I Am A Reiatsu Player With All Points, And I Stun All The Marines At The Start.

47. Sakazuki: Am I Being Plotted? (Update 9, Please Vote For Monthly Flower Tickets!)

steady! !

Magellan and Akainu listened to Levi's comments about them.

I feel a little speechless. This is the first time in so many years that someone has given such a comment.

Akainu has always been an extreme and radical representative in Marine.

Usually someone secretly talks about him behind his back, saying that he has gone too far.

You shouldn't do that, or it's too extreme. You should go to a military court or something.

Even Marshal Sengoku sometimes restrained himself.

No one has ever used the word steady in my life.

Marshal Sengoku must have made a mistake!

This fourth Admiral seems to be quite easy to get along with.

But when he gets angry, he is more ferocious than anyone else.

Magellan is in a similar mood.

As he progressed, he never showed mercy to all those who had sinned.

I don't know how many people have been tortured to death. The poisonous fruit is a good thing for torture to extract confessions.

Impel down prisoners regard him as a devil and a poisonous devil.

The word steady never suited him.

But compared with such a ferocious black crow Admiral, it seems that they are still considered "stable"?

After all, this is the Seven Warlords of the Sea who have just achieved great success.

Even if you suspect something, don't act rashly.

We have to wait for instructions from the world government.

Now you're going to stomp Blackbeard to death as he's kneeling on the ground as soon as you open your mouth.

Is this appropriate?

And according to what he said, he wanted to use this riot.

Put a cauldron on Blackbeard.

Why does this guy seem to be so skilled when he says this?

Do you often do this kind of thing?

As far as Levi is concerned, it doesn't matter whether he is suitable or not, he is just a pirate anyway.

Even Seven Warlords of the Sea, as long as there is an intention to cover it up.

The little impact it has won't be too big.

At best, other Shichibukai might think Marine is being unkind.

Just be wary of Marine.

And Levi said that without any delay, he moved his feet directly.

No, to be precise, the black Reiatsu condensed into a big foot and appeared above Blackbeard's head.

"Oh no!! I didn't do anything!!" Blackbeard really felt the danger of death approaching.

Suddenly he screamed in terror, losing all his usual composure.

His grand plan has not even begun yet, how could he die like this!

Absolutely not!

Blackbeard's body was filled with black smoke, wrapping himself tightly.

Peng! ! A heavy blow sounded, the black mist shattered, Blackbeard spat out blood, his pupils were dilated, and his face was hideous.

The others looked blank. They didn't expect Levi to actually take action as soon as he said he would.

No waiting or discussion?

"Oh, he didn't get trampled to death. He's pretty strong in resisting blows!" Levi said, preparing to attack again.

"Sure enough, he is an official idiot..." Gion had a headache and could not help stroking his forehead. Now he was very busy with political work afterwards.

"Damn Fourth Admiral, are you just standing there and ignoring anything? Don't forget, we have an agreement. If I die, do you think the World Government will really believe your words? What are you saying? Rebellion, disloyalty!”

Blackbeard felt that the black Conqueror's Haki belonging to Levi around him became more and more dangerous and became violent!

Right now, he is no match for Marine Admiral.

There is no other way but to seek help from Akainu Magellan and others.

Shiryu was also silent at this moment.

If Blackbeard can't even pass this level.

Just pretend they didn't mention it before.

After all, we are all unfamiliar with each other. It would be better for you to die than for me to die.

"Let's keep him alive. We are about to start a war with the Whitebeard Pirates. If we really kill him, the other Seven Warlords of the Sea who have not yet responded to the summons may refuse to respond! It is a troublesome thing after all, and, Five Elders How do you explain it over there, maybe things will become more troublesome..." Akainu said,

Taking one step forward, the giant arm of lava blocked Levi's secondary attack that descended from the sky.

"Forget it, but there's nothing wrong with keeping this guy here so that he doesn't cause us any trouble. You don't want someone to suddenly jump out and stab us in the back when we're fighting Whitebeard."

What Akainu said was not unreasonable, and Levi was just thinking.

And Akainu is probably afraid of taking responsibility.

Because he is a very loyal Marine in the eyes of the World Government.

In order to earn impression points in front of the world government.

Such vicious events cannot be allowed to happen.

In Akainu's heart, Marine Admiral is not his ultimate goal.

Only Marshal Marine can change the world.

As for Marshal Marine, the final say lies with the Five Elders.

Levi also understands that Akainu will do nothing if he doesn't take action.

You must be prepared as soon as you take action.

He wouldn't let Blackbeard die here.

Hearing Levi's words, Akainu frowned in thought, then nodded: "Okay!"

Sakazuki thinks Levi is a very reckless person.

Now that he is willing to take a step back, he should also take a step back.

Otherwise Levi really wants to kill Blackbeard.

Akainu is not 100% sure to stop Levi.

"That's what we're going to do? Come here and find a place for our guests to stay."

"So simple? No... I was calculated... He couldn't have thought of such a simple thing. His goal from the beginning was not really to kill Blackbeard, but to imprison him on the sixth floor. Why? Does Blackbeard really have evil intentions? Or is it just a simple matter of his being unhappy?"

Akainu quickly reacted after seeing Levi agree to do so.

But what you promised is not so easy to change.

Magellan also thinks there is no problem.

Although it may be somewhat controversial.

But if Blackbeard is still alive, it will be easier to explain to the Five Elders later!

Now just lock him up and trap him as the suspected culprit of the riots.

The three of them agreed on this point.

"Damn it, Laozi is not guilty, you can't do this!?" Blackbeard was furious with incompetence.

But he didn't dare to fight back. When he did, several people here joined forces to kill him, and he was left speechless.

He would never have dreamed of it.

Just because I stared at Levi's back a few more times in the crowd.

Just add another member to LV6.

"As for Rain Shiryu, you..." Levi looked at Shiryu.

(Flowers 6508, the first time I asked for flowers was successful, wow! It’s so difficult! I’ve sent the ninth update!)

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