I Am A Reiatsu Player With All Points, And I Stun All The Marines At The Start.

51. The Object Of Common Fear, Is This Guy That Scary? (4Th Update)

"What did you say?!" Hearing Levi's unkind words.

Although the CP0 with a arrogant attitude could not see his face.

But the tone suddenly turned cold to Ultimate.

Even if Levi is a Marine Admiral, Levi is higher than him in military rank.

But he was much worse than their superiors.

Their leader is equivalent to Marine Marshal.

Even when walking outside, it represents the face of the Five Elders and World government.

When they do things, the entire Marine headquarters should facilitate them.

Even Akainu, who was called a radical, later became Marine Marshal.

CP0's Lu Qi came to represent the World Government, and he still had to comply with many things.

They are called messengers of God.

"I believe you are not deaf. Now I want to go in, do you want to stop me?"

If this guy talks as well as the other CP0.

Levi just waits, after all, he is not that domineering.

Not a big deal, but another CP0 made it look like Five Elders was there in person.

Who are you showing it to?

"How dare you!" The arrogant CP0 snorted coldly.

"Can you stop me?" Levi just released Reiatsu slightly.

The proud CP0 instantly fell to his knees with a thud.

"Black Crow Admiral, what's wrong with you, we're here on behalf of the Five Elders." Seeing this, another CP0 reminded him in a deep voice.

"I know, so you are still alive, right?" Levi looked at the CP0 calmly.

"Damn Marine! We represent God and exercise divine power, and you do this to me?!" Although the proud CP0 was crushed to the ground.

But what arose in his heart was not fear and fear.

But anger and shame! I am a dignified CP0 senior agent, representing the Five Elders!

Marine Admiral dared to disgrace him like this.

Aren't you afraid that you will read his book in front of the Five Elders?

You should know that when you went out to perform tasks before.

When he says that, the three Admirals usually give in.

After all, although his status is not as high as Marine's senior official.

But the identity it represents is very extraordinary.

He usually derives great satisfaction from it.

But he didn't expect that the black crow Admiral wouldn't give him any face.

And still have to go in.

"Why don't you dare." Levi stepped forward...

"Get out of here, you dog of World Government, Rayleigh, you old thing, you have to hold on, don't tell these bastards anything!"

"That's right, that's right, CP0 bastard, come here and interrogate me, Laozi will kill you!!"

"Ma Dan, these are the bastards who played dirty tricks and took all my friends hostage! Now they dare to come!" A burst of Conqueror's Haki burst out and rushed outside.

This Conqueror's Haki made many CP0 members' faces change slightly and their bodies stagger.

CP0 actually doesn’t really want to come to this hellish place on the sixth floor.

"Place an undercover agent on my ship, instigate my members to rebel, and let my woman attack me while I'm sleeping. You CP0 bitch, we should settle the score. Come on! Come and kill me!"...

As the CP0 chief's interrogation of Rayleigh begins.

The criminals on the entire sixth floor became more and more violent.

Many people have a blood feud with the world government.

So these people have not given in yet.

And the person who represents the world government is CP0!

Many powerful people have suffered from CP0's assassination!

Listen to the crazy curses of the thugs on the sixth floor.

The CP0 agents gradually became silent and did not dare to approach the cages.

Even the two CP0s guarding the passage deliberately kept their distance.

But listening to this increasingly crazy voice, while they were angry, they were also slightly afraid.

If these lawless madmen who are not afraid of punishment find an opportunity, they will risk their lives.

These thugs will definitely take a bite out of them!

"Why are you making such a fuss? You can't get out, are you going to kill me?" Levi passed the two CP0s and walked leisurely towards the sixth floor.

"Hmph, even if you are Marine Admiral, these guys are..." The arrogant CP0 just wanted to taunt Levi.

These criminals are so angry that they are not afraid of even the poison of Magellan.

So what if Levi is a Marine Admiral? If he speaks now, he will definitely be scolded!

He really has no discernment at all. The young Admiral just doesn’t know how to advance or retreat!

But the sarcastic words that the arrogant CP0 was about to say stopped abruptly.

Because he discovered that the entire sixth floor suddenly fell into a strange dead silence!

What's going on! ? You're not hallucinating, are you?

Is it really quiet? Are they afraid of Admiral? impossible! These lawless guys!

Aren't you afraid of nothing? Even the Five Elders dare to curse!

And vaguely, he heard some slight discussions.

"Damn it! That disaster has come again. Last time, three people were tortured and crippled. I don't know who to choose this time."

"I don't know. Anyway, don't choose me. I don't know what kind of gameplay this pervert has developed. I have never seen anyone's legs wrapped around their waists!"

"Experiment madman, I hate these guys doing experiments the most..."

The sound is very low, so low that even CP0 cannot hear it without using Observation Haki.

Even if you can't see CP0's expression, you can tell from his sluggish movements at this moment!

There must be no peace of mind.

"How is this possible!?" The proud CP0 couldn't believe it. Those extremely evil criminals would actually fear a Marine Admiral together!

Has this guy done anything to them?

Are the madmen who are not even afraid of their punishment methods afraid of him?

Are you not talking at this moment? !

The two people who were originally going to stop Levi hesitated. Could it be that this guy is a ruthless person?

"I'm going to inform Chief Kosas!" Another CP0 with a good attitude trotted to report instead of blocking him!

They felt like Levi was scarier than they thought!

"Oh, interesting...a Marine Admiral was able to suppress this group of lawless thugs!" A middle-aged man with no mask and a slightly delicate appearance looked thoughtfully at the changes on the sixth floor!

He is the current supreme commander of CP0, Kosas.

Rayleigh in front of him, although no wounds could be seen.

But he was much more haggard than before he was imprisoned. It would not be an exaggeration to say that he was out of breath and on the verge of death.

(Flowers are 7577, there are still about 1500 flowers left, please support! If you have any evaluation votes, please vote, and continue to update!)

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