I Am a Normal Player!

Chapter 571: The wizarding world of eternal winter

  Chapter 571 The wizarding world with the coming of eternal winter

   "It seems to be a lot colder recently, and many crops have froze to death." Feralas frowned as he watched the report from the serfs under his hand.

  Sitting on the main seat, Ruben, who was like a giant, seemed to be dozing off, and then he reacted a little slowly: "I have no way to solve these things."

  Ruben's body has a large number of wounds visible to the naked eye. Some of these wounds go deep into the bones, and some of them have recovered and only scars remain.

   These days, he has been very tired and has been fighting with the Emerald Tree. At this stage, he has temporarily gained the upper hand.

   However, it is said that it has the upper hand, and injuries are inevitable, and the emerald tree is also seriously injured.

It’s just that the recovery ability of both parties is very strong, it seems serious, but it’s actually not heavy for them. Ruben is recovering now, because he is too tired, and after eating a lot of food as a supplement, he naturally feels sleepy .

   "It's not for you to solve it, but just to tell you to add an extra dress." Feralas sighed, and she was becoming more and more worried about Ruben's situation.

  Since his strength has become stronger, Ruben's intelligence has also dropped significantly, and he is very lazy, not wanting to use his brain and other behaviors.

   Thanks to her help, coupled with her powerful strength, Ruben has a creepy intuition and perception. If you tell a lie in front of Ruben, the other party will notice it immediately.

  So don't look at him as stupid, but he is not confused at all.

   "I see." Ruben finished speaking in a low voice, then opened his eyes, and said abruptly: "My intuition tells me that something terrifying has appeared."

   "What?" Feralas couldn't help but look surprised, she didn't expect Ruben to say that.

   "Cold, it's cold!"

   "Mother, you have to act as soon as possible, we may have to face eternal winter."

  Ruben's tone was very excited. He didn't know how to describe it, but he knew that this cold winter had now taken root in the magic tide.

   "Eternal winter, will this really happen?" Feralas was a little terrified, she naturally knew what winter looked like.

   "I already feel the coldness in the magic power is growing, believe me, mother." Ruben said helplessly in his tone.

  Feras nodded hurriedly: "I understand, I will prepare immediately."

"Also, I am ready to abandon all the territories and shrink into the castle. Damn it, remember, we have to renovate the entire castle, otherwise, the cold will swallow you up." Ruben said in his The blood of the King of Kings on his body may be able to ignore the cold, even if he is naked in the cold, there will be no problem.

  But others can't.

   "So serious!" Feralas didn't expect that Ruben would actually plan to give up the large territory he had won with his own hands.

After the Expeditionary Army was destroyed, Ruben occupied two-thirds of the aristocratic territory, and the church has become a thing of the past. As for the remaining one-third, it has become a no man's land, because the existence of the Emerald Tree is simply No one can survive, and the curse will be triggered once entered.

  Green bracelets first appear on the hands, then they are seduced, finally tortured publicly, and then become part of the Emerald Tree.

The battle between the two sides has never stopped. Except for the two top combat forces of Ruben and the Emerald Tree who fight each other from time to time, the Emerald Tree has also been attacking Ruben by arranging spies, implementing beauty tricks, etc. The forces where they are infiltrated.

   Regardless of the fact that Ruben has been winning, in fact, Ruben's power has been losing ground in the confrontation of forces.

   Fortunately, this doesn't affect it. After all, as long as Ruben doesn't die for a day, even if the nobles under his command are instigated, so what, they still dare to resist.

   "I'll prepare right away." Feralas naturally planned to collect supplies according to what Ruben said.

   "At least a hundred years will be enough, because I don't know how long it will take for the cold rooted in the magic power to disappear." Ruben also reminded that his brain is not bright, but it does not mean that his intuition is not good.

   "So much, okay!"

  Gritting his teeth, Feralas naturally agreed, after all, this also involves his own safety.

   "However, do you want to inform the other nobles, us?" Feralas suddenly remembered this matter.

"You don't need to notify them. The supplies will be insufficient and cause chaos." Ruben didn't care about the life and death of the so-called nobles at all. During these days, he also saw what the nature of the nobles was. Get up early, greedy and repeated.

  Even if they surrender themselves now, most of the nobles are actually in contact with the Emerald Tree, intending to gain powerful power to gain autonomy.

  It's a pity that the Emerald Tree has been hanging them all the time, and it doesn't give these nobles any power of extraordinary nature.

  Reason Ruben also knows that there is only one way to obtain the extraordinary power of the Emerald Tree, and that is to become a part of the Emerald Tree.

Naturally, the nobles were unwilling. They wanted to be the only ones and not be dogs for the Emerald Tree, so they kept pulling Ruben's tiger skin and pulling with the Emerald Tree, and said that as long as the Emerald Tree gave enough benefits, they would also Able to betray Reuben.

  The Emerald Tree also knows the virtues of nobles, which means that you betray first, and then he will give.

  The two parties exchanged interests with each other for a long time.

  Ruben's intuition and perception also knew this, but he didn't care. Whether it was for him or the Emerald Tree, this small move of the nobleman was almost a joke.

   "Let them fend for themselves." Ruben determined the outcome of the nobles.

   There is no need to worry that the Emerald Tree will deliberately spread it to destroy his good deeds. At this juncture, the most urgent thing to say is the Emerald Tree.

  The coming of cold this time will inevitably lead to the death of a large number of human beings, and he will lack a lot of nutrients.

  So in the recent period, Ruben has a hunch that the Emerald Tree is likely to make a big move, and he needs to be on guard at all times.

  In fact, he also knows that the big move is not aimed at him, but at the nobles. As long as he does not intervene, it will not affect him.

   "Okay, I will get it done as soon as possible." After Feralas finished speaking, he naturally left in a hurry.

What Ruben considered was not perfect. He was talking about supplies, but Feralas knew that supplies alone were far from enough. They also needed knights, doctors, blacksmiths, carpenters, etc., and they needed to be equipped with enough supplies. inheritance.

   It is equivalent to building a small territory in a castle, and the number is even larger, otherwise the number is not enough. Once these talents die, it will inevitably cause a fault.

  Especially doctors, without a doctor you can’t see a doctor.

  In addition to this, herbs, fuel, spirits and other things are needed as a guarantee.

  Thinking about it this way, Feralas' head is about to grow big.

  Human faces emerged on the trunk of the Emerald Tree. He was different from Ruben. Ruben simply felt that the cold would affect their survival. He was the protagonist and could feel more.

  The cold in the magic tide will not only bring about eternal cold winter, but also destroy, freezing the whole world, and finally dying in the cold.

  However, this process is extremely long and needs to be accumulated gradually over time.

  At least with the concentration of the current magic tide, this is impossible.

   "Who did it?" The Emerald Tree's voice echoed.

  He could feel that someone behind the scenes, after creating him and Ruben, the so-called king of kings, dropped the seeds of destruction on the world they depended on to survive.

   "Is it the mysterious Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Witchcraft?" The Emerald Tree quickly ruled out Ruben's suspicion, and then set his sights on the School of Witchcraft and Witchcraft that he had dismissed.

  In fact, he was disdainful at first, but later, he paid attention to it.

  Because he found that this force was too mysterious, and he could not find any traces after in-depth investigation.

  Ruben didn't care at all, and he naturally didn't remind them. The two sides are hostile, so why bother to remind the other party.

  After ruling out the suspicion of Ruben, the suspicion naturally came to this mysterious Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Witchcraft.

   It's just that the suspicion belongs to the suspicion. He couldn't find this witchcraft academy at all, so he could only sigh helplessly.

   "Even if it is found, so what? This devastating cold, after taking root in the magic tide, cannot be eliminated at all."

  The Emerald Tree is not an ordinary protagonist, and it is also a super-standard existence among the protagonists, not a normal protagonist.

   "Before this, I must complete the transformation as soon as possible, the tree body is not suitable for the next survival."

   "If you can, you can work with Reuben."

   "As long as he is willing to provide me with enough humans."

  He knows that the next crisis is unavoidable, and with his strength, he cannot resist alone.

   And if they team up with another strong person, the chances of survival will be much higher.

  Perhaps Ruben will think that the cold can't help him, but this is only the current cold, and the future cold, I am afraid that even the so-called gods will fall because of it.

   "But how to persuade Reuben?" The Emerald Tree didn't consider the ideas of those nobles at all, nor did it think about coaxing the nobles as nourishment.

   This is too troublesome, and it takes so long that it is simply too late.

The group of nobles were suspicious and worried, and it was impossible to coax them over, unless they really offered benefits. The problem is that the nobles' appetites are too greedy, and they are likely to swallow the benefits, and then want to make more money. Many but not coming.

  The best solution is the same as swallowing the expeditionary force back then, attacking the highest level directly, but the difference is that he can't beat Ruben, and can only cooperate through a combination of interests.

  He believes that Ruben will not refuse his request. After all, this is just the beginning of cooperation. If nothing unexpected happens, the two of them will work together to resist this crisis.

  The crisis is in the future, even if it is very far away, it will arrive sooner or later.

   "Next, I need to find a way to send a message to Ruben. I hope he won't be as irritable as he was during the battle. Otherwise, it will be very difficult for me."

  Ruben's fighting style is very desperate, which makes the Emerald Tree very headache.

  That's why he was worried about his character.

  What is the real character, he also collected a lot through spies, but he found that before becoming the earl and after becoming the earl, Ruben was basically two people.

  This kind of changeable personality made Emerald Tree not too sure. Except during the battle, he did not come into contact with Ruben at other times.

Fortunately, he has a lot of descendants, so he can contact him many times. Unless it is really impossible to communicate, the Emerald Tree will give up. Even if thousands of descendants die, he doesn't care at all. Germinated seeds, he can have as many as he swallows.

   Even if they are all dead, he will not be affected in any way.

   "The tide of magic power contains frost. When you absorb magic power, you must pay attention to screening and separation, and you must not be vague."

   "Otherwise, once the magical blood in your body is injected with frost, then death is the best end, and living will suffer eternal torture."

  The five little wizards looked at the online class with solemn expressions.

  At this time, they were all wearing thick winter clothes, and the magic power on their bodies was struggling to flow. Obviously, the arrival of the world-defying frost had affected the operation of their magic power.

   "Teacher, I would like to ask if we can make Frost a force in our hands." One of the little wizards raised his hand and asked.

   "Of course, I just want to learn, but it's not that easy."

   "This course will be offered in your next school year."

  The instructor of the online class is a strong artificial intelligence, which is naturally able to analyze the doubts of the little wizards.

Hearing this, the remaining four little wizards also looked excited, and then another little wizard raised his hand and asked a question: "Then if we make Frost the power in our hands, does that mean that we will ignore Frost?" threat?"

   "No, it's like you can use the Fire Curse to create raging fire, but can you ignore the threat of flames?"

   "This is a brand new subject, and you need to study it after you have mastered the power of Frost."

   AI quickly gave the answers they needed.

   "So that's it, who is stronger between the power of the frost and the power of the three curses?" Another little wizard asked.

   "This is not something you should think about now. It's time to put away your curiosity and concentrate on listening to the brand-new wizard meditation method, so that you can avoid and eliminate the frost when absorbing magic power."

Obviously the artificial intelligence does not intend to continue to delve into this aspect. The curiosity of this group of young wizards is very great. It is just an artificial intelligence, not Gu Shanhai's civilization system. Can't explain it either.

   Fortunately, although it cannot be explained, it can change the subject and bring the classroom back to teaching. This trick is still very useful.

  (end of this chapter)

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