I am a pirate

Chapter 032

The next day,

Early in the morning,

The very front of the fortress of the headquarters of the Navy,

That huge harbor docked a large naval warship wrapped in mecha

Different from the traditional naval high-level warship, this large mecha warship, from a distance, is like a creeping giant beast, suspended on the sea, even if you look at it, the invisible momentum is shocking.

As for the specific attack weapons, they are not visible outside

Can… Rao is so, and it also attracts a large number of onlookers from the Navy headquarters

No way,

Just early this morning,

Lieutenant General Rowley announced that the pirate guerrillas were going to sea

This undoubtedly detonated the entire naval headquarters, you know, in the past two months, the pirate guerrilla has been extremely popular in the naval headquarters, coupled with the addition of Peach Rabbit, it has raised its fame to a higher level.

Right now… It’s finally time to go to sea.

The only thing that is unhappy may be the more than a thousand Navy soldiers who have signed up and are still waiting for the interview review

Originally, they all had hope of joining the pirate guerrillas, but… Early in the morning, the news that the pirate guerrillas stopped recruiting people still made them uncomfortable for a while.

At this moment,

On the deck of a large mecha warship,

Some of the navy of the pirate guerrilla group are very busy carrying various materials to prepare for the upcoming departure.

And a part of the elite soldiers of the Navy,

It was the beginning to board the mecha warship in twos and threes

And directly in front of the deck, Luo Lei, Zefa, Peach Rabbit, Ain, Binz, and Tong Di are standing on the deck, looking at the majestic naval headquarters from afar.

After more than two months of reconstruction,

The headquarters of the Navy returned to its original solemn and majestic appearance

The only difference may be that the newly established pirate guerrilla detachment, from scratch, is finally going to sea!!

“Master, the interior of this mecha warship, but specially modified by me, hides the I-19 plasma cannon in the bow and stern, which can fire shotgun-charged ion particles.”

“Under a mecha on the side of the ship on the right, there is a sharp elongated wrist-bladed chain lightsaber, about thirty meters long, that can cut anything at close range…”

“There is also the fact that the entire mecha warship can be suspended in mid-air and act as a mecha spaceship.”

And after boarding the giant mecha warship,

Emperor Tong began to introduce his transformation of the warship as if he wanted to take credit

Listening to Zefa, Ain, Peach Rabbit, and Binz were stunned, looking at the giant mecha warship under their feet, it was an unbelievable face!!

Did I make a mistake?

This giant mecha warship has been transformed so terrifying by Emperor Tong

If it weren’t for the fact that Hades, one of the three ancient weapons, had not yet appeared, several people would have thought that Emperor Tong had created a Hades King! !


If it is really transformed into what Emperor Tong said

The legendary Hades may not have their giant mecha warship, this is a little scary…

“Emperor Tong, mecha-Storm Crimson, can you make it?”

Listen to these words,

Luo Lei seemed to have thought of something, and said with a smile.

A few days ago, he gave the design drawings of the stormy crimson mecha in the Pacific Rim to Emperor Tong, and he was immediately surprised by Emperor Tong, as if he did not expect that someone had actually made such a terrifying mecha.

Although just drawings,

But…. Emperor Tong can imagine it

Once this Storm Crimson Mech is created, how terrifying it will be.


Emperor Tong smiled and said, “The technology of the Storm Crimson Mecha is not very complicated, I have eaten it all, but it’s a pity…. There are so many materials needed that I still need some time. ”

“If you can find me a top shipyard to cooperate with me, and the Storm Crimson Mech is manufactured, it will be a matter of minutes.”


Luo Lei smiled, and Yun said lightly, “When we have time, let’s go to the capital of seven waters…”

“It’s almost time to go…”

At this time, Zefa, who had never spoken, took a deep breath and said with a sigh, “This time I left the naval headquarters, and I don’t know when I will be able to return.” ”


Luo Lei nodded and said with a slight emotion, “I hope that one day in the future, our pirate guerrilla group can overlook the entire sea.” ”

“Let’s go!!”

Zefa’s eyes were certain, and he clenched his fists and said, “There will be a day…”

“There will definitely be a day…”

Next to him, Ain, who had blue hair and a shawl, nodded resolutely.

“Overlooking the whole sea?” Peach Rabbit glanced at the naval headquarters with deep eyes, and a strange look could not help but flash on his pretty face.



Half an hour later,

In the midst of a deafening roar

The giant mecha warship slowly sailed away from the huge harbor of the naval headquarters


Looking at the departing mecha warship, countless naval soldiers in the navy headquarters were a little distracted, and a very small number of navies showed their longing.

And at the highest level of the fortress of the headquarters of the Navy,


The Marshal of the Warring States, who was originally processing the documents, frowned, couldn’t help but stop, and couldn’t help but breathe a sigh of relief, this pirate guerrilla finally left.

Next, it’s time for the headquarters of the Navy to get on track….

“Zefa-sensei, gone…”

The three major admirals of the navy, the green pheasant, the yellow ape, and the red dog, were all perceived in no particular order, among which the green pheasant did not have anything, but …. The yellow ape and the red dog smiled coldly.

The pirate guerrillas attacked this time, I am afraid that they will not be severely beaten from the sea…

“The pirate guerrillas are gone…”

“Haha, the sea is getting more and more interesting.”

The office of the Tsuru staff officer,

Karp, who was eating snacks, and Staff Officer Tsuru, who was drinking tea, couldn’t help but smile heartily

There is nothing to say, with Luo Lei’s strength, as long as the pirate guerrilla does not provoke the four emperors of the new world, it will definitely be able to make a name for itself.



(PS: Ask for tips….. Collection….. Flowers and evaluations, moe new………. Thank you, readers, greatly. )

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