I Am A Reiatsu Player With All Points, And I Stun All The Marines At The Start.

14. My Adjutant Is Not Serious! (Please Give Me Monthly Flower Evaluation Tickets For Rewards!)

"Isn't it impossible? Is this still something a human can do?"

"Mrs. Black Crow Admiral... is amazing!" A major couldn't help but exclaimed!

His superior once hunted down the gangster Capone Bege, but failed and was killed!

"Black Crow?! The new Admiral?!" Bege raised his head with difficulty, waiting for him to really see this childish face!

My mentality almost collapsed!

Damn it! What he met turned out to be Marine Admiral!

This is really unlucky!

I just didn’t expect that the new Marine Admiral would be so terrifying!

Bege was surrounded by his remaining loyal men.

There was a conflict with Marine, but they were quickly captured.

Click! Levi directly put seastone handcuffs on Bege's hands.

Pull him out of Reiatsu and officially arrest him!

"I'm not willing to give in. I want to have a fair showdown with you?!" He was arrested without even raising a hand!

Even if the opponent is Marine Admiral, Bege is not convinced.

He is the man who wants to become the Pirate King!

His life has just begun!

"What are you thinking about? Fighting with that thing is not fun at all. I can crush you. Why should I fight you? You are just my military exploits. You have no right to impose conditions. Take them away!"



"Wait..." Gion looked at the Reiatsu beam of light that was about to disappear and suddenly stopped Levi.

Then, without waiting for Levi to react, he stepped directly into the Reiatsu beam of light.

In an instant, her waist bent down...

"It's really heavy!"

"Huh?!" Levi and the Marines were stunned!

Gion Vice Admiral, what are you doing? !

"Ah!!" Gion Vice Admiral couldn't help but make a sound, Haki, sword energy spurted out of her body!

She is unleashing all her power.

"Hmm~" Then he let out an imaginative cry.

"Vice Admiral Gion, do you have any special hobbies?" Levi suddenly became energetic and looked at Gion with a look of disbelief!

I never expected that Gion Vice Admiral looks like a strong woman.

I actually like this way of playing!

But now my improved soul deterrence is stronger than before!

Even Gion would definitely find it unbearable.

"Well, why don't we try this at another time and another place?" Levi suggested as he looked at Gion Vice Admiral, who was exploding with all his strength, with his long hair disheveled, like a mad swordsman.

"No, don't...stop!" But Gion gritted his teeth and endured Levi's Reiatsu!

"Don't look at me with that... weird look! What do you... mean?" Gion looked at Levi and she looked more and more weird.

Gion couldn't help but tremble in his heart, what was his look like?

"I should ask you this!"

"This is good for me..."

"Yeah, I know, you like this, right?"

"Like it? That's right! Ahem..." Gion couldn't help but cough up a mouthful of blood.

But I don’t feel that way anymore!

"It seems that it doesn't work every time! Alas..." Gion sighed in his heart.

I came away from Reiatsu with some disappointment afterwards.

"Let's go, next pirate."

"My adjutant is a bit crooked." Levi held his chin and looked at Gion carefully for the first time.

Straight legs, a beauty mark, a bit charming, and watery eyes with determination.

There seems to be tenderness hidden in the depths.

It's just well hidden.

But I never expected that you would be such a candidate Admiral!

"You are the one who is not serious." Gion glanced at Levi.

As a Marine Admiral, she has to worry about everything!

I still have the nerve to say that I am not serious.

"Do you like this very much? Although I don't have that kind of hobby, it's not impossible to accept it if you insist..." Levi hasn't tried this kind of thing yet.

"what are you saying?"

"Have you forgotten? Woman..."

"Hey, please speak clearly!"

"Hey, look, look! Isn't that the woman with a big stomach who has a bounty of 140 million Baileys? Why is she lying on the ground motionless? It's so weird! How about we take advantage of this opportunity, hehe..."

“Isn’t it good to do it in broad daylight?”

"Pig brain, what are you thinking about? Don't forget that we are bounty hunters. Of course we are going to capture them and exchange them for money!"

"You can have this." A bounty hunter said and drew his weapon.

But she was stopped by someone: "Don't go there, didn't you see there were several corpses around her? They had the same idea as you just now! But Quan died suddenly for no reason. Judging from the appearance of her death, she died of broken internal organs... "

"So evil!"

Bonney was lying on the ground, with her upper and lower lips together, wearing a heart-shaped lipstick.

She struggled to get up, not wanting to be watched by these guys like a pet.

But she couldn't do it, the pressure was too terrifying!

"Is this the Conqueror's Haki that those guys mentioned before? But I've never heard of Haki being used like this." Bonney was extremely horrified.

"Who...get out of here...the hiding coward!!" Bonney couldn't even lift his head and was stuck to the ground.

But his tone was still aggressive and completely unconvinced.

She knew that this enemy must be extremely powerful.

But after controlling her, she still didn't come out. Instead, she was exposed to the public.

This is obviously contempt and insult!

"Protect the captain!" The other pirate subordinates were also on alert.

"That's that!? Marine's newly promoted fourth Admiral, Black Crow!! And the alternate Admiral, my God, what kind of lineup is this?! Is it necessary? Is the power of Celestial Dragons really that great?" Suddenly all the onlookers were , all looking in the same direction.

"Jewelry Bonney, you're under arrest."

(Flowers are 1610, tickets are 169. I don’t dare to ask for three thousand words. Is it possible to achieve it in four hours with two thousand words?)

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