I Am A Reiatsu Player With All Points, And I Stun All The Marines At The Start.

73. Haki Deprivation! A Killing Spree! "Arrancar" Is Born! (5,000-Word Chapter! Please Sub

Gion was defeated!

Endless humiliation rose from the bottom of my heart.

Look at the broken cloak of justice.

For the first time, I felt how fragile my justice was.

Just like this dress.

She knew the Red Hair Pirates would be powerful.

But I didn't expect the gap to be so big.

It was so big that she couldn't accept it.

Only two minutes before and after.

She first rushed to the red-haired Shanks, planning to capture the thief~capture the king first.

But the red-haired man fought her with a knife, which directly shattered the Haki she had trained for many years!

and subsequently deprived.

It's like my Haki doesn't belong to me, it belongs to the red-haired one from the beginning!

At that moment, Gion was horrified. She had heard many legends about the powerful red-haired Haki.

Only when they really faced each other did they understand how powerful they were.

It is simply a talent given by the gods,

It's obviously his own Haki, but when he comes into contact with him.

But instead he was controlled, and Haki was out of reach and unable to be deprived.

Although it can be recovered, it takes time.

Can Red Hair Pirates be in a hurry.

How can I give Gion time? This is not a competition, but a holy event.

It was hard to wait for this opportunity.

They had to race against time, so Beckman made a decisive move.

For a moment, bullets and sword lights intertwined with each other, creating a melody of devastating collision sounds!

Haki failed to use it immediately, and his combat power was weakened.

Plus Beckman's bullets are terrible.

After three shots, her sword energy was broken.

The sixth shot hit the blade directly, causing some traces of space splitting.

The seventh shot shattered the famous sword Jinpi (PI) Luo she was proud of!

And his body was knocked away and suffered a heavy blow!

She didn't care about serious injury or even death.

But she cares about her justice - protection!

She can no longer protect her now!

If you can't even see through a gate, how can you talk about justice?

She was unable to fight anymore, she only had one knife and seven bullets!

He was defeated! The defeat was so unacceptable that Gion couldn’t accept it!

Even if her opponent is Red Hair Pirates, she can't forgive herself!

All this is because I am too weak.

All along, she thought she was strong.

There are only a few people in the entire Marine headquarters who are stronger than her.

This kind of achievement would inevitably make anyone proud.

But today this pride was shattered.

The famous sword that accompanied her throughout her life was also shattered.

If it was a disastrous defeat after a fierce battle, she could accept it!

But she couldn't accept losing so easily.

She wasn't going to make excuses and say it was the redhead who deprived her of Haki.

Because in fighting, any method is allowed.

If I was careful enough, I shouldn't have known that Haki was powerful.

He rashly approached and slashed at him.

"Kill me." Gion looked at the Marines lying on the ground, and looked at Beckman with a pale face.

Beckman's pistol was pointed at her head.

But he didn't shoot immediately.

With his Haki and abilities, he can easily shoot through Gion's head at this distance if he fires a gun.

But Beckman hesitated. He always felt that killing this Marine would cause huge trouble.

Although it is an intuition, his intuition has always been accurate.

"She is no longer a threat. She is also a qualified Marine. There is no need to kill her. Let's go! Hurry up." The red-haired man knew that Beckman was hesitant, so he also pressed his arm.

There is a choice to kill Gion. As the red hair said, a qualified Marine who fulfills his duties and eliminates the threat is enough.

There is no need to kill innocent people indiscriminately, if such a strong man goes further.

In the future, he might be able to compete with Beckman, or even be as good as himself.

It is also an important combat capability in the "future".

"Yeah." Beckman put away his gun, and the group went straight into Impel Down, leaving behind a dazed and extremely unwilling Gion.

Gion tried to hold the broken sword and fight again, but he was a little exhausted and couldn't hold it at all.

"Huh? Why didn't you see any jailers? And the floors below seemed a bit noisy... I found the map in Impel Down easily. There were not many troops guarding it, and there was no ambush? Where is Magellan?"

After entering Impel Down, Beckman and others found that the situation was completely different from what they thought.

It seems that it was easily invaded.

Due to material construction issues in Impel Down, the range that Observation Haki can detect is limited.

The red-haired man concentrated and could only vaguely detect something: "At the bottom, there seem to be multiple powerful auras fighting... Although it's not very obvious... but it can Definitely, the Impel down must have been an accident, could it have been Rayleigh-san?"

"Oh, there seems to be some commotion in the middle layer... The smell is very familiar... Could it be, Luffy?!" The red-haired man was vaguely happy.

Although it's not yet the agreed time to meet Luffy.

But it doesn’t matter, he will become an excellent man sooner or later!

"The timing couldn't be better! Rescue Rayleigh quickly!"


LV4 is fighting under the straw hat.

Although Hannyabal brings many powerful helpers and excellent equipment.

He can face 11 criminals with a bounty of over 100 million, and two former Shichibukai, Japanese senior revolutionary army cadres.

Without Magellan on his side, he still couldn't bear it.

Was crushed by Straw Hat and other jailbreak teams.

Then I met Red Hair Pirates in LV2!

"Shanks! Have you been arrested too?" When Luffy saw Red Hair Pirates, he was instantly ecstatic.

I never dreamed that they would meet in Impel down.

It’s so unbelievable!

But Luffy is well known for his nerves.

Ask the redhead directly if he was also arrested.

"Hahaha... Luffy, you're still the same, you're an idiot!" Lucky Roux and the others burst into laughter.

Beckman also smiled.

If you want to catch them Red Hair Pirates, you have to see if the Marine headquarters has the ability.

"Red Hair Pirates!!" Sand Crocodile, Ivankov, Jinbei and others and the Supernovas were also shocked when they saw Red Hair Pirates!

After all, under normal circumstances, the Four Emperors would not leave the New World.

They are safest where they operate.

If a few people alone come to the first half or four seas.

It is very likely that the World Government and Marine headquarters will be interested.

So as to ambush them.

But I never expected that the Four Emperors pirate group would invade Impel Down.

I’m afraid I can’t hold on to this Impel Down!

"By the way, hurry up and go to LV6 to rescue Uncle Rayleigh. In order to cover our escape, he was surrounded by Magellan's men!!" Luffy quickly recounted the situation.

When the red-haired and others heard this, their expressions also became solemn.

"We understand, leave this to us, you seem to have something to do." The red-haired man smiled lightly.

"But..." Luffy also wanted to follow the red hair to save people.

After all, Rayleigh was there to cover them from danger.

Now their reinforcements seem to be very powerful if they join forces together.

Maybe Rayleigh can be rescued.

"Don't worry, you go first, we can handle it." The red-haired man reached out and pressed the straw hat on Luffy's head, saying confidently.

Luffy saw the seriousness in the red-haired eyes.

He was stunned for a few seconds, then nodded: "Then I'll go rescue Ace."

Luffy now knows that war has broken out.

There were only a few hours left before the execution.

Set off now, if you can capture a warship.

It is still possible to reach the Marine headquarters by riding the high-speed current.

A brief reunion and a brief separation.

At the same time LV6.

"Hurry up, these two guys can't hold on any longer. If you don't want to die, get out of the way of Laozi! Rayleigh, are you crazy? What's the benefit of helping them like this? Betrayal is very common among pirates. Why risk your life for a favor?"

"That's right, so what if you stop us in the end, Marine will not let you go, they will turn around and throw you into prison!" The criminals on the sixth floor were all attacking.

Rayleigh Magellan has fallen under the feet of many once famous guys.

The other criminals felt a little scared.

These two guys are so strong!

If the real Admiral level fights with all their strength, it will be very dangerous for criminals like them who have not yet recovered their strength and injuries.

If they are not careful, they will die.

"Damn it, if the strength is restored, how can the two of them stop us all!" Many thugs were very unwilling!

And heard the thugs' persuasion.

Magellan subconsciously wants to be wary of Rayleigh.

But soon I felt a little ashamed of this move.

If only Rayleigh was so easily persuaded.

How could he turn around and help them just now?

He is eyeing his main rival again, the Red Earl!

Rayleigh's current main rival is his former partner, Douglas Bullet!

Blackbeard and Shiryu looked at Rayleigh Magellan.

Shiryu stood in the crowd, silently drawing his weapon.

Blackbeard also began to be filled with black smoke.

The two of them were almost exhausted, and it was their turn to take action.

But at this time.

A furious roar suddenly penetrated the entire Impel Down and resounded throughout the sea: "Red hair, get out of here!!"

The sound was like rolling thunder, accompanied by an extremely terrifying pressure.

Everyone stopped subconsciously.

At this moment, Luffy has reached LV2, the red-haired person has reached LV5, Zhongli and others are still at LV6.

But no matter which floor people are on, they feel as if their heads have been struck by lightning at this moment!

And in this roar, there is a soul wave that destroys everything!

Pengpengpeng! Many of the criminals in LV2 exploded with this roar and turned into clouds of blood mist!

Countless cells were instantly ablaze, and many criminals were so frightened that they screamed with fear on their faces!

Many people had blood splattered on their faces.

After all, the good inmate suddenly exploded into blood mist, no matter how good his psychological quality was, he couldn't bear it!

Not just the second level.

There are strong men on the third, fourth, and even sixth floors who burst into blood mist under the sound of furious souls!

It seemed that only some of the people exploded into blood mist.

There are no rules, but this is not the case.

…Please give me flowers…

Only people with fragile souls will explode at this moment!

Whether the soul is fragile or not is related to the physical injury condition and the will.

The most important thing is the mental will, and those who have weak or weak mental will.

They all exploded just now!

Many of them are criminals who have been tortured to the point of mental illness.

Because these people are the most mentally confused and weak.

Only then was Levi roared into the sky.

It was a relief, but it frightened others!

Even the supernovas who had gone through many battles were frightened!

Because the higher you go, the more people with weak souls will be there!

"Damn, who is yelling? It's so uncomfortable! It feels like my head is going to explode! What's weird?

This is a thing!" Even a powerful person feels extremely uncomfortable.

After seeing someone's head really explode.

Fear spreads instantly!

"Is that monster Black Crow back?!"

"Damn it, how could this happen? Didn't he go to participate in the war to hunt Whitebeard?" Many people on the sixth floor heard this voice.

Suddenly everyone felt a little scared.

Even Blackbeard is no exception, but his strong spirit inspires everyone: "If you try hard, you might still have a chance to survive. Do you still want to go back to the dark cell?"


"Yes, this is our only chance. No matter who it is, anyone who stops us will die! Kill!"

However, as soon as this strong man finished speaking, the ceiling of the cell exploded.

An energy sword cut it down!

With a pop, the strong man's body was split vertically in two.

This shocked everyone!

The ceiling materials on the sixth floor are of the highest specification!

It's also mixed with seastone, which they can't break!

So Crocodile and the others escaped from the sixth floor.

It is also the only passage you can take. Only floors above the sixth floor can be melted away with fruit sand.

But now the sixth floor is broken!

The long-lost sunshine shone down from the top, illuminating all floors.

This made the criminals, who had not seen sunlight for a long time, stunned.

Then it went completely crazy.

Because this knife broke many cells!

Above Impel Down, under the sun, there is a young figure, releasing endless pressure!

Reiatsu went berserk, and Levi's whole body became a little twisted.

Reiatsu possessed Levi, and a black and white substance slowly formed on the body surface.

It seems that under Reiatsu's rampage, Levi is completely transformed into another creature.

"Run away!"

"We are free?!" The entire Impel Down criminals, including the people on the sixth floor, saw this suddenly opened up road.

It was all boiling instantly!

"Laozi is leaving first!" Choate, the big wine barrel on the sixth floor, laughed.

Jump up and leave so you don't have to face Rayleigh and the others!

With such a wide passage, anyone can escape!

"I'm going to go too...get bigger!" the San Juan Wolf said, and then his body suddenly became bigger than Little Oz.

It occupies half of the suddenly extra passage.

But fortunately, it is still wide and other criminals can still escape.

And San Juan only needs one step to get out of here.

"Let's go!" Blackbeard also jumped up. As for the other partners?

No more!

During the battle on the sixth level just now, he had taken the opportunity to convince many strong men.

The most important thing is to leave here now and rush to the Marine headquarters!

Whoosh whoosh! Figures of strong men bounced out along the passage!

With their strength, they can escape from here in no time.

But then a nightmare-like voice sounded: "Who allowed you to leave?!"

Boom!! A force of Reiatsu crashed down from the sky like the sky was collapsing!

All the criminals who flew into the air, regardless of their strength, were all shot down.

It's like making dumplings, and you'll get away with it.

"Fight him!!" Qiaote was unwilling to jump any further, and so was Xuan Yue Hunter!

Several legends from the old era were unwilling to be trapped any longer.

But as soon as he jumped up, Levi's Soul Damage activated!

And it’s launched with full force!

A snort! These legends who once had a great reputation.

The body was torn apart like a rag bag in mid-air, with blood flying everywhere.

Deter everyone at once!

Those are several peerless experts.

"Huh? After the death of countless people, their souls remain and gather into new soul bodies. What is that? It still resonates with my Reiatsu and can be controlled?" Levi was about to continue attacking, but found out

Now Impel Down has countless soul fragments!

And they reorganize unseen by ordinary people.

Levi was curious, pointed his hand, and entered a Reiatsu.

Then Levi was stunned for a moment as he was about to go berserk.

Among those countless souls, a new creature was formed, as if it had been reshaped into an entity by Reiatsu, Levi!

It was a creature covered in black and white bone material. It looked like a demon or a monster. The bone mask on its face shattered, revealing a small half of a human face, expressionless.

"Arrancar?! How is this possible?" Levi's heart suddenly stirred up a storm! This change was something he didn't expect!

(This is a big chapter with nearly 5,000 words, please support and subscribe! 8).

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