I Am A Reiatsu Player With All Points, And I Stun All The Marines At The Start.

84. The Black Crow Comes Again, The Marine Headquarters Is Boiling! (Please Subscribe, Please Subscr

Some people even have wisdom and strength.

But deep down they are all the same.

They look down on the common people, regardless of whether others want it or not.

They pride themselves on being able to stand on the throne of God, and they always speak condescendingly.

It may even give people a feeling that this is a gift.

Such is the attitude of Sarkos now.

Even if he is powerful, in their eyes.

It seems that the power in hand is always stronger.

This feeling made Levi very unhappy.

Although it is not yet time to completely break away from the world government.

But you can't always give in and violate Leng twice a day.

Because of its own strength, it will make the world government reconsider.

At least he won't completely offend himself to death because of this.

It’s just that one of these degrees needs to be grasped well.

In the darkness, I have the advantage, and now I just got Impel down.

There is also the Marine headquarters that has not been captured, so I will give it a try.

Once he comes, together with Whitebeard, he will become the new god of Marine.

Therefore, Kaido must die and cannot be handed over.

"Okay, leave the person to me. The current situation at the Marine headquarters is not optimistic, but if you can rush back, the Whitebeard Pirates will definitely be defeated." Kosas said with a smile.

Reaching out for Levi.

Levi looked at the arm stretched out towards him.

With his eyes focused, a Reiatsu Heavenly Sword suddenly fell from the sky.

Drawing a dangerous and deadly sharp arc in the void.

Kosas's face changed drastically on the spot.

"World!" There was a buzz, and Kosas's arm was immediately covered with a transparent force field shield.

Reiatsu's heavenly sword slashed at it, sparks flew out, and then bounced away!

"Black Crow, what do you mean!?" Kosas' expression instantly froze.

The other CPO "953" suddenly became nervous.

Red Hair Pirates was also stunned for a moment.

Others' hearts were in their throats.

Is Marine going to have internal strife?!

Marine Admiral, how dare you take action against the CPO?

Is this a rebellion?!

"I should be asking you this, right?"

"What do you mean?" Kosas didn't react for a moment.

He didn't think there was anything wrong with his approach.

"I killed the person, so all the credit goes to me. If the person goes to your place, do I still have the final say in the credit? Chief Kosas, there's something wrong with you." Excuses are always needed.

Unless Levi is ready to go to war with the world government, then there is no need for excuses.

But it's not possible yet. The plan to create a reputation for the world has not yet been completed. .

Hearing what Levi said, Kosas's face became a little brighter: "Don't worry, Black Crow Admiral, I am here myself. Could it be that Black Crow Admiral still can't trust me? I said I won't take your credit, so of course I won't. "

"It seems that Kosas is a little overconfident in his credibility. You are the CPO."

"Yes, we are CP..."

Among pirates, a CPO is a despicable and shameless lackey who does whatever it takes to achieve his goals and only serves the nobility of the world... There is no bottom line and no independent judgment. Everything is based on orders from superiors. In our Marine , In fact, it is not much different from the impression in One Piece..." Levi said calmly.

But the terrifying Cero is condensed on the fingers behind his back.

When Levi said this, he was also calculating a possibility.

If Kosas is killed here, tell the Five Elders that he was killed together.

Will the Five Elders believe it?

Four Emperors alone, under normal circumstances, should not be able to kill Korsas.

The two emperors, the red-haired Shanks, obviously have some very close relationship with the World government.

Otherwise, things like invading Impel down and letting Rayleigh go would not be forgiven.

In other words, they believed that the red hair was unlikely to kill Kosas.

It seems like this method won't work, and it will be easily seen through.

"Black Crow Admiral, we all serve the World Government, but we do things in different ways. There is no need to believe in any external opinions." Kosas said with an expressionless face.

CPO's evaluation by the outside world has always been very poor.

Even in Marine.

But Kosas did not expect that one day Black Crow Sky would speak again.

Could it be that the Black Crow Admiral is still a very righteous Marine?!

Do you have such a high level of consciousness at such a young age?

But if you think about it carefully, it seems that he may indeed be this kind of person, otherwise the Five Elders came to the Marine headquarters to invite him.

He agreed a long time ago. It seems that there are some things that prevent him from overcoming his sense of justice?

Levi didn't expect the random excuse he made

It would make Kosas have this association.

"No, I think it's better to deal with it yourself. The Four Emperors are all extremely vicious lawless lunatics. Keeping them is a disaster. If you want to study it, the corpses are about the same. This guy just opened a hole in my heart, so I can't leave this person to you!" Levi refused to give in at all.

Many CPOs below looked at Levi who was unharmed.

Looking at each other in confusion, you would have to believe that a hole has been opened in your heart.

If they can find a wound on your body, they will kill you.

However, this discovery made them feel extremely heavy

One person fought against two Four Emperors and was not injured.

And captured Four Emperors Kaido alive.

It's just that they don't quite understand why the red-haired man suddenly switched sides just now.

They saw it in the distance and were really puzzled.

"Black Crow, I am not asking for your consent. The execution of justice also depends on the time, place and situation! If you are really worried, I will call the Five Elders now and ask them to speak to you directly." Kosas said Then he took out the phone directly.

Kosas' mood fluctuated a bit.

If Levi really wants to carry out justice and knocks Kaido, the loss will be huge.

At this moment, Kosas seemed to have forgotten.

Next to that there are Red Hair Pirates.

The red-haired man didn't relax at all, and secretly gave Beckman a wink.

Beckman hesitated for a second, then nodded in understanding...

"The phone bug cannot be used within this range..."

"Bulu Bulu..." Kosas's phone bug actually got through.

Levi's face stiffened slightly, and then he looked at Red Hair Pirates.

You don't need to think about it to know that they were responsible for the previous communication blocking.

I didn't expect it to be invalid now.

Beckman was helpless and didn't want to either.

But the boss said he was going to run away with all his strength, and he couldn't be distracted anymore.

Moreover, some vehicles had been completely destroyed by their battle just now.

Isn't it normal to restore communication?

Gaga! The phone bug is connected!

Kosas' attention was distracted for a moment.

Levi seizes the opportunity, all he wants is now!

Murderous intent flashed in his eyes, and he suddenly pulled out a finger from behind, and the King of Zhou flashed his light at the red-haired Shanks and the entire pirate group.

However, Beckman also seized the same opportunity.

Quick and sharp like Levi.

Both of them took advantage of the opening when Casas made the call.

A ray of King Cero light pierced the space and quickly shot towards the red-haired Shanks.

Kosas's eyes were horrified and filled with anger at this moment.

Although he saw it, he was too late to stop it.

The call with the Five Elders really allowed him to regain some of his mind and attention.

This is bad! Black Crow is so weak! Not only hand over Kaido!

Still thinking about Red Hair Pirates!

In his eyes, is there no CRO at all?

After all, I am also the chief of the CPO, and I am here.

The representative of Five Elders wanted to save the red hair, but he still took action!

If redheads die...then...

The thought of what he might have to face is Lord Im's wrath.

A flash of fear flashed across Kosas's calm eyes.

Looking at this light of destruction and death, he felt that time and space had stagnated.

But he could do nothing but watch the black light shoot towards the Red Hair Pirates.

Transfer!" But just when the light was about to fall, everyone became distorted.

With him as the center, a twisted ripple space dragged everyone around him into it.

A black light hit it, causing strong vibrations, and Beckman could clearly be seen opening his mouth and spitting out a large mouthful of blood.

The red hair and others also felt uncomfortable, but in the end they disappeared from the place with a twisted space ripple!

"Gion, escort all the prisoners back to the cells, I will pursue the Red Hair Pirates! Invasion Impel down, we must not let them go easily! For Marine's justice!"

"Black Crow, stop!" Sarkos roared, these bastards Admiral.

Each one is more and more disobedient than the last, except Akainu.

But is it possible for Levi to stop? Not at all.

He is looking for excuses now.

He was said to be chasing the Red Hair Pirates, but in the end the Red Hair Pirates activated some kind of fruit ability.

Don't know where it was teleported.

Even their boats were abandoned and abandoned.

Even if they both have feelings for the ship.

But the situation just now did not allow them to hesitate at all.

"So many criminals have died, but the shackles of others are still there...Did Black Crow Admiral suppress it? It did a good job... You few stayed to help clean up the mess! Others, follow I'll catch up!" Kosas said, flying into the air with three CPOs.

Two of them turned into lizard dragons, both of which were artificial creatures modified by Becca Punk.

Although it transforms, it is no different from Punk Hazard's Western Dragon.

But it can transform between human form and dragon form.

The two dragons carried the two of them and chased them in the direction Levi left.

No matter what, they have to make sure Kaido is in their hands as much as possible...

As for the redhead, they look at the last situation.

He should still be alive, which made Kosas sigh with relief.

If something happens, it will be troublesome.

When you catch up with Levi, you must give this new Admiral a hard beating.

You don't just have the strength to do whatever you want.

What rules this world is power!

While Korsas was riding the dragon, he explained the situation to the Five Elders on the other side of the phone bug.

But in the middle of the explanation, Yue Laoxing suddenly said: "You should go back to the Holy Land first. The red-haired guy is probably still alive. As for the Black Crow, he probably went to the Marine headquarters. I'll inform you Call Sengoku and ask Sengoku to pay attention to the situation."


"The Holy Land is investigating something. I remember that you seemed to have had contact with the Black Crow in Impel Down before the war, right?


"Then come back and see Lord Im. There are some things I need to confirm from you."

"Yes!" Although he was a little confused, he would obey the order without asking whether it was right or wrong or why.

"Is everything going to be okay..." Gion looked worriedly at the direction Levi was leaving.

That's the CPO, and Levi seemed to have attacked the CPO's chief just now.

And he didn't obey the CPU's arrangements, and he was even going to make trouble with the Five Elders just now.

"But since he left the affairs here to me, I have to deal with it first. Gion looks in tatters.

Impel down that was almost submerged in the ocean.

Direct the incoming reinforcements and escort the designated prisoners back to their cells.

The people who originally jumped out of the cell were only part of the group.

Now a fleet of reinforcements has arrived, and more people are in a coma.

It's not difficult to handle.

Just when I came to the sixth floor.

Gion looked at these criminals who had already consciously returned to the sixth floor.

Gion really wants to ask Levi, what is the purpose of recruiting these criminals?

Should this matter be reported to Marshal Sengoku or the World government?

But as soon as this idea arose, it was killed by Gion.

Because the CPO's attitude just now was actually on the red-haired side.

This once again caused Gion to waver in the justice of the world government.

No matter what happened to Levi, he probably wouldn't harm himself.

Arrancar does not have the consciousness of Levi now and cannot communicate in paper gardens.

Levi thought a lot while holding Kaido.

Now we must speed back to Marine headquarters.

If Korsas talks to the Five Elders, it shouldn't be difficult to guess his destination.

The faster he gets to the Marine headquarters, the less time Marshal Sengoku has to think.

The better I can execute Kaido successfully in public!

This execution must not be stopped.

Simply killing Kaido doesn't mean much.

Live broadcast to the whole world is of great significance!

There may not be another opportunity in the future.

Puff Peng Peng Levi holds Kaido and continuously erupts terrifying sonic boom clouds in the high air, and the speed continues to increase.

Along the way, I also saw a certain escape ship heading 0.9 towards the Marine headquarters.

But Levi set off later, but still arrived at the Marine headquarters before them.

But at this time, Levi has no time to pay attention to them!

"That was...a black crow just now!? Has the matter of Impel Down been dealt with? Has he escaped?" Ivankov and others noticed the unobstructed figure high in the sky and said with doubts.

"No, what he is holding is...Four Emperors Kaido!!" Rayleigh said in shock.

"Shanks, is he okay!?" Luffy was immediately worried.

Luffy hasn't fully felt how strong Shanks is, so it's hard to evaluate.

But they have personally experienced how powerful the Black Crow is.

"Here we are! The war at Marine headquarters seems to be getting more fierce...but there should be no problem in the overall situation. Levi quickly returned to Marine headquarters.

Little Oz fell down and fell against the wall of the fortress.

A steady stream of pirates stepped on Little Oz's body.

The Whitebeard Pirates have led their captains into the square.

The battle has reached a fever pitch, and both sides are furious.

Just when I was thinking this, I suddenly heard many Marines exclaiming from below: "Sakazuki Admiral!!"

Levi saw Akainu being blown away by the terrifying earthquake wave!

At the same time, the two executioners walked towards Ace, about to advance...

"That's the Black Crow Admiral! The Black Crow Admiral is back!"

"Wait...what is the black crow Admiral holding in his hand?!"

"Why do I feel like a mutilated Four Emperors Kaido?"

"This...isn't possible!"

"That's right, it's Four Emperors Kaido, it's really Four Emperors Kaido! Oh my god! What did the Black Crow Admiral do?" The entire Marine headquarters looked at the figure that suddenly appeared in the sky, and they were completely shocked. It's boiling!

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