.

   There were wild beasts in the wilderness that could kill him, not to mention the wandering devil messengers, if he bumped into them, it would be his fate.

  While he was thinking wildly, he suddenly stepped on the air, and the whole person rolled down.

  The back of his head was still knocked against a stone, and before the severe pain came, his consciousness suddenly went dark, and he passed out.

   When he woke up again, Aesop only felt a pain in the back of his head, but there was darkness in front of his eyes.

   "Is this some kind of cave?" Fortunately, Aesop could see the faint light coming from his head.

  The good news is that he can go out, but the bad news is that he seems to be seriously injured, and he can smell the blood on his body, even though the blood has dried up.

   "And, what is this thing?"

  By the dim light, Aesop found that he had an extra bracelet on his hand, which could be vaguely seen to be green.

   It's just that he doesn't know exactly what it is.

  However, it is certain that he did not have this bracelet in the first place, and he put it on for unknown reasons during his coma after falling into the cave.

   "It can't be the devil's curse." Aesop couldn't help being frightened by his guess.

  (end of this chapter)

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