I Am A Reiatsu Player With All Points, And I Stun All The Marines At The Start.

10. Are You Sure This Is Giving Me Credit? (The 10Th Update On The First Day, Please Vote For Flower

Marine headquarters, Levi was lying on the recruiting training observation deck and sleeping.

Umbrellas, coffee, newspapers, snacks.

The four-piece casual set is very complete.

Gion was holding information in his hand and kept dictating the changes among the various forces in the sea.

She has now looked away from what the Black Crow Admiral is.

In a sense, it is really "calm and calm".

So far I haven't accepted any tasks.

I would rather watch recruit training, go shopping, and bask in the sun here every day.

I am also unwilling to learn more about the structure of the mission and how to accumulate combat merit.

Although the awarding ceremony will be held tomorrow, it is not advisable to travel too far.

But at least I understand it more or less.

But he didn't.

"Damn it, this lazy, stinky crow!" Gion felt dissatisfied. Now each Admiral is lazier than the last!

There was Kizaru in the front, Aokiji in the middle, and now there's a crow.

Why not call it Blue Cat? What's the name Crow? It's such a good name for nothing, huh...

However, as an adjutant, Gion could only remind him that he could not really force Levi to do anything.

After all, I can't beat him...

"Tsk, tsk, tsk, it seems that Porusalino's [charged attack] is about to appear, one kick and a supernova, the actual record is 0-0-0, wonderful, wonderful..." Levi also heard Marine Urgent report in.

But I didn't pay too much attention to it. I can wait until tomorrow after the conferring ceremony to do anything else.

To avoid having to go out and have to rush back halfway.

But after a while, Lieutenant Sengoku came to Levi and said that Sengoku had something to do with him.

"You don't want me to do this work, don't you think Kizaru should do it?" Levi couldn't help but think.

Because the timing was so coincidental, how could I resist thinking too much about it.

"Since we have taken action against the Celestial Dragons, there is nothing we can do. I will go there myself. Don't worry, I will be back soon." Kizaru still said slowly.

"No, wait, brat, why don't you come in now?" Sengoku didn't agree immediately.

"It's coming, it's a pity, I didn't hear any important secrets." Levi looked a little regretful.

Behind him, Gion's head is full of black lines, this guy...

Soon Levi's guess came true.

"You want me to deal with the Sabaody Archipelago?"

"Yes, this shouldn't be difficult for you. It can be considered as a way to adapt to Marine's mission life in advance, and it can also add credit to your blank resume." Sengoku nodded.

From this aspect, Sengoku is quite concerned about Levi.

With Levi's Admiral level strength, it's almost easy to capture a group of newcomers.

This is a scoring question.

"Can you not go? Besides, the main culprit is Garp's grandson. I don't care, but aren't you afraid that Garp will settle the score with you?" Levi was confused.

In the past, he speculated that Kizaru's betrayal might be related to Sengoku.

I'm afraid that's not possible now.

"Hmph, what are you afraid of? Their whole family is full of criminals, why can't they be caught? But don't kill them if they are caught. Let's see if Garp can give him a good education so that the Straw Hat boy can change his ways. After all, we Marine also need the strength of young people." Sengoku said fiercely, but still warned.

If you kill him, that's really hard to do!

Moreover, the Marine headquarters policy generally adopts a capture strategy for those with abilities.

This is not made by them, but by World government.

They are just executors.

"Can you not go? I feel like this is not an easy job..."

Of course it's not easy, the Straw Hats are now favored by Pluton Rayleigh.

And among them there is a traitor like Tyrant Bear.

No matter how you look at it, Sabaody Archipelago is not a scoring question.

Does Sengoku really want to reward himself with military achievements?

"No, I have to go. As a Marine Admiral, I have no military exploits at all. Are you sorry? Although these are all new pirates, they have great potential and are a threat in the future. Moreover, it concerns the Celestial Dragons. The military exploits are not worth it. !" Sengoku said solemnly.

"I mean it politely, but forget it, since you said so, let's go there..." After Levi thought about it, he didn't refuse.

He still knows Sengoku's painstaking efforts.

He is not very willing to disappoint Sengoku, after all, this move is really for his own good.

Originally, Levi planned to go to Sabaody Archipelago to sign in after the investiture ceremony.

It's just ahead of schedule now.

And the supernovas have contributed a lot.

"Sengoku-san, you said that after I captured these people, will the Celestial Dragons invite me to the Holy Land as a guest to thank me?" Levi's lazy eyes suddenly flashed a touch of greed.

If so, then none of these people can be spared, including Straw Hat!

Who let himself be Marine! If you are invited to the Holy Land and sign in to the Holy Land, you will definitely get a lot of attribute points.

Strength is the foundation for standing in the world!

"It's hard to say, maybe. Why do you ask?" Sengoku asked in confusion.

"Nothing, Adjutant Gion, let's go!" This might be able to sign in to two places at once, so Levi planned to make this trip.

"There won't be any problems, Sengoku-san..." Kizaru asked thoughtfully, looking at the background where Levi was leaving.

"Probably not, he should be measured in his actions..." Sengoku was also a little uneasy. He wasn't going to kill all the Supernovas, was he?

Then Garp won't be able to fight for himself? What a troublesome family!

"Why are you so proactive this time?" Gion couldn't help but wonder when he saw Levi accepting the task so simply.

This crow is usually drowsy, as if it is about to fall asleep all the time.

I would never stand if I could sit down, but this time I agreed so simply!

"Gion Vice Admiral, we are Marines, righteous Marines, catching pirates, isn't it a matter of course? You are not ideologically aware enough..." Levi said seriously and seriously.

Then step onto the warship!

Gion: "..."

I always feel like I can accept being lectured by anyone, but I can’t be lectured by him!

(There are only more than 500 flowers... Hey, ten updates are completed! Keep writing)

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