I am a pirate

Chapter 012

At the same time,

Swish… Swish… Ugh…

One after another sounds of breaking the sky sounded, and I saw that above the fortress of the navy headquarters, the middle and high-ranking naval officials in various offices flew out with ugly faces.

Among them are the marshal Sengoku of the topmost office, the Tsuru staff officer, Karp, the yellow ape, the red dog and others…

No way,

No one thought of it

There will be such a moth

Countless towering trees actually grew and spread wantonly in the headquarters of the Navy.


“Why is that?”

“What kind of special Devil Fruit ability is this, it is actually so terrifying?”


A few seconds later,

Marshal Sengoku, Tsuru Staff Officer, Karp, Yellow Ape, Red Inu and others appeared on the huge square of the headquarters fortress

Looking at the countless trees like monstrous waves, rushing in all directions towards the naval headquarters, their cheeks showed a look of horror to the extreme.

Did I make a mistake?

This is specifically to plant trees for the headquarters of the Navy!!!

And the only thing that made Sengoku and others breathe a sigh of relief was that these big trees seemed to be controlled, and although they emerged from the ground, they did not hurt a single naval soldier, which can be regarded as a blessing in misfortune…

“Oops, big things are not good.”

Suddenly, the Warring States seemed to sense something, and their hearts were also shocked, and they ordered in a deep voice, “The three admirals, you make a move together, and you can’t let these trees spread to the towns behind the fortress.” ”

“Ice Age!”

The words did not fall,

The green pheasant, who had already reacted, suppressed the shock in his heart

Without any hesitation, a few flashes appeared directly above a towering tree, and his right hand was held on a leaf.


Almost instantly,

Take that leaf as the center,

The terrifying cold suddenly spread

Countless leaves, branches, and trunks began to condense into ice, and then spread to other large trees in an instant.

“The general has struck!”

As soon as the green pheasant made a move, it surprised the audience, which made countless navies in the naval headquarters show excitement, the general is indeed a general, it is awesome!!

“It’s terrible! Eight-foot qionggouyu! ”

After the pheasant shot,

The yellow ape, one of the three great generals, appeared in mid-air with both hands, revealing a very lewd smile

Sou! Sou! Sou!!

The next moment, countless densely packed golden light bullets like raindrops fell madly from the sky, hitting the trees that had been frozen into ice with great precision.

And that’s just the beginning

“I don’t care who you are, since you dare to spread wild in the headquarters of the Navy, you will have to pay the price…”

I saw that the red dog’s face was extremely gloomy, and his fists had turned into magma, and he exploded out against the towering trees without hesitation…

Meteor Volcano!!


In an instant, one by one, the magma fists that made people’s scalps numb, carrying blazing flames and terrifying temperatures, fiercely bombarded a part of the towering trees

So far,

The three major generals of the Navy headquarters, the green pheasant, the yellow ape, and the red dog have all shot!

The invisible power of the general instantly shocked the entire naval headquarters, making countless people shocked and shocked, the general is the general, and it is extraordinary when he strikes.

In the face of the strong resistance of the three major generals, Luo Lei’s Mudun Tree Realm Birth was finally slowed down, and some of the saplings that had just emerged from the ground stopped growing, as if they were completely suppressed.

“Haha, interesting…”

See this scene,

Luo Lei was not afraid at all, laughed loudly, his hands were sealed again, and the purple chakra surged again, and released without any scruples.


When Chakra, which contained terrifying vitality, once again permeated

Those towering trees that had been suppressed seemed to burst out with great vitality and vitality again, and they actually strangely began to eat the power of frozen fruits, shining fruits, and magma fruits…


Almost instantly,

Countless towering trees began to surge unbridled again, breaking through the blockade of freezing power and magma, completely pushing some buildings horizontally, and began to rush towards the town behind the fortress.

“How so?”

The green pheasant was a little confused, showing a ghostly look, something is wrong? Are these towering trees special?

You know,

In his anticipation,

Using the power of frozen fruits, those towering trees will definitely be directly frozen to death?

Well, now that he was completely slapped in the face, the towering tree not only did not freeze to death, but also burst out with even more terrifying power.

“Good…. How weird? ”

In mid-air, the yellow ape was also a little dumbfounded, obviously did not expect that these towering trees actually made a comeback, which is undoubtedly a little terrifying.


The red dog showed an incredible look

In particular, magma must be restraining trees, and now, those towering trees have actually begun to eat magma? Did I make a mistake?

“Such a strong vitality…”

“This student of Zefa, it’s kind of interesting!!”

“The ultimate control still didn’t hurt a single Navy soldier…”

On the square, Kapu, Crane Staff Officer, Peach Rabbit, Tea Dolphin and others dressed in naval justice had some incredulous expressions

No way,

The ability that Luo Lei showed was too weird

What’s more,

Under the domineering perception of seeing and smelling, those towering trees pushed all the way sideways, and actually did not hurt a naval soldier, which made Karp, Crane Staff Officer and others have some incredible?

Students of Zefa,

Is it really necessary to teach the Navy a lesson ??


And the marshal-Sengoku, seeing this, was really about to vomit blood

Make no mistake,

Is this Nima’s still a tree?

How can there be such strong vitality and vitality

Can they actually break through the blockade of the three major generals and continue to spread in all directions??



(PS: Ask for tips….. Collection….. Flowers and evaluations, moe new………. Thank you. )

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