I Am a Normal Player!

Chapter 573: boat far from home

  Chapter 573 The boat far away from home

   "Hi~" Gu Shanhai spit out a cold breath, he gnawed twelve worlds in a row, it felt like eating twelve ice creams in a row, and his whole body felt weak.

   "No, I can't eat any more. If I eat any more, I will suffer from indigestion."

   "I don't know if the Jianweixiaoshi tablet can work for me."

Gu Shanhai eats up these twelve worlds in one day. After his strength becomes stronger, he can directly eat one world at a time. If mountains and seas want to swallow the world, they have to wrestle with the world.

"After eating, I feel lazy and want to germinate." Gu Shanhai knew the reason, because most of his energy was dispatched to digest the world, similar to sleepiness after eating .

"It's been a long time since I've eaten so full. It would be even better if I didn't have the cold." Gu Shanhai felt that the tastes of the twelve worlds were also different. unexpected.

   This made him temporarily dismiss his idea of ​​binary stars.

   Originally, according to his idea, he planned to gnaw the double-star celestial bodies together, but he found that the Frost of the World is so difficult to digest, let alone the main body of the Frost.

   What's more, he has only seen the world-destroying frost of the frost star celestial body, and the ghost hunter derived from the hunting star celestial body, which he has not seen yet.

  From the communication between the two elves, compared to the harsh environment, more often the main body of their confrontation is this group of ghost hunters.

   As for the situation of the ghost hunter, Gu Shanhai is temporarily unknown, at least in the twelve worlds he devoured, there is no ghost hunter.

After all, the ghost hunter hunts the strong, or at least the strongest in the elves to be eligible to be hunted down by the ghost hunter, and like the situation in other worlds, it is estimated that only Gu Shanhai encountered it before. The mad **** has this qualification, but the mad **** has the qualification but does not have the conditions to be hunted down.

  Ghost hunters hunt strong men in order to let the souls of these strong men join them. However, mad gods have long since lost their souls, so ghost hunters will naturally not attack a strange living corpse.

  The premise of hunting is to have prey, not for killing, otherwise it is really for pure fighting, so what kind of ghost hunter is called, just call it ghost martial idiot or ghost violent maniac.

   "Finally, it has been analyzed. It is convenient to be close. If you are still in the wizarding world, it is really not so easy to locate the living area of ​​the elves."

  Gu Shanhai is not only devouring the world, but also locating the living area of ​​the elves while devouring the world.

   "At present, it can be confirmed that their living area is indeed a leaf of the world tree, and it is this leaf that can resist the influence of binary stars on them."

   Immediately, by means, he directly entered the leaves of the world tree.

   The internal space is actually not that big, even smaller than the wizarding world, maybe even ten times smaller, but it is more than enough for more than a thousand elves to survive, and it can even build various facilities.

However, the elves here are completely different from the elves living in the forest in traditional fantasy. They live in the steel city, have a large number of mechanical creations, are proficient in various subjects such as biology, materials, energy, etc., and even have nuclear power plants and magic pools. , warships, mechas, etc. are creations that do not fit the two words of elves.

  They combined magic and technology to form an extremely powerful civilization.

The place where    lives is what the elves call the boat far away from home.

   Judging from the records obtained by Gu Shanhai and the corresponding memories, the elves did not know that the Ark Far From Home was a leaf of the World Tree, but only considered it a treasure, and they built it into an escape ark to stay away from the apocalypse.

To say that the elves are actually unlucky. Under normal circumstances, with the leaves of the world tree, no matter how strong the frost is, it will not wipe them out. As for ghost hunters, don't worry, they only kill the strong, so they don't need to worry about it. Don't worry that the elves will be killed by ghost hunters.

It's a pity that they turned the leaves of the World Tree into an escape ark, and brought all the elves with them. Well, yes, after experiencing the frost of the world, the population of the elves dropped to only a few hundred. It was possible to reach more than a thousand people because they were re-multiplied in the boat far away from their hometown.

In the end, they did escape from the elf world that was about to perish. They were still at the peak of the magic tide. The moment when the magic power reaches its peak can make the boat far away from home run faster.

   This behavior eventually led to them taking the leaves of the World Tree and plunged into the rotation of the binary star celestial body and were engulfed.

  Nowadays, there is no way to get rid of the binary star celestial body. This has allowed the elves to adapt to the environment through continuous evolution under the shelter of the leaves of the world tree over the long years.

  The birth of the bloodline ability that can travel through the world is also the influence of the leaves of the world tree. After all, the leaves will inevitably leak a little power under the confrontation with the binary star celestial body.

   "There is a difference between the World Tree and the World Tree." Gu Shanhai complained.

In his previous life, he was also a World Tree, and his leaves did not have this function. Even if his body and the double-star celestial body touched in the previous life, the end must be a way of death. It can also protect a race.

   "However, the elves can develop to this point, not only because of the leaves of the world tree, but also because of their own efforts. If they don't even live up to their own strength, no matter how much they help, they will be a pool of mud that cannot support the wall."

   Everyone in the surviving elves is not an ordinary elf. They started out as engineers and combat elites.

They need to go out to find materials from various worlds in order to support the development of their own society. The leaves of the world tree are not a complete world, but just a world seed, not even an embryo, let alone a prototype, otherwise it would not be It may be picked off by the dragon.

  So the natural cycle cannot be completed, and resources are limited.

In order to survive, naturally they can only go out to search. When going to various worlds, various accidents will inevitably occur, so they must not only be proficient in combat to deal with various accidents, but also know how to repair, build, and even break away from devices in space. Find a way to get back on your own after damage.

  Gu Shanhai’s world tree in his previous life was naturally not so exaggerated that every leaf was a world, those leaves were small spaces, better ones were demiplanes, almost like storage rings.

It sounds good to say that many game worlds are supported by their own roots, but in fact it is a commercial area. It can only be successful with the help and resources of "First Era". There are multiple rhizome business districts, even if they are against a world, they can't beat them.

Of course, you don’t have to worry about what will happen if you can’t beat him in the previous life. After all, there were people above him at that time. "The First Era" made a report and asked "The First Era" to help him out.

  For players, especially the powerful top-selling players, "First Age" is actually very tolerant and protective.

   After all, this is the pinnacle of sales.

  No matter how much the top seller earns, it's not that the boss takes the big money.

  If it is really necessary for the horse to run and the horse not to eat grass, how could it develop so fast.

   It is the benefits that are given enough that the players will work hard. In the process, a lot of benefits are provided to "First Era", and some of the benefits are used to feed back to the players, forming a virtuous circle.

  If you are a capitalist, you have to use the right way to squeeze. The premise of wolf culture is to feed meat, not you let him be ruthless and feed him shit.

  If you really want to feed **** but not pay, why should employees work for you loyally? You can't just say that you can do it because you say it. It is more likely to be a fisherman and become a black sheep instead of a loyal dog.

  "The elves can develop to such a united state, in addition to having an excellent leader, it is also easy to manage because of the small number of people."

   "But if you add 10,000 as the unit of quantity after the thousand people, even if it is unlikely that such a harmonious situation will occur, any conspiracy and intrigue can appear."

  Gu Shanhai can also see that thanks to the small population of the elves, coupled with the pressure of survival and the even distribution of resources, nothing messed up.

  At least everyone wants to live, instead of being framed or assassinated casually for some right or wealth.

  Until now, there has not been an elf who is better than the current leader.

   "That's how I want to get into the elves"

  The population is too small, and the time we spend together is too long. It is very conspicuous to have an extra elf, so Gu Shanhai can't even pretend to be a fake.

  It is even more unrealistic to say that I am a black family. As far as the birth rate of the elves is concerned, whenever a new elf is born, the elves of the entire elf family must come to see it twice every three days. There is no black family at all.

   "The best way is to replace it. The problem is that it is not easy to replace."

  Replacing a sprite is not a big problem, the real problem is that he doesn't want to work.

  Replacing the high-level, there is no need to leave the leaves of the world tree to go to various worlds to salvage materials and technology, which is equivalent to just staying at home.

  However, the idea is very good, but the actual situation is that these high-level elves are working day and night, and all kinds of affairs are piled up on them.

  Although the elves have a small population, they are highly productive and have a developed society, so there are so many things to deal with.

  If Gu Shanhai replaces the high-level elves, then don't even think about being free.

   Instead, it replaces the non-high-level elves. It is true that as long as there are no tasks, they can arrange their own time.

  The problem is that the task is not easy. In addition to traveling around the world to salvage supplies and technology, there are also fights against ghost hunters, cleaning up the frost of the world, etc. The work is not as hard as the top, but it is not doing nothing.

  In the entire elf clan, there is no idler, and there are no elves with aloof status.

   Everyone is struggling to survive.

  If the leaves of the world tree were not maintained by the elves, it would not be possible to last until now.

   Even if it is said that it will not be destroyed due to the binary star celestial body, there will be various damages, and it will take time to repair it.

   These damages may only be equivalent to the degree of broken skin for the leaves of the world tree, which is insignificant.

  Only on the side of the elves, it is a crisis enough to make them perish, so naturally they have to maintain it all the time. It is a matter of their own lives, so naturally they will not relax.

   There is no such thing as lax maintenance. They are walking on the verge of death on weekdays, how could they relax about things related to their lives.

   What's more, most of the elves have actually survived from the beginning of their world's demise to the present, and that kind of doomsday-like scene will never be forgotten for a lifetime.

  The newly born elves also travel through various worlds, seeing various apocalyptic scenes, and encounter danger from time to time. If they are not accompanied by experienced elves, they may not be able to return.

   "Let me see, it's better to find an elf who just finished the task and is starting the vacation."

   "Otherwise, as soon as my front foot is replaced, the back foot will be assigned to work, then I will be at a big loss."

  Gu Shanhai searched around, but couldn't find a suitable candidate. There are also elves on vacation. Apart from working overtime, they are training and studying crazily.

Everyone in Gu Shanhai is numb. It is necessary to be so voluptuous. It is really necessary. After all, this cannot be classified as voluptuous. Because if you don’t work hard, you may die outside next time, or it may be because The lack of knowledge leads to the inability to deal with the frost of the world, which makes the boat far away from home appear cracks.

   For your own life, if you don’t work hard, you will die. This is still different from Juan.

   "I can only find one that looks normal." Gu Shanhai quickly chose a hapless one, an elf who was studying and researching, and most of the other party's focus was on this aspect.

  More actions to go to other worlds are also based on scientific research and collecting technology.

  If it weren't for the shortage of elves, even if such a talent is arranged to go to scientific research, there will be bodyguards to follow.

  However, this elf should not be underestimated. He is also extremely powerful in combat. After all, he crawled out of a mountain of corpses and a sea of ​​blood. He died long ago without any ability.

   As for staying and focusing on research, no one provided him with resources. The redistribution of resources after salvage is tight in itself. Where there is surplus, even the top management will get the same share, relying on mutual assistance.

   Unless he transfers to a high-level job, it's just that it's safe, but there's not enough time.

   "It's just you, anyway, the character design is similar to mine." Gu Shanhai could only choose him to replace.

  (end of this chapter)

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