I am a pirate

Chapter 083

One minute…. Ten minutes…. Twenty minutes…….

Time is constantly passing, and the atmosphere is also a little tense and dignified, but… Above the sea, there is still a boundless expanse, and there is no sign of the appearance of pirate ships ….

“Will the Hundred Beast Pirates come?”

In such cases,

Many NEO navies couldn’t help but have a wisp of doubt in their hearts,

It stands to reason that the Hundred Beast Pirate Group should be coming, moreover, the specific location of the NEO Navy, they have leaked in advance, is in the first port of the Kingdom of Alabastan.

“Here it comes…..”


At this time,

Luo Lei, Zefa, Peach Rabbit and others seemed to sense something, their expressions froze, and they suddenly raised their heads and looked towards the edge of the sea! ! !

I saw that where the sea and the sky meet, a shadow of black pressure appeared,

If you pick up the binoculars and look, you will find that these shadows are pirate ships one after another, and if you look closely at the flags on the pirate ships, you will find that this is a group of pirates of a hundred beasts….

“Here it comes…..”

“The Hundred Beast Pirates Group is here.”

“One of the Four Emperors, Hundred Beast Kaido is here…”


A few seconds later, the soldiers of the NEO Navy finally boiled after the initial palpitations, and even more could not help but exclaim.

After waiting so long,

The Hundred Beasts Pirate Group finally came out with a thousand calls.



On a large pirate ship at the front of the Hundred Beast Pirates,

One of the Four Emperors, Hundred Beast Kaido, with an extremely tall and burly body, stood there like this, looking at the port in front of him with a violent face, revealing a playful look like looking at prey.

In a few moments, this port and the NEO Navy will collapse together, and if you think about it, there is still some excitement.

“Wait a minute…..”

As the pirate ship got closer and closer to the port, Hundred Beast Kaido’s face suddenly became gloomy, and his fists couldn’t help but clench,

“It’s too much to deceive…..”

“What exactly does the NEO Navy want to do?”

“What are you kidding? The NEO Navy is simply looking for death….”


This is the roar of the “Flame Plague” Ember, the Plague” Quinn, Foz F, Sasaki, Runma, Black Maria and others,

There are also many ordinary pirates of the Hundred Beast Pirate Group, and they even clenched the weapons in their hands angrily, and seemed to be about to go to war without saying a word.

No way

It’s really this scene in front of you is too infuriating,

Looking at it from afar, I saw that the pier was empty, and there was no imaginary scene of the NEO naval assembly,

In the central area, there is a man and a beast, that person is the culprit who killed Drought Jack – Lore, and the beast is the mechanical tyrannosaurus beast.

in other words

In the face of the menacing group of hundred beasts and pirates,

The NEO Navy actually whimsically wanted to use a man and a half-steel monster to resist the Hundred Beast Kaido, one of the Four Emperors.

This Nima is simply despising and despising the Hundred Beast Pirates?

It is a person who will not endure, let alone the Hundred Beast Pirate Group, then it will not endure it even more!!


At the same moment,

After the Hundred Beast Pirates arrived,

Many ships from the news newspapers that were broadcasting live also arrived,

The picture lens of the live photography phone worm everything, countless people on the sea who are watching the live broadcast, looking at the picture in the lens, all showed an extremely unbelievable look,

I saw Roley of the NEO Navy and a monster that I had never seen,

Standing on the pier, the elite forces of the NEO navy, such as Zefa, Peach Rabbit, and Tong Di, were actually watching the play behind,

What’s even more surprising is that

Those soldiers of the NEO Navy are sitting on small benches, drinking small wine, eating small snacks…

Seeing this scene,

It’s just that fools know what the NEO Navy wants to do,

Then Rolei of the NEO Navy, actually wants to be alone, plus a pet monster, to resist the attack of the Hundred Beast Pirate Group?

Is this possible?

You must know that this is a group of hundred beast pirates!!!

Luo Lei of the NEO Navy did this, simply did not put the Hundred Beast Pirate Group in his eyes, did not put Hundred Beast Kaido, one of the Four Emperors, in his eyes, and fiercely smoked the face of Hundred Beast Kaido.

Among them,

When the world government and navy,

After seeing the special marshal of the NEO Navy wearing by Luo Lei, he was even more furious!!

Holy Land Mary Joya.

“Damn, this Luo Lei actually tried to be a marshal?”

“A small NEO navy, really thought that it could turn the sky over…”

“Arrogant, too arrogant…..”

At this moment,

The five old stars are also all paying attention to the live broadcast of the battle between the Hundred Beast Pirates and the NEO Navy,

When he saw the special marshal of the NEO Navy wearing Luo Lei, he finally couldn’t help but roar violently.

When, one by one, the little Luo Lei also dared to self-proclaim himself a marshal?

Isn’t this a slap in the face of the world government?

Holy Land Mary Joya;


This is the sound of the table being shattered,

In a conference room on the top floor,

After looking at the NEO Navy’s special marshal Daiqi wearing by Roray, the Admiral – Sengoku finally bombarded the table with an unbearable punch.

This Ralei,

It’s just so unscrupulous,

How long has it been, even the marshal has put on the big gun, this is the rhythm to go to heaven?

“It’s terrible, it’s terrible?”

“What exactly does this NEO Navy want to do?”

“Hit the face of the Hundred Beast Pirates, the World Government, and our Navy at once, the perfect trifuse?”


The faces of the green pheasant, the yellow ape, the red dog and the others also changed and changed, looking at the NEO Navy Special Marshal Daqi

Luo Lei, was speechless for a while.

Even the crane staff officer, who has always been light and breezy, rarely showed a look of shock….

What else can be said?

The NEO Navy is completely famous.


(PS: Ask for tips….. Collection….. Flowers and evaluations, moe new………. Thank you, readers, greatly. )

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