I Am A Reiatsu Player With All Points, And I Stun All The Marines At The Start.

21. Weird Soul, Is This How All Things Breathe? (Update 7, Please Give Me Monthly Flower Evaluation

Other people's souls are no different from the original body.

What the person is, the soul is basically the same.

In this world, Huangquan is real.

Brook's experience and the experiences he mentioned all prove this point.

The soul is also real.

Levi can also see people's souls after possessing Reiatsu.

But when a person is alive, his soul overlaps with his body.

And exactly the same as myself.

Nothing special.

But Luffy stood up from Reiatsu at this moment.

His soul is full of vicissitudes of life.

It seems to have gone through many years of precipitation.

And the soul is different from ordinary people.

Most people's souls are transparent.

But there's something dark and unclear about Luffy's soul.

And staring at those places, Levi found that someone seemed to be staring at him.

"There is indeed a secret about Straw Hat. Does Garp know something? Or is there some special fruit power user that can make people in the past choose the current Luffy to become the representative?"

"Or maybe someone played a game of chess on Luffy? It's impossible. Would people in this world calculate this far?" Levi was full of doubts at first.

But the fluctuations of the soul are the most real.

The soul in Luffy is not entirely his own.

Then think of the fruit ability users and various prophecies in Tianyue.

Levi thinks someone is playing a big game against Luffy.

Or it's entirely possible to cross time and place something on Luffy.

Even taking a bold guess.

Maybe Tianyueshi traveled through time more than 800 years ago.

She might not be alone when she comes.

Instead, there is a whole team of people who arrive at different time periods.

Find the right talent or look for a specific place.

But in the end, he found Oden and stayed with him.

Because Oden's Wanokuni holds many secrets of this world.

The forger of this historical article once closed his country to avoid disaster...

Must be an important node in the search for Raftel or the truth about the world.

Tianyueshi's arrival in this country may mean that her mission has been achieved.

"The soul has a very keen perception, but others, including Garp, don't have it... Could this be the legendary ability to hear the sounds of all things? Even my Reiatsu detection, it seems that there is some kind of power deep in the Straw Hat's soul. You can all feel it, it’s interesting…”

"From now on, everyone, run away with all your strength! We are no match for these guys now!" Luffy gave the captain's order.

Even though Luffy has always refused to admit defeat, he is very confident.

At this moment, I have to admit that there is a huge gap between myself and these guys in front of me.

"Long live escape!" Usopp and Nami shouted in unison, then ran away.

Luffy also struggled out of the Reiatsu pillar.

It seemed like there was some power deep in his soul helping him.

Stimulating his physical potential.

But Levi wasn't about to let Luffy escape.

"Bear's impact!" At this time, the bear took action to stop it.

He opened his hands, and an air cannon that he compressed into a transparent bear paw slowly flew towards Levi.

As soon as it comes into contact, a terrifying explosion and shock wave will be released.

This move once covered the entire ship of terror.

This obstruction also means that he is completely hostile to Marine.

But to him, it doesn't matter.

Because with the transformation of Dr. Becca Punk, his consciousness is about to disappear.

Even if something is exposed, he will not reveal the secrets of the revolutionary army.

After returning this time, the final renovation will be carried out.

As for attacking Marine, as long as he doesn't admit it, it can be assumed that there is a problem with the mechanical processing chip.

At the same time, Levi can make the first move, so he can find any excuse.

It doesn’t matter whether you believe Marine or not, and it doesn’t matter whether you believe World Government.

When the experiment reaches the final step, he is considered a prisoner.

They also use their own.

Not to mention, he is not a prisoner yet.

Although Luffy let everyone escape.

But he stepped into Zoro's Reiatsu Pillar alone

Trying to take Zoro away.

Nami Sanji and the others can only believe in Luffy now.

With their strength, staying would be even more of a hindrance.

The transparent bear mark condensed by the air cannon blasted towards Levi.

Levi kept walking towards Luffy without changing his expression!

The Bear Impact is coming! touch!

Boom! ! Terrifying explosions and air shock waves roared, destroying everything around them.

Trees, houses, and rocks were all blown to pieces!

But Levi is wrapped in light blue Reiatsu.

A protective barrier was formed, and the sky was shattered by air cannonballs.

Levi's clothes were not damaged at all.

"Bartholemew Kuma, what do you mean?"

Zhan Momomaru's face immediately turned evil when he saw Tyrant Bear attacking Marine Admiral openly.

Is there really something wrong with Tyrant Bear?

Didn't you just want to take down the straw hat? But have other plans?

Otherwise, after being attacked by Levi, why would he fight back without any doubts?


"Gathering. Diversion!" Levi stretched his body, with Levi as the center.

Thousands of Reiatsu suddenly appeared from the ground!

It's just that these Reiatsu light beams are not that thick, they are only about the size of a little finger!

Like a forest, it densely covers a radius of tens of thousands of meters, and the top is connected to the sky.

It looks very spectacular, magnificent and breathtaking.

The entire Sabaody Archipelago looked up to the sky.

I felt a strong sense of uneasiness in my heart.

What exactly is going on? Why does it feel like the Sabaody Archipelago has become less like a human being?

Like the end of the world, like hell...

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