I Am A Reiatsu Player With All Points, And I Stun All The Marines At The Start.

76. The Two Strongest Haki In The World Collide! Fierce Hedging! (Please Subscribe, Please Subscribe

Levi is not a god, but at this moment he is to the red hair and others.

Not much different from God.

In a fight, a strong person will often break through and his strength will skyrocket.

Especially when a person's will is extremely strong and only for one goal.

Able to break through limits and grow up in battle.

This is the genius characteristic of this world.

Red Hair Pirates have been around the world for so long.

I have seen many such geniuses.

Just now, Gion had a breakthrough in sword intent and strength.

This opened the door to her body's potential that had been stuck.

Generally speaking, with such a breakthrough, the strength will probably skyrocket for a period of time.

But now I feel the sharp light of the Unparalleled Sword Emperor.

Anyone with a discerning eye knows where this is going up.

I'm afraid this is a doubling enhancement.

And it’s definitely not as simple as one or two times.

What's even more terrifying is that the sword-wielding Valkyrie behind her is just emitting sword light.

Just let the sea divide into an abyss. If you can let go of your hands and feet to fight, it will be okay.

And is this sword intention?

Why can one's sword intention last so long and clear?!

The red hair also has superb swordsmanship.

The vision of their sword will usually only burst out when they attack and their spirit is concentrated to Ultimate.

But now Gion hasn't attacked yet, he seems to be just concentrating.

But this vision of sword intent seems to be crushing the entire sky!

Gathered behind the back, it lasts forever.

"Is Hawkeye really the best swordsman in the world?" Zoro was looking at the vision of the sword in the sky and began to doubt it!

Maybe this woman is the one he wants to surpass.

"Black Crow Admiral, it's really amazing!" Magellan couldn't hold it any longer.

He was covered in scars and his spirit was at its limit.

Now that Levi has arrived, the last of his tense nerves are almost relieved.

Intercepting so many powerful pirates would have been possible if Rayleigh hadn't been there.

I'm afraid he was hacked to death within a short while.

Fortunately, the black crow came quickly.

But when you come back, why do you impel me?

After one penetration and six, these prisoners are now difficult to deal with.

Boo! Magellan couldn't help but kneel down on one knee. The poisonous giant army could no longer maintain it.

With his palms on the ground, he felt a little confused.

But he didn't dare faint yet.

Red Hair Pirates is still around!

Rayleigh's situation is not much better than Magellan's.

Red Earl, Bullet, Waldo, Shiryu, Blackbeard...and many more thugs.

Although the number dropped below one hundred.

But it's still a terrifying force.

If only Levi had come a little later.

Even if one is the deputy of the former Pirate King, the other is the warden of Impel Down.

I'm afraid I'll be beaten to death too.

Even after relaxing a little, Haki on the weapon temporarily relaxed.

There was a click, and the sword used for fighting had already exploded into pieces.

Rayleigh also looked up at the huge sword vision.

He felt a sword intent that was not weaker than his.

This is incredible.

Gion, the alternate Admiral, was very powerful before.

But after all, he is a candidate, and excellence is excellence.

But as a woman, one has to break through from a great swordsman to the realm of a supreme swordsman.

It is really difficult because of the congenital physical conditions of women.

Losing to male swordsmen, especially those with uneven chests.

The conditions are too difficult to overcome.

In terms of strength and body, the female swordsman has no advantage.

Therefore, in two or three eras, and in the past hundred years, we have never heard of the world's number one female swordsman specializing in swordsmanship.

But starting from today, I'm afraid history may have to produce such a strong man.

The current Gion is in the eyes of all strong people.

He is definitely qualified to challenge Hawkeye and has a good winning rate.

And this is all because of this guy Black Crow, who killed some people.

A broken sword was sacrificed in blood.

This made many criminals feel more alive.

If they escape, can they massacre a few cities and practice sword practice with blood sacrifices?

"Can you fight?"? Gion felt the power boiling throughout his body.

His eyes looked at Beckman again, full of fire and fighting intent.

"Trouble... Captain, take Rayleigh-san with you. We have to leave here as soon as possible. There are more than one strong person approaching quickly in some of the sensing areas around me!" Beckman said.

"Rayleigh-san, we have to go!"

"Yeah!" Rayleigh nodded, and Lucky Roux went to help Pluton Rayleigh up.

Rayleigh held on until Levi came and almost lost her match.

I've already repaid Levi's favor.

Now that the red hair came to save him, of course he had to leave with him.

If you can avoid going to jail, of course it is better not to go to jail.

"Of course, get ready to do whatever you want, no one here is innocent!" Levi nodded.

So what if there are many enemies?

The criminals on the sixth floor are powerful, so what if they are numerous?

If any of them dares to touch another one, let’s try it.

The arrangements he made himself can definitely suppress these criminals to death.

Blackbeard, Shiryu, they are the best proof.

The criminals on the sixth floor obviously understood this, so they did not continue to attack him.

Instead, they were wary of Levi, making eye contact with each other, hesitating, unwilling...

With Levi's permission, Gion was ready to take action and gain momentum.

But it still takes more than ten seconds to adapt to the current power.

Fortunately, she is a strong person, so it is relatively easy to get familiar with her.

"Director Magellan, you are very tired, please rest... and so are you!"

"Um...Black Crow Admiral, you don't have that kind of healing ability, can you give it to me..." Magellan doesn't want to rest yet, and he doesn't dare to rest.

He just saw Levi treating Gion.

If you treat yourself now, you might be able to fight again.

After hearing what Magellan said, the red-haired and thugs on the sixth floor.

His face suddenly became serious.

If Magellan recovers, their hope of escaping from here will be even slimmer.

"No, Director Magellan, I didn't. It was just a one-time method!" Levi said innocently.

As his words fell, his eyes suddenly shrank, and in an instant, the soul deterrence was activated!

A terrifying invisible spiritual storm, like thousands of galloping troops, washed over the entire Impel Down.

The high-pressure roar caused by the violent roll of Reiatsu can be heard in the void.

Plop, plop, the entire Impel Down crowd, almost 90% of the guards and prisoners, passed out under the threat of Levi's Reiatsu!

But Levi's real target is actually only a few people.

Magellan was the first.

Of course Levi can help Magellan with his treatment.

But what happens next, if Magellan is involved.

For Levi, it's not necessarily beneficial.

So he needed Magellan to fall asleep.

This Reiatsu is deliberately controlled and without any color.

Magellan would only think that he had passed out from force when he looked back!

But other people who were affected felt extremely uncomfortable.

Jinbei and Ivankov teamed up to block the front.

Just barely blocked the sudden attack of Reiatsu!

In this spiritual storm, Supernova Star Kawara, the Seven Warlords of the Sea.

They all just feel like they are walking alone in the desert.

Then suddenly we encountered a huge sandstorm. At this moment, I pressed my body and walked inside against the sandstorm.

Every step was extremely difficult.

And those "sands" are still cutting into their skin and flesh.

A trace of blood spattered from his body.

It won't be like this if you give up resistance.

But if you insist on resisting, Reiatsu's continuous output is extremely lethal.

"This is, Conqueror's Haki?! So powerful?!"

Boom! Red-haired Shanks also suddenly felt a pressure coming on him!

A sense of pressure that no one has been able to give him for more than ten years.

Not even Whitebeard, the whole world, before the Black Crow was born.

No one has ever been as powerful as Haki.

But now Levi's pressure is like an entire sky suppressing him.

The red-haired body felt heavy, and his feet left a mark on the ground.

What he was stepping on at the moment was a steel plate.

The pressure is so great that only the red-haired person knows it.

But? You want to suppress yourself with just coercion!?

Levi is now outputting violence and is about to suppress the Red Hair Pirates!

After all, one's own injuries cannot be in vain!

And if I had come a little later just now.

If all these criminals run away, I will find them all.

Even with Reiatsu here, it's still a sign of trouble.

And there is no way Mr. Sengoku’s debt will go unpaid!

No matter what, Levi couldn't just let the redhead leave.

If only these things hadn't happened before.

Levi doesn't care what the redhead is doing in Impel down.

But now, lie down for me!!

"If any of you are not afraid of death, just run away!" Levi faced all the criminals on the sixth floor and continued to pour down Reiatsu!

Many criminals gradually couldn't bear it anymore and fell to their knees one by one.

After the circles of black ripples Reiatsu passed by, the entire atmosphere froze!

The extremely heavy feeling gradually increased.

Ten Circles of Ripples is a heavy feeling of oppression.

After twenty circles of black ripples, there was another level of oppression.

Boom!! The entire ground on the sixth floor suddenly sunk in a lot!

"What a terrible kid. No wonder the world says that you, Haki, are unparalleled! But that alone is not enough!" The red-haired and others were also on the sixth floor at the moment.

When other criminals hesitated, he took action!

In my opinion, Levi is too arrogant, too arrogant, and too much!

Shanks is also one of the Four Emperors after all!

But the most famous one is his Conqueror's Haki.

Now Levi is in front of him, constantly releasing a strange Conqueror's Haki.

And he was so domineering that he directly suppressed his entire pirate group!

This is a provocation to him! It is also a challenge and humiliation to his expertise.

Redheads are often easy-going people.

But that's the norm, once you encounter provocation and serious things.

He is more domineering and powerful than anyone else.

Compete against Conqueror's Haki?!

He was never afraid of anyone!

The red-haired man finished speaking and put his hand on the knife handle.

Then there was a loud sound, and at the moment when his eyes were focused.

A wave of Conqueror's Haki, who was inspired to Ultimate by him, suddenly spread and swept away in a circular shock wave!

Peng!! The black waterfall-like Reiatsu in the sky fell down and suppressed it.

What happens below is that Conqueror's Haki forms a golden-red circular shock wave that is about to explode high into the sky!

The two met and collided behind the LV3 position!!

Boom! A collision! The red-haired Haki failed to repel Levi's Reiatsu!

Boom, boom, boom! Two, three, and four! Each one is more ferocious, violent, and domineering than the last!

But still can't break through.

The red hair suddenly drew his sword out of its sheath, Overlord

Haki suddenly became more aggressive!

The two most powerful forces in the world collide at this moment!

It was as if the sun and stars had exploded! Everyone who was still awake.

He was immediately knocked away by the shock waves of constant collisions!

Many people cried out in pain!

Even Jinbei started to lose his guard.

The whole person held up the Haki barrier, but was shocked to the point where his mouth and nose were bleeding!

You must know that what they endured is just the aftermath of the collision between the two!

These two guys would be a disaster just by releasing Conqueror's Haki!


Boom boom!

Boom boom boom!

In an instant, the collision between the two energies became more and more terrifying, like a volcano erupting, thunder destroying the world, and stars exploding!

Cracks gradually appeared on the entire Impel Down's specially-made wall.

(Wang Li’s)….What kind of monsters are these two?! How has the world changed after we were imprisoned? The kid on Roger’s boat has actually changed.

So terrible!"

"It doesn't matter that a Marine Admiral is so young! Conqueror's Haki is actually not weak at all, stronger than before on the sixth floor. Is this his full strength? He is even vaguely suppressed.

Possibility of red hair! What kind of monsters are these Tamados? If we go out, we won’t become third-rate pirates!"

A legendary pirate who was thrown away by two forces of coercion was somewhat doubtful about his life for a moment.

He is also the owner of Conqueror's Haki.

But under the attack of these two monsters.

But he has no qualifications to stand still and watch!

The gap is too big.

"Damn it, that guy Benitaro has become so strong over the years! I'm not the strongest! Unforgivable! I'm still too lazy!" Bullet watched the two collide,

Although not shaken back.

But I can also feel that there is still a gap between my Conqueror's Haki and these two people.

This made him very unhappy.

"Today's young people are really scary. If I can't regain the strength of my youth, I may not be their opponent!" The Red Earl looks like the legendary vampire.

Ghost Duke.

And he is the monster who defeated the previous Marine Marshal Sora!

But at this moment, I was also shocked by the Conqueror's confrontation between the two!

"Hmph, if it hadn't been for those bastards from CPO...I should have become stronger by now, freezing me in this hellish place for decades, damn it!" World Destroyer Waldo looked at the two

Such a powerful person said very unwillingly.

Levi looked down at everyone below: "Is this the strongest Conqueror's Haki in the world? If it's only to this extent, it would be so disappointing!"


Then they saw Levi floating in mid-air, hands spread out.

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