I am a pirate

Chapter 001

1516 of the Haiyuan calendar

No wind belt,

On a deserted island

Central area,

The two men were standing opposite each other, looking at each other.

“Is the teacher going to fight Rolei?” Binz looked at the two people in the field with a shocked expression, and couldn’t help but sigh in amazement.

Listening to Bintz,

Ain on the side couldn’t help but nodded, and a pair of beautiful eyes also fell on the two people in the field.

I saw that one of them was tall and powerful, wearing a navy gun, his face was grim, and a wisp of determination was spreading between his eyebrows, of course, what was more remarkable was the huge iron arm crusher he had in his hand.

That’s right

He is the highest combat power of the former world government, the admiral of the navy headquarters, known as the “black fist” Zefa

Seven years ago,

The practice ship led by Zefa was attacked by pirates

Her right arm was also severely wounded, and all but her beloved students were killed, except for her and Bintz

Finally, naval scientists transformed Zefa-sensei’s right arm into a robotic arm “shredder” equipped with sea floor stones to deal with capable people.

As for opposite Zefa,

A handsome young man with short silver hair was standing

His name is Lore, and he is a distant nephew of Zefa-sensei

Two years ago, when Mr. Zefa was recovering from his injuries, his hometown encountered a natural disaster and came to join Mr. Zefa

As a result, in just two years, Ain knew what a real genius is, what is the pride of heaven, what is a real monster…


A few seconds later,

Zefa stretched his waist, smiled at Luo Lei, and said, “Let me see how much you smelly boy has grown!!” ”

“Good, armed color domineering winding!”

Luo Lei converged all the emotions of the hippie smiley face, clenched his fists, wisps of pitch-black armed domineering energy wrapped around his fists, and his body flashed, and he exploded towards Zefa.

“Interesting, just what I want…”

Zefa looked at Rore’s air-piercing fist and muttered a praise, but…. The movement of his hand was extremely simple, he clenched his left fist and blasted out without hesitation.


In the next instant,

The two fists, one large and one small, collided instantly, erupting into an extremely terrifying energy shockwave, causing the air to crack.

And that’s just the beginning

Rumble! Rumble! Rumble!!!

The roaring sound continued to explode, accompanied by the explosion of air, with Zefa and Luo Lei as the center, wisps of cracks visible to the naked eye appeared on the ground.

“Good, very good… Sure enough, he is a genius that I fancy. ”


Another deafening crash sounded

Zefa took three steps back in response

The gaze that looked at Luo Lei was full of shock and disbelief

He remembered two years ago

When Luo Lei first came to join him, he was a young man with no chicken power

At that time, he was still resting on this desert island, conditioning his body, and when he heard that Luo Lei was a distant nephew, as a loner, he reluctantly took Luo Lei in, and began to teach Luo Lei in boredom…


This teaching,

He discovered a super genius, rising in his hands…

That’s right

Just a super genius,

As a former admiral and former chief instructor of the Navy headquarters, he has also seen many geniuses, including the current three admirals, the green pheasant, the yellow ape, and the red dog, all of which were taught by his subordinates.

But… Compared to the talent of his nephew Rore

The talent of green pheasants, yellow apes, and red dogs is scum, and they cannot be compared with Luo Lei at all….

In two years, he mastered the sixth style of the navy, armed color domineering, saw and heard color domineering, and even inexplicably awakened the overlord color domineering


I don’t know when,

Another force appeared in Luo Lei’s body

Just now, with the special strange power in his body, he was repelled…

Nima’s, did not eat the devil fruit, but there was a power in his body that he had never seen before, even the well-informed Zefa, there were some doubts and puzzles.

Of course…. That’s all

Everyone has their own secrets, and Zefa will not break the casserole and ask the end, making himself bored.


He can only be happy and proud of the talent that Loley has displayed

At this moment,

For Zefa’s complicated mind,

Of course, Luo Lei will not know, and even if he does, he will only smile calmly

The strange power in his body, in fact, there is nothing special, is just the ordinary Chakra, just now he used the strange power, with the armed color domineering, coupled with the blessing of Chakra, Zefa punched back.

“Hahaha, smelly boy, you are getting more and more powerful, I can’t suppress you.”

A few seconds later, Zefa laughed loudly, the breath of his whole body converged, and the huge iron arm crusher twisted a few times before subconsciously asking, “How is it, are you interested in joining the navy?” ”

“With your strength, accumulate enough military merits, and in a few years, you can be promoted to the rank of alternate admiral of the navy!!”

When it comes to this,

Zefa also shook his head with some regret and said, “If you want to be promoted to general, it is impossible for the time being, after all, those three students of mine…”

Somehow ,

Thinking of this, Zefa looked at his huge iron arm crusher, and his eyes unconsciously flashed a ray of coldness.

Seven years,

It’s been seven years,

As a result, the Navy not only did not catch the pirate who attacked him

He also implemented the so-called Seven Martial Seas system of His Majesty, legalizing pirates, plundering legally, and legalizing all his forces, and he did not know what the world government and the navy wanted to do


As soon as I think of it,

Zefa couldn’t bear to step down

The terrifying force caused a wisp of cracks visible to the naked eye to appear on the ground…



(PS: Ask for tips….. Collection….. Flowers and evaluations, moe new………. Thank you. )

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