Since that day, life has gone on as usual.

Yamato is still the same as always, coming out every night to enjoy the sea breeze on the deck.

Robin, on the other hand, holds her nautical chart and plans and calculates the route every day.

Even the atmosphere on the entire ship has not changed.

It was full of laughter as always.

When it was time for dinner, whoever's turn it was to cook went on as usual. "Eighty"

But since then, no one has mentioned the special wine Yamato made at that time.

Rayleigh was originally a heavy drinker, and even Shakky would have a few drinks occasionally.

But since that day, the two of them would only drink two drinks secretly after meals.

I wouldn't drink it in front of Shakky at all.

They were afraid that mentioning this matter again would awaken the unhappy memories of Shakky's childhood.

Of course, this was all arranged by Levi.

Levi these days, apart from studying the route planning with Robin.

And listening to Robin talk about the customs and customs of the islands he passed along the way.

Not a word was said about the red historical inscription.

Levi knew that Robin now had no clue about the interpretation of the red historical inscription.

What's more, one of the pieces was stolen.

Only when the stolen piece is found this time can everything come to light.

So it is useless to talk about those inscriptions now.

As for the Golden Lion, he was originally a person who had part of his consciousness removed by Levi.

Every day is a mechanical life. Apart from following Levi's instructions, he does not participate in anything else.

He is only responsible for holding the rudder steadily.

But the only thing that makes everyone feel depressed is the day when it's Levi's turn to cook.

Levi has never been good at cooking.

Even if Robin and Shakky Yamato taught Levi at the same time, he could never learn it.

On the day when Levi was cooking, everyone found it hard to swallow after taking one bite.

But it’s hard to refute Levi’s face and undermine his self-confidence.

If it hits Levi, he might just give up when it's his turn to cook.

In order to avoid this situation, everyone reluctantly takes two bites.

Even Shakky and Yamato would use the excuse that they were losing weight and had a bad appetite today...

Robin, on the other hand, would use the excuse that she had to plan her route quickly [eat a few bites and then leave.

Only Uncle Rayleigh doesn't care too much about his sense of taste because of his long-term drinking.

So he was able to eat everything Levi made with gusto.

With Rayleigh setting an example, Levi never thought about how unpalatable his food was.

After everyone else had left, Levi asked with some confusion at the dinner table.

"Do these three girls have some special tastes? They don't seem to be very satisfied with the taste of the food I cook, right?"

"As for this question, I think it's better for you to ask them yourself."

Levi scratched his head, thinking that these topics had never been discussed before 5.1.

In the past, in some cities or towns, you would go to restaurants to eat, and you could just order whatever you wanted.

It was when we got back to the ship that we had no choice but to take turns cooking.

In addition, the sailing journey this time is relatively long, and we are heading towards the Calm Belt.

Therefore, there are relatively few islands that can be anchored along the way. .

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