I Am A Reiatsu Player With All Points, And I Stun All The Marines At The Start.

70. Penetrated Inside And Outside, Whitebeard Flew Away, And The Whole World Was Shocked! (Please Su

Before the Sixth Floor Riots, many criminals were in the same era as the Roger Pirates.

But never really got to know Pluton Rayleigh.

In their impression, they only know that Rayleigh is a strong person.

He is a peak warrior who has trained Haki and swordsmanship to the extreme.

Even the old monsters who had conflicts with the Roger Pirates,

There are only a few people who have an in-depth understanding of Rayleigh.

And of course Bullet who was once in the same boat.

Magellan looked at Rayleigh's back in disbelief.

If Rayleigh really fights side by side with him to stop these criminals.

That is equivalent to taking away the extra way of survival that you just gained.

Choked alive again.

Regardless of whether he stopped this group of thugs in the end.

Rayleigh's current choice has only two results.

First, he couldn't stop so many criminals, so he died suddenly along with them.

The second was to block it, and when things calmed down, he was thrown into the cell again.

As for the current situation, Fuli should actually have a better choice.

That would be to leave with the criminal, but he didn't.

Just to return the favor!

Magellan is in charge of the prison, and such people are almost never seen.

Many people have respect. In the world of pirates, sometimes we need to talk about benevolence, justice and morality.

But in this situation, those who can still persevere are in trouble!

It was so difficult that when Rayleigh turned around to deal with them, they were in disbelief.

Admirable and admirable, the road to freedom is right in front of you.

No one can stop them!

Not even Rayleigh.

"Rayleigh-san, please get out of the way for us!" The tall and mighty Bullet walked out of the crowd.

Looking directly at Pluton Rayleigh said calmly.

Even though they were once on the same boat, they were partners.

Bullet is no less powerful than Rayleigh.

But Bullet follows Roger.

Although I have respect for the deputy captain, it is only a bit of a disapproval.

Anyone who stands in his way now.

He will show no mercy.

Since Roger's death, the former evil ghost's successor has gone berserk!

"You know me." Rayleigh smiled lightly, holding the weapon, Haki covered him!

21 "There's nothing to say. If you want to be free, kill them!" Blackbeard in the crowd shouted, and everyone no longer hesitated.

His eyes gradually became crazy, and various powers began to spread.

"Kill!!" Several strong men took the lead in attacking!

They have longed for freedom for too long.

Anything that stands in their way at this moment will be destroyed!

"Seeking death!" Magellan was still in the state of a giant poisonous soldier.

The venom surged away like a wave, and many criminals suddenly screamed!

Rayleigh's sword energy burst out.


The criminals swarmed up, and the terrifying energy completely exploded!

But Rayleigh and Magellan fought together and guarded the passage.

The prison is specially built and is located under the sea. There are countless Sea Kings lairs overseas.

If all the thugs want to escape, there is only one way to go: the exit.

Although there are only two people, Rayleigh and Magellan.

But his strength is almost all at his peak.

Although there are many thugs on the sixth floor, many have not yet recovered to their peak.

Even Bullet has become more powerful over the years.

But the body also needs some recuperation.

Only then can they have Four Emperors-level combat power.

This is one of the reasons why he only started holding fanatic activities two years after he escaped from prison.

They have all been tortured so miserably by this prison and the occasional experiments!

They can't wait to take revenge on the world!

Kill them all...

In a short period of time, the two of them withstood the attacks of many strong men!

Even if it is very strenuous, you may even start to get hurt.

But he resisted after all.

But they also understand that if this continues, sooner or later they will be unable to stop it!

There are too many thugs.

Unless there are two or so Marine Admirals to help them.

Only then can these thugs be suppressed.

In the midst of horrific battles and killings.

Powerful criminals continue to fall...

Now Magellan's thoughts are no longer on the Straw Hats.

Compared with Straw Hat, these people are much more powerful and terrifying.

A few escapes are worth the harm of all the criminals on the five floors in front of Impel Down.

Luffy and the others arrived at the fifth floor, and after rescuing Zoro Kira, they fought with the jailers.

In the chaos, the other imprisoned Supernovas found their own opportunities.

Successfully escaped from prison, although Luffy and others saw it.

But they ignored it. They were not jailers.

And he is also a member of the jailbreak.

11 Supernovas, plus Seven Warlords of the Sea Jinbei, Crocodile, and Ivankov's jailbreak lineup.

Without Magellan's interference.

They quickly moved from the fifth floor to the fourth floor

Hannyabal led a large number of jailers and powerful jailer beasts to conduct an interception here in the hot hell.

Fighting breaks out...

The red-haired Shanks who attacked Impel Down at this moment did not expect this.

They just invaded Impel down at the moment.

Due to the special construction materials of Impel Down, it greatly restrains any fruit-powered users.

Beckman also cannot open a space channel inside Impel down.

It can only be invaded openly from the front.

Judging from the information they have.

They should have been stopped by the combined efforts of Magellan and alternate Admiral Gion!

But the only people standing in front of them now were Marine and Gion.

"Where's Magellan?" red-haired Shanks asked calmly.

In Impel down, their biggest enemy should be Magellan!

They attacked five warships from outside the Calm Belt.

There's no way Magellan doesn't know.

But now only Marine stood in front of them.

Impel Down's troops are nowhere to be seen, which is too abnormal.

"I am enough!" Gion looked at Red Hair Pirates, feeling extremely stressed!

But she can't retreat, as a Marine, in this situation.

She could neither retreat nor retreat, she could only fight to the death.

It's a pity that the phone calls they sent out were interfered by unknown radio waves!

All telephone bugs were down and unable to contact Marine headquarters.

This is naturally the work of Red Hair Pirates.

They didn't underestimate Impel Down, if Beckman hadn't become a rare fruit user.

And if the time is right now.

The red-haired man felt that his success rate in conquering Impel Down was extremely low.

Magellan and Marine may be delayed by the signal, but reinforcements will definitely arrive!

These are not easy to deal with!

"Everyone, be careful. Either Magellan has an ambush inside, or something happened inside. Leave this Marine to me. Boss, you guys can make a quick decision!" Beckman stood up and faced Gion, the candidate. Admiral!

"Don't even think about going in!" Gion has a strong temper and will never be held back.

With a slash of the sword, a terrifying sword energy swept across the entire Red Hair Pirates.

"Marine Headquarters Substitute Admiral, you really have some skills!" Red-haired Shanks showed some approval.

This sword energy is very strong!

But he drew his sword with one hand and easily broke through Gion's sword energy.

The battle broke out, and the impel down was gradually penetrated by the strong inside and outside...

High in the sky, a green dragon was swimming among the clouds, sometimes laughing and sometimes crying: "UuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuHe failed in suicide again! Damn it!"

"You bastard red hair, where are you hiding? Laozi must find you out!"

Kaido was upset about not being able to stop the Red Hair Pirates in the New World.

Having fought against Hongfa for so many years, Hongfa’s actions this time were very unusual.

It seemed like he was a little anxious, there must be something very important.

The more important it is, the less he can get his wish.

Red Hair Pirates has become very strong in recent years.

If he becomes stronger again, it will be a big trouble for him.

Naturally, Kaido immediately thought of the place Impel Down.

The thought of the redhead possibly going to attack Impel down.

But he stayed nearby for a few days.

He found no trace at all, which made Kaido doubt whether his judgment was wrong.

Even now that the war has begun at the Marine headquarters, there is still no sign of the Red Hair Pirates.

Just when Kaido felt that he had made a mistake in his judgment and was pregnant with red hair, would he return to New World and raid his hometown?

He finally saw the Red Hair Pirates who had a conflict with the Impel down guards.

At that moment, his long mouth revealed a meaningful, even destructive, inferior smile.

It looks like a ruffian dragon: "Red hair! I finally found you!"

Kaido was ecstatic, but he still resisted the urge to go directly to stop him.

If the information is correct, Magellan is here.

That guy is not easy to deal with.

If you go down rashly, you may face a double attack from the red hair and the prison!

That was not cost-effective, so at this time he made a decision!

He ran to the Marine headquarters and told the # incident to both parties involved in the war in public.

By then, even the Marine headquarters, which is currently fighting Whitebeard, will definitely send someone to check it out!

Then the Red Hair Pirates were attacked from both sides, regardless of their final outcome.

The possibility of becoming the final winner is the greatest.

The red-haired plan was ruined, and he might be able to find some talents with powerful combat power from this underwater prison.

Talent is a precious resource!

Not bad, not bad! Uh-huh-huh... Kill two birds with one stone! No, it should be a king-winner!

If the Marine headquarters allocates combat forces, the battle with Whitebeard will be even more difficult.

There might be heavy losses! That would be a good thing for him too!

"Just fight to your heart's content! In the end, everything is mine! The whole world will be mine in the future! Uh-huh-huh..." Then Kaido turned and flew towards the Marine headquarters.

He believes that Impel Down still has some resistance and will not fall so quickly.

Moreover, the Marine headquarters can be reached from Impel Down in just a short time with the strength of strong men like them!

Not to mention that Kaido is an aerial unit. With a full burst, it will not take more than fifteen minutes!

Kaido was very decisive at this time and chose to be a "snitch dragon"!

Boom!! Marine headquarters, the dust battle is getting more and more crazy!

More and more pirates are landing on the ice field and heading towards the square.

Little Oz the Devil is about to collapse!

He was covered in scars, but he was still fighting.

Because he wants to save Ace...

His body is too huge, even though his strength is amazing.

Still became a target.

Under Doflamingo's onslaught and numerous artillery bombardments throughout the Marine headquarters!

It was too much for him to bear.

Of course, many Marines also lost their lives at the hands of the terrifying little Oz.

In this battle, no one can say right or wrong, just different positions.

Everyone has their own pursuits, and they have to talk about good and evil.

That is! Victory is justice!

Almost there!" Akainu said to himself as he watched more and more pirates coming in.

Several special warships have been protected, and they are gradually approaching the port at this moment.

Hidden above is Marine's science unit.

Zhan Taomaru has been hiding there with the pacifists for some time 350.

Always waiting for the best time.

"Next, the world needs to know about Marine's victory!" Marshal Sengoku said calmly.

But this time, he didn't choose to disconnect the phone bug.

Because the last time the Red Hair Pirates attacked Marine headquarters.

Let them Marine lose face. At this time, they need to let the world re-recognize their power.

Even if this process is a bit bloody and brutal, it is still necessary.

But to many people in this world, this is actually nothing.

They were already used to fighting.

If I have to say it, the fighting lineup at Marine headquarters is so huge that it’s frightening!

"Akainu, do it!" Sengoku ordered through the phone bug.

Akainu's resolute face, as strong as a knife or an ax, remained calm, but his aura gradually became violent.

The cloak of justice behind you is fluttering in the wind!

Both hands turned into dark red crystal-like magma, and then he quickly waved his fist towards the sky: "Meteor Volcano!"

Whoosh! Countless fists of lava blasted away from the body and into the sky, sinking into the clouds. The entire sky turned red!

Then these fists of lava fell out of the clouds again!

Under the inertia of the fall, there was a deafening roar, and everyone subconsciously raised their heads.

Suddenly I saw volcanic bombs all over the sky, like a group of meteors attacking the entire harbor.

Peng Peng Peng! The volcanic bomb hit the ground, covering a large area, the ice sheet was cut through, and the entire bay exploded in an instant!

A sea of ​​​​fire ignited, and countless pirates screamed and were blown away, just like purgatory on earth!

"The surrounding wall activates!"

"The pacifists took action to block the retreat!" Marshal Sengoku issued two more orders!

But suddenly there was a harsh roar in the battlefield: "Dad!!!"

At this moment everyone is attracted by these crazy sounds!

What happened to Whitebeard?!

Because Marco's voice is among them.

When Sengoku Akainu and others' attention returned to the battlefield from the plan, they stared in the direction of Whitebeard.

They were all stunned!

People all over the world were stunned!

They saw the man known as the strongest man in the world.

Whitebeard Edward Newgate, the earthquake man!

It was blown away like a rag bag!

It’s not being knocked back, nor is it moving backwards!

Instead, the whole person was sent flying into the air!

The Cong Yunqie in his hand was also thrown out, and with a clang, it was stuck on the ice!

Whitebeard in mid-air, blood spurting out of his mouth!

"How is that possible!? It's a lie!"

"What happened just now?!" someone said in great horror!

What happened when their attention was drawn to Akainu's massive bombing attack?

"I saw it..." A trembling voice sounded!

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