I Am A Reiatsu Player With All Points, And I Stun All The Marines At The Start.

17. Shred Conqueror's Haki's High-Concentration Reiatsu! (The 3Rd Update, Asking For Flowe

"Captain, what was that that you burst out just now?!" A pirate looked at Kid in surprise.

"I don't know, damn, who attacked us?!" Kid couldn't care less at this time. He just looked around cautiously.

Kira also took out his two knives and quickly and skillfully turned them around in his hands.

He scanned the surroundings with the same vigilance.

They finally tried their best to escape from the "bear"!

I didn’t expect that I would encounter a sneak attack from a powerful person in this place!

"Who is it, get out of here!" Kid roared angrily.

"Awesome! I didn't expect you to break free from the imprisonment! It's amazing. Logically speaking, even if you have Conqueror's Haki, you can't break my imprisonment. But with the cooperation of Op-Op Fruit, you have achieved such a goal. I have learned a lot. .”

Levi walked slowly from not far away, slightly surprised.

Because Luffy and Zoro are still suppressed by the Reiatsu beam of light.

But these two people broke free!

Isn’t this more of a protagonist than a protagonist?

But the abilities of the two work perfectly together!

It's a "miracle."

"Who?!" Hearing Levi's voice, Kid Luoji pulled three criminals with a bounty of over 100 million and looked towards Levi at the same time.

Gion holds the weapon in his hand, and his body exudes fierce sword energy!

She is the alternate Admiral, although the three people in front of her are not weak.

But for her, taking them down is not a big problem.

It just takes some time.

"Momousagi Vice Admiral! Black Crow Admiral!" In two days, under the great publicity of Marine headquarters.

Everyone knows the world has a fourth Marine Admiral.

When they saw Levi and Gion, even Kid and Law's expressions changed drastically.

Even if they are usually arrogant, at the same time Levi is just a new Admiral!

But they knew from the suppression just now.

He is far from the opponent of this fourth Admiral.

Not to mention Admiral, even the famous substitute Admiral Momousagi next to them may not be able to beat them.

That was the woman who had fought head-on with Hawkeye.

Although he lost, he is still a famous swordsman throughout the world!

"Escape!" Luo immediately gave the order to his subordinates without any hesitation.

Then he expanded the field and teleported his partners to evacuate far away.

"Damn it! So what if you are Admiral? In the future, I will knock you down, and I will remember this!" Although Kid was fierce, he was not surrounded by Kaido.

It doesn’t have to be a fight to the death, there might even be a possibility of escape!

If it is not possible, then the only option is to fight to the death!

"It's a very correct choice, but it's a pity that I need to borrow your identity. Since you have become a pirate, then blame your bad luck! Besides, you may not die. Who knows what will happen in the future? , but it will be very interesting to think about it... haha..."

Levi takes one step forward, Reiatsu riots, soul damage and intimidation are instantly enhanced!

There was a buzzing sound in the air, and the area instantly became darker and darker.

It seems like the night has suddenly ushered in, and only the Reiatsu on Levi is like a bright light in the darkness!

"What is this!?" Kid, Luo and others felt an extremely terrifying aura coming out from behind them.

It was as if the Shinigami had come and put a knife on their necks, threatening death at any moment.

At this moment, some people even lost their extravagant hope and courage to live!

He fell to the ground with a thud.

Even Luo and Kid are both determined people.

He has also experienced hundreds of battles and is no weaker than the average Marine Vice Admiral.

But at this moment, being enveloped by Levi's Reiatsu at close range, my body instinctively felt fear!

Even if he didn't faint immediately, he still became unable to move due to fear.

Mainly because he was unconscious and moving seemed troublesome to Levi!

It’s also not easy to string together other supernovae.

"His Haki has indeed become a little stronger than before! This monster, damn it! I haven't seen him practicing in the past few days, how can he still become stronger!" Gion was shocked, envious, and a little aggrieved!

And a little bit of admiration!

"It's impossible. Even if you're Marine Admiral, the gap between us can't be this big! I don't believe it!! Since I can't escape, I'll kill you!" Under such high pressure, Kid actually burst out Conqueror's again Haki.

Then he gathered the remaining weapons from the previous battle and formed a mechanical arm to blast Levi!

"The potential is indeed extraordinary, but unfortunately it is only potential. Although in a certain respect, you are a loyal person, you are also an out-and-out pirate. I don't like pirates who slaughter civilians!" Levi's eyes narrowed. !

Kid has admitted this himself, so there is no intelligence error!

Even if civilians make rude remarks, the crime will not lead to death.

And isn’t that normal?

Taunting pirates is something normal people would do.

Is it possible that, after becoming a pirate, the world still needs to praise pirates?

Maybe that’s what’s morbid!

The entire Reiatsu in front of me condensed instantly, like a piece of Yang rushing towards Kid!

The Conqueror's Haki, who was suddenly swept over, was instantly torn apart by Reiatsu mercilessly!

There is a huge difference in level strength!

Then Reiatsu hit Kid's metal arm with a loud bang.

It shattered the entire giant metal arm! With one of Kid's flesh and blood arms!

Blood splatters! Kid was spitting out blood, his bones were shattered, and he was knocked away!

"It looks like he stole the redhead's job...but it doesn't seem to matter!"

"Captain!!" Kira and his other subordinates were immediately shocked.

Lost! Captain Kid, whom they thought was invincible.

He was defeated by a look from his opponent! What a joke!

Are all the Admirals at Marine headquarters such monsters?

You must know that since entering the Grand Line, they have overcome obstacles and killed many strong men.

Captain Kid and Vice Captain Kira even defeated a Marine Vice Admiral once in a bloody battle!

But now, he is so weak!

"Sure enough, we can't win!" Luo got rid of his fear and prepared to move his fingers again!

But when Levi looked over, there was a roar, as if there was an invisible mountain in the void, directly suppressing him to the ground, unable to move!

Kid Kilaro! Three supernovae successfully captured!

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