I Am a Normal Player!

Chapter 585: Before the migration, the three stages of the Frost of the World

  Chapter 585 Before the migration, the three stages of the world-destroying frost

   "It's done!" Gu Shanhai looked at the inside of the leaves of the entire World Tree, which was transformed by him through means, and soon became his shape.

  As for the elves, after counting the number, he soaked them into a super-large life-support device and stored them in the body.

This elf is not an ordinary life form. With the help of the leaves of the world tree, it is the only special species with the two characteristics of a double star celestial body. On the surface, it is covered with the skin of the race of elves. different structures.

  If you really want to say it hard, if the elves continue to evolve, it is very likely that they will evolve a race that has the common advantages of Frost and Ghost Hunter.

   That is, the time required may be in units of millions or even tens of millions of years.

   At that time, it will be the strongest overlord of the celestial world community and become a brand new binary star race.

   But it’s good to think about this kind of thing. If it is successful, there will be no wizarding world in the previous life, and it is even more impossible to succeed now. Gu Shanhai has already packed everything away.

   "Check it again, if there is no problem, you are ready to run away with the leaves of the World Tree."

  Gu Shanhai worked on it for two months before finishing the project.

   Originally, it really only took one month. During the construction process, Gu Shanhai went through several improvements, optimizations and other processes to make the plan run better.

   "To be honest, the power of the double star allows me to use it for these things, which is a bit overkill." Gu Shanhai was also a little helpless about this.

   It's just that there are too many double stars involved, so Gu Shanhai dare not covet them easily. He never thought of getting them from the beginning to the end, and what he wants may not necessarily be what he really wants.

   That is to say, the elves are special, so Gu Shanhai wanted to take them back to study and study, to see if he could analyze something.

   If there are more, Gu Shanhai will have no idea.

"I hope there will be no accidents, but I still want to rely on the leaves of the World Tree as my coordinates and anchor points." Gu Shanhai is actually also thinking about whether the pages of the time history books are reliable, and how successful the memory projection is. possible?

  After a lot of tossing, the inspection was finally completed, and just about to start it, Gu Shanhai noticed a new situation.

   "A ghost hunter is here to visit?" Gu Shanhai narrowed his eyes.

  It's a bit too coincidental to come here at this juncture?

  He believes that there are many coincidences in the world, but he doesn't believe that such a coincidence will happen to him, especially when he was just about to run away.

  Believe in coincidences, it is better to believe that the plan leaked, and the ghost hunter came to trouble him.

   "Let's meet first." Gu Shanhai didn't ignore it and start it directly, because doing so would be risky.

  He can delay it for another day, or another month or even a year, it is not a problem, there is no need to be so urgent.

   Maybe the other party brings some good news to him.

  Even if his plan was leaked and the ghost hunters came to do it, then Gu Shanhai would arrest all of them immediately after meeting, and he would still gain some ghost hunters in vain.

  The amount in hand is indeed enough, but he will not dislike too much.

   "Oh, I can't come here sooner. I just soaked up all the elves, and now I have to use illusion to maintain it." Gu Shanhai felt that this was increasing his workload out of thin air.

  After rearranging the illusion, he disguised himself as the elf who talked with the ghost hunter last time.

   Otherwise, it would be very strange to change people.

  Gu Shanhai has their memories, so naturally he doesn't have to worry about revealing his secrets.

  Come to the location of the world coordinate tearing area. This is not only an area where elves travel through the world, but also an area that receives outsiders. It has been transformed into a special space area, which is equivalent to a door.

  After Gu Shanhai arrived, the ghost hunter entered directly.

   It is already very face-saving for the opponent to appear in the world coordinate tearing area, but it is a bit whimsical to think about getting the opponent to knock on the door.

  However, I have to say that the ghost hunter's ability is still really powerful, if it is not limited to the radiation area of ​​the magic tide, or it is far stronger than the world of the elves.

  Of course, if you want to talk about potential and upper limit, it must be that the world of the elves is stronger. After all, it is the power activated and improved from the leaves of the world tree.

  Just adaptability is not comparable. They can still be used without the magic tide. If ghost hunters do not have the support of magic tide, they can be regarded as powerful if they can move.

   At the location of the tearing area, a ghost hunter is not walking around, but talking with an elf formed by illusion.

  He was expressing his intention.

  Gu Shanhai also rushed over quickly, otherwise it would be very abrupt to appear at the first time.

  As soon as the front foot arrives, your back foot follows. You are not very busy, so why do you still have this free time.

   "Hello, Mr. Xishiku." This ghost hunter looks like a human being, with a polite appearance. When he saw Gu Shanhai coming, he also took the initiative to greet him without arrogance or disdain.

"Hello, Mr. Haysim, what is the reason for your visit this time?" Gu Shanhai's expression was very serious and calm: "You also know that after the last conflict, the ghost hunters were actually not among the elves. There is not much favor, at least for a while, it is not a good thing to visit us."

   "I know, I just have to come." The human-looking ghost hunter named Haixim also smiled to express his closeness, and then said: "We have observed that the Frost of Destruction is about to enter a period of outbreak."

   "Explosive period?" Gu Shanhai was a little puzzled, why did this thing have an explosive period.

   "Yes, it is divided into a stable period, an outbreak period, and a decay period."

   "It's normal for the elves not to know, because when you entered the binary star celestial body, you have been in a long period of stability."

   "As the binary star celestial body revolves in the world community, it will form a high-energy stage when it enters certain regions."

"In the high-energy stage, it will continue to erupt, and even if we cannot effectively suppress it, it will form an eruption period. In this stage, the World Miserable Frost is particularly powerful, which also leads to the next area we will experience in the future. There are not many worlds, and even if there are, they are extremely powerful worlds."

   "But don't worry, after the outbreak period is over, it will lead to a decay period. In this stage, the power of the World Destroying Frost has dropped greatly, and even some big worlds can easily suppress it."

  Heyheim rambled on a lot.

   This made Gu Shanhai understand in an instant that the area around the wizarding world should be in the decay period, and it was able to survive due to the occasional shelter formed by the leaves of the world tree.

  ‘Hiss~ Thinking about it this way, I seem to have screwed up the wizarding world? '

   Gu Shanhai suddenly thought that what he brought to the wizarding world was not the decaying frost, but the stable period, which directly changed the difficulty that the wizarding world had to face into the difficulty of hell.

   Fortunately, it was not the Frost of Destruction during the outbreak period.

   Gu Shanhai didn't know how powerful the Frost of the World was in the outbreak period, but he could get a glimpse of it from the stable period.

   "I see, I will inform you about this matter. Mr. Haixim should not only come to help us on purpose, he must also have a task on his shoulders." Gu Shanhai didn't think the other party would be so kind to help.

   "In order to mend the relationship between the two clans, the elves have been hiding from the ghost hunters for so many years. Coupled with the previous conflicts, the relationship has become even worse." Haixim is also blunt.

   "I'm afraid this is not going to work. Our last elf king should still be working in Ghost Hunter." Gu Shanhai knew that the fundamental conflict between the two parties was actually in this area.

  You killed their elf king and let him serve you after death. In the eyes of elves, this is slavery.

  If it is just killing and not enslaving, then forget it, it is nothing more than the dispute between the enemy and ourselves back then.

  Gu Shanhai's use of the word effectiveness is quite euphemistic.

"Yes, he is doing well now. After becoming a ghost hunter, his immortal power allows him to compete with the strong in many worlds." What Haixim meant was that although the Elf King has become a ghost hunter now, Also enjoyed the corresponding treatment, instead of being enslaved by them.

   "It will take a while to think about this matter." Gu Shanhai naturally couldn't agree, and now he wants to fool this person away, but he can't be too obvious.

   "I came here this time to establish a strategic cooperation, and the general situation is" Haicim said.

  The content is that they can go on missions with the elves. During this process, the elves need to help them hunt the strong together, and the ghost hunters can help them collect materials as a help.

  During the eruption period, all the big worlds can survive, and in this area, because of each eruption period, there are not many small worlds at all, only the big world.

  So the cooperation between the two parties can better survive this outbreak.

  ‘In the explosion period area, there are incredible people involved. '

  Gu Shanhai understood that the area in the outbreak period was a monster room.

  You must know that the explosive period not only strengthens the frost, but also the magic tide, which will make the magic tide in this area far higher than that in the stable period.

  If the highest magic power peak in the stable period and decay period is high magic, then the highest magic power peak in the outbreak period area is likely to break through the high magic limit and reach the level of gods and demons, fairy demons and the like.

  So even ghost hunters will feel tricky.

   This time, there happened to be the presence of the elves, so they could unite the front and set out missions together.

   Otherwise, without the help of ghost hunters, it would not be so easy for the elves to collect supplies.

  You can’t even beat them, and you have the magical ability to travel through the world. The possibility of the other party cooperating with you is very slim, and it is more likely that they will directly catch you and want to obtain your ability to travel through the world.

  Essentially, Hehim’s proposal is actually benefited by the elves. After all, even if there is no elves, the ghost hunters can hunt the strong by themselves, even if it is a little troublesome.

   "So it's like this, so how much time is left before the outbreak?" Gu Shanhai asked.

   "At most seventy-two more rotations." Haixim didn't hide it either.

  Seventy-two rotations refer to the rotations when the two sides of the binary star celestial bodies are entangled, and it takes about two months.

   It takes one day for celestial bodies to rotate on their own axis, and one month to rotate each other like yin and yang fish. The time of revolution is not clear, but at least ten thousand years should be used as the unit. After all, the revolution is the entire community of the world.

   "Let's put it this way, this kind of major event is not something that I or a few elves can decide, it needs to be discussed by the whole group."

   "I will give you an explanation after the next rotation, what do you think?" Gu Shanhai's words are very official, of course, even if the original Xishiku came over, the wording was the same.

  He definitely didn't dare to agree immediately, even if it was beneficial, he couldn't just agree so hastily.

"Of course there is no problem, then I will wait for good news from you, Mr. Shishiku." Haishim did not ask to agree now, as long as he was beaten before entering the outbreak period, even after entering the outbreak period, it would not be right to agree. What a big deal.

  As a ghost hunter, he thinks more about hunting the strong, rather than hunting dogs.

  After becoming a ghost hunter, although it will remain outside, but in any case, the race and essence will be transformed, so the instinct will be changed.

   "That's good, I won't be far away here, after all, the identity of the ghost hunter is a bit sensitive." Gu Shanhai also politely opened his mouth to see off the guest.

   "Of course, it's not convenient for me to stay too long." Haicim also heard the meaning of seeing off the guests, and he said it in a tactful way, but as long as he is not stupid, he can understand.

   Then he left straight away, without even leaving the scope of the world coordinate tearing zone, which was equivalent to only talking at the door for a while.

  But if the elves agree next time, he will definitely be invited in.

After Haicim left, Gu Shanhai also murmured in a low voice: "The Frost of the World still has a stage, but judging from the current situation, it is very likely that the Frost of the World is not the full version, but it is a ghost The hunter has suppressed it."

   "And the explosive period is probably not the real peak."

   "My choice of running away was indeed correct."

  Gu Shanhai never thought about exploring in depth at all, but was planning to leave immediately.

   "Forget it, check it again." Gu Shanhai quickly focused on the current plan, the reason why he didn't start it immediately, at least he had to wait until Haixim, the ghost hunter, was gone.

  So he planned to wait another three hours before acting too late.

  Three hours is enough time for Haicim to return to the hunting star, one of the binary celestial bodies.

   Fortunately, these three hours passed in a blink of an eye, not three months, how could it be a long time.

  Gu Shanhai also carefully checked and reviewed the game several times, otherwise he would be fine if he was idle, and he would not lose a piece of meat if he checked more often. On the contrary, he could be more cautious, making the plan more secure, and avoiding any accidents.

   "The time is up, let's start."

  Gu Shanhai looked at the time, and without hesitation started the Noah's Ark demolition plan.

  (end of this chapter)

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