I Am a Normal Player!

Chapter 616: Mimir's dwindling wisdom

  Chapter 616 Mimir's dwindling wisdom

   "It's interesting that Vidal created a human." Gu Shanhai said abruptly after stuffing a corpse into his arms.

   "How did he do it?" Mimir also changed his expression slightly.

   This is not a good thing, it means that Vidal and the new world are getting more and more involved.

   "That's how it was done!" Gu Shanhai didn't know that, through a remote look back, he saw Vidal carving two humanoid wooden sculptures, and then said three sentences.

  After that, the woodcarving came alive and became a human.

  He actually knew about this scene, that's how Odin created man.

  However, he did not expect that Vidal would imitate and succeed, which was indeed beyond his expectation.

   "Actually, I don't quite understand why Vidal created a human being at this juncture. It's not the right time at all." Gu Shanhai was also a little confused about this.

  The best time is naturally to wait until Gu Shanhai and Mimir solve the burning world fire and completely build the binary star celestial body system, there will be a stable time, this time is the most suitable.

   "There's one more thing I don't understand, and that's where did Wally find the ash and elms"

  Other Gu Shanhai can bear it, but this one is too foolish, someone can find trees in a world that has been burned for several years, not to mention you are the Asa protoss, even the white hat protoss can't do it.

   "Perhaps, after we left, they were influenced by the new world." Mimir said.

   These things are indeed full of doubts.

  Especially Vidal’s sudden creation of human beings is completely illogical.

   "Vidal once hesitated, but was persuaded." Gu Shanhai also thought so, the new world has new everything, so naturally many species are needed.

  Before there was Gu Shanhai, so it could not affect Vidal and others, but after Gu Shanhai left, without his protection, everything would naturally return to the original track.

   "Maybe this is his fate." Mimir didn't say anything, because now, everything is too late.

   Vidal is completely bound to the new world, not only him, but also the two brothers Valli and Mandy Modi.

  Another one is that it is impossible for them to rush back for this matter now, because rushing back is useless, and there is no possibility of success.

   "There is no fate and destiny." Gu Shanhai scoffed at this, it was nothing more than the influence of the world.

   Now Vidal is on the same path as Odin back then.

  The good news is that this time there is no world tree so pitted, and the bad news is that the world is about to collapse.

  So Vidal is worse than Odin, he inherited a mess.

   What's worse is that Vidal obviously doesn't have Odin's powerful ability.

After all, Odin drank from the fountain of knowledge and wisdom, and hung himself upside down on the World Tree, was stabbed by a spear, and sacrificed himself to himself, thus obtaining the rune, Tarot The Hanged Man in the card takes this symbol.

   In addition, Odin has many powers, which are far beyond what Vidal can match.

  But it is precisely because Odin took too much, coupled with the existence of fate and the World Tree, it is impossible to avoid Ragnarok at all.

   Of course, Odin wouldn't be Odin without these things.

   "What do you seem to know?" Mimir asked curiously.

   "Well, I know some things, but it's not important." Gu Shanhai didn't say anything, and even if he did, Mi Mier might not be able to remember, after all, he had already seen a series of obscure lines appearing on Mi Mier's head.

  These lines are full of distortions, bit by bit obliterating Mimir's wisdom. Perhaps in a short while, Mimir will be completely eroded by pollution and become an irrational monster.

   "What are you looking at me for?" Mimir asked strangely.

  When he asked this sentence, the lines on his head also disappeared.

   "Are you aware that your own death is approaching?" Gu Shanhai asked bluntly.

   "Already felt it."

   "My wisdom is dwindling, and I don't know where it's coming from."

   "You must have no way to solve it."

  Mimir's tone was very calm, and he didn't feel any resignation or anger at all. To him, it seemed very ordinary.

   After all, if Gu Shanhai can solve it, it won't be delayed until now.

   "Well, I have no way to solve it, and I can only rely on you, if your will is strong enough." Gu Shanhai paused for a while, and finally said: "Maybe I can die a few days later."

   According to normal logic, Gu Shanhai should not be talking about dying a few days later, but about being able to survive.

  It's a pity that not only did he not follow the routine, but even the pollution did not follow the routine.

   "Then if I shout a word, I think I can save it, can you save me." Mi Mier didn't care about his death at all, but joked a word instead.

   "Then I have no choice but to save, wait for death, and leave!" Gu Shanhai also responded.

   It is possible to save, but the problem is that it is too difficult, Gu Shanhai is not sure, if it succeeds, it is fine, but if it fails, then the problem is very big.

   Not only offended people but also saved them, directly losing money.

   If he doesn't save him, he will only lose one Mimir at most, and his loss is not that big.

   Mimir is not of much value. Gu Shanhai took him because he thought he could help him and have a small amount of research value. Of course, the research value is gone now because he has already studied Mimir.

   "When are you going to start building hunting stars?" Mimir didn't continue to tease, but turned the topic back to the main topic.

  He knew that his time was running out, and he might not be able to see the birth of the hunting star.

  But still holding on to hope, in case Gu Shanhai is going to start now.

   "I'm afraid you won't be able to see the birth of Hunter Star. I need the time to prepare, but you won't have enough time." Gu Shanhai said bluntly.

  If you want to start construction, it will take at least one year. If you want to build it later, Gu Shanhai has deduced that it will take two years, which means that it will be completed after three years.

   It took so long not because of the craftsmanship of the hunting star, but because Gu Shanhai not only wanted to manufacture the hunting star, but also perfected the construction of the binary star celestial body structure and the magic tidal radiation area, and more importantly, the projection coordinates.

  He did this in order to successfully break through the bottleneck of the card bug, otherwise, if it was really to save the world, then Gu Shanhai would have no benefit, so why should he do this, after all, the broken world does not have a great impact on him.

   "That's really a pity." Mimir also said regretfully.

In fact, Mimir has made an assessment of his own situation. When his wisdom is still relatively strong, maybe within a month at most, his wisdom will disappear completely, and he will also get lost in himself, and finally become an unconscious bird. head.

   What happened next, Mimir didn't know either.

   After saying this, the atmosphere was a little dull for a while.

  Gu Shanhai didn't pay attention to it, but just went to work on his own. If you're in a bad mood, he won't be able to coax you? After living for so many years, if emotional management is still so poor, then there is no need to mess around.

   "I want to return to Jotunheim's fountain of knowledge and wisdom, and I beg you to help me."

   "Buried at the bottom of the spring after my death, though now the fountain of knowledge and wisdom is gone."

  After Gu Shanhai restrained the corpse of a certain protoss, Mimir spoke.

   "Of course it's no problem. What color do you want the urn to be? Your age should be regarded as happy or mournful, otherwise I'll give you the type that is very popular." Gu Shanhai responded casually.

  When Mimir heard this, he also smiled: "Can you help me carve Uktra Hill and the Nine Realms on the urn?"

   "Of course there is no problem. My craftsmanship is guaranteed to be vivid. When the time comes, I will specially show you the location of the fountain of knowledge and wisdom to prove your identity."

  Gu Shanhai is still very generous, isn't it just an urn, it's a small problem.

   "By the way, do you want me to write the epitaph for you? I have practiced good handwriting." Gu Shanhai thought, since there are urns, the epitaph must be indispensable.

   "There is no need for this. The Nine Realms are doomed to be broken. It will be a bit embarrassing to separate my epitaph from the urn." Mi Mier rejected Gu Shanhai's offer to help him write the epitaph.

"Okay, so what kind of material do you want for this urn? Are there any taboos? I recommend pagoda wood, maybe one day you will be able to uncover the coffin and open the box." Gu Shanhai thought that maybe he could still raise the urn. Raise corpses.

As far as Mimir's talent is concerned, as long as he grows a zombie, he is guaranteed to be at the level of a demon. The only disadvantage is that he has no body and only a head. routes.

"No, I think the best way for you is to crush my bones and ashes, instead of putting my head directly into the urn. After all, it is for ashes, not for the head." Mimir said that you have to use the urn to the right way.

   It is obviously wrong to put the ashes in the urn without putting the head.

"Hey, you're much more reasonable than me. If you say you're going to burn your bones to ashes, then let's just burn your bones to ashes." Gu Shanhai knew what Mi Mier meant, but he was just worried about the pollution on his body, so the best way was to burn it , so as to avoid becoming a source of pollution in the future.

   Mimir didn't care too much about his own body, if he cared, he wouldn't have only one head left.

  The fact that he wants a body is actually very simple. It is not too difficult for Odin to resurrect him and create another body for him.

  Gu Shanhai also asked Mi Mier why, but Mi Mier didn't say anything, so the matter was naturally let go.

  He will not force it, it is best to satisfy his curiosity, and there is no loss if he cannot satisfy it.

  (end of this chapter)

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