I am a pirate

Chapter 094

“Boss Kaido, it’s been bombarded….”

“Countless huge fists hit Boss Kaido’s body together.”

“It should… It should be fine! After all, Boss Kaido is an immortal existence…”


A few seconds later,

“Epidemic” Quinn, Sasaki, Runmi and others finally couldn’t help but make a shocked sound,

However, when it comes to Boss Kaido’s okay, Rao is their “immortality” of Hundred Beast Kaido, which is absolute confidence, and they still have some lack of confidence.

“No, what now?”

At this time, “Flame Calamity” Ember struggled to get out of Mulong’s detention, his body flashed, and he stood next to “Epidemic” Quinn and others, his face was very ugly.

What else can be said?

Those who were detained by a wooden dragon lost their combat effectiveness, and they would be laughed at when they said it.

“This….. Kaido was blown away directly. ”

“It’s too strong, this devastation move makes Kaido have no power to resist.”

“Marshal Luo Lei is also too terrible!!”


On the pier, the soldiers of the NEO Navy felt that they were going numb, and if they had any scruples about joining the NEO Navy before, now they had no scruples at all.

There is Marshal Roley,

Why is the NEO Navy worried that something big can’t happen? Why worry about being wanted by the Navy? Didn’t you see that even the Hundred Beast Pirate Group, one of the Four Emperors, suffered a crushing defeat?

“It’s time to end…..,” Zefa’s face was about to break with a smile, and he realized that the most successful student he had taught in his life was probably Rore.

It is the most appropriate to describe Luo Lei as if it is not sounding….

“That’s right, it’s over!!” Qi Mu Baiya sighed and said, “From now on, Lord Luo Lei can also be regarded as one of the existences standing at the peak of the sea…”

“Wait a minute, we should strike too…”

Emperor Tong glanced at the “epidemic” Quinn, Sasaki, Runni and others on the sea, and said something meaningfully.

“This…. The Hundred Beast Pirates were defeated by Lord Luo Lei just like that? ”

Next to them, Ain, Binz, and Peach Rabbit had incredible looks on their cheeks, and until now, the three of them couldn’t believe what they saw.

It’s terrible….


In the head of the giant Buddha statue standing on the pier, Luo Lei also gasped for a few breaths,

After all, he has only now unlocked 70% of the template that fuses the Thousand Hand Pillars, and has continuously cast so many large-scale ninjutsu that even Chakra, who has tons of quantity, is a little unbearable.

What’s more,

This is a giant Buddha statue with 999 arms, if the giant Buddha statue with 9999 arms, I am afraid that if Luo Lei does not cast it once, his body will be sucked dry by half of Chaton.

One word

Mu Dun is very strong, very perverted, just too wasted blue.

“Almost, it’s time to get out….”

A moment later, Luo Lei adjusted his breath, his body flashed, and he appeared on the head of the giant Buddha statue, and then sensed it with his domineering look, and then gently patted his hands.


The next moment,

In full view,

One of the giant arms of the giant Buddha statue stretched out sharply and slammed towards the sea directly in front of it, eventually inserting itself into the rough sea!!!


About a minute.

When this giant arm came out of the sea, countless seawater and sediment slipped from the huge fingers of the giant arm.

And in the palm of the giant arm, it is the body of the Hundred Beast Kaido, one of the four emperors,

At this time, the Hundred Beast Kaido may have suffered a huge blow from the top Buddha, and it was no longer in the form of a blue-blue dragon, but the whole person was lying there covered in blood.

For a time, this suffocating scene was seen not only by people at the scene, but also by countless people watching the battle through live broadcasting!


One of the Four Emperors, the Hundred Beasts Kaido, lost!!

Not a close defeat, but a fiasco bordering on madness.

Maybe Hundred Beast Kaido is not dead yet, after all, Hundred Beast Kaido is not easy to kill, but…. The scene of him lying in the palm of the giant Buddha’s arm and hand now will become a lingering black history.

“Boss Kaido…..”

“Well… It seems to be dead yet. ”

“Yes… Not dead, but… The speed of recovery seems to be a bit slow. ”


Looking at this scene from afar,

The faces of “Flame Calamity” Ember, “Epidemic Disaster” Quinn, Sasaki, Runti and others no longer had a trace of blood, and their foreheads were full of cold sweat.


The only thing that gives them peace of mind is that

Boss Kaido was not killed abruptly, which can be regarded as a blessing in misfortune.

Because, as long as Boss Kaido does not die, the Hundred Beast Pirate Group still has a chance, and it has not yet been defeated.

“Sure enough, it’s Hundred Beast Kaido….”

At this time, Luo Lei looked at the giant Buddha statue of a giant beast Kaido in the palm of a giant arm, and couldn’t help but sigh, “Immortal Kaido, it’s really worthy of the name.” ”

For the power of the Avatar Buddha, Luo Lei knows,

You know, in the battle of the Valley of the End, Senju Pillar used this technique to smash Madara’s Mighty Susanoo armor, and the huge destructive power created the “Valley of the End”.

Although the current Hundred Beast Kaido has been beaten back to its original form, and his body has also been severely damaged, but… Strong vitality and resilience are frantically repairing the injured body.

In fact

Just when Raure was bombarding Hundred Beast Kaido,

It was a part of the immortal chakra power bombarded the wound of Hundred Beast Kaido, wanting to block the amazing recovery power of Hundred Beast Kaido,

But… Hundred Beast Kaido is too strong in physique, while resisting the power of Immortal Chakra, he can recover at an extremely fast speed…

“Haha, you can’t kill me….”

At this time, perhaps sensing that his body had recovered somewhat, Hundred Beast Kaido opened his eyes covered in blood and said with a sinister smile, “I, Hundred Beast Kaido, am an immortal existence. ”

“Haha, Kaido, you are strong, but…. I’m going to seal you!! ”

Hearing this, Luo Lei was not angry, and said something amazing.

And listening to the conversation between the two,

Whether it was the pirates of the Hundred Beast Pirate Group on the scene, or the NEO Navy, including many people who watched the live broadcast and watched the battle, they all showed a helpless look.


By this time,

One of the four emperors, Hundred Beast Kaido still looks like he is not afraid of heaven and earth, and he is simply a madman.

As for Luo Lei, he was even more pretentious, obviously he had already squeezed Hundred Beast Kaido in his hands, but he said in good conscience that Hundred Beast Kaido was very strong….

However, what many people don’t know is that

What kind of pretense is Luo Lei, as the thousand-handed pillar of the forced king, after pinching the Nine Tails with thousands of real hands, in order to find a reason to seal the Nine Tails, he said in good conscience that the Nine Tails were too strong,

This is pretending…..


(PS: Ask for tips….. Collection….. Flowers and evaluations, moe new………. Thank you, readers, greatly. )

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