"You want to do something to me?!" Akainu looked at Levi in ​​disbelief.

It’s obviously you who is looking for trouble!

Why do you think now that you are going to get into trouble?

This guy does have some backbone.

Levi's Reiatsu attack came because he was already prepared in his heart!

Akainu's arms expanded into the shape of magma, with dark red Armament Haki covering them.

Akainu's face hardened, and it was indeed what Marshal Sengoku said.

The Black Crow wields the terrifying Conqueror's Haki.

And it has been trained to Ultimate, with substantial damage.

Sengoku told him this, hoping that Akainu would not cause trouble for Levi.

We are all Marine Admirals after all.

But precisely because what Levi is good at is Conqueror's Haki.

Akainu was worried that he would be a lawless, unjust, and uncontrollable Marine Admiral.

So beatings and warnings, he thought, were necessary.

Since no one wants to be the bad guy, let him do it.

Everything is for justice!

He didn't want to see such a powerful person either.

He was so unscrupulous that he even betrayed Marine.

To tell him what Marine justice is.

But Akainu didn't expect that Levi's temper didn't seem as casual as Sengoku said!

Where is the mistake?

Peng! ! What's even more frightening is that he already expected Levi to be powerful.

But when this rush and pressure hit at the same time.

Although he blocked it in time, he was still knocked away a short distance!

"Sakazuki Admiral!!" Vice Admiral Dauberman, Akainu's loyal subordinate, suddenly exclaimed.

Sakazuki Admiral was well prepared.

It even knocked him away, even though it was only a short distance away!

But this new Admiral is too powerful!

This Conqueror's Haki storm has not yet subsided.

Instead, it continued to be released like a blowout without money, washing away their will and body.

Dauberman Vice Admiral is located near Akainu and was hit hard.

There was a loud bang, and he knocked heavily on the deck with one knee.

If he hadn't been holding it with a sword, he might have been forced into the cabin by the pressure.

"Hmph!" Akainu snorted dissatisfied with such a arrogant young man.

If you don't teach him a lesson, he may go astray in the future and become Marine's enemy.

It’s so lawless!

Gulu... Akainu's whole body was filled with lava, smoke billowing from his body straight into the sky, and his entire right arm swelled instantly.

It became extremely huge, and the surrounding temperature increased sharply.

The sea surface was boiling.

Unless Akainu intentionally controls it.

The warship under your feet will be burned to ashes in an instant.

A violent aura surged out of Akainu.

Not Conqueror's Haki though.

But such a terrifying aura of violence and murderous intent is like a stormy sea, constantly impacting people's minds.

A person with a weak psychological quality may be frightened to death and fainted by taking one look at Akainu.

I don’t know how many people he killed before Akainu had such evil aura.

Levi vaguely saw a lot of evil spirits entangled in Akainu, and there seemed to be some weird souls lingering around.

"Is it a wraith?" Levi didn't quite understand.

But Akainu's strength and Yamato's awesomeness cannot be ignored.

"The Admiral is really going to start a fight!?" Many people around him still didn't understand.

But the battle of Admiral is rare in the world.

But Marine was worried.

No matter who gets hurt, it's not what they want to see.

They don't know that sometimes fighting is also a kind of communication.

"Great Eruption!!" Akainu's face was gloomy, his face covered with dark red magma, his eyes full of determination and killing!

He is fierce and awe-inspiring, if one does not know his identity.

Some people would believe him if he was said to be a very vicious pirate.

A punch blasted out, heat waves rolled in, and the huge lava arm wanted to blast through everything.

"I'm going to die!!" Some of the Marines behind Levi looked at Akainu's attack, which was so powerful and destructive.

Make them feel hopeless and suffocated.

"That's it?" Levi felt that Akainu was looking down on him, a Great Eruption, and what he wanted to achieve!

Levi took a step forward, and Reiatsu gathered in front of him from all sides.

Like a sky barrier, with a roar, the giant fist of lava hit it, and exploded like a huge dark red firework!

Beautiful and dangerous.

"Emission Haki? Just the Haki shield can disperse my attack?" Akainu thought in surprise.

"Go!" In Levi's second thought, the entire Reiatsu, which was larger than a warship, blasted directly towards Akainu.

Just as Akainu was about to counterattack, five Reiatsu beams of light suddenly dropped from all around.

Four blocked the direction, and one directly suppressed Akainu.

"So heavy." Even Akainu, shrouded in Reiatsu's beam of light, groaned.

But if you can resist it, even among the generals and emperors.

He is also one of the top ones.

He severely damaged Whitebeard and defeated Aokiji. Such a record is rare for a strong player at the same level.

Because he is willing to fight hard.

"Dog bites the red lotus!" Akainu reacted quickly. After the Great Eruption was crushed, his arm quickly contracted the magma, and the color became brighter and brighter!

Like blood, the palm condensed into a dark red dog's head, revealing hot magma teeth, and the arms turned into magma pillars.

Focus on a fixed point, and then blast at Levi. With a loud bang, the Reiatsu barrier shatters!

But Levi remained motionless, looking at the incoming fist.

Levi's eyes narrowed and he focused on his eyes.

With this focus of sight as the center, Reiatsu pours out from Levi, continuously gathering in front of his eyebrows.

A small ball of Reiatsu gradually condenses and takes shape.

"This?!" Rayleigh was shocked when he saw it. He felt a fatal danger.

Then, a light blue Reiatsu with ball lightning shot out like the King of Hollows' flash!

Tsk...a ray of light passed by, and the atmosphere seemed to penetrate through it!

"What!?" Akainu also felt the terrifying power of this light! But it's too late!

The two collide!

boom! ! As if a nuclear weapon exploded, billowing lava and Reiatsu abilities exploded in all directions, falling into the sea.

Boil the whole sea.

Akainu was knocked away again, with blood dripping from his arm...

"You can be proud, this is the first time I have compressed such a high-intensity attack!" Levi's plain voice sounded like thunder in everyone's hearts!

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