I Am a Normal Player!

Chapter 568: The academy has learned from it, so the pure-blood wizards have to learn from it

  Chapter 568 has been borrowed by the academy, and the pure-blood wizard must also learn from it!

  At the gate of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, a large number of human body parts were scattered on the ground.

  The wizard students looked terrified, they never thought that this would happen.

  Just now, Baihu slapped him, and the whole scene changed.

  Nobles, knights, all became a mess.

  At this time, Bai Hu's eyes were scanning these students.

  Especially some wizard student who put people in, he was the second batch of students selected.

   "Tell me, why did you betray the academy? Is the academy sorry for you, or is it because it can't give you what you want?"

  An old voice came, and Xiaobai walked out wearing a magic robe. The voice was naturally not his, but the spiritual frequency translator borrowed from Qinglong.

  So it wants to speak, there is no problem.

  A group of wizard students did not speak, they were all trembling.

   "You don't seem to intend to explain, Bethel." Xiao Bai looked at the boy named Bethel.

  The other party gave a sudden shock, with an innocent look on his face: "Dean, I, I was deceived by them."

   "When you were lying, you exposed your desertion in the first protection class."

   "Without your invitation, they would not be able to notice you and the entire academy."

   At this time, it was Qinglong who fought on behalf of him.

  Where did Xiaobai know this, so Qinglong went online.

"There must be a misunderstanding here, Dean, please listen to my explanation." Bethel couldn't help but sighed inwardly. He really missed the first protection class. After all, he was very novel at the time, which led him to really distracted.

   "I'm listening, you can tell." Xiaobai said that he could give you a chance.

   "They are nobles, and their blood is supreme. If they can rule us and are willing to give us a chance to become retainers, maybe we won't have to suffer from the blood of the devil."

   "It is impossible for us to stay in the academy for the rest of our lives. Only when the academy becomes under the command of the nobles and the church can we be truly free from danger. Otherwise, once the church's expeditionary force arrives, our academy will be destroyed in an instant."

  Bethel hurriedly said that he said it was for the good of the academy, not because he wanted to betray the academy. Only by accepting the rule of the nobility and the church can security be guaranteed.

Xiaobai's eyes narrowed, he didn't expect the other party to think this way, and then nodded the deer head: "What you said is very reasonable, but I think you are not the only one who thinks this way, if there are many people, I will This suggestion should be carefully considered.”

   "And if you're the only one who thinks that way, you're a minority, and you'll be punished harshly."

  It's not stupid, just want to see if there are other wizard students who are so stupid.

  At this time, it felt that what Gu Shanhai said was right, most people in this world could not be saved.

   I didn't expect such thoughts to appear in carefully selected elite wizard students.

  Bethel couldn't help but heaved a sigh of relief, and then asked: "Dean, how many people are considered a majority?"

   There are five wizard students in the first batch, the youngest but the strongest.

  The second batch is different. There are not many people. There are 31 people in total, and they are already 18 to 20 years old, so most of them are adults.

   "More than half counts, and I will give corresponding rewards for your brave behavior of raising opinions."

  As soon as this remark came out, a total of 29 people stood up, including Bethel, all of whom were the second batch of wizard students. Only two people disagreed.

"It seems that you have a great affection for the nobles and the church. I wonder if you can talk to me?" Xiao Bai's tone did not change, but he was very angry in his heart. Sure enough, the conditions could not be relaxed, but the result was good. Directly recruited so many twenty-five youngsters.

   If this grows up in the future, you can't sell the academy directly.

   "Of course, nobles are."

   “The church is even more.”

"if we."

   Opening their mouths one by one, indicating that only the nobles and the church can lead them to the right path.

   "Okay, I see. I will carefully consider your ideas, but the rewards will be given to you right away." Xiao Bai stopped the group of people from complimenting with lack of words.

  Afterwards, five second-year wizards came out suddenly, making these first-year college students a little confused.


  Five people shot at the same time, and the magic directly hit the twenty-nine people.

  In an instant, pain surged into the hearts of these twenty-nine people, their bodies twitched and howled uncontrollably. They wanted to beg for mercy, but suddenly found that they couldn't open their mouths because of the severe pain.

  The remaining two were also taken aback.

   "Don't worry, this is a reward for them, namely the Cruciatus Curse, Imperius Curse, and Killing Curse. As long as they can survive, they will forget the past." This time, Xiao Bai's tone was cold.

   Now how can these two people not understand that they escaped a catastrophe.

   Also welcome nobles and churches to come in and rule the academy? How stupid would it be to agree to it, like giving away your wealth to others.

"Whether it is the nobles or the church, they are just a group of ants-like characters, and they are also worthy of meddling in my master's college. Hmph, I really think this is still the era of the nobles and the church? With the arrival of the magic tide, can their **** blood It's one thing to live."

   "Supreme? It's nothing more than a group of descendants of wizards who are struggling to survive."

"In the end, I didn't expect that you, as pure-blood wizards, would be willing to be dogs to a group of mudbloods. In this case, it is best for someone to be able to survive three spells. At that time, I will abolish the magic blood on his body, and Use transfiguration to make him a dog for the rest of his life, and then send him to the territory of some nobles, I hope he can live well."

   These words, of course, Qinglong continued to speak, and Xiaobai hadn't turned his head around yet.

  The two wizard students present also felt chills when they heard this. The pure-blood wizard's thinking seems to be contrary to the mainstream?

  As for the five little wizards, they naturally had grim faces. They entered school a year earlier and were young, so they had long regarded themselves as pure-blood wizards.

  As the first Cruciatus Curse lasted for nearly ten minutes, the Imperius Curse and the Killing Curse continued.

  Unfortunately, among the twenty-nine people, no one was able to take the Death Curse after suffering the Cruciatus Curse and the Imperius Curse one after another.

  Finally, the corpse was disposed of by the Blazing Curse.

   Seeing this, Xiaobai casually left, and the entire academy began to squirm, and a large number of stumps and broken arms were absorbed and swallowed.

"Your peers have disappointed the dean and the teachers. I hope there will be no next time. Otherwise, we don't mind getting rid of two more people. After all, it's just a killing curse." The leader The little wizard looked at the two surviving people indifferently.

  These two people were also full of bitterness. Although they survived, they were also warned, and only then did they understand that the one-year primary school principal whom they and others despised was actually so powerful.

  They couldn't release these three curses at all. As a result, they not only released them so easily, but also released them one after another.

  Nobility and Church? Added up, I'm afraid they can't even beat these five little wizards, but in the end, some people stupidly think that the nobles and the church are the orthodox.

  The two of them actually knew some rumors, but they didn't report or express their position, so they were treated like this.

  Eating the academy and drinking the academy’s use of the academy’s, but when they met a young boy who wanted to attack the academy, not only did they not help the academy, but they also turned a blind eye to it. Saving their lives is already a great deal of face.

  And from now on, the resources of the two will be greatly reduced, and even the quality of teaching will be reduced, and they will face tuition fees, food expenses, and many other related expenses that need to be settled to the college.

  It doesn’t matter if you don’t have money, just sign a contract and treat it as a loan from the academy in the form of loan sharks.

  When is it paid off? When is it considered free?

  The treatment and attitude are the same, but if anyone dares to report, the resources and benefits will immediately be upgraded to a higher level, instead of becoming like this.

  They also have their own thoughts. If the nobles and the church really enter the master academy, then they will show their loyalty. If they fail to become the master, according to their thinking, it should be fine if they don't participate.

   It’s just why Qinglong acted according to their ideas.

  Since they can't give corresponding attitudes, why should they enjoy the same treatment.

  So next, in addition to tuition, board, tuition and miscellaneous fees, etc., they also face an extremely serious problem, that is, additional academic charges.

For example, to practice magic spells, under normal circumstances, the academy provides materials and various enhancement potions for free, but now it is different, it is not provided for free, if you want to practice, you need to spend money to buy it, even if you don’t have money, you can borrow it from the academy loan sharks.

  Every subject requires a lot of practice, and the resources needed can be imagined, either not to practice, or to borrow money.

  You can do wrong things, but you can't stand on the wrong team.

  In Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, you can only choose to stand on the side of the school, not your own.

  The academy is the bigger picture, not themselves.

  The five little wizards have been well educated in this aspect, so their awareness is very high. If nothing unexpected, they are the teaching directors and deans of the four major branches of the future college.

  As long as your **** is not crooked, ability and aptitude can be cultivated, not to mention these five people have good abilities and strong aptitude.

   "So you plan to change the academy into a dark wizard mode?" Gu Shanhai was a little incredulous after hearing Xiaobai's opinion.

   "Yo." Xiaobai affirmed this.

"Not very good. There is not even a white wizard now. Where did the black wizard come from?" Gu Shanhai complained, this Xiaobai is really weird, the main reason is that this time the blow is too big, after all, it did not expect that there would be such a thing. Many people want to backstab the Academy.

  Gu Shanhai knew about it, but he didn't care about it. It was to give Xiaobai a little experience. As for the completion of it with the help of Qinglong, taking advantage of the situation and hugging his thigh is also a solution.

  Just like now, if you come to a master like him for help when you encounter something you can't solve, it is also a solution. It doesn't mean that you have to solve it yourself to be considered complete.

   "You can turn Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Witchcraft into a large Slytherin, copy the noble model, and have a pure-blood supremacy."

  Gu Shanhai said that it is possible to copy homework, and there is no need to engage in a black wizard model, which is too eccentric. Instead, the concept of a pure-blood wizard can achieve great results.

  Between the two choices of becoming a dog of a nobleman and making himself a nobleman, Gu Shanhai can be sure that most people will definitely choose the latter.

The reason why I say it is the vast majority is because Gu Shanhai has seen Aesop's wonderful work, and also met Bethel who wanted to be a dog for the nobles and even betray the academy after becoming a wizard, and there are many such people, so naturally No more thoughts.

   "Yo!" Xiaobai's eyes lit up, thinking that this matter is feasible.

   "Also, after the lesson this time, you should know why I chose young children."

   "Because they are still young, they can be corrected in time, and the second batch of students you selected are all adults, and their three views have already been fixed. If they can be corrected, this kind of thing will not happen today."

  Gu Shanhai once again reminded Xiaobai that the first batch was selected by him himself, and the second batch was naturally made by Xiaobai who was the dean.

  The lesson this time also had a great impact on Xiaobai.

   Even Xiaobai once planned to give up the position of dean, but because there was no one to take over, at least he had to wait until the group of five grew up before he could retire, so he was tied to this position.

  Xiaobai nodded, indicating that he knew, and that he would be cautious in the next batch of students.

  In fact, it could also choose not to recruit, and throw the burden to them after the five-person group is trained, but it didn't do that.

   Now that Gu Shanhai and the Four Sacred Beasts are at the bottom of their pockets, it can use it to accumulate experience at will, which is a rare experience in life.

   "Okay, let's go, if you have anything to talk to Qinglong, I still have something to do." Seeing this, Gu Shanhai also sent Xiaobai away.

   This matter is a big deal to Xiaobai, but in Gu Shanhai's eyes, it's just a trivial matter, not even as good as a fart.

  Xiaobai also knew that Gu Shanhai had something to do, so he naturally left the laboratory in a panic, and went to Qinglong and the others to discuss what to do with the follow-up regulations.

   After Xiaobai left, Gu Shanhai looked at the quantum collider in front of him. He didn't pay attention to the farce above, but kept debugging the quantum collider.

"It's finally settled, and the next step is to wait for the next space fluctuation." In order to ensure concealment, Gu Shanhai naturally needs to cover up, and the best cover is the space fluctuation formed when the unknown civilization travels through the world. As long as it is connected, Gu Shanhai can use it to open a micro channel for research.

  (end of this chapter)

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