I am a pirate

Chapter 145

Now that you have decided to set off for the New World,

The meeting was also over quickly, and people such as Zefa, Qimu White Fang and others had to go and prepare.

As for Luo Lei, he went to charge the gun sister, and now the gun sister, after the physical fitness has improved, the superpower has also become extremely strong, the only deficiency is that it needs more electricity and needs to be charged frequently.

Based on this,

Ralei acts as an engine.

It is probably to cast a few large-scale thunder ninjutsu and let the cannon sister charge it.

And now,

Especially after unlocking forty percent of the fused divine tree-ten tails,

The chakra in Luo Lei’s body is already the full attributes of fire, wind, thunder, earth, water, yang, and yin,

Whereas…… For ninjutsu, it has been able to do it easily, not only Mu Dun and Water Dun are proficient, but even Fire, Thunder, Wind, and Earth can be proficient.

It’s like a wooden escape,

Water, fire, thunder, wind, and earth also have some characteristics of the divine tree.

As for the development of bleeding succession limits,

For Rore, it was already a breeze,


He also doesn’t plan to develop any blood succession limits,


Unlock the terrifying ability of fusing the Ten Tails well, isn’t he fragrant?

For example: endless chakra, the six-hook jade reincarnation eye of the ten tails, the reincarnation writing wheel eye in the center of the flower bud of the divine tree, the blood succession snare, etc., these things are much more advanced than the blood succession limit.

As for what is the Blood Succession Limit, then there is no need to say more!!

Under normal circumstances, the nature changes of Chakra are divided into: fire, wind, thunder, earth, water, yang, yin, a total of seven types, and when the two Chakra nature changes are mixed at the same time, a new escape technique will be produced, which is called the “blood succession limit”.

For example: wind + water = ice, earth + water = wood,

Usually only a very small number of ninjas can develop this new technique on their own.

Once successful, this new technique is recorded in the ninja’s genes and passed on to their next generation through blood relations.


After charging the cannon sister,

Roley’s body flashed and went to Nicole Robin’s room…..


A few days later,

Navy Headquarters – Marin Fandor;

Because of the fact that world conscription is being carried out,

Marin Fandor is much more lively than before, and people from all over the sea are constantly coming to participate in the world recruitment of the navy.

For now,

Although the Navy was suppressed by the NEO Navy, the face was also swollen,

But…. As a subordinate institution of the world government that has ruled the sea for more than 800 years, the influence and appeal of the navy in the sea is undoubted, attracting many people to the navy headquarters to participate in the recruitment assessment.


There are many people coming,

But… Most of them are some rotten fish and shrimp,


It’s to try my luck.

Among them,

There are also a very small number of strong people,

But…. It was simply not qualified to sit in the position of general, and he could only be eliminated by the navy with a bleak face.

Among them, there are some people who are still strong, but also want to join the Navy, and said that the post of general is not good, and the post of vice admiral or rear admiral is also acceptable,

Can…. The Navy disagrees,

In the words of Marshal Karp,

What the current navy lacks is high-end combat power,

This time the world conscription will only recruit monster combat power at the level of generals.

In this regard, many people who came to participate in the world conscription, after failing the assessment, could only dry their eyes and return with defeat ….

Of course

The Navy is also not without gains,

Although countless people have been eliminated, but… There are also two monster-level combat forces hidden in the civilian population who have passed the recruitment and selection of the Navy!!

The name of one of them is a smile,

After being recruited as a Grand Admiral, he was codenamed Fujitora;

The other does not know the specific name, only knows that after being recruited as a senior admiral, he was codenamed Green Bull;

Anyway, in a word,

Both of them are powerful boundless monsters,

It was only after a big battle with the examiner – Karp that he was recognized by Karp and was promoted to admiral!!

And here and now.

On the large square directly in front of the headquarters of the navy,

Countless people are gathering here, looking at the central area of the square, where Admiral Karp is personally examining those involved in the conscription.


A collision sounded,

I saw that one of the people participating in the assessment had not reacted, so he flew out and smashed the ground in the distance.


Kapuyun lightly withdrew his fist and said expressionlessly, “Next…”

“What, the famous Drifting Snow Sword Hao – Grecco in the New World can’t catch Marshal Karp’s punch, and the standard of this assessment is too high.”

“It’s worthy of the iron fist-Karp, the power of one punch is terrifying!”

“Alas, since Fuji Tiger and Green Bull passed the recruitment assessment, it seems that no one has been able to pass.”


And around, both the navy and those who are lining up to participate in the assessment, with awe in their eyes, look at Admiral Karp.

“Forget it, I won’t participate in the assessment….”


At this time,

A person who was preparing to go to the stage to participate in the assessment seemed to be frightened and raised his right hand in panic.


Seeing this scene,

Karp’s brows frowned slightly, and his face was still without sorrow or joy,

It’s really these days, he has seen too many people who have escaped.

“What are these stinky fish and rotten shrimp, it’s really not good, just terminate this world conscription!!”

And deep down,

Karp made a decision very calmly,

Anyway, monster-level combat power Vine Tiger and Green Bull have been recruited,

This time the world conscription of the Navy,

It can also be a happy ending.

“Youth is a hymn of blood, and the proud blue beast comes to be tested…..”

The next moment,

There are no signs.

I saw a man with thick eyebrows with a watermelon head combed on his head and wearing a green tights, standing on the square with a jump, raising his right hand, giving a thumbs up, and revealing his big white teeth.

There is quite a smell that as long as I am not embarrassed, embarrassed is someone else….


(PS: Ask for tips….. Collection….. Flowers and evaluations, moe new………. Thank you, readers, greatly. )

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